Guns making you safer - at least 20 shot in Texas Uni party

A gun-free zone, no doubt.
in Texas???!!!
Yes, in Texas. In case you missed it, Texas is a very large state with lots of differing ideas. It isn't homogenous.
9th out of 50 pro-firearm states--that's really high
doesn't matter if it's ''gun free zone or not'' ...cops get killed...soldiers have '''guns''
Best Gun Friendly States in 2018

And CA with all its strict gun laws has a higher murder rate than ME, NH, VT, and a few other states that don't have gun laws anywhere near as harsh

Explain that
"The university concluded its weeklong homecoming celebration Saturday with a 62-21 football win over the Western New Mexico Mustangs."
Nothing like finishing with a BANG!
You are using the faked Klek report. He's a laughing stock of the Universities. And he used a report that he completely misrepresented the data. You been hanging about with 2boy again. Try doing your own research instead of relying on a liars information.
Kleck conducted a national survey in 1994 (the National Self-Defense Survey) and, extrapolating from the 5,000 households surveyed[15], estimated that in 1993 there were approximately 2.5 million incidents of defensive gun use (DGU - the use of guns for self-protection), compared to about 0.5 million gun crimes as estimated by the National Crime Victimization Survey.[16]

David Hemenway at the Harvard School of Public Health Injury Control Research Center, said that Kleck's estimates are difficult to reconcile with comparable crime statistics, are subject to a high degree of sampling error, and that "because of differences in coverage and potential response errors, what exactly these surveys measure remains uncertain; mere repetition does not eliminate bias."[17] Kleck and Gertz responded to this criticism saying: "It is obvious to us that David Hemenway had no intention of producing a balanced, intellectually serious assessment of our estimates of defensive gun use (DGU). Instead, his critique serves the narrow political purpose of 'getting the estimate down,' for the sake of advancing the gun control cause." [18]
Gary Kleck - Wikipedia

The Contradictions of the Kleck Study

The 2.5 million figure would lead us to conclude that, in a serious crime, the victim is three to four times more likely than the offender to have and use a gun. Although the criminal determines when and where a crime occurs, although pro-gun advocates claim that criminals can always get guns, although few potential victims carry guns away from home, the criminal, according to Kleck’s survey, is usually outgunned by the individual he is trying to assault, burglarize, rob or rape.

Kleck’s survey also included gun uses against animals and did not distinguish civilian uses from military of police uses. Kleck’s Interviewers do not appear to have questioned a random individual at a given telephone number, but rather asked to speak to the male head of the household. Males from the South and West were oversampled. The results imply that many hundreds of thousands of murders should have been occurring when a private gun was not available for protection. Yet guns are rarely carried, less than a third of adult Americans personally own guns, and only 27,000 homicides occurred in 1992.


DOJ study reported 83,000 annual defensive gun uses from 1987-1992. During same period, there were more than 135,000 total gun deaths and injuries in the U.S. annually.

So much for Kleck and his study. He used the so called CDC study. It caused such a stir that the report was buried to avoid any more misinformation from nutcases like Kleck. And CDC was barred from reporting like information until well into the 21st teen century. The claims of 2.3 million is rediculous. I have seen claims as low as 1.5 million and as high as 2.5 million depending on what liar is telling the story.

There are quite a few others that have pointed this out in the Universities and Government Agencies. Kleck must get a nice check from the NRA and others to do his other studies.
You are using the faked Klek report. He's a laughing stock of the Universities. And he used a report that he completely misrepresented the data. You been hanging about with 2boy again. Try doing your own research instead of relying on a liars information.
Kleck conducted a national survey in 1994 (the National Self-Defense Survey) and, extrapolating from the 5,000 households surveyed[15], estimated that in 1993 there were approximately 2.5 million incidents of defensive gun use (DGU - the use of guns for self-protection), compared to about 0.5 million gun crimes as estimated by the National Crime Victimization Survey.[16]

David Hemenway at the Harvard School of Public Health Injury Control Research Center, said that Kleck's estimates are difficult to reconcile with comparable crime statistics, are subject to a high degree of sampling error, and that "because of differences in coverage and potential response errors, what exactly these surveys measure remains uncertain; mere repetition does not eliminate bias."[17] Kleck and Gertz responded to this criticism saying: "It is obvious to us that David Hemenway had no intention of producing a balanced, intellectually serious assessment of our estimates of defensive gun use (DGU). Instead, his critique serves the narrow political purpose of 'getting the estimate down,' for the sake of advancing the gun control cause." [18]
Gary Kleck - Wikipedia

The Contradictions of the Kleck Study

The 2.5 million figure would lead us to conclude that, in a serious crime, the victim is three to four times more likely than the offender to have and use a gun. Although the criminal determines when and where a crime occurs, although pro-gun advocates claim that criminals can always get guns, although few potential victims carry guns away from home, the criminal, according to Kleck’s survey, is usually outgunned by the individual he is trying to assault, burglarize, rob or rape.

Kleck’s survey also included gun uses against animals and did not distinguish civilian uses from military of police uses. Kleck’s Interviewers do not appear to have questioned a random individual at a given telephone number, but rather asked to speak to the male head of the household. Males from the South and West were oversampled. The results imply that many hundreds of thousands of murders should have been occurring when a private gun was not available for protection. Yet guns are rarely carried, less than a third of adult Americans personally own guns, and only 27,000 homicides occurred in 1992.


DOJ study reported 83,000 annual defensive gun uses from 1987-1992. During same period, there were more than 135,000 total gun deaths and injuries in the U.S. annually.

So much for Kleck and his study. He used the so called CDC study. It caused such a stir that the report was buried to avoid any more misinformation from nutcases like Kleck. And CDC was barred from reporting like information until well into the 21st teen century. The claims of 2.3 million is rediculous. I have seen claims as low as 1.5 million and as high as 2.5 million depending on what liar is telling the story.

There are quite a few others that have pointed this out in the Universities and Government Agencies. Kleck must get a nice check from the NRA and others to do his other studies.

I agree that the 2.5 million times a year figure is too high.

But what if it was 500000 times a year?

What if it the number of DGUs was exactly the same as the number of violent crimes not stopped?

What if DGUs occurred only half as often as the number of violent crimes not stopped?

Any crime that is prevented because a potential victim was armed is a positive for advocating gun ownership and concealed carry not a negative

The SUN is notorious for publishing BS stories that cannot be verified. It is the UK's version of The National Enquirer.

I find it amazing how someone can get a clear 4K video of someone doing something stupid for a good You Tube video, but in these supposed shootings, it is ALWAYS blurry, shaky "eyewitness video" that shows absolutely nothing, and no faces can EVER be identified. No REAL evidence is ever visible. This video just SOUNDS staged. It may be a video taken at some crisis drill and passed off AS a real event.

I am not saying this did not happen. I am saying, I will wait for a more credible source than THE SUN.
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The numbers keep changing.

From a slightly more credible source, The Dallas Morning News ...

"Initial accounts had suggested the gunman was armed with a semiautomatic rifle, but Hunt County Sheriff Randy Meeks confirmed the weapon was a handgun."

So can we please stop all of the stupid AR15 Evil Black Rifle Assault Weapon BS now?
Yes indeed, folks looking to make hay before all the facts are known... keep up the good work children.
A shooting happened at a party and 20 people got shot. Does it matter who the gunman was ?

It was not 20 people. It was TWO people, and several others were injured in the panic, according to the news.

I think this is another BS story. Again, just like the Borderline Bar in Thousand Oaks, people were "breaking out windows ". Really? Who lives close to that location, who can go there TODAY to photograph the broken windows? Because I was at Borderline right after that circus, and there wasn't a broken window on the entire building. Another "clue" is the 'one shoe left behind.' One shoe off of a foot is a clear Illuminati sign, left as a calling card.
with 100 MILLION SD uses, how could pro-firearm Texans be shot????

Because in a PRIVATE VENUE, the owner of the property has the Right to request that guns not be carried on the property. The customer may then decide whether it is more important to be armed OUTSIDE of the venue, or unarmed INSIDE of the venue. Since they were probably serving alcohol, I suspect that guns were not allowed inside.

When I see a "NO GUNS" sign, I turn around and spend my money elsewhere. Screw anyone who wants to forcibly disarm me and THEN claim that they are not liable for my personal safety. A "NO GUNS" sign means they don't get any of my money.
Yes indeed, folks looking to make hay before all the facts are known... keep up the good work children.
A shooting happened at a party and 20 people got shot. Does it matter who the gunman was ?
It does if he's black, as the shooting will not fit the narrative.
That's why the dozens of weekend shootings in Chicago do not make the national news.
hahhahahah 1.1 million times---bullshit--total bullshit

How do you figure that number to be bullshit?

365 days in a year.
400,000,000 people in the USA

That means that on the assumption that each person encounters only ONE other person each day on average, that translates into 146 BILLION personal encounters between any two people each year.

Now multiply that by the number of assholes who cut you off of the way home from work, tailgate you, and do ALL of the other anti-social behavior you encounter each day. We will assume that all of the rapes, assaults, robberies, shoplifting, etc. are counted among these encounters, because those crimes would not happen unless at least two people encountered each other.

So let's assume that 146 BILLION personal encounters is only ONE personal encounter with another person by EVERY American each day.

Did you see the mailman today? Did UPS stop by? Did you wave some person by at an intersection (or cut him off?) Did you encounter any other person while shopping for groceries? What about your co-workers. We all know that they don't always get along. Let's also add in the Johns picking up the prostitutes, the drug deals, the alcohol-fueled parties that go on all across America every single day .... Did you show a gun to someone trying to climb through your window or kick in your door?

The actual number of personal encounters between any two people in America in a year's time is actually in the TRILLIONS, and each of them is potentially a confrontation, an argument, or worse. So out of those TRILLIONS of personal encounters each year, you cannot believe that 1.1 million times, a gun is used by one person to tell another person to "BACK OFF!" ???

MOST DGU (Defensive Gun Use) does NOT translate into a shot being fired. It can be as simple as some sleazy guy stalking a young lady driving home from work. He gets bold, and pulls up alongside her to spew some vulgar comment, and SHE holds up a shiny 1911 pistol! Chalk up ONE DGU with no shots fired.

Don't be so ignorant, as to believe that 1.1 Million DGUs a year is a fake number. I personally believe it is MUCH higher, but people almost NEVER call the cops and say, "I flashed my gun at an ATM and the bad guy ran away!" or some low life was kicking at your door and you yelled, "I HAVE A GUN!" causing him to run away, so the TRUE number of DGUs will never be known. I am betting it is closer to a BILLION times each year.
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Will the OP at least have the integrity to change the title of this thread to "TWO PEOPLE KILLED, 12 injured", instead of the knee-jerk "At least 20 people shot!" ??

I get so tired of the B.S.
2 were killed and only 6 were injured by gunfire, the other 6 were injured when the stampede happened...

Also, another clue that this was a gang shooting? At the vigil for one of the victims more shots were fired....

Texas shooting: Shots fired at vigil for victim; gunman still at large in off-campus party shooting

Among the 12 people injured, half were gunshot victims while the other half were trampled or hurt by glass in the chaos, said Sgt. Jeff Haines, a spokesman for the sheriff’s departme

What happened during the vigil?
Berry's friends and family gathered Sunday evening at a Dallas park to remember their relative and friend when at least one person opened fire.

Dallas police said the shooting stemmed from a "disturbance" at the vigil and that no injuries were reported.

At least one vehicle was struck with bullets as vigil goers ran for cover
The twisted logic of the Gun Grabber......

Disarm an entire society to save 100 lives this year from "mass shootings".....

And ignore the fact that according to history, 100,000,000 could die next year in mass cullings by tyrants.

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