
No. What you have to get straight is, if you apply for a shotgun and/or firearm certificate in the UK and your reason or a part of your reason was to protect yourself from others (IE. Willing to shoot someone for your protection), your application would be declined and I imagine you will have fucked up your future chances of ever owning a gun.

Create as many hypotheticals as you want, you need to be deemed suitable to own a firearm in the UK. Hence the low gun crime and incidents. If your population has a "protect myself with a gun" mentality", there lies a major problem. Brits get it, Americans won't, different cultures.
Like i said you cannot own a hand gun a semiautomatic rifle in any caliber but .22 and you can't own a shotgun with more than a 3 round mag.

You have no right to own a firearm you can only own one with the permission of the fucking government and that same government can revoke that privilege at any time for any reason.

We know you like being under the thumb of your monarch and you accept the fact that you have to beg the government for privilege.

So you stay there on your little island with your incestuous monarch family and mind your own fucking business about what we do in our own country
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At breakfast time, let's talk about guns. Issue not resolved, so lunchtime, let's talk about guns. Still not resolved, so let's talk about guns at supper time.

Government could go tyrannical (yawn), so let's talk guns. DON'T TAKE MY GUNS, I'LL KILL YOU. So next day, let's talk guns. Problem still not resolved, let's talk guns.

Every country doesn't have guns (according to Americans), just the US, so problem not resolved, let's talk guns. Inevitable civil war will happen at any moment (just like the world is going to end), so let's talk guns


My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.

What is up with you guys? What's the question you're trying to resolve, can we finally discover the answer that puts the debate to bed?

Is that possible??

I think in the modern era people see their guns as their way of protecting themselves against the government. People make the government out to be this big monster (well, it is a big monster) and so they want to protect themselves.

Problem is they have guns instead of using their brains. Change the way people are elected to Proportional Representation and the government will be less of a monster. But oh no, they don't want that... because.... maybe because it'll give them less reason to have guns.
I think in the modern era people see their guns as their way of protecting themselves against the government. People make the government out to be this big monster (well, it is a big monster) and so they want to protect themselves.

Problem is they have guns instead of using their brains. Change the way people are elected to Proportional Representation and the government will be less of a monster. But oh no, they don't want that... because.... maybe because it'll give them less reason to have guns.
No one I know who owns any firearms ( and it's a lot of people) count protection from the government as a reason for owning them.
No one I know who owns any firearms ( and it's a lot of people) count protection from the government as a reason for owning them.

A lot of people don't know what drives them. They think they know, they think they're in control of their lives. But the reality is their lives are driven by their needs, wants and fears.
A lot of people don't know what drives them. They think they know, they think they're in control of their lives. But the reality is their lives are driven by their needs, wants and fears.
You really think all gun owners fear their government so much that they buy guns for that reason alone?

Ask anyone and the first answer will most likely be self defense or sporting activities
I think in the modern era people see their guns as their way of protecting themselves against the government. People make the government out to be this big monster (well, it is a big monster) and so they want to protect themselves.

Problem is they have guns instead of using their brains. Change the way people are elected to Proportional Representation and the government will be less of a monster. But oh no, they don't want that... because.... maybe because it'll give them less reason to have guns.

The vote is being stolen so your supposed solution is dead from the beginning.
For conservatives, the obsession is not with guns per se; rather, it’s an obsession with the lies and fallacies conservatives contrive and propagate about guns, the right’s obsession with making guns political, and using their lies and fallacies as political weapons.

The right’s two most egregious lies are of course that guns will be ‘banned’ and eventually ‘confiscated,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The more common fallacies conservatives engage in concerning guns is the slippery slope fallacy, the confirmation bias fallacy, and the hasty generalization fallacy.

The slippery slope fallacy manifests when perfectly appropriate, Constitutional firearm regulatory measures are enacted, and conservatives advance the lie that such regulations will eventually result in guns being ‘banned’ and confiscated.’

Conservatives resort to the confirmation bias fallacy with ridiculous sophistry that firearm regulatory measures don’t work because ‘gun crimes keep happening’ or that ‘criminals don’t obey the law.’

