Guy Wants To Wear Nazi Arm Band At Work

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.
The History Channel is showing "The World Wars" starting on Memorial Day. I hope many will watch it to learn about that era, particularly WW2 and the truth about Nazis, Fascists, and Communists.

As if anyone that owns a TV hasn't had enough of an opportunity to learn all about WWII and the Nazis already. The Holocaust... sorry History Channel has been running documentaries on that particular era for over two decades now.

There have been endless books and documentaries too. It doesn't make a dent when the Revisionistas get busy with it.
If the guy is self-employed, he should be able to wear whatever-the-hell he wants to, including a Nazi swastika armband...

He may not get a single customer, but, he's entitled...

If he's an employee, however, his employer has a reasonable right to impose a modicum of Dress Code upon his employees, and that would include the prohibition of apparel items that a reasonable person would conclude are likely to offend and drive-away potential customers and result in lost revenue...

If the employee doesn't like that, he's free to quit his job...
I didn't know Tu Quoque was considered on topic, but if you really must know, Joe Kennedy (Sr) opined that Hitler's push was inevitable and that Britain, to which country he was ambassador, should give up. And he got fired by FDR for that, and rightly so.

What that's got to do with his son eludes me. But then what that's got to do with this whole topic eludes me.

Sins of the fathers and all that. But then FDR failed to do his liberal duty. Kennedy was rich so FDR should have felt compelled to somehow strip him of the wealth. Which to the right is a good thing but to the left has to be hearbreaking.
FDR was rich, too. No Democrat has ever asked that the rich give away their money.
Under Eisenhower, a Republican, we did have a top tax rate of 90%, though.
If its just a swatstika I fail to see the problem.
Then you don't understand racism and discrimination against Jews then, though the swastika is also highly offensive towards the other groups that were victims of the Nazi Holocaust such as LGBT people, Gypsies and the disabled. It was a good call, there is no room for that sort of thing in the workplace.
If its just a swatstika I fail to see the problem.
Then you don't understand racism and discrimination against Jews then, though the swastika is also highly offensive towards the other groups that were victims of the Nazi Holocaust such as LGBT people, Gypsies and the disabled. It was a good call, there is no room for that sort of thing in the workplace.

And I am offended by unicorns and rainbows so you better not get any of them tattooed on your bod 'cause I'm entitled to rip them off. Hey, no room for that offensive shit in a civilized society!
Apples fall not far from the tree.

oOOOOOooooo, "explosive book!" What could be more credible? Color me impressed.[/QUOTE]

I tried to borrow Obama's watercolour box to do just that but the red's all gone - pissed away on lines that magically faded away. Would you settle for pink? Or, maybe, yellow?
If its just a swatstika I fail to see the problem.
Then you don't understand racism and discrimination against Jews then, though the swastika is also highly offensive towards the other groups that were victims of the Nazi Holocaust such as LGBT people, Gypsies and the disabled. It was a good call, there is no room for that sort of thing in the workplace.

And I am offended by unicorns and rainbows so you better not get any of them tattooed on your bod 'cause I'm entitled to rip them off. Hey, no room for that offensive shit in a civilized society!
Unicorns and rainbows don't commit mass genocide, that symbol however was worn by people who did.

BEFORE the world saw what he was doing and later, what he did, a lot people admired him.

What's this Republican's excuse?


Why Is This GOP House Candidate Dressed as a Nazi? - Joshua Green - The Atlantic

Then you don't understand racism and discrimination against Jews then, though the swastika is also highly offensive towards the other groups that were victims of the Nazi Holocaust such as LGBT people, Gypsies and the disabled. It was a good call, there is no room for that sort of thing in the workplace.

And I am offended by unicorns and rainbows so you better not get any of them tattooed on your bod 'cause I'm entitled to rip them off. Hey, no room for that offensive shit in a civilized society!
Unicorns and rainbows don't commit mass genocide, that symbol however was worn by people who did.

So you must be offended by people who decorate their homes with the symbols and posters of communists governments that killed far more people, right, you fucking Nazi?
And I am offended by unicorns and rainbows so you better not get any of them tattooed on your bod 'cause I'm entitled to rip them off. Hey, no room for that offensive shit in a civilized society!
Unicorns and rainbows don't commit mass genocide, that symbol however was worn by people who did.

So you must be offended by people who decorate their homes with the symbols and posters of communists governments that killed far more people, right, you fucking Nazi?

I hadn't noticed your home decorated in that fashion but if you say it is, and were I to see it, yes I'd be offended and feel strongly that you ought to tear it down. BTW, thank you for confirming your dedication to liberal civility by projecting your party affiliation. Not that we needed it.....
Unicorns and rainbows don't commit mass genocide, that symbol however was worn by people who did.

Crosses were worn by people committing mass genocide, and crosses are the most popular symbol worn by people in the United States. :)
There are many symbols you can display with impunity. The twisted cross is not one of them.
You display this in my neighborhood, and I am quite willing to face jail time to express exactly what I think of that.
If its just a swatstika I fail to see the problem.
Then you don't understand racism and discrimination against Jews then, though the swastika is also highly offensive towards the other groups that were victims of the Nazi Holocaust such as LGBT people, Gypsies and the disabled. It was a good call, there is no room for that sort of thing in the workplace.

It's what the swastika stands for that's the problem.

The swatstika is actually a very positive symbol. Cultures such as the Hindus and Buddhists have used it since ancient times and still do, and its original meaning has nothing to do with racism or discrimination.

Christians use a cross to symbolize Jesus' sacrifice during the crucifixion. Pagans have used the cross since before that to represent the seasons, the elements, the solstices and equinoxes, etc. Symbols can "stand for" various things, to various people.

I'm bi and the swatstika is not "highly offensive" to me. I understand Hitler's brilliant Eugenics vision. Future generations would have become so much stronger, smarter, and healthier. Too bad the holocaust wasn't worldwide.
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W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.

As did Republican leaders.

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.

If FDR admired Hitler so much then what stopped him from going all the way and gassing the japs while he was at it?
There are many symbols you can display with impunity. The twisted cross is not one of them.
You display this in my neighborhood, and I am quite willing to face jail time to express exactly what I think of that.

It would certainly be amusing to see you try. You wouldn't get very far.

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