Guns rarely used for self defence

Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

The way you react in an instant, determines the character that you are and most people are cowards. Its very easy to get to a gun in the privacy of your own home before someone breaks in......that is the only sucessful gun stories that one hears about....but in public, rarely does some John Wayne hero come to the rescue of some damsel in destress, it never happens. Had someone had a gun in that church, chances are unless you have the right cover and the gun is handy, chances are your first instincts are to protect yourself and hide.
I wish somebody in the church in Charleston had had a gun to use in self-defense and the defense of others. One good shot, and Roof would have been the only dead one.
Democrats are incapable of thinking very far ahead. Just stomp on the rights of the law abiding and make it look like you are concerned or throw 22 trillion at a problem.

How many trillions have the Republicans thrown at their War on Terrorism? How did that work out for you?

America's biggest terrorist threat is white guys with guns who run amok in churches, schools, shopping malls, and movie theatres. You want to deport all Muslims as a threat to security but there have been more attacks by white guys with guns than by Muslims.

Sadly, no matter how many mass shootings by white guys with guns that occur, Americans never suggest that unrestricted gun ownership might be a problem.

Your solution to school shootings is to arm teachers.

I would bet my last damned dollar, if blacks and people of color were out here systematically gunning down white babies and white seniors in churches, gun laws would be the norm and the NRA would pack up and leave the country.
Democrats are incapable of thinking very far ahead. Just stomp on the rights of the law abiding and make it look like you are concerned or throw 22 trillion at a problem.

How many trillions have the Republicans thrown at their War on Terrorism? How did that work out for you?

America's biggest terrorist threat is white guys with guns who run amok in churches, schools, shopping malls, and movie theatres. You want to deport all Muslims as a threat to security but there have been more attacks by white guys with guns than by Muslims.

Sadly, no matter how many mass shootings by white guys with guns that occur, Americans never suggest that unrestricted gun ownership might be a problem.

Your solution to school shootings is to arm teachers.

I would bet my last damned dollar, if blacks and people of color were out here systematically gunning down white babies and white seniors in churches, gun laws would be the norm and the NRA would pack up and leave the country.

You are a loon.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.
Just another waste of bandwidth gun thread, which only leads to yelling and screaming and no minds changed.

In fact I've got to say, since I have become a member of this board I am ten times more of a gun proponent than I was before thanks to the dumbfuck libs who post anti-gun threads.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

It's a valid post.

How can we discuss facts when "suicide" is considered "HOMICIDE".

This spits in the face of gun owners and fact lovers.

It skews numbers.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.
I have an M-1A in the corner right now.

What is it doing?

It is being used for self-defense.

By it presence.
Only in the vacuous interior of you pathetic little mind Dodo. It makes a scardy cat feel safer; that's all it does.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.
I have an M-1A in the corner right now.

What is it doing?

It is being used for self-defense.

By it presence.
Only in the vacuous interior of you pathetic little mind Dodo. It makes a scardy cat feel safer; that's all it does.

Self defense is necessary since we oppressed so many. You have to expect recoil.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

And 90% of the homicides happened in the ghetto.
A big, huge point that all of you gun nuts ignore is that in countries where there are strict gun laws, the criminal element also has far, far fewer guns. That is a fact, a fact whitch you guys not only ignore, but you prant on and on about how if we have strict gun laws, only the criminals will have guns. That is simply not true.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.
gun are not the problem. The person with his finger on the trigger is the problem.

Do hammers commit houses. Does vodka cause babies? Does money cause robbery?
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

And 90% of the homicides happened in the ghetto.
A big, huge point that all of you gun nuts ignore is that in countries where there are strict gun laws, the criminal element also has far, far fewer guns. That is a fact, a fact whitch you guys not only ignore, but you prant on and on about how if we have strict gun laws, only the criminals will have guns. That is simply not true.

I get what you are saying. The Right likes to state, "How are you going to protect yourself from a gun if you ban guns". Basically ignorant and hurts their own cause.
Bottom line, if we're to live by the gun than expect to die by it, its that simple.

Condolences are you complete unfamiliarity with the concept of Liberty and its prerequisites.

Liberty has nothing to do with gun ownership. Liberty had to do with safety and security and a society where there are more guns than people is not safe.

Look at the numbers of spousal murders in the U.S. and then compare them to other countries.

You won't even admit that guns are a problem. You just mutter about your constitutional rights. I seriously doubt that you would have a constitutional right to bear arms if the FF could have foreseen what this "right" would lead to.
gun are not the problem. The person with his finger on the trigger is the problem.

Do hammers commit houses. Does vodka cause babies? Does money cause robbery?

Actually lack of regulation is the problem. That 2A screams in our ears while LaPierre changes his tune when $$$ is thrown in his face.

Ask a gun owner today if they want a test to prove they are competent to own a gun. They will scream FREEDOM! and say No.

The 2A stated we need a REGULATED Militia. Not this new found definition Militia we are seeing today where they are stating "Regulation means well trained" which is not the primary and never has been the primary definition.

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