Gupta has been flipped


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Gupta said on CNN that he apologizes for talking crap about weed.
he says he was misled, and America had false information for the last 70 years about marijuana.

i think Gupta wants to save his Hollywood career.

ladies and gentlemen, we're watching the making of history.
contraband has now become status-quo, because someone says so.
the American shadow government has decided they want to sell drugs to the public, and they waved their hand and the proclamation is going out throughout the land.

doctors and researchers are now telling us marijuana is better for Popeye than spinach...creating a mountain of reference material to justify the acceptance of the new drug dealing.
some do it to stay with with the "in" crowd, some do it to save their jobs, and some do it in hopes they will get some kind of monetary endorsement.

one thing is for sure, all their information is pure bullsht.
all so the rich can sell drugs and collect more taxes from the public, at the price of sickness and addiction
Gupta is the token multicultural clown on CNN who is specifically an Indian American, in contrast to an American Indian. Only a mentally ill tard would ever consider him as a real doctor, however, WEED IS GREAT. I EAT HEMP PROTEIN DAILY AND SOMETIMES CONSUME OTHER HEMP PRODUCTS. ANYONE WHO THINKS WEED IS BAD IS MENTALLY RETARDED.
Gupta is the token multicultural clown on CNN who is specifically an Indian American, in contrast to an American Indian. Only a mentally ill tard would ever consider him as a real doctor, however, WEED IS GREAT. I EAT HEMP PROTEIN DAILY AND SOMETIMES CONSUME OTHER HEMP PRODUCTS. ANYONE WHO THINKS WEED IS BAD IS MENTALLY RETARDED.

So even a broken clock is right twice a day ?
whats a gupta.. man
Sanjay Gupta is an MD with a regular tv spot on CNN. He has for years denied the medical benefits associated with marijuana. Butut recent revelations about the CBD content in cannabis having a curative effect on certain forms of epilepsy in infants are catching up to him and are capable of making a liar of him. So he's taken the initiative, apologizing for his past errors and doing a one hour presentation of some emerging truths about the important benefits available from marijuana.

I watched it. It was pretty good and is sure to have a productive effect on the legalization movement. In any case it's sure to significantly weaken the Reefer Madness freaks' position.
Gupta needs to keep books sales up. He's a hack.
I'm not a Gupta fan. But aside from that, and aside from your personal feelings about him, what are your thoughts on the marijuana program -- especially this latest evidence of marijuana's effect on infant epilepsy?
Gupta is the token multicultural clown on CNN who is specifically an Indian American, in contrast to an American Indian. Only a mentally ill tard would ever consider him as a real doctor, however, WEED IS GREAT. I EAT HEMP PROTEIN DAILY AND SOMETIMES CONSUME OTHER HEMP PRODUCTS. ANYONE WHO THINKS WEED IS BAD IS MENTALLY RETARDED.

Do you or don't you consider him a real doctor? Pardon my confusion, because you're doing quite the good impression of being a mentally ill tard.
Gupta said on CNN that he apologizes for talking crap about weed.
he says he was misled, and America had false information for the last 70 years about marijuana.

i think Gupta wants to save his Hollywood career.

ladies and gentlemen, we're watching the making of history.
contraband has now become status-quo, because someone says so.
the American shadow government has decided they want to sell drugs to the public, and they waved their hand and the proclamation is going out throughout the land.

doctors and researchers are now telling us marijuana is better for Popeye than spinach...creating a mountain of reference material to justify the acceptance of the new drug dealing.
some do it to stay with with the "in" crowd, some do it to save their jobs, and some do it in hopes they will get some kind of monetary endorsement.

one thing is for sure, all their information is pure bullsht.
all so the rich can sell drugs and collect more taxes from the public, at the price of sickness and addiction

BTW, the above comment goes for the OP too. :cool:
Gupta needs to keep books sales up. He's a hack.
I'm not a Gupta fan. But aside from that, and aside from your personal feelings about him, what are your thoughts on the marijuana program -- especially this latest evidence of marijuana's effect on infant epilepsy?

My statement about him is not based on feelings. And I have expressed my thoughts several times. The benefits from it are due to one compound that they could easily turn into pill form. If it's really about medicine no one should have a problem with that. But we all know it's not.
A very ignorant post. First of all, any plant or weed is a natural growing substance; if it grows in mother earth, our constitution protects our right to enjoy its benefits. Do not confuse a plant with a drug. Drugs are made in labs by chemists, they may start with a plant and then add other elements, heat, whatever chemistry formula, but their final product is only obtained via the chemistry lab, drugs do not grow in the earth, drugs are created by chemists. When you label a natural growing plant as a drug, you display an incredible ignorance so as to warn all your readers that you are talking out your ass about a subject you don't know the first thing about. America was built upon the hemp plant... without it, we would never have conquered this land. Civilization relies on rope to transport merchandise. The only rope America had for 100 years was hemp rope. Without hemp, civilization would never had flourished in America. Hemp is a natural growing plant found on every continent in the growing belt. Hemp is not a drug. Cocaine, heroine, amphetamines, and a million other drugs are all products of the chemistry lab, they are not natural growing plants. The legal treatment of a natural growing plant as a drug is criminal, at least in the United States it is unconstitutional, and everywhere else it is unethical. The posting of the same by you is just plain stupid and ignorant.

