Guy Wants To Wear Nazi Arm Band At Work

Unicorns and rainbows don't commit mass genocide, that symbol however was worn by people who did.

So you must be offended by people who decorate their homes with the symbols and posters of communists governments that killed far more people, right, you fucking Nazi?

I hadn't noticed your home decorated in that fashion but if you say it is, and were I to see it, yes I'd be offended and feel strongly that you ought to tear it down. BTW, thank you for confirming your dedication to liberal civility by projecting your party affiliation. Not that we needed it.....

I am not projecting anything, Sherlock.

The POTUS press secretary has several communist WW2 era posters decorating his home and two have Obama and michelle in them as the subjects posed in communist regalia.

Funny how you made presumptions; did you forget which account you were using?

Too bad the holocaust wasn't worldwide.

Are you mental?
When I heard that said about the holocaust, my first reaction was 'wtf? seriously?'

Hitler sent LGBT people to concentration camps or had them euthanized.

lol, bullshit, un less Hitler was giving them a blow job instead. Though Rohm's SA was long-knived, the SS which also had plenty of fagotry was entirely spared.

Guess that is why so many of them have adopted Nazi methods to target their political opposition then.
Whats truly sad other than the driver in the OP is how quickly this degenerated into a who supported Hitler and the Nazis more the left or the right food fight.

The Democrats are setting up a dictatorship and all you see is a fucking food fight?

Good God, this country will deserve what it gets for being so damned stupid.
Whats truly sad other than the driver in the OP is how quickly this degenerated into a who supported Hitler and the Nazis more the left or the right food fight.

The Democrats are setting up a dictatorship and all you see is a fucking food fight?

Good God, this country will deserve what it gets for being so damned stupid.

Soooo, did you get out there and fight the power this weekend? :lol::lol:

Operation American Spring falls flat: 'This is very disappointing,' Texan says - Washington Times
Whats truly sad other than the driver in the OP is how quickly this degenerated into a who supported Hitler and the Nazis more the left or the right food fight.

The Democrats are setting up a dictatorship and all you see is a fucking food fight?

Good God, this country will deserve what it gets for being so damned stupid.

Soooo, did you get out there and fight the power this weekend? :lol::lol:

Operation American Spring falls flat: 'This is very disappointing,' Texan says - Washington Times

All that presumption around your face makes it plain you have your head up your ass, bitch.

I did not support that flakey bullshit, and you PC Nazis are stupid enough to ASSume that every person you think a conservative did.

That's on you butt-face.
Are you mental?
When I heard that said about the holocaust, my first reaction was 'wtf? seriously?'

Hitler sent LGBT people to concentration camps or had them euthanized.

lol, bullshit, un less Hitler was giving them a blow job instead. Though Rohm's SA was long-knived, the SS which also had plenty of fagotry was entirely spared.

Guess that is why so many of them have adopted Nazi methods to target their political opposition then.
Funny how you call others Nazis as a derogatory term, then deny the holocaust. You have issues: JONATHAN ZIMMERMAN: Did Nazis persecute gays, or were they gay ... -
But none of these GOP hopefuls have challenged Fischer, who insists that Adolf Hitler and many of his storm troopers were gay. "So it was homosexual thugs that helped Hitler to form the Nazi Party," Fischer told a radio audience in June, adding that the party began "in a gay bar in Munich."

The truth is precisely the opposite, as historians such as Geoffrey Giles and William Spurlin have shown. Rather than coddling or encouraging gays, the Nazis banned homosexual activity as early as 1935. The following year, they established a "Central Office for Combating Abortion and Homosexuality."

Like the termination of pregnancies, the Nazis maintained, homosexuality would harm the health of the "Volk" -- that is, of the German people. Gays "undermine the natural will to life by propagating an aversion to marriage and the family," one Nazi author wrote in 1938.

Other Nazis worried that gays lacked the masculine virtues to defend the nation during wartime. "The new Germany has no use for criminals and weaklings, perverts and inverts, but requires instead straightforward and sincere manly souls," one propagandist wrote, "and so we must combat homosexuality with the means available to us -- education, observation, the law, the police, and the courts."

