Guns rarely used for self defence

Americans just refuse to admit that gun ownership IS the problem. Two people argue, someone pulls a gun and there's a murder.

In Canada two people argue, blows are exchanged, both go home.

Your opinion is utterly stupid. Plus Canada has higher rates of violent crime than the US, why do so many Canadians go around raping women for example?
Americans just refuse to admit that gun ownership IS the problem. Two people argue, someone pulls a gun and there's a murder.

In Canada two people argue, blows are exchanged, both go home.

Your opinion is utterly stupid. Plus Canada has higher rates of violent crime than the US, why do so many Canadians go around raping women for example?

Canada doesn't have higher rates of violent crime than the US, because the data collection methods differ. The FBI only counts 4 categories of crime in their statistics: murder, non-negligent homicide, forcible rape, and aggravated assault.

In Canada, we count count murders, attempted murders, robberies, sexual assault (any uninvited sexual contact, not just forceable rape), and assault of any kind, not just aggravated assault, uttering threats, and criminal harassment as violent crime. This is why our numbers for violent crime are so much higher than yours.

Restricting violent crime stats to these four narrowly defined crimes keeps violent crime stats in the US low in comparison to countries like Canada, Great Britain and Australia where the definition includes many more types and levels of crime. It also makes it impossible to compare levels of violent crime between countries with any degree of accuracy.

Since sexual assault figures include lower levels of sexual assault such as touching and not just forceable rape, this explains why you think Canadian men are more prone to committing rape.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

The fallacy in this study has been pointed out many times. You don't have to kill someone for a gun to be used to defend yourself. Only true morons like you fail to understand that.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.
Absolutely true.

Of course, citizens aren't required to 'justify' the exercising of a Constitutional right as a 'prerequisite' to indeed do so.

That it's more likely a gun in the home will kill a member of the household than an intruder, or that few Americans actually defend themselves with guns, is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, having no bearing whatsoever on the individual right to possess a handgun pursuant to the right of self-defense.

The fact that you fall for this kind of bullshit is the reason everyone in this forum thinks you're stupid.
Off-duty officer shoots ex-wife dead after New Jersey car chase - Yahoo News

Driving an SUV, Phillip Seidle, 51, was pursuing his recently divorced wife, Tamara Seidle, in her car when she crashed into another vehicle in Asbury Park, New Jersey, said Charles Webster, spokesman of the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.

Seidle, a 22-year veteran of New Jersey's Neptune Township Police Department, got out with his service weapon, a .40-caliber Glock handgun, and fired several shots into his ex-wife's car from the driver's side, Webster said.

He then made his way to the front of the car and fired more shots at her through the windshield, Webster said.​

The Gun Fetishists now have to explain how he was just "defending himself" against his unarmed ex-wife and 7 year old daughter.

Wrong, asshole. No one has to explain that a perp trying to murder someone was trying to defend himself.
Americans just refuse to admit that gun ownership IS the problem. Two people argue, someone pulls a gun and there's a murder.
You watch too much TV. Regardless, I am not a statistic, I'm a person. I want to be able to take care of myself under any circumstance.

You are incorrect. Gun buying and ownership used to be much easier than now, Americans could mail order guns. So how are guns the problem?
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.
So what
It basically decimates the notion that guns provide a safe environment.

They don't.

It only proves that the poster is a gullible moron.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.
So what
It basically decimates the notion that guns provide a safe environment.

They don't.

It only proves that the poster is a gullible moron.
30,000 (Low estimate) American citizens die by the bullet on a yearly basis.

Guns have no other purpose than to kill living beings.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

Most of the homicides and terrorist acts involving guns are not conducted or carried out by legal gun owners. That is the biggest problem and that problem will remain if not get worse when the Left gets its wish and takes the guns away from law abiding owners.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

Most of the homicides and terrorist acts involving guns are not conducted or carried out by legal gun owners. That is the biggest problem and that problem will remain if not get worse when the Left gets its wish and takes the guns away from law abiding owners.
That's a fallacy perpetuated by the gun lobby.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.
So what
It basically decimates the notion that guns provide a safe environment.

They don't.

It only proves that the poster is a gullible moron.
30,000 (Low estimate) American citizens die by the bullet on a yearly basis.

Guns have no other purpose than to kill living beings.

20,000 of those deaths were suicides.

Having the capacity to kill a perpetrator is exactly what you want in a tool for self-defence. What good would it be if it merely gave someone a hicky?
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

Most of the homicides and terrorist acts involving guns are not conducted or carried out by legal gun owners. That is the biggest problem and that problem will remain if not get worse when the Left gets its wish and takes the guns away from law abiding owners.
That's a fallacy perpetuated by the gun lobby.

The only fallacy is from the anti gun lobby pushing no guns for law abiding citizens will solve the problems caused by illegal gun owners.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.
So what
It basically decimates the notion that guns provide a safe environment.

They don't.

For one thing, your stat is a flat out lie;

{gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense}
Has been refuted TO YOU at least a dozen times, yet you persist in lying.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

Most of the homicides and terrorist acts involving guns are not conducted or carried out by legal gun owners. That is the biggest problem and that problem will remain if not get worse when the Left gets its wish and takes the guns away from law abiding owners.
That's a fallacy perpetuated by the gun lobby.

You're lying again, please desist.
The Gun Nut bubble has popped. Remington Outdoor Group last week reported that its sale of firearms fell 13.3% in the first half of the year, while Smith & Wesson’s overall sales saw a 12% drop. Walmart will stop selling AR-15 assault rifles as well as other modern sporting rifles because of lower consumer demand for those weapons. Gun nutters are always duped into blowing their money! Sales only spike when gun enthusiasts believe there will be tighter gun laws put in place, then drop when those concerns pass.

the fact is that gun sales rose VERY sharply in the last few years. A decrease in sales is not just to be expected but is almost guaranteed when an industry realizes the growth that they have. This is particularly true considering the overall durability of weapons themselves - it is not like a car that is going to break down and need to be replaced in the next decade. Many of those weapons will be around for a very long time.

Data & Statistics | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

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