And no, I don't smoke or drink or partake in drug abuse.
Seeing as I never used the words drug or chemist it is clear who is talking out their ass. Your post is irrelevant.
I think you are replying (in content) to me? But my post was a reply to the top post and not to you.

try threaded view... you'll be able to see who is posting to whom and place your posts accordingly.
Gupta needs to keep books sales up. He's a hack.
I'm not a Gupta fan. But aside from that, and aside from your personal feelings about him, what are your thoughts on the marijuana program -- especially this latest evidence of marijuana's effect on infant epilepsy?

My statement about him is not based on feelings. And I have expressed my thoughts several times. The benefits from it are due to one compound that they could easily turn into pill form. If it's really about medicine no one should have a problem with that. But we all know it's not.

marijuana ..even if its smoked should be considered an over all health supplement
Besides the top 10 health benefits below, findings published in the journal PLoS ONE, researchers have now have now discovered that marijuana-like chemicals trigger receptors on human immune cells that can directly inhibit a type of human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) found in late-stage AIDS.

Recent studies have even shown it to be an effective atypical anti-psychotic in treating schizophrenia, a disease many other studies have inconsistently found it causing.

1. Cancer
Cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals and also kill cancer cells. Western governments have known this for a long time yet they continued to suppress the information so that cannabis prohibition and the profits generated by the drug industry proliferated.

THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

2. Tourette’s Syndrome
Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by uncontrollable facial grimaces, tics, and involuntary grunts, snorts and shouts.

Dr. Kirsten Mueller-Vahl of the Hanover Medical College in Germany led a team that investigated the effects of chemicals called cannabinols in 12 adult Tourette’s patients. A single dose of the cannabinol produced a significant reduction in symptoms for several hours compared to placebo, the researchers reported.

3. Seizures
Marijuana is a muscle relaxant and has “antispasmodic” qualities that have proven to be a very effective treatment for seizures. There are actually countless cases of people suffering from seizures that have only been able to function better through the use of marijuana.

4. Migraines
Since medicinal marijuana was legalized in California, doctors have reported that they have been able to treat more than 300,000 cases of migraines that conventional medicine couldn’t through marijuana.

5. Glaucoma
Marijuana’s treatment of glaucoma has been one of the best documented. There isn’t a single valid study that exists that disproves marijuana’s very powerful and popular effects on glaucoma patients.

6. Multiple Sclerosis
Marijuana’s effects on multiple sclerosis patients became better documented when former talk-show host, Montel Williams began to use pot to treat his MS. Marijuana works to stop the neurological effects and muscle spasms that come from the fatal disease.

7. ADD and ADHD
A well documented USC study done about a year ago showed that marijuana is not only a perfect alternative for Ritalin but treats the disorder without any of the negative side effects of the pharmaceutical.

8. IBS and Crohn’s
Marijuana has shown that it can help with symptoms of the chronic diseases as it stops nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

9. Alzheimer’s
Despite what you may have heard about marijuana’s effects on the brain, the Scripps Institute, in 2006, proved that the THC found in marijuana works to prevent Alzheimer’s by blocking the deposits in the brain that cause the disease.

10. Premenstrual Syndrome
Just like marijuana is used to treat IBS, it can be used to treat the cramps and discomfort that causes PMS symptoms. Using marijuana for PMS actually goes all the way back to Queen Victoria.

Mounting Evidence Suggests Raw Cannabis is Best

Cannabinoids can prevent cancer, reduce heart attacks by 66% and insulin dependent diabetes by 58%. Cannabis clinician Dr. William Courtney recommends drinking 4 – 8 ounces of raw flower and leaf juice from any Hemp plant, 5 mg of Cannabidiol (CBD) per kg of body weight, a salad of Hemp seed sprouts and 50 mg of THC taken in 5 daily doses.

Read more: Still Believe Nature Got It Wrong? Top 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana | True Activist
I think you are replying (in content) to me? But my post was a reply to the top post and not to you.

try threaded view... you'll be able to see who is posting to whom and place your posts accordingly.

I can barely get regular view to work.:lol:
I smoked it before and after each chemotherapy treatment I received when I was really ill with colon cancer. It helped me put weight back on my 100 lb 5'6" body, it helped with the nausea and vomiting, I rarely vomited when I helped me deal with it physically, and mentally. My prognosis was poor, I had a 15 month window of survival, it ended up spreading to rare sites in my body that could not be taken care of with chemo or radiation, not even surgery due to the locations of the tumors...went off the chemo for the 6 months required to qualify for a clinical trial, continued to smoke it, 6 months passed and i went to prepare for the clinical trial and lo and behold....the nurse sat myself and my husband down with tears in her eyes and asked if we believed in miracles...the cancer simply disappeared. No trace of it in my blood work, no trace of it in ct and mri...6 months.
Yeah, I believe the almighty G-d given weed cured me. I have no doubt in my heart that to be true.

Still smoke it to this day (and tonight)..;)

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