Guns rarely used for self defence

Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.

You are an ignoramus.

I'd point to the 2nd Amendment, but I doubt you understand it.

Guns are not a problem; they are inert tools. People with twisted valued and twisted minds are the problem.
Which most gun nutters are: "People with twisted values and twisted minds."
We'd better outlaw guns and knives to appease the Nanny Staters as well.

A seven-year-old boy is reportedly among the three people killed in Austria by a man who ploughed his car into crowds in the country’s second-largest city and then reportedly started stabbing people....

At least three killed in Austria after man drives into crowd before stabbing passers-by in Graz - Europe - World - The Independent

Here's what the loons don't understand. People who want to harm others will find a way to do so. Disarming peaceful people just turns them into easy prey (especially for the government, btw).

Yes, and why not provide them with the easiest, quickest, and most efficient way by giving everyone guns? Why bother with trying to make it more difficult for "people who want to harm others"? That would be silly.

An armed society would be a much more polite society, hun.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.

You are an ignoramus.

I'd point to the 2nd Amendment, but I doubt you understand it.

Guns are not a problem; they are inert tools. People with twisted valued and twisted minds are the problem.
Which most gun nutters are: "People with twisted values and twisted minds."

All you are doing is proving your complete and utter ignorance. I bet you have friends who own guns, and you have no idea that they do.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.

You are an ignoramus.

I'd point to the 2nd Amendment, but I doubt you understand it.

Guns are not a problem; they are inert tools. People with twisted valued and twisted minds are the problem.

Guns are the problem. They make killing another human so easy a child can do it, and all too often, does.

Other methods of killing someone are not so easy. They require strength, resolve and strong intent.

If you remove gun crime from US statistics, the murder rate, suicide rate, and rate of other crimes are similar to other First World countries. Guns ARE the problem.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.

You are an ignoramus.

I'd point to the 2nd Amendment, but I doubt you understand it.

Guns are not a problem; they are inert tools. People with twisted valued and twisted minds are the problem.

Guns are the problem. They make killing another human so easy a child can do it, and all too often, does.

Other methods of killing someone are not so easy. They require strength, resolve and strong intent.

If you remove gun crime from US statistics, the murder rate, suicide rate, and rate of other crimes are similar to other First World countries. Guns ARE the problem.

No. Violent people are the problem. Take away their guns, and they will find other ways to do harm, such as knives. You're not very good at root cause analysis.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.

You are an ignoramus.

I'd point to the 2nd Amendment, but I doubt you understand it.

Guns are not a problem; they are inert tools. People with twisted valued and twisted minds are the problem.

Guns are the problem. They make killing another human so easy a child can do it, and all too often, does.

Other methods of killing someone are not so easy. They require strength, resolve and strong intent.

If you remove gun crime from US statistics, the murder rate, suicide rate, and rate of other crimes are similar to other First World countries. Guns ARE the problem.
In the UK:
The most common method used for homicide is a knife or sharp instrument (approx 40% of homicides) for both men and women. The second most common method for males victims was punching or kicking, for female victims it was strangulation. Gun and firearm murders represented 6% of victims.
Are knives the problem? Should the UK ban all knives? Fists? Shoes? Hands?

Look idjut. If you want to take a life, you will figure out a way. Guns do make it easier and more efficient, but they do not cause homicide.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

So? because of this we should ban guns?

What about: because most motor vehicles are used to break posted speed limits we should add regulators on every motor vehicle sold for use in the US so they cannot exceed the maximum speed limit. If the highest speed limit anywhere in the US is say 75mph, then all vehicles max out at 75mph (except emergency vehicles, and those for racing which aren't street legal.)

Or what about: because many die every day from alcohol poisoning, alcohol is once again banned. FDA's banning trans fats because it's harmful. So by the government's own logic, alcohol too should be re-banned.

Or, by all means, we should require background checks on anyone purchasing 5 gallon buckets. Hundreds of small children die from drowning in these buckets each year. INTOLERABLE!!!!!!
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

So? because of this we should ban guns?

What about: because most motor vehicles are used to break posted speed limits we should add regulators on every motor vehicle sold for use in the US so they cannot exceed the maximum speed limit. If the highest speed limit anywhere in the US is say 75mph, then all vehicles max out at 75mph (except emergency vehicles, and those for racing which aren't street legal.)

Or what about: because many die every day from alcohol poisoning, alcohol is once again banned. FDA's banning trans fats because it's harmful. So by the government's own logic, alcohol too should be re-banned.

Or, by all means, we should require background checks on anyone purchasing 5 gallon buckets. Hundreds of small children die from drowning in these buckets each year. INTOLERABLE!!!!!!

Actually, Flagg, that is a totally false statement. Try one that is true, and post a link.

Baby in the Bucket Labels Drowning Labels And Pail Baby Warning Labels Rules
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Democrats are incapable of thinking very far ahead. Just stomp on the rights of the law abiding and make it look like you are concerned or throw 22 trillion at a problem.

How many trillions have the Republicans thrown at their War on Terrorism? How did that work out for you?

America's biggest terrorist threat is white guys with guns who run amok in churches, schools, shopping malls, and movie theatres. You want to deport all Muslims as a threat to security but there have been more attacks by white guys with guns than by Muslims.

Sadly, no matter how many mass shootings by white guys with guns that occur, Americans never suggest that unrestricted gun ownership might be a problem.

Your solution to school shootings is to arm teachers.

I would bet my last damned dollar, if blacks and people of color were out here systematically gunning down white babies and white seniors in churches, gun laws would be the norm and the NRA would pack up and leave the country.
Then you would lose it.