And so they did. Between 1933 and 1945, the Nazis arrested roughly 100,000 men as homosexuals. Most convicted gays were sent to prison; between 5,000 and 15,000 were interned in concentration camps, where they wore pink triangles to signify their supposed crime.
When I heard that said about the holocaust, my first reaction was 'wtf? seriously?'

Hitler sent LGBT people to concentration camps or had them euthanized.

lol, bullshit, un less Hitler was giving them a blow job instead. Though Rohm's SA was long-knived, the SS which also had plenty of fagotry was entirely spared.

Guess that is why so many of them have adopted Nazi methods to target their political opposition then.
Funny how you call others Nazis as a derogatory term, then deny the holocaust. You have issues: JONATHAN ZIMMERMAN: Did Nazis persecute gays, or were they gay ... -
But none of these GOP hopefuls have challenged Fischer, who insists that Adolf Hitler and many of his storm troopers were gay. "So it was homosexual thugs that helped Hitler to form the Nazi Party," Fischer told a radio audience in June, adding that the party began "in a gay bar in Munich."

The truth is precisely the opposite, as historians such as Geoffrey Giles and William Spurlin have shown. Rather than coddling or encouraging gays, the Nazis banned homosexual activity as early as 1935. The following year, they established a "Central Office for Combating Abortion and Homosexuality."

Like the termination of pregnancies, the Nazis maintained, homosexuality would harm the health of the "Volk" -- that is, of the German people. Gays "undermine the natural will to life by propagating an aversion to marriage and the family," one Nazi author wrote in 1938.

Other Nazis worried that gays lacked the masculine virtues to defend the nation during wartime. "The new Germany has no use for criminals and weaklings, perverts and inverts, but requires instead straightforward and sincere manly souls," one propagandist wrote, "and so we must combat homosexuality with the means available to us -- education, observation, the law, the police, and the courts."

And so they did. Between 1933 and 1945, the Nazis arrested roughly 100,000 men as homosexuals. Most convicted gays were sent to prison; between 5,000 and 15,000 were interned in concentration camps, where they wore pink triangles to signify their supposed crime.

I did not deny the holocaust, you fucking liar.

lol, you PC Nazis just resort to lying when you don't have any facts, just like good little Nazis.
The Democrats are setting up a dictatorship and all you see is a fucking food fight?

Good God, this country will deserve what it gets for being so damned stupid.

Soooo, did you get out there and fight the power this weekend? :lol::lol:

Operation American Spring falls flat: 'This is very disappointing,' Texan says - Washington Times

All that presumption around your face makes it plain you have your head up your ass, bitch.

I did not support that flakey bullshit, and you PC Nazis are stupid enough to ASSume that every person you think a conservative did.

That's on you butt-face.

Say Whaaa? My point was as plain as the one on top of your head, Chicken Little ... the sky is not falling.
lol, bullshit, un less Hitler was giving them a blow job instead. Though Rohm's SA was long-knived, the SS which also had plenty of fagotry was entirely spared.

Guess that is why so many of them have adopted Nazi methods to target their political opposition then.
Funny how you call others Nazis as a derogatory term, then deny the holocaust. You have issues: JONATHAN ZIMMERMAN: Did Nazis persecute gays, or were they gay ... -
But none of these GOP hopefuls have challenged Fischer, who insists that Adolf Hitler and many of his storm troopers were gay. "So it was homosexual thugs that helped Hitler to form the Nazi Party," Fischer told a radio audience in June, adding that the party began "in a gay bar in Munich."

The truth is precisely the opposite, as historians such as Geoffrey Giles and William Spurlin have shown. Rather than coddling or encouraging gays, the Nazis banned homosexual activity as early as 1935. The following year, they established a "Central Office for Combating Abortion and Homosexuality."

Like the termination of pregnancies, the Nazis maintained, homosexuality would harm the health of the "Volk" -- that is, of the German people. Gays "undermine the natural will to life by propagating an aversion to marriage and the family," one Nazi author wrote in 1938.

