Guns: When the Gov. can't or won't protect you...Baltimore edition...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
52,463 policies of undermining, under funding and understaffing police.......have now created a crime surge in when the government can't or won't protect you have the ability to protect yourself....or have your government employees kept you from owning a gun........remember, they work for you, you aren't owned by them.....

The Baltimore Sun

As the number of shootings and homicides has surged in Baltimore, some police officers say they feel hesitant on the job under intense public scrutiny and in the wake of criminal charges against six officers in the Freddie Gray case.............

But perhaps the most jarring effect has been on the Baltimore Police Department.

"In 29 years, I've gone through some bad times, but I've never seen it this bad," said Lt. Kenneth Butler, president of the Vanguard Justice Society, a group for black Baltimore police officers. Officers "feel as though the state's attorney will hang them out to dry."

Several officers said in interviews they are concerned crime could spike as officers are hesitant to do their jobs, and criminals sense opportunity. Butler, a shift commander in the Southern District, said his officers are expressing reluctance to go after crime.

"I'm hearing it from guys who were go-getters, who would go out here and get the guns and the bad guys and drugs. They're hands-off now," Butler said. "I've never seen so many dejected faces.
Anti-gun loons want to get rid of guns so people are forced to depends on the state for protection.
Not sure why they don't understand why thinking people disagree with this idea.

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