Guns making you safer - at least 20 shot in Texas Uni party

hahhahahah 1.1 million times---bullshit--total bullshit

How do you figure that number to be bullshit?

365 days in a year.
400,000,000 people in the USA

That means that on the assumption that each person encounters only ONE other person each day on average, that translates into 146 BILLION personal encounters between any two people each year.

Now multiply that by the number of assholes who cut you off of the way home from work, tailgate you, and do ALL of the other anti-social behavior you encounter each day. We will assume that all of the rapes, assaults, robberies, shoplifting, etc. are counted among these encounters, because those crimes would not happen unless at least two people encountered each other.

So let's assume that 146 BILLION personal encounters is only ONE personal encounter with another person by EVERY American each day.

Did you see the mailman today? Did UPS stop by? Did you wave some person by at an intersection (or cut him off?) Did you encounter any other person while shopping for groceries? What about your co-workers. We all know that they don't always get along. Let's also add in the Johns picking up the prostitutes, the drug deals, the alcohol-fueled parties that go on all across America every single day .... Did you show a gun to someone trying to climb through your window or kick in your door?

The actual number of personal encounters between any two people in America in a year's time is actually in the TRILLIONS, and each of them is potentially a confrontation, an argument, or worse. So out of those TRILLIONS of personal encounters each year, you cannot believe that 1.1 million times, a gun is used by one person to tell another person to "BACK OFF!" ???

MOST DGU (Defensive Gun Use) does NOT translate into a shot being fired. It can be as simple as some sleazy guy stalking a young lady driving home from work. He gets bold, and pulls up alongside her to spew some vulgar comment, and SHE holds up a shiny 1911 pistol! Chalk up ONE DGU with no shots fired.

Don't be so ignorant, as to believe that 1.1 Million DGUs a year is a fake number. I personally believe it is MUCH higher, but people almost NEVER call the cops and say, "I flashed my gun at an ATM and the bad guy ran away!" or some low life was kicking at your door and you yelled, "I HAVE A GUN!" causing him to run away, so the TRUE number of DGUs will never be known. I am betting it is closer to a BILLION times each year.
You do realize that standing in front of that ATM and flashing your piece is against the law don't you. That is assault with a deadly weapon. You don't have to drag the iron out, you just have to pull the coat back and show the weapon. Registered CCW carriers know this and don't do this type of action. This is why you Movie Cultist Rexall Rangers should NEVER have a gun in public.

And the number of DGUs have been proven to be in the hundreds not millions or billions even with your loose interpretation. There just aren't enough bad guys to go around for you to have those kind of numbers. We would have to start special schools to graduate them at a high rate with special instructions. Hell, 3 of 4 of the DGU people would have to share a single Bad Guy. And, for God Sake, don't shoot him, you need him to keep that number up so high.
You do realize that standing in front of that ATM and flashing your piece is against the law don't you. That is assault with a deadly weapon.

I cannot believe how ignorant you are!

Pulling a firearm to "flash it" at an ATM is called brandishing. When someone walks up to you with a knife and demands your money, and you pull a firearm in SELF-DEFENSE that is NOT "Assault with a Deadly Weapon" you moron.

You don't have to drag the iron out, you just have to pull the coat back and show the weapon.

Again, for the terminally dense ... Pulling a coat back to expose a firearm is BRANDISHING.

Registered CCW carriers know this and don't do this type of action. This is why you Movie Cultist Rexall Rangers should NEVER have a gun in public.

That is nothing but pure Psychological Projection on parade. YOU are afraid of what YOU would do in a situation where you might have to decide whether or not to pull a firearm out of a holster. So you project it onto us, and then you can criticize the action without criticizing YOURSELF.

And the number of DGUs have been proven to be in the hundreds not millions or billions even with your loose interpretation.

Proven? Give me the source for your information. It is incredibly asinine to believe that DGUs only amount to hundreds per year in America. You liberals have decided that the "correct number" is hundreds, and then you believe your own lies.

There just aren't enough bad guys to go around for you to have those kind of numbers.

