Guns rarely used for self defence

Guns are good. Lack of regulation is bad.

Lack of Regulation causes some to want to ban all guns.
You don't understand.

No one is saying citizens haven't defended themselves with firearms.

The fact is that firearms are rarely used in self-defense, and more firearms deaths occur otherwise than used to defend oneself.

And you also don't understand that this is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, citizens are not required to 'prove' that guns are used in self-defense to exercise the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, as a consequence of your ignorance, you and many others on the right incorrectly believe that you must 'justify' carrying a firearm in order to retain the right to do so, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
The sad truth is that there are so many guns in the U.S. that it would be impossible to disarm the general public even if there was the political will to do so.
Amazing the ignorance on display in this thread. Like locked cars, thugs will not attempt to make a victim of an armed citizen when there is so many of you willing to take on that role.

Locked car equates to armed citizen

Gun free zones equate to unlocked cars

Even a thug can figure out which to target

The sad truth is that there are so many guns in the U.S. that it would be impossible to disarm the general public even if there was the political will to do so.
It would be impossible to disarm the general public because to seek to do so would be un-Constitutional.

And this reflects the genius of our Constitutional Republic, where the rule of law compels the people to find actual, viable solutions to problems, not simply seek to 'ban' the symptom with the problem remaining unaddressed.

The number of guns in the United States, who possesses guns, and their availability isn't the problem.

The problem is the unwillingness of most Americans to confront the issue of mental health, and the lack of a comprehensive detection and treatment policy to identify mental illness early so that treatment can be effective, or those so mentally ill can be rendered harmless to themselves and others.

This issue isn't how was Dylann Roof able to obtain a firearm, but why wasn't his mental illness detected and treated timely so that whether he had access to a firearm or not would be of no consequence.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

And 90% of the homicides happened in the ghetto.
A big, huge point that all of you gun nuts ignore is that in countries where there are strict gun laws, the criminal element also has far, far fewer guns. That is a fact, a fact whitch you guys not only ignore, but you prant on and on about how if we have strict gun laws, only the criminals will have guns. That is simply not true.

No, they use guns less because of their criminal culture, they can get guns whenever they want fact they get fully automatic rifles easily.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

The way you react in an instant, determines the character that you are and most people are cowards. Its very easy to get to a gun in the privacy of your own home before someone breaks in......that is the only sucessful gun stories that one hears about....but in public, rarely does some John Wayne hero come to the rescue of some damsel in destress, it never happens. Had someone had a gun in that church, chances are unless you have the right cover and the gun is handy, chances are your first instincts are to protect yourself and hide.

Sorry, you are just wrong. The stories of people using guns to stop violent criminals in public are huge. I post them all the time and that is just a hand least 2 million times a year Americans use guns to stop crime, many, many times out in public. And there are at least 2 readily available stories of people at churches stopping violent attacks....and the main reason you don't see more stories like this is that so many places disarm people so they just don't have guns available. In Illinois the places you can carry are fewer than the places where you have to disarm to go into.
Democrats are incapable of thinking very far ahead. Just stomp on the rights of the law abiding and make it look like you are concerned or throw 22 trillion at a problem.

How many trillions have the Republicans thrown at their War on Terrorism? How did that work out for you?

America's biggest terrorist threat is white guys with guns who run amok in churches, schools, shopping malls, and movie theatres. You want to deport all Muslims as a threat to security but there have been more attacks by white guys with guns than by Muslims.

Sadly, no matter how many mass shootings by white guys with guns that occur, Americans never suggest that unrestricted gun ownership might be a problem.

Your solution to school shootings is to arm teachers.

The muslims have used jets and bombs, cars and guns....and there is no such thing as unrestricted gun ownership. Felons cannot own guns...but still get them easily. Well...we have seen what happens when no teachers have guns or no one in the school has a does that work out? How about we try it the other way and see what happens?

We also saw what happens when a church makes itself a gun free zone. How did that turn out for those 9 people?

We also know what happens in churches where there are people with guns, in both cases the shooters were shot and lives were saved. And don't try...that is only 2 cases. First, those are 2 that we know of because of press coverage, and 2 most churches are gun free zones and people can't carry guns there. It is rare to have churches that allow guns, but the churches that have, and have been attacked by shooters....the shooter was shot and stopped.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

The way you react in an instant, determines the character that you are and most people are cowards. Its very easy to get to a gun in the privacy of your own home before someone breaks in......that is the only sucessful gun stories that one hears about....but in public, rarely does some John Wayne hero come to the rescue of some damsel in destress, it never happens. Had someone had a gun in that church, chances are unless you have the right cover and the gun is handy, chances are your first instincts are to protect yourself and hide.

The stat vandal quoted is a lie. It is a lie of omission because the gun grabbing group he got it from doesn't include self defense that doesn't end with a criminal being shot, which happens far more than victims shooting, then killing the criminal. With 2 million self defense uses of guns on average each year you are less likely to hurt yourself than an attacker.

Tell me. At that church, no one had a gun, how did that work out?

At least two very public shootings at churches happened where there was a good guy with a gun on scene, and in each case the shooter was shot and stopped. Not so much at that church in South Carolina.
Democrats are incapable of thinking very far ahead. Just stomp on the rights of the law abiding and make it look like you are concerned or throw 22 trillion at a problem.

