Guy Wants To Wear Nazi Arm Band At Work

W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.
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What rights were violated? What an idiot!!

There is no First Amendment protect from public blowback or outcry. There is no first Amendment protection from being fired from a private entity. Even a public entity has the right to set dress codes.

It's called free enterprise and Capitalism, Idiot. A very conservative idea.
W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.

As did Republican leaders.

What rights were violated? What an idiot!!

There is no First Amendment protect from public blowback or outcry. There is no first Amendment protection from being fired from a private entity. Even a public entity has the right to set dress codes.

It's called free enterprise and Capitalism, Idiot. A very conservative idea.

Gabriel Diaz, 27, says his rights to free speech were violated by the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) when they suspended his operator’s license Friday – barring him from getting behind the wheel.

Had he been suspended by the company he worked for then he would have no constitutional bitch.

However it was a government agency that suspended his license.

So government CAN suppress free speech! Aren't you liberals proud? What will you do when some local school board suspends a teacher for having a loathsome Obama campaign sticker on her car?

Apples and Oranges? Not hardly.
W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.

As did Republican leaders.

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.
W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.

As did Republican leaders.

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.

Nazi's = National SOCIALIST Party
W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.

As did Republican leaders.

As did Gays, until Hitler turned on them.

Did you know it was a Gay man who co-founded Nazism with Hitler?

In his SS you had to be gay. It is also widely rumored he and Hitler were lovers.

Ernst Rohm.

Does that make all gays Nazi lovers and Jew haters?

But do tell, which Republican leaders embraced Hitler?

Why did FDR promise Hitler the US would remain neutral involving any European issues?

How much different was FDR to Hitler when it came to interning people? Throwing them into camps.... FDR was responsible for the internment of Germans, Japanese and Italians.

Tell me the difference between FDR's "Custodial Detention Index" and Hitler's detention lists?

"Happy Days Are Here Again!"
Had he been suspended by the company he worked for then he would have no constitutional bitch.

However it was a government agency that suspended his license.

So government CAN suppress free speech! Aren't you liberals proud? What will you do when some local school board suspends a teacher for having a loathsome Obama campaign sticker on her car?

Apples and Oranges? Not hardly.

And if he was displaying the badges of faggotry (rainbow, pink triangle) he'd be free to work.
CaféAuLait;9112500 said:
W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.

As did Republican leaders.

As did Gays, until Hitler turned on them.

Did you know it was a Gay man who co-founded Nazism with Hitler?

In his SS you had to be gay. It is also widely rumored he and Hitler were lovers.

Ernst Rohm.

Does that make all gays Nazi lovers and Jew haters?

But do tell, which Republican leaders embraced Hitler?

Why did FDR promise Hitler the US would remain neutral involving any European issues?

How much different was FDR to Hitler when it came to interning people? Throwing them into camps.... FDR was responsible for the internment of Germans, Japanese and Italians.

Tell me the difference between FDR's "Custodial Detention Index" and Hitler's detention lists?

"Happy Days Are Here Again!" want to deflect from AMERICAN Republican Leaders supporting Hitler and admiring him, eh?
Bush's grandpappy Prescott, financial backer of the Nazis, is the role model for modern Republicans. To a them, the free market is sacred, dealing with Nazis is part of a free market, hence dealing with Nazis is good. Most of their hostility towards FDR stems from Prescott Bush having his assets confiscated in 1942 under the Trading With the Enemy Act.

(The rest of their hostility towards FDR stems from his success. Nothing enrages a Republican like success.)
Prove it. You can't, although I hate the Bush family just as much as any other communist dog of your ilk. If the damn Japs had just managed to kill Herbert the world would be a better place.
Bush's grandpappy Prescott, financial backer of the Nazis, is the role model for modern Republicans. To a them, the free market is sacred, dealing with Nazis is part of a free market, hence dealing with Nazis is good. Most of their hostility towards FDR stems from Prescott Bush having his assets confiscated in 1942 under the Trading With the Enemy Act.

(The rest of their hostility towards FDR stems from his success. Nothing enrages a Republican like success.)

Care to provide some links there admiral?
CaféAuLait;9112500 said:
As did Republican leaders.

As did Gays, until Hitler turned on them.

Did you know it was a Gay man who co-founded Nazism with Hitler?

In his SS you had to be gay. It is also widely rumored he and Hitler were lovers.

Ernst Rohm.

Does that make all gays Nazi lovers and Jew haters?

But do tell, which Republican leaders embraced Hitler?

Why did FDR promise Hitler the US would remain neutral involving any European issues?

How much different was FDR to Hitler when it came to interning people? Throwing them into camps.... FDR was responsible for the internment of Germans, Japanese and Italians.

Tell me the difference between FDR's "Custodial Detention Index" and Hitler's detention lists?

"Happy Days Are Here Again!" want to deflect from AMERICAN Republican Leaders supporting Hitler and admiring him, eh?

Deflect? I asked which republican leaders supported Hitler? I also pointed out democrats 'supported him' and in fact helped co-found Nazism and an AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC President promised Hitler he would not interfere while an AMERICAN democratic president used camps just like Hitler in the USA.
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