Guns making you safer - at least 20 shot in Texas Uni party

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
as 2AGuy would say: ''''how can this happen?? Texas is a pro-'gun' state'''
'''people use ''guns''' for 50 MILLION self defense uses'''''' more firearms, people CAN'T get murdered/etc because they are armed for self defense--according to 2AGuy ..?????!!!!
lovin it
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.

That is almost every weekend in Chi-town...
...very pro-gun St Louis has a much higher murder rate than Chicago--and higher than LA and New York
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.
Aren't you glad you don't live here?

Fuck off.
Ive always enjoyed my visits to the US. But it isnt somewhere we would bring up kids. Its far too dangerous.
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.
Aren't you glad you don't live here?

Fuck off.
Ive always enjoyed my visits to the US. But it isnt somewhere we would bring up kids. Its far too dangerous.

Actually, America has a lot lower homicide rate than most places. We just have an outstanding communication system so people find out about our killings more timely. Nations like Mexico, Brazil, El Salvador have many more killings.
A gun-free zone, no doubt.
in Texas???!!!
Yes, in Texas. In case you missed it, Texas is a very large state with lots of differing ideas. It isn't homogenous.
Gun free zones seem to be an absurd idea when they arent backed up by meaningful sanctions.
They are absurd, period. Anyone who wishes to implement a gun-free zone should be required to do 18 months in a county lockup.
A gun-free zone, no doubt.
in Texas???!!!
Yes, in Texas. In case you missed it, Texas is a very large state with lots of differing ideas. It isn't homogenous.
9th out of 50 pro-firearm states--that's really high
doesn't matter if it's ''gun free zone or not'' ...cops get killed...soldiers have '''guns''
Best Gun Friendly States in 2018
People get killed by bad people in every corner of this world.
A gun-free zone, no doubt.
in Texas???!!!
Yes, in Texas. In case you missed it, Texas is a very large state with lots of differing ideas. It isn't homogenous.
war zones are ''gun'' free--but there sure are a lot of killings
Clearly, they are not.
yes--they gun carry as much as they want
Really? You should tell those who live in Austin or Houston. They'll have a Texas-sized fit.

Look, I realize that the only way for you to deal with issues is to label everything and everyone and make everyone you disagree with as the bad guy.

In real life, it isn't like that.
A gun-free zone, no doubt.
in Texas???!!!
Yes, in Texas. In case you missed it, Texas is a very large state with lots of differing ideas. It isn't homogenous.
Gun free zones seem to be an absurd idea when they arent backed up by meaningful sanctions.
They are absurd, period. Anyone who wishes to implement a gun-free zone should be required to do 18 months in a county lockup.
1. they don't care if it's firearm '''free'' or not--they will shoot up the place anyway
2. if not, they will go somewhere else
3. the ''gun free'' zones are so petty arguments don't turn into shootouts/etc

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