How many trillions have the Republicans thrown at their War on Terrorism? How did that work out for you?

America's biggest terrorist threat is white guys with guns who run amok in churches, schools, shopping malls, and movie theatres. You want to deport all Muslims as a threat to security but there have been more attacks by white guys with guns than by Muslims.

Sadly, no matter how many mass shootings by white guys with guns that occur, Americans never suggest that unrestricted gun ownership might be a problem.

Your solution to school shootings is to arm teachers.

I would bet my last damned dollar, if blacks and people of color were out here systematically gunning down white babies and white seniors in churches, gun laws would be the norm and the NRA would pack up and leave the country.

You aren't very bright are you? Blacks are gunning down other blacks every day in democrat cities with the strictest gun control laws in the is that working out for them?
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

So? because of this we should ban guns?

What about: because most motor vehicles are used to break posted speed limits we should add regulators on every motor vehicle sold for use in the US so they cannot exceed the maximum speed limit. If the highest speed limit anywhere in the US is say 75mph, then all vehicles max out at 75mph (except emergency vehicles, and those for racing which aren't street legal.)

Or what about: because many die every day from alcohol poisoning, alcohol is once again banned. FDA's banning trans fats because it's harmful. So by the government's own logic, alcohol too should be re-banned.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.

You do realize that more Americans own guns than ever before and also carry them for protection, and the gun murder rate is going down, not up? And the accidental gun death and injury rate is going down, not up? Right? So your statement is wrong. Liberty is secured by an armed population. Look around the world where the people do not have guns and you will see people being murdered by their governments. Simply look at Mexico as the drug cartels and their minions in the Mexican government murder civilians at will.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

So? because of this we should ban guns?

What about: because most motor vehicles are used to break posted speed limits we should add regulators on every motor vehicle sold for use in the US so they cannot exceed the maximum speed limit. If the highest speed limit anywhere in the US is say 75mph, then all vehicles max out at 75mph (except emergency vehicles, and those for racing which aren't street legal.)

Or what about: because many die every day from alcohol poisoning, alcohol is once again banned. FDA's banning trans fats because it's harmful. So by the government's own logic, alcohol too should be re-banned.

The number is wrong anyway. They only count deaths, which is an anti gun extremist trick to make their numbers look better. They don't include incidents where the victim scares off the attacker, shoots and only injures the attacker or holds the attacker until the police come.
Guns aren't good or evil, they're simply a tool and/or weapon. Weapons are only as good or evil as their operator. Soldiers using weapons can be good or evil just like their civilian counterparts.

A gun used for mass murder like in South Carolina is evil.

A gun used to apprehend the mass murderer though is 'good.'

If guns are ever banned in any significant way, only bad guys and the government will have them, and all the law-abidding people will be at their mercy. Not hard to imagine how then all guns will be evil because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Just because guns can be used for evil doesn't mean they should be banned or hyper-controlled.

Computers can be used for evil too but I've yet to hear anyone propose we ban computers so hackers don't hack any more. And a computer can wreck far more havoc than any criminal with any gun.
Just because guns can be used for evil doesn't mean they should be banned or hyper-controlled.

Computers can be used for evil too but I've yet to hear anyone propose we ban computers so hackers don't hack any more. And a computer can wreck far more havoc than any criminal with any gun.

Shhhhh...don't give them any ideas, they are batshit crazy as it is and that would make sense to them. Imagine having to register your name and address with the police before you go know, so they know who is posting what for the safety of the public.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

And 90% of the homicides happened in the ghetto.
A big, huge point that all of you gun nuts ignore is that in countries where there are strict gun laws, the criminal element also has far, far fewer guns. That is a fact, a fact whitch you guys not only ignore, but you prant on and on about how if we have strict gun laws, only the criminals will have guns. That is simply not true.

Last time i checked this was America.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.

You are an ignoramus.

I'd point to the 2nd Amendment, but I doubt you understand it.

Guns are not a problem; they are inert tools. People with twisted valued and twisted minds are the problem.
We'd better outlaw guns and knives to appease the Nanny Staters as well.

A seven-year-old boy is reportedly among the three people killed in Austria by a man who ploughed his car into crowds in the country’s second-largest city and then reportedly started stabbing people....

At least three killed in Austria after man drives into crowd before stabbing passers-by in Graz - Europe - World - The Independent

Here's what the loons don't understand. People who want to harm others will find a way to do so. Disarming peaceful people just turns them into easy prey (especially for the government, btw).
We'd better outlaw guns and knives to appease the Nanny Staters as well.

A seven-year-old boy is reportedly among the three people killed in Austria by a man who ploughed his car into crowds in the country’s second-largest city and then reportedly started stabbing people....

At least three killed in Austria after man drives into crowd before stabbing passers-by in Graz - Europe - World - The Independent

Here's what the loons don't understand. People who want to harm others will find a way to do so. Disarming peaceful people just turns them into easy prey (especially for the government, btw).

Yes, and why not provide them with the easiest, quickest, and most efficient way by giving everyone guns? Why bother with trying to make it more difficult for "people who want to harm others"? That would be silly.

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