Other Nazis worried that gays lacked the masculine virtues to defend the nation during wartime. "The new Germany has no use for criminals and weaklings, perverts and inverts, but requires instead straightforward and sincere manly souls," one propagandist wrote, "and so we must combat homosexuality with the means available to us -- education, observation, the law, the police, and the courts."

And so they did. Between 1933 and 1945, the Nazis arrested roughly 100,000 men as homosexuals. Most convicted gays were sent to prison; between 5,000 and 15,000 were interned in concentration camps, where they wore pink triangles to signify their supposed crime.

I did not deny the holocaust, you fucking liar.

lol, you PC Nazis just resort to lying when you don't have any facts, just like good little Nazis.
You denied LGBT people died in the holocaust, and even suggested Hitler was gay. That is close enough, you can't pick and choose who deserves recognition in a holocaust, and thus deride one group that died because you don't like them.

All that presumption around your face makes it plain you have your head up your ass, bitch.

I did not support that flakey bullshit, and you PC Nazis are stupid enough to ASSume that every person you think a conservative did.

That's on you butt-face.

Say Whaaa? My point was as plain as the one on top of your head, Chicken Little ... the sky is not falling.

lol, eat shit, loser bitch
Funny how you call others Nazis as a derogatory term, then deny the holocaust. You have issues: JONATHAN ZIMMERMAN: Did Nazis persecute gays, or were they gay ... -

I did not deny the holocaust, you fucking liar.

lol, you PC Nazis just resort to lying when you don't have any facts, just like good little Nazis.
You denied LGBT people died in the holocaust, and even suggested Hitler was gay. That is close enough, you can't pick and choose who deserves recognition in a holocaust, and thus deride one group that died because you don't like them.

I did not deny that queers died in the holocaust you fucking idiot.

I pointed out that there were still plenty of them in the SS.

IF you cant figure that out then go piss on yourself.
...the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) when they suspended his operator’s license Friday

Read more: Swastika-wearing Dominican NYC cabbie lashes out at critics after ban from collecting fares | Mail Online

I hate to say it, because I think the cabbie is nuts, but the guy does have a point.

The LOCAL government is repressing his right of free expression.

Now if the cab company had fired him, THEY probably do have that right.

But he was suspended by a local government agency.

So, what does the New York law tell us?

Second That no citizen of this State shall be taken or imprisoned or be disseised of his or her
freehold or liberties of free customs or outlawed or exiled or condemned or otherwise destroyed, but by
lawful judgment of his or her peers or by due process of law.

Fifth That no person, of what estate or condition soever shall be taken or imprisoned, or disinherited
or put to death without being brought to answer by due process of law, and that no person shall be put
out of his or her franchise or freehold or lose his or her life or limb, or goods and chattels, unless he or
she be duly brought to answer and be forejudged of the same by due course of law and if any thing be
done contrary to the same it shall be void in law and holden for none

I do not really see any FREEDOM of SPEECH rights in the above, but the are taking his right to make a living which is, I think, protected unless he is given a trial first.

I think the guy might have a case for the ACLU to consider.

It is NOT a crime to be a NAZI. It ought therefore NOT be a crime to wear their emblems or insignias.

I think the Taxi and Limousine Commission exceeded their authority and violated this idiots 1st amendment right.
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The Nazis in 30s/40s Germany and the Right in America today hate the same groups ... interesting.

Lol, total bullshit.

Nazis were among the first political parties to accept openly queer members and give them positions of power.

The Nazis were the first political party to engage in environmentalism.

The Nazis were the first to cut a deal with the Soviets, and immediately all the leftwing fagots in the USA began to defend Hitler as a great guy, then reversed themselves again when Hitler invaded Russia, like the good little communist fagots they are.

The Nazis loved big government, police brutality, militarizing the police, centralized government, Big Lies, and attacking their opponents with no honesty or integrity.

The Nazis are just like the Democrats today.

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