
I do not think it is known who really said the quote that is popularly but incorrectly attributed to Freud, about a fear of weapons being a signs of retarded sexual development, but if you let a left wrong-wing piece of filth talk long enough about why he opposes allowing human beings to be armed, eventually he will prove that whomever did originally say that had it right.

Yes, you will. Guns in America are a macho thing and blokes need to compensate because you're a nation of tiny penises.

Note that it is not ever those who support the right to bear arms that insist on equating weapons with genitalia or other sexual issues; it's those who oppose this right, and who inevitably end up projecting their own perceived sexual inadequacies.

Guns aren’t going to be ‘banned,’ guns aren’t going to be ‘confiscated’ – those are ridiculous lies contrived by dishonest rightwing demagogues.
There will be a ban. It may be a defacto ban, but the anti-gunners don't want guns and ammunition to be available, either by outlawing them, or creating a scenario where they are no longer available.
The thing is Meister , if your reason, or one of your reasons was for self protection, then I assume you are willing to shoot someone?

That's where you have a gun problem. It doesn't matter what you label the person (criminal or Joe public), that person is willing to shoot someone, and that's where your culture has a problem. Use that as reason to have a gun in the UK, you will be denied, you need to have a much mentality here and the public will be grateful you were denied a gun.

So by all means spout criminals, Independence, and the usual bla bla bla shite, it's the mentality behind guns that gives you high gun deaths and incidents.
The thing is Meister , if your reason, or one of your reasons was for self protection, then I assume you are willing to shoot someone?

That's where you have a gun problem. It doesn't matter what you label the person (criminal or Joe public), that person is willing to shoot someone, and that's where your culture has a problem. Use that as reason to have a gun in the UK, you will be denied, you need to have a much mentality here and the public will be grateful you were denied a gun.

So by all means spout criminals, Independence, and the usual bla bla bla shite, it's the mentality behind guns that gives you high gun deaths and incidents.
I'm done with you as a chew toy, you have seen your day, now you're just boring.
On to the next one.
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I'm done with you, as a chew toy, you have seen your day, now you're just boring.
On to the next one.
The truth does hurt. Just pointing out the difference in gun orientation in the UK v US, and we enjoy minimal incidents.
So if you strip out the usual, Independence, 2nd Amendment, Criminals, Self Protection, pro gunners fall flat on their face, that's why they default to that list to deflect.

But guns and gun culture won't change in America, and neither will the stats.
The thing is Meister , if your reason, or one of your reasons was for self protection, then I assume you are willing to shoot someone?

That's where you have a gun problem. It doesn't matter what you label the person (criminal or Joe public), that person is willing to shoot someone, and that's where your culture has a problem. Use that as reason to have a gun in the UK, you will be denied, you need to have a much mentality here and the public will be grateful you were denied a gun.

So by all means spout criminals, Independence, and the usual bla bla bla shite, it's the mentality behind guns that gives you high gun deaths and incidents.

Of course I am willing to shoot someone. Some asshole tries to harm my wife or daughter and he is going to have a real bad day.

The fact that you won't defend your loved ones just shows you to be a coward.
The thing is Meister , if your reason, or one of your reasons was for self protection, then I assume you are willing to shoot someone?

That's where you have a gun problem. It doesn't matter what you label the person (criminal or Joe public), that person is willing to shoot someone, and that's where your culture has a problem. Use that as reason to have a gun in the UK, you will be denied, you need to have a much mentality here and the public will be grateful you were denied a gun.

So by all means spout criminals, Independence, and the usual bla bla bla shite, it's the mentality behind guns that gives you high gun deaths and incidents.
So let me get this straight.

If some piece of shit was about to club your wife with a lead pipe you wouldn't be willing to shoot the fucker?

Shooting a person is always the very last resort. But you are unwilling to shoot so you will just stand there wringing your hands and hope the fucking police show up right?

In fact most of the time the mere drawing of a firearm will deescalate the stiuation
So let me get this straight.

If some piece of shit was about to club your wife with a lead pipe you wouldn't be willing to shoot the fucker?

Shooting a person is always the very last resort. But you are unwilling to shoot so you will just stand there wringing your hands and hope the fucking police show up right?

In fact most of the time the mere drawing of a firearm will deescalate the stiuation
No. What you have to get straight is, if you apply for a shotgun and/or firearm certificate in the UK and your reason or a part of your reason was to protect yourself from others (IE. Willing to shoot someone for your protection), your application would be declined and I imagine you will have fucked up your future chances of ever owning a gun.

Create as many hypotheticals as you want, you need to be deemed suitable to own a firearm in the UK. Hence the low gun crime and incidents. If your population has a "protect myself with a gun" mentality", there lies a major problem. Brits get it, Americans won't, different cultures.
No. What you have to get straight is, if you apply for a shotgun and/or firearm certificate in the UK and your reason or a part of your reason was to protect yourself from others (IE. Willing to shoot someone for your protection), your application would be declined and I imagine you will have fucked up your future chances of ever owning a gun.