You MUST be making a deliberate attempt to appear as the most ignorant person on Earth. You are deriving entertainment by putting forth the most ridiculous claims you can dream up. There is no other possible explanation for your responses, unless you really are that ignorant.

We would have to start special schools to graduate them at a high rate with special instructions. Hell, 3 of 4 of the DGU people would have to share a single Bad Guy. And, for God Sake, don't shoot him, you need him to keep that number up so high.

You know absolutely nothing ... about anything. You are unworthy of any more of my time, since I am obviously conversing with a blithering idiot.
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You do realize that standing in front of that ATM and flashing your piece is against the law don't you. That is assault with a deadly weapon.

I cannot believe how ignorant you are!

Pulling a firearm to "flash it" at an ATM is called brandishing. When someone walks up to you with a knife and demands your money, and you pull a firearm in SELF-DEFENSE that is NOT "Assault with a Deadly Weapon" you moron.

You don't have to drag the iron out, you just have to pull the coat back and show the weapon.

Again, for the terminally dense ... Pulling a coat back to expose a firearm is BRANDISHING.

Registered CCW carriers know this and don't do this type of action. This is why you Movie Cultist Rexall Rangers should NEVER have a gun in public.

That is nothing but pure Psychological Projection on parade. YOU are afraid of what YOU would do in a situation where you might have to decide whether or not to pull a firearm out of a holster. So you project it onto us, and then you can criticize the action without criticizing YOURSELF.

And the number of DGUs have been proven to be in the hundreds not millions or billions even with your loose interpretation.

Proven? Give me the source for your information. It is incredibly asinine to believe that DGUs only amount to hundreds per year in America. You liberals have decided that the "correct number" is hundreds, and then you believe your own lies.

There just aren't enough bad guys to go around for you to have those kind of numbers.

You MUST be making a deliberate attempt to appear as the most ignorant person on Earth. You are deriving entertainment by putting forth the most ridiculous claims you can dream up. There is no other possible explanation for your responses, unless you really are that ignorant.

We would have to start special schools to graduate them at a high rate with special instructions. Hell, 3 of 4 of the DGU people would have to share a single Bad Guy. And, for God Sake, don't shoot him, you need him to keep that number up so high.

You know absolutely nothing ... about anything. You are unworthy of any more of my time, since I am obviously conversing with a blithering idiot.

In some states if your carry piece imprints and can be discerned even when covered by clothing it can be called brandishing and may be enough to get your carry permit pulled
You do realize that standing in front of that ATM and flashing your piece is against the law don't you. That is assault with a deadly weapon.

I cannot believe how ignorant you are!

Pulling a firearm to "flash it" at an ATM is called brandishing. When someone walks up to you with a knife and demands your money, and you pull a firearm in SELF-DEFENSE that is NOT "Assault with a Deadly Weapon" you moron.

You don't have to drag the iron out, you just have to pull the coat back and show the weapon.

Again, for the terminally dense ... Pulling a coat back to expose a firearm is BRANDISHING.

Registered CCW carriers know this and don't do this type of action. This is why you Movie Cultist Rexall Rangers should NEVER have a gun in public.

That is nothing but pure Psychological Projection on parade. YOU are afraid of what YOU would do in a situation where you might have to decide whether or not to pull a firearm out of a holster. So you project it onto us, and then you can criticize the action without criticizing YOURSELF.

And the number of DGUs have been proven to be in the hundreds not millions or billions even with your loose interpretation.

Proven? Give me the source for your information. It is incredibly asinine to believe that DGUs only amount to hundreds per year in America. You liberals have decided that the "correct number" is hundreds, and then you believe your own lies.

There just aren't enough bad guys to go around for you to have those kind of numbers.

You MUST be making a deliberate attempt to appear as the most ignorant person on Earth. You are deriving entertainment by putting forth the most ridiculous claims you can dream up. There is no other possible explanation for your responses, unless you really are that ignorant.

We would have to start special schools to graduate them at a high rate with special instructions. Hell, 3 of 4 of the DGU people would have to share a single Bad Guy. And, for God Sake, don't shoot him, you need him to keep that number up so high.

You know absolutely nothing ... about anything. You are unworthy of any more of my time, since I am obviously conversing with a blithering idiot.