Why do so many here only see things in a racist manner. Its asinine.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.
Because the rates in one country does not equate to guns causing the problem considering that you have not controlled for any of the thousands of variables in play.

Look at those numbers before and after gun control measures have been passed in those nations. Gun control simply does not effect things like the homicide rate.

Any objective look at the evidence tells you that gun control simply does not work.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

And 90% of the homicides happened in the ghetto.
A big, huge point that all of you gun nuts ignore is that in countries where there are strict gun laws, the criminal element also has far, far fewer guns. That is a fact, a fact whitch you guys not only ignore, but you prant on and on about how if we have strict gun laws, only the criminals will have guns. That is simply not true.
And the homicide rate is unaffected.

A fact that 'anti-gun nuts' refuse to deal with. It is why you have to color ever statistic that you look at with 'gun' this or gun that rather than an objective look at how gun control measures actually effect crime rates (and specifically homicide rates).
You don't understand.

No one is saying citizens haven't defended themselves with firearms.

The fact is that firearms are rarely used in self-defense, and more firearms deaths occur otherwise than used to defend oneself.

And you also don't understand that this is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, citizens are not required to 'prove' that guns are used in self-defense to exercise the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, as a consequence of your ignorance, you and many others on the right incorrectly believe that you must 'justify' carrying a firearm in order to retain the right to do so, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
That has already been proved to be utterly false in this thread. gun use in defense is AT LEAST as prevalent as criminal use.
Democrats are incapable of thinking very far ahead. Just stomp on the rights of the law abiding and make it look like you are concerned or throw 22 trillion at a problem.

How many trillions have the Republicans thrown at their War on Terrorism? How did that work out for you?

America's biggest terrorist threat is white guys with guns who run amok in churches, schools, shopping malls, and movie theatres. You want to deport all Muslims as a threat to security but there have been more attacks by white guys with guns than by Muslims.

Sadly, no matter how many mass shootings by white guys with guns that occur, Americans never suggest that unrestricted gun ownership might be a problem.

Your solution to school shootings is to arm teachers.
Because the facts do not support that contention.

Sadly, no matter how many facts are brought to bear the anti gun folks here refuse to accept that gun control will not address the actual cultural and societal that cause the problems in the first place. the implement used is not the actual problem.
We'd better outlaw guns and knives to appease the Nanny Staters as well.

A seven-year-old boy is reportedly among the three people killed in Austria by a man who ploughed his car into crowds in the country’s second-largest city and then reportedly started stabbing people....

At least three killed in Austria after man drives into crowd before stabbing passers-by in Graz - Europe - World - The Independent

Here's what the loons don't understand. People who want to harm others will find a way to do so. Disarming peaceful people just turns them into easy prey (especially for the government, btw).

Yes, and why not provide them with the easiest, quickest, and most efficient way by giving everyone guns? Why bother with trying to make it more difficult for "people who want to harm others"? That would be silly.
Why didn't we think of that. I mean, mass killing cant happen without guns because they are the only thing that enables such distruction.

Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

And 90% of the homicides happened in the ghetto.
A big, huge point that all of you gun nuts ignore is that in countries where there are strict gun laws, the criminal element also has far, far fewer guns. That is a fact, a fact whitch you guys not only ignore, but you prant on and on about how if we have strict gun laws, only the criminals will have guns. That is simply not true.
And the homicide rate is unaffected.

A fact that 'anti-gun nuts' refuse to deal with. It is why you have to color ever statistic that you look at with 'gun' this or gun that rather than an objective look at how gun control measures actually effect crime rates (and specifically homicide rates).
Unaffected? Are you crazy? It is far, far lower than in the US. :cuckoo:

These Laws Are The Reason Canada Australia Japan And The UK Have Such Low Gun Homicide Rates - Business Insider

The only countries that have a higher homicide rate (homicide by any means) than the US are not first world, developed countries, so you cannot, reasonably, compare them to the US. You cannot compare countries like Honduras or South Africa to the US.

Homicide rate per 100,000: US = 15,241; UK = 724; Turkey =2,320; Switzerland = 54; Sweden = 93; Spain = 399; Romania = 397; Portugal = 130; Norway = 29; Australia = 262; Bahrain = 6; Bulgaria = 144; Canada = 610; Croatia = 49; Cyprus = 19; France = 839; Finland = 121; Germany = 690; Hungary = 139; Italy = 590; Japan = 646; Monaco = 0; Malta = 4; Netherlands = 179; Belgium = 185; Burmuda = 5; Hong Kong = 35; Czech Republic = 92; Denmark = 47; Greece = 118; Iceland = 1; UAE = 39.

All of these countries have much stricter gun laws than the US. All of them are progressive, developed, first world countries. All of them have a far, far lower murder rate than the US--murder by any means, not just guns.

Having strict gun laws DOES lower the homicide rate.

Mapping murder throughout the world News The Guardian
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We'd better outlaw guns and knives to appease the Nanny Staters as well.

A seven-year-old boy is reportedly among the three people killed in Austria by a man who ploughed his car into crowds in the country’s second-largest city and then reportedly started stabbing people....

At least three killed in Austria after man drives into crowd before stabbing passers-by in Graz - Europe - World - The Independent

Here's what the loons don't understand. People who want to harm others will find a way to do so. Disarming peaceful people just turns them into easy prey (especially for the government, btw).

Yes, and why not provide them with the easiest, quickest, and most efficient way by giving everyone guns? Why bother with trying to make it more difficult for "people who want to harm others"? That would be silly.
Why didn't we think of that. I mean, mass killing cant happen without guns because they are the only thing that enables such distruction.

Yet another completely fallacious argument--we are not talking about acts of terrorism done by bombs; we are talking about gun violence. Your analogy is not supportable.

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