And the hasty generalization fallacy comes into play when a single individual might advocate for a ‘ban’ on assault weapons, a lone individual who is not representative of any political group, organization, or philosophy.
I'm UK Rightwing. We use and enjoy guns. The striking difference between the UK and the US is the mentality behind guns. We use them for grouse, pheasant shoots, clay pigeon shooting, vermin control and target practice. It seems Americans are willing to shoot their countryman under the fallacy of self defence. So any idea of gun safety in America is doomed.

That's why they would have to pick a point in time where a major change coincides with changes in generations, out with the old, in with the new. In 30 years time, the unborn have no use for the fallacy of self defence with again, so different rules for them. As current generations die out, so does their out of date ideas. I mean, their brains are stuck in the 1700's.
Which is why firearm regulatory measures found in the UK and other Western countries won’t work.

America’s is an inherently violent society, where violence is a legitimate means of conflict resolution.
It was created on violence, and certain traits still exist.
I think in the modern era people see their guns as their way of protecting themselves against the government. People make the government out to be this big monster (well, it is a big monster) and so they want to protect themselves.

Problem is they have guns instead of using their brains. Change the way people are elected to Proportional Representation and the government will be less of a monster. But oh no, they don't want that... because.... maybe because it'll give them less reason to have guns.
I can't help with that stupid idea.
I'm UK Rightwing. We use and enjoy guns. The striking difference between the UK and the US is the mentality behind guns. We use them for grouse, pheasant shoots, clay pigeon shooting, vermin control and target practice. It seems Americans are willing to shoot their countryman under the fallacy of self defence. So any idea of gun safety in America is doomed.

That's why they would have to pick a point in time where a major change coincides with changes in generations, out with the old, in with the new. In 30 years time, the unborn have no use for the fallacy of self defence with again, so different rules for them. As current generations die out, so does their out of date ideas. I mean, their brains are stuck in the 1700's.

You are a statist. That makes you a lefty.
It was created on violence, and certain traits still exist.

George III wasn't going to peacefully give up the power that he demanded over us.

The only way that Americans were ever going to enjoy freedom, independence, and recognition of certain essential human rights that you backward British filth still refuse to recognize, was by violent rebellion.
George III wasn't going to peacefully give up the power that he demanded over us.

The only way that Americans were ever going to enjoy freedom, independence, and recognition of certain essential human rights that you backward British filth still refuse to recognize, was by violent rebellion.
Is that what happened on Jan 6th?

And if our Revolution was all about freedom and liberty, why did the patriots have to recruit and buy loyalty to the cause?
Is that what happened on Jan 6th?

And if our Revolution was all about freedom and liberty, why did the patriots have to recruit and buy loyalty to the cause?

Had there been guns in DC on Jan 6th, then you would have a legit claim for insurrection. There weren't, so you don't.
You really think all gun owners fear their government so much that they buy guns for that reason alone?

Ask anyone and the first answer will most likely be self defense or sporting activities

I didn't say they bought guns ONLY because of their fear of the government. However mostly in modern society guns are not necessary except for self defense and the fear of government.

We do know people go out and buy more guns when they think their guns are under threat.
I didn't say they bought guns ONLY because of their fear of the government. However mostly in modern society guns are not necessary except for self defense and the fear of government.

We do know people go out and buy more guns when they think their guns are under threat.
Hunting, sport shooting

WHat's "necessary" for a person isn't up to you
Hunting, sport shooting

WHat's "necessary" for a person isn't up to you

Sure it is.

Hunting and sports shooting are not necessary. People might like doing them, they might want to do them, but take them out of society and it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference.
Had there been guns in DC on Jan 6th, then you would have a legit claim for insurrection. There weren't, so you don't.
There were guns in DC; a guy just got convicted of carrying one and he faces 60 years. The charges are getting more serious as the DOJ climbs the ladder of sedition and insurrection. The Proud Boys leader has just been arrested for conspiracy, so he and his anti-American thug buddies are going to prison as well.
I’d like to see some death penalties myself.

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