Yeah, we know. You aren't allowed to defend yourself in that fucked up country.

That's why kicked your asses to the curb.
Yeah, we know. You aren't allowed to defend yourself in that fucked up country.

That's why kicked your asses to the curb.
Yet again, you still milk the same old shit because with guns, your brain is fucking retarded. You're ok on environment etc.., but fucking retarded on guns.

Der, we kicked your butt. Der, self protection. Der, Rights. Der, bla bla. Der bla bla.

Same shit every time, deflection every time because you know fine well your gun stance and reasons are wank.

Der, we kicked your butt. Der, self protection. Der, Rights. Der, bla bla. Der bla bla.

Same shit every time, deflection every time because you know fine well your gun stance and reasons are wank.

Clearly you need a lesson in history too. No, we kicked your ass. The vaunted English Navy was humbled by four US frigates who absolutely beat the ever loving shit out of you so bad that the Admiralty ordered no British frigate to engage in a one on one battle with them. You sent an entire fleet after one frigate and FAILED to capture her.

Basically, you guys sucked.
Clearly you need a lesson in history too. No, we kicked your ass. The vaunted English Navy was humbled by four US frigates who absolutely beat the ever loving shit out of you so bad that the Admiralty ordered no British frigate to engage in a one on one battle with them. You sent an entire fleet after one frigate and FAILED to capture her.

Basically, you guys sucked.
God Bless America.
Clearly you need a lesson in history too. No, we kicked your ass. The vaunted English Navy was humbled by four US frigates who absolutely beat the ever loving shit out of you so bad that the Admiralty ordered no British frigate to engage in a one on one battle with them. You sent an entire fleet after one frigate and FAILED to capture her.

Basically, you guys sucked.
Same old same.

Let's get back to gun safety. How can they be made safe in America? I propose scrapping the 2nd Amendment for future generations. A generation is classed as 25 to 30 years, so in 30 years time, bring in British, Australian, and New Zealand type gun laws. That will be fair and will go towards reversing the gun problem.
Same old same.

Let's get back to gun safety. How can they be made safe in America? I propose scrapping the 2nd Amendment for future generations. A generation is classed as 25 to 30 years, so in 30 years time, bring in British, Australian, and New Zealand type gun laws. That will be fair and will go towards reversing the gun problem.

Yes, you are a one track record. Piss off. You are nothing more than a class system propagandist.

We don't like your kind around here.

You stink up the place.
My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns?
For conservatives, the obsession is not with guns per se; rather, it’s an obsession with the lies and fallacies conservatives contrive and propagate about guns, the right’s obsession with making guns political, and using their lies and fallacies as political weapons.

The right’s two most egregious lies are of course that guns will be ‘banned’ and eventually ‘confiscated,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The more common fallacies conservatives engage in concerning guns is the slippery slope fallacy, the confirmation bias fallacy, and the hasty generalization fallacy.

The slippery slope fallacy manifests when perfectly appropriate, Constitutional firearm regulatory measures are enacted, and conservatives advance the lie that such regulations will eventually result in guns being ‘banned’ and confiscated.’

Conservatives resort to the confirmation bias fallacy with ridiculous sophistry that firearm regulatory measures don’t work because ‘gun crimes keep happening’ or that ‘criminals don’t obey the law.’

And the hasty generalization fallacy comes into play when a single individual might advocate for a ‘ban’ on assault weapons, a lone individual who is not representative of any political group, organization, or philosophy.
For conservatives, the obsession is not with guns per se; rather, it’s an obsession with the lies and fallacies conservatives contrive and propagate about guns, the right’s obsession with making guns political, and using their lies and fallacies as political weapons.

The right’s two most egregious lies are of course that guns will be ‘banned’ and eventually ‘confiscated,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The more common fallacies conservatives engage in concerning guns is the slippery slope fallacy, the confirmation bias fallacy, and the hasty generalization fallacy.

The slippery slope fallacy manifests when perfectly appropriate, Constitutional firearm regulatory measures are enacted, and conservatives advance the lie that such regulations will eventually result in guns being ‘banned’ and confiscated.’

Conservatives resort to the confirmation bias fallacy with ridiculous sophistry that firearm regulatory measures don’t work because ‘gun crimes keep happening’ or that ‘criminals don’t obey the law.’

And the hasty generalization fallacy comes into play when a single individual might advocate for a ‘ban’ on assault weapons, a lone individual who is not representative of any political group, organization, or philosophy.
No. What you have to get straight is, if you apply for a shotgun and/or firearm certificate in the UK and your reason or a part of your reason was to protect yourself from others (IE. Willing to shoot someone for your protection), your application would be declined and I imagine you will have fucked up your future chances of ever owning a gun.

Create as many hypotheticals as you want, you need to be deemed suitable to own a firearm in the UK. Hence the low gun crime and incidents. If your population has a "protect myself with a gun" mentality", there lies a major problem. Brits get it, Americans won't, different cultures.
Which is why firearm regulatory measures found in the UK and other Western countries won’t work.

America’s is an inherently violent society, where violence is a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

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