In some states if your carry piece imprints and can be discerned even when covered by clothing it can be called brandishing and may be enough to get your carry permit pulled

Which is why the democrats push to prevent open carry. If you can open carry, printing isn't an offense......also, by pushing concealed carry, and outlawing open carry they reduce the type of pistol most people can carry, since the printing issue makes someone a criminal without committing a crime with the gun.
According to the American FactFinder, the 2012 Census of Governments counted 19,519 cities, 16,360 towns, and 3,031 counties.

35,879 cities or towns in America x 365 days per year = 13,095,835 potential individual locations in one year's time counting only ONE potential DGU PER LOCATION PER DAY, where someone may be required to exercise a DGU (Defensive Gun Use), yet DARYL HUNT insists that there are "only a few hundred" DGUs in America each year, and he "knows" this because his superior brain cannot fathom a higher number.

Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Memphis, Cleveland, Oakland, Compton, Atlanta, Baltimore ... The list of high crime cities and towns is too long to list here.

Latest Crime Statistics Released — FBI

According to the report, there were an estimated 1,197,704 violent crimes committed around the nation.

Among some of the other statistics contained in Crime in the United States, 2015:

  • The estimated number of murders in the nation was 15,696.
  • During the year, there were an estimated 90,185 rapes.
  • There were an estimated 327,374 robberies nationwide, which accounted for an estimated $390 million in losses (average dollar value of stolen property per reported robbery was $1,190).
I don't mind someone entering into a discussion about numbers, but please don't try to discredit me by offering up only your smarmy smugness and your inflated ego and your elitist aloofness as evidence that I am wrong. I do not want to waste time discussing issues with incompetent simpletons.
I wish liberals were required to wear a specific color combination every day of their lives. Maybe blue on one side, green on the other, with a big, fat pink stripe diagonally across the outfit? We could require their cars to be painted the same way.

If that were the case, we would all get along much better, because conservatives would immediately KNOW who to completely ignore and avoid in the course of their daily activities. There would be no conflicts, because there would be no interaction between real American patriots and these Leftist idiots. It would be very much like how we interact with flies now. We are aware of their presence. We ignore them as much as possible. We swat them away when they are annoying. We kill them whenever we can.
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You do realize that standing in front of that ATM and flashing your piece is against the law don't you. That is assault with a deadly weapon.

I cannot believe how ignorant you are!

Pulling a firearm to "flash it" at an ATM is called brandishing. When someone walks up to you with a knife and demands your money, and you pull a firearm in SELF-DEFENSE that is NOT "Assault with a Deadly Weapon" you moron.

You don't have to drag the iron out, you just have to pull the coat back and show the weapon.

Again, for the terminally dense ... Pulling a coat back to expose a firearm is BRANDISHING.

Registered CCW carriers know this and don't do this type of action. This is why you Movie Cultist Rexall Rangers should NEVER have a gun in public.

It's time to stop answering you Putin employees and thin out the gene pool. I suggest others do the same thing. Have a nice day.

That is nothing but pure Psychological Projection on parade. YOU are afraid of what YOU would do in a situation where you might have to decide whether or not to pull a firearm out of a holster. So you project it onto us, and then you can criticize the action without criticizing YOURSELF.

And the number of DGUs have been proven to be in the hundreds not millions or billions even with your loose interpretation.

Proven? Give me the source for your information. It is incredibly asinine to believe that DGUs only amount to hundreds per year in America. You liberals have decided that the "correct number" is hundreds, and then you believe your own lies.

There just aren't enough bad guys to go around for you to have those kind of numbers.

You MUST be making a deliberate attempt to appear as the most ignorant person on Earth. You are deriving entertainment by putting forth the most ridiculous claims you can dream up. There is no other possible explanation for your responses, unless you really are that ignorant.

We would have to start special schools to graduate them at a high rate with special instructions. Hell, 3 of 4 of the DGU people would have to share a single Bad Guy. And, for God Sake, don't shoot him, you need him to keep that number up so high.

You know absolutely nothing ... about anything. You are unworthy of any more of my time, since I am obviously conversing with a blithering idiot.

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