Guy Wants To Wear Nazi Arm Band At Work

Joe Kennedy = Nazi admirer before that became unpopular.
John F. Kennedy = elected despite his family's record of Nazi support

Ob la dee, ob la dahhhh.......

And the bullshit piles higher and deeper.

But Joe Kennedy was THEIR proNazi Supporter....and that makes for ALL the difference.
And from the left we now hear the gentle chirping of crickets as they search for their leaders for instructions on how to counter the pathetically sad history of Klan Kennedy!
I didn't know Tu Quoque was considered on topic, but if you really must know, Joe Kennedy (Sr) opined that Hitler's push was inevitable and that Britain, to which country he was ambassador, should give up. And he got fired by FDR for that, and rightly so.

What that's got to do with his son eludes me. But then what that's got to do with this whole topic eludes me. :dunno:

I'm pretty sure none of the Kennedys have been with the Klan. But feel free to dispute that with your usual plethora of links. As long as we've abandoned the topic and all.

And btw the impatience is poignant from a guy who still hasn't answered his question about that time that Hillary forgot her middle name.

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I didn't know Tu Quoque was considered on topic, but if you really must know, Joe Kennedy (Sr) opined that Hitler's push was inevitable and that Britain, to which country he was ambassador, should give up. And he got fired by FDR for that, and rightly so.

What that's got to do with his son eludes me. But then what that's got to do with this whole topic eludes me.

Sins of the fathers and all that. But then FDR failed to do his liberal duty. Kennedy was rich so FDR should have felt compelled to somehow strip him of the wealth. Which to the right is a good thing but to the left has to be hearbreaking.
I didn't know Tu Quoque was considered on topic, but if you really must know, Joe Kennedy (Sr) opined that Hitler's push was inevitable and that Britain, to which country he was ambassador, should give up. And he got fired by FDR for that, and rightly so.

What that's got to do with his son eludes me. But then what that's got to do with this whole topic eludes me.

Sins of the fathers and all that. But then FDR failed to do his liberal duty. Kennedy was rich so FDR should have felt compelled to somehow strip him of the wealth. Which to the right is a good thing but to the left has to be hearbreaking.

What about the sins of the fathers?

Were we supposed to condemn Reagan for his father's alcoholism?

NOW you tell me.

Yeah it's "hearbreaking". I can't hear what your point is. Oh wait, you abandoned it and went somewhere else.

I didn't know Tu Quoque was considered on topic, but if you really must know, Joe Kennedy (Sr) opined that Hitler's push was inevitable and that Britain, to which country he was ambassador, should give up. And he got fired by FDR for that, and rightly so.

What that's got to do with his son eludes me. But then what that's got to do with this whole topic eludes me.

Sins of the fathers and all that. But then FDR failed to do his liberal duty. Kennedy was rich so FDR should have felt compelled to somehow strip him of the wealth. Which to the right is a good thing but to the left has to be hearbreaking.

What about the sins of the fathers?

Were we supposed to condemn Reagan for his father's alcoholism?

NOW you tell me.

Yeah it's "hearbreaking". I can't hear what your point is. Oh wait, you abandoned it and went somewhere else.


Lol, everybody get this; the libtards have been saying the GOP is full of neo-Nazis since an elder Bush was working for a bank that handled funds from the Nazis government. All the money was handled correctly, nothing untoward was done, and the federal government was kept informed from the start.

So some have countered that the Kennedy family was similarly cooperative with and apparently in admiration of the Nazis and thought that they would beat the Brits.

But Pogo can not see the connection at all, God help him, just cant fathom it at all.

lol, why do libtards think that their stupidity is some kind of rebuttal to conservative arguments?
Sins of the fathers and all that. But then FDR failed to do his liberal duty. Kennedy was rich so FDR should have felt compelled to somehow strip him of the wealth. Which to the right is a good thing but to the left has to be hearbreaking.

What about the sins of the fathers?

Were we supposed to condemn Reagan for his father's alcoholism?

NOW you tell me.

Yeah it's "hearbreaking". I can't hear what your point is. Oh wait, you abandoned it and went somewhere else.


Lol, everybody get this; the libtards have been saying the GOP is full of neo-Nazis since an elder Bush was working for a bank that handled funds from the Nazis government. All the money was handled correctly, nothing untoward was done, and the federal government was kept informed from the start.

So some have countered that the Kennedy family was similarly cooperative with and apparently in admiration of the Nazis and thought that they would beat the Brits.

But Pogo can not see the connection at all, God help him, just cant fathom it at all.

lol, why do libtards think that their stupidity is some kind of rebuttal to conservative arguments?

I don't think voicing a stupid defeatist projection of what Naziism would be is quite the same thing as actually funding it. But I am impressed with your dedication to reading a poster you claim to have on Ignore.
[ame=]Suspended Cab Driver Insists He Has The Right To Wear A Swastika Armband & Denies The Holocaust - YouTube[/ame]
What about the sins of the fathers?

Were we supposed to condemn Reagan for his father's alcoholism?

NOW you tell me.

Yeah it's "hearbreaking". I can't hear what your point is. Oh wait, you abandoned it and went somewhere else.


Lol, everybody get this; the libtards have been saying the GOP is full of neo-Nazis since an elder Bush was working for a bank that handled funds from the Nazis government. All the money was handled correctly, nothing untoward was done, and the federal government was kept informed from the start.

So some have countered that the Kennedy family was similarly cooperative with and apparently in admiration of the Nazis and thought that they would beat the Brits.

But Pogo can not see the connection at all, God help him, just cant fathom it at all.

lol, why do libtards think that their stupidity is some kind of rebuttal to conservative arguments?

I don't think voicing a stupid defeatist projection of what Naziism would be is quite the same thing as actually funding it. But I am impressed with your dedication to reading a poster you claim to have on Ignore.

Bush did not fund the Nazis, you lying jack ass. He merely provided banking services as an employee of a bank that had the German governments accounts, a typical hohum no news kind of thing and the FDR administration was fully informed.

But you PC Nazis are like that; what conservatives do is immoral, illicit and criminal while everything your fellow PC Nazis do is given a big pass no matter what.

That is why only about 20% of the population is willing to call themselves 'liberal' because they know what a bunch of lying ass hats you are.
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The dude makes no sense except for one thing; he has a right to wear it in his private life no matter what anyone thinks about it. But at least he sees that he doesn't have the right to wear it on the job.

I get the impression from watching the video he is more anti-immigration and anti-gay than he is anti-semitic, though wearing a swastika is in itself a form of anti-semitism no matter what your expressed opinions may be otherwise.
And from the left we now hear the gentle chirping of crickets as they search for their leaders for instructions on how to counter the pathetically sad history of Klan Kennedy!

Anytime cons are wrong, they dredge up history.

How about right now?

The dude makes no sense except for one thing; he has a right to wear it in his private life no matter what anyone thinks about it. But at least he sees that he doesn't have the right to wear it on the job.

I get the impression from watching the video he is more anti-immigration and anti-gay than he is anti-semitic, though wearing a swastika is in itself a form of anti-semitism no matter what your expressed opinions may be otherwise.

He can wear it at work if he wants.

And his boss can fire him for wearing it.
And from the left we now hear the gentle chirping of crickets as they search for their leaders for instructions on how to counter the pathetically sad history of Klan Kennedy!

Anytime cons are wrong, they dredge up history.

How about right now?

You mean other than the reigning regime that holds peace time nonemergency dictatorial power and that uses the IRS to target political opponents, makes law without Congressional approval and refuses to enforce law like a dictator would do, and sthe PC Nazis who trip people of their careers and income for expressing view the libtards disagree with, etc?

You mean that kind of 'right now' PC Nazi kind of thing?

No, I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.
And from the left we now hear the gentle chirping of crickets as they search for their leaders for instructions on how to counter the pathetically sad history of Klan Kennedy!

Anytime cons are wrong, they dredge up history.

How about right now?

You mean other than the reigning regime that holds peace time nonemergency dictatorial power and that uses the IRS to target political opponents, makes law without Congressional approval and refuses to enforce law like a dictator would do, and sthe PC Nazis who trip people of their careers and income for expressing view the libtards disagree with, etc?

You mean that kind of 'right now' PC Nazi kind of thing?

No, I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

And when dredging up history doesn't work, they try to change the subject.

Fact is, at one time the Dems were the conservative party.

They are not now.

Deal with it.

The dude makes no sense except for one thing; he has a right to wear it in his private life no matter what anyone thinks about it. But at least he sees that he doesn't have the right to wear it on the job.

I get the impression from watching the video he is more anti-immigration and anti-gay than he is anti-semitic, though wearing a swastika is in itself a form of anti-semitism no matter what your expressed opinions may be otherwise.

He can wear it at work if he wants.

And his boss can fire him for wearing it.

That is what it means when people say, 'you cannot wear it at work or you will get fired.'

What did you think it meant, 'If you wear this at work you will be sent to the Gulag or a death camp,' like a good little Nazi would do?
Anytime cons are wrong, they dredge up history.

How about right now?

You mean other than the reigning regime that holds peace time nonemergency dictatorial power and that uses the IRS to target political opponents, makes law without Congressional approval and refuses to enforce law like a dictator would do, and sthe PC Nazis who trip people of their careers and income for expressing view the libtards disagree with, etc?

You mean that kind of 'right now' PC Nazi kind of thing?

No, I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

And when dredging up history doesn't work, they try to change the subject.

Fact is, at one time the Dems were the conservative party.

They are not now.

Deal with it.

Lol, I do deal with 'it', the 'it' being your massive pile of steaming bullshit lies. And I deal with it by showing t for what it is, pure lies.

I am talking about todays current PC Naziism as practiced by todays leftwing fascists, something you asked for an example of, you fucking moron.
W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.

As did Republican leaders.

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.

As did Republican leaders.

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.
The History Channel is showing "The World Wars" starting on Memorial Day. I hope many will watch it to learn about that era, particularly WW2 and the truth about Nazis, Fascists, and Communists.

As if anyone that owns a TV hasn't had enough of an opportunity to learn all about WWII and the Nazis already. The Holocaust... sorry History Channel has been running documentaries on that particular era for over two decades now.
W.E.B Dubois actually claimed that his politics were very much in line with National Socialism...while this guy may be an anamoly today...back in the days prior to WW2, many black Leaders had respect and admiration for Hitler & National Socialism.

I might be wrong on Dubois, Im pretty sure I have it correct though.

As did Republican leaders.

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.

Hitler?s Mutual Admiration Society The Future of Freedom Foundation

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,”

Roosevelt and his “Brain Trust,” the architects of the New Deal, were fascinated by Italy’s fascism — a term which was not perjorative at the time. In America, it was seen as a form of economic nationalism built around consensus planning by the established elites in government, business, and labor.

Perhaps we also shouldn’t forget that the largest public-works project in U.S. history — the Interstate Highway System — was due to the inspiration that President Dwight Eisenhower received from seeing Hitler’s National Socialist autobahn system.
If he had worn a gay pride rainbow armband, he would have no problems

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