Guy Wants To Wear Nazi Arm Band At Work

And from the left we now hear the gentle chirping of crickets as they search for their leaders for instructions on how to counter the pathetically sad history of Klan Kennedy!

HBH, you are talking like the silly you are, yet again.

Now say something about anal sex, your normal slur against anyone who makes you look into the mirror.
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Goddess, we are no more scared of you than anybody of your ilk.

You have a right to post a twisted cross, and we have the right to respond to it.
And from the left we now hear the gentle chirping of crickets as they search for their leaders for instructions on how to counter the pathetically sad history of Klan Kennedy!

HBH, you are talking like the you are, yet again.

Now say something about anal sex, your normal slur against anyone who makes you look into the mirror.

Breakdown coming a little early this evening Pajama Boy?
If he had worn a gay pride rainbow armband, he would have no problems

Hitler also persecuted homosexuals. Which party likes to persecute homosexuals? Sorry, but I know you guys are always parading as freedom fighters and trying to pretend you're like the people that freed the slaves etc. Your actions and beliefs show otherwise.
And from the left we now hear the gentle chirping of crickets as they search for their leaders for instructions on how to counter the pathetically sad history of Klan Kennedy!

HBH, you are talking like the loser you are, yet again.

Now say something about anal sex, your normal slur against anyone who makes you look into the mirror.

Breakdown coming a little early this evening Pajama Boy?

Yep, you are melting, my friend.
As did Republican leaders.

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.

You are full of "Dripping Poop" as usual. Funny how the Nazi/Fascists of the time absolutely hated Roosevelt!!!

The anti-union GOP were the biggest supporters Of Hitler.

The American Liberty League came as close as the United States has come to overthrowing the elected President in a coup d'etat. After the extent of his New Deal plans to end the Great Depression became known, many of the wealthy industrialists in the country considered President Franklin Roosevelt at the minimum a "traitor to his class" and a pawn of "Jewish Communism". They formed the American Liberty League, no gathering of crackpots, but a roll-call of the most powerful American capitalists, a list which reminds me of the credits before a PBS show...including J.P. Morgan, the DuPonts, Andrew Mellon, the Rockefellers, E.F. Hutton, and Joseph Pew of Sunoco. The value of the Liberty League, according to one estimate, was 37 billion 1938 dollars! (Archer 1973, 31) At the time, DuPont and Alfred P. Sloan of General Motors were in control of the powerful anti-labor National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) With the help of Joseph Pews, NAM subsidized the Sentinels of the Republic, the first industrial group to declare "the New Deal is Communist" and to openly decry the "Jewish threat".

The German American Bund was formed in July 1933 from the ashes of previous German American societies. Wilhelm Bohle, a German undersecretary of state, organized the Nazi support for Germans abroad, consisting of agitation among German immigrants and German Americans, cooperation with other anti-Semitic groups, and direct espionage. His assistant was the spy Dr. Ignatz Griebl, the leader of the "Friends of New Germany". Griebl was later an organizer of German Americans in the New York Republican Campaign Committee in 1936, when Alf Landon was the Republican candidate.

The American Legion in 1922, before the Fascists had even taken control in Italy, Colonel Alvin Owsley, then the Commander of the Legion, declared that the Legion was poised to fight "Soviets, anarchists, I.W.W.'s, revolutionary socialists and every other 'red'." Owsley invited Mussolini to speak at almost every yearly convention of the Legion. "Do not forget," he said, "that the Fascisti are to Italy what the American Legion is to the United States." This was real Fascism; "What comes nearer true Fascism is this kind of violent anti-labor activity, carried on not by hired strong-arm men or state troopers but by volunteers in the nature of vigilante groups." Owsley, incidentally, was later a minister to Ireland and then Denmark. The Legion was not unique, either; even the Daughters of the American Revolution supported a rather gentle description of Fascism in their 1934 Handbook.
Members of the American Legion committed violent anti-labor acts all through the 1920s, and any pro-union posts were expelled. The Legion endorsed the anti-labor Christian American Association, a Ku Klux Klan front, in the middle of the war during May 1943; they also accepted 20 million dollars from NAM.

Father Charles Coughlin, leader of the Christian Front, was a real American Fascist. At first, amazingly, Coughlin was an energetic backer of Franklin Roosevelt. As a Catholic priest, he hated the Ku Klux Klan and the local Detroit Fascist Gerald L.K. Smith; he attacked Wall Street bankers for their oppression of the working people and used as his motto "Roosevelt or Ruin!" throughout the 1932 Presidential election. But he was not Union man; Father Coughlin used his power to arrange for a Ford Company Union to keep the CIO and the AFL out of Detroit. Henry Ford, of course, was an early supporter of Hitler beginning in 1922, a charge never denied by Ford.
Coughlin formed the Union Party with his old Detroit nemesis, the Fascist Gerald L.K. Smith. They supported William Lemke as the Union candidate in the 1936 Presidential election; even so, Lemke received only 891,858 votes, a good measure of the extreme right-wing support in the country at the time, when over fifty million voted.
In 1937, Father Coughlin was associated with the Committee for Constitutional Government, organized by newspaper publisher Frank Gannett (now the publisher of USA Today), who distributed more than 760,000 books. The CCG also included the famous Reverend Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Father Edward Curran, an old supporter of Coughlin and founder of the American Rock Party. The Committee for Constitutional Government also included Dr. Edward A. Rumely, who served a year in prison during WWI as a German agent (until he was pardoned by President Calvin Coolidge), newspaper syndicator Samuel McClure, a propagandist for Mussolini and Italian Fascism who spent two years in Italy, and former Senator Edmund Burke of Nebraska and a former Khaki Shirt. Peale formed Guideposts in 1944 to support Republican Thomas_Dewey in his race against President Roosevelt that year.
In May 1938, Father Coughlin became even more seditious, urging his followers to form platoons of 25 men each; and thousands did as he asked. He attacked the very nature of democracy, holding up the Fascist governments of Italy and Germany as models to be copied. His platoons peddled his Fascist rag Social Justice on street corners, selling about 300,000 at its peak; although Coughlin claimed to have a mailing list of over one million readers.

The America First Committee was a different animal than the German American Bund or the homegrown Fascists, and they were far more powerful. These were Americans from many different backgrounds who shared a desire to end the war with Germany and Japan, but not out of any pacifist streak. The most prominent member to us today would be Colonel Charles Lindbergh, an internationally known figure due to his solo flight from New York to Paris in 1927. Along with Lindbergh, other prominent members of the Committee included: World War I air ace Eddie Rickenbacker, industrialist Henry Ford, Thomas McCarter, the Director of Chase National Bank, Robert Wood, Chairman of Sