Guns making you safer - at least 20 shot in Texas Uni party

Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.

Your thread proves us right. Guns DO make you safer.

By not having guns you can't stop people like this.

But thanks for playing.
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.

That is almost every weekend in Chi-town...
That`s street crime, not terrorism. Non-idiots know how to differentiate the 2.
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.

Tommy Hijab Explains it all

Maduro approves of Useful Idiot Tommy Hijab's effort to disarm Americans! So much easier to run them over when unarmed!

Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.
Aren't you glad you don't live here?

Fuck off.
Ive always enjoyed my visits to the US. But it isnt somewhere we would bring up kids. Its far too dangerous.

We don't miss you either Tommy Hijab. Have fun with your Jihad brothers
as 2AGuy would say: ''''how can this happen?? Texas is a pro-'gun' state'''
'''people use ''guns''' for 50 MILLION self defense uses'''''' more firearms, people CAN'T get murdered/etc because they are armed for self defense--according to 2AGuy ..?????!!!!
lovin it

got a link for that 50 million??
cause I heard it was only 500K to 3 million times a yr,,,
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.

That is almost every weekend in Chi-town...
Gunfire is very common at Mexican parties.
as 2AGuy would say: ''''how can this happen?? Texas is a pro-'gun' state'''
'''people use ''guns''' for 50 MILLION self defense uses'''''' more firearms, people CAN'T get murdered/etc because they are armed for self defense--according to 2AGuy ..?????!!!!
lovin it

got a link for that 50 million??
cause I heard it was only 500K to 3 million times a yr,,,

3 million times a year times 20 years. 60 million. Thanks for playing.
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.

That is almost every weekend in Chi-town...
That`s street crime, not terrorism. Non-idiots know how to differentiate the 2.

What the hell difference does it make to the victim?

If I walk out of my home in Beirut and terrorists start shooting at me, or if I walk out of my Chi-Town crib and street criminals start shooting at me, my response is going to be the same.
27 bodies were found in a shallow grave in Mexico. Would it have happened if the Obama administration didn't ship over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels? Democrats have been defending crazy people, killers and illegal aliens for years while blaming housewives, skeet shooters, hunters and other members of the NRA for gun violence.
as 2AGuy would say: ''''how can this happen?? Texas is a pro-'gun' state'''
'''people use ''guns''' for 50 MILLION self defense uses'''''' more firearms, people CAN'T get murdered/etc because they are armed for self defense--according to 2AGuy ..?????!!!!
lovin it

got a link for that 50 million??
cause I heard it was only 500K to 3 million times a yr,,,

3 million times a year times 20 years. 60 million. Thanks for playing.
but the country is well over 200 yrs,,,sorry you lose,,,
in Texas???!!!
Yes, in Texas. In case you missed it, Texas is a very large state with lots of differing ideas. It isn't homogenous.
Gun free zones seem to be an absurd idea when they arent backed up by meaningful sanctions.
They are absurd, period. Anyone who wishes to implement a gun-free zone should be required to do 18 months in a county lockup.
1. they don't care if it's firearm '''free'' or not--they will shoot up the place anyway
2. if not, they will go somewhere else
3. the ''gun free'' zones are so petty arguments don't turn into shootouts/etc
It isn't. If people are encouraged to shoot back at the first sign of a bad guy going crazy, you'll see a lot less of this, and that only happens when there are no gun-free zones.

You mean like the guy that had a CCW that actually stopped a bad guy. Then the cops shows up and shoots the guy with the gun in his hand? They shot the ccw "Good Guy". The Bad Guy was scared off and the one that scared him off died. And don't give me that "Cite, Cite" routine. We all know it happened.
A gun-free zone, no doubt.
in Texas???!!!
Yes, in Texas. In case you missed it, Texas is a very large state with lots of differing ideas. It isn't homogenous.
9th out of 50 pro-firearm states--that's really high
doesn't matter if it's ''gun free zone or not'' ...cops get killed...soldiers have '''guns''
Best Gun Friendly States in 2018
People get killed by bad people in every corner of this world.
Amen and if a gun isn't the weapon of choice, something else will be used.

God bless you always!!!


Ya, we have to ban all those potato peelers.
Yes, in Texas. In case you missed it, Texas is a very large state with lots of differing ideas. It isn't homogenous.
Gun free zones seem to be an absurd idea when they arent backed up by meaningful sanctions.
They are absurd, period. Anyone who wishes to implement a gun-free zone should be required to do 18 months in a county lockup.
1. they don't care if it's firearm '''free'' or not--they will shoot up the place anyway
2. if not, they will go somewhere else
3. the ''gun free'' zones are so petty arguments don't turn into shootouts/etc
It isn't. If people are encouraged to shoot back at the first sign of a bad guy going crazy, you'll see a lot less of this, and that only happens when there are no gun-free zones.

You mean like the guy that had a CCW that actually stopped a bad guy. Then the cops shows up and shoots the guy with the gun in his hand? They shot the ccw "Good Guy". The Bad Guy was scared off and the one that scared him off died. And don't give me that "Cite, Cite" routine. We all know it happened.

Mistakes happen, DH.

But the point isn't that all crime will be eliminated by allowing Law Abiders to be armed, but that the law abiders will at least stand a chance.

If I walk outside my door and a street criminal (or a terrorist for that matter) pulls a gun on me, at least I stand a chance if I am armed myself. I will be lying on slab that evening if I am defenseless.
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.

That is almost every weekend in Chi-town...
That`s street crime, not terrorism. Non-idiots know how to differentiate the 2.

What the hell difference does it make to the victim?

If I walk out of my home in Beirut and terrorists start shooting at me, or if I walk out of my Chi-Town crib and street criminals start shooting at me, my response is going to be the same.
Street crime is a lot more avoidable than terrorism. I can stay out of the bad neighborhoods but I do go to places like Walmart and church. Why are you having so much trouble thinking this morning?
Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Chief Deputy Buddy Oxford told reporters they believe the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle and he is still at large.

Mr Oxford said his identity is unknown and there is not clear motive at this time.

Americas teens deserve better than being used for target practice.

Used a a gun free zone..... Likely gang related incident......

Meanwhile, the other side of the equation....600 million guns in private hands in the U.S. were not used for any crime. Also, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals and save lives.

If you can do the math......that means Americans with legal guns save more lives than criminals with guns take.....guns save lives......

And had someone at the party been armed, lives could have been saved.....

Texas shooting - Two dead and 10 injured as gunman opens fire at university homecoming party

Police originally said the gunman used a rifle but later said the shooter used a 9mm handgun.

The event was a Halloween party called #Twerkortreat and was not a sanctioned event by the university - which is 16 miles away from where the shooting happened.

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
hahhahahah 1.1 million times---bullshit--total bullshit
Why won't Americans disarm themselves like we did in Mao's China, Stalin's USSR and Hitler's Germany? -- Tommy Hijab
Gun free zones seem to be an absurd idea when they arent backed up by meaningful sanctions.
They are absurd, period. Anyone who wishes to implement a gun-free zone should be required to do 18 months in a county lockup.
1. they don't care if it's firearm '''free'' or not--they will shoot up the place anyway
2. if not, they will go somewhere else
3. the ''gun free'' zones are so petty arguments don't turn into shootouts/etc
It isn't. If people are encouraged to shoot back at the first sign of a bad guy going crazy, you'll see a lot less of this, and that only happens when there are no gun-free zones.

You mean like the guy that had a CCW that actually stopped a bad guy. Then the cops shows up and shoots the guy with the gun in his hand? They shot the ccw "Good Guy". The Bad Guy was scared off and the one that scared him off died. And don't give me that "Cite, Cite" routine. We all know it happened.

Mistakes happen, DH.

But the point isn't that all crime will be eliminated by allowing Law Abiders to be armed, but that the law abiders will at least stand a chance.

If I walk outside my door and a street criminal (or a terrorist for that matter) pulls a gun on me, at least I stand a chance if I am armed myself. I will be lying on slab that evening if I am defenseless.

I am only pointing out that having too many guns is not a good thing. I wonder how many guns were possessed in the Walmart Shooting in El Paso. It appears that the gunnutters assume that no one was armed. A busy Walmart in "Texas" where no one is armed except for one nut with an AR? There is a better chance of being hit by a meteor. In the El Paso case, it was probably for the better that those guns stayed holstered. It took law enforcement under a minute to handle things. Had some Rexall Rangers opened fire, imagine just how high the body count would have been. And the confusion when the LEOs got there. The El Paso Shooting was actually a win overall.

Another thing El Paso exhibited was why CCW works. The proper CCW training means that the CCW carrier is less likely to go Rambo in a situation like that. I won't go into why but it does delay his reaction. Yes, the Rexall Rangers all believe they would automatically grab that hogleg and go merrily blasting the bad guy but they probably wouldn't. It's not an every day happening. It's a Military Combat Action and it's something that a Soldier spends days, months and years training to react to. It's something that a Professional spends hours each month in Stress Training to react to. The Bad Cop shootings aren't because some cop decided he just wanted to shoot a __________________(insert race here) guy. He lacked the training especially the stress training to handle the situation.

If lefties are serious about prosecution for gun violence they need to start by indicting Obama and/or A.G. Holder and members of the ATF for the death of a U.S. Border Patrol Officer who was killed by one of the weapons the Obama administration shipped to Mexican drug cartels. God knows how many innocent Mexicans were killed with those weapons and nobody in the administration was even fired much less arrested for the thoroughly botched "Operation Fast/Furious". The most notorious school shooting in history ( Va. Tech Blacksburg )happened because democrats decided that the right of an insane man to conceal his condition trumped the rights of citizens and court ordered psychiatric counseling as a result of an arresting for stalking didn't turn up in the instant name check.
If lefties are serious about prosecution for gun violence they need to start by indicting Obama and/or A.G. Holder and members of the ATF for the death of a U.S. Border Patrol Officer who was killed by one of the weapons the Obama administration shipped to Mexican drug cartels. God knows how many innocent Mexicans were killed with those weapons and nobody in the administration was even fired much less arrested for the thoroughly botched "Operation Fast/Furious". The most notorious school shooting in history ( Va. Tech Blacksburg )happened because democrats decided that the right of an insane man to conceal his condition trumped the rights of citizens and court ordered psychiatric counseling as a result of an arresting for stalking didn't turn up in the instant name check.

Then we would have to had locked up Reagan as well along with most of his Cabinet. And then Bush Sr, Bush Jr, hell we would have had to lock up every President we ever had starting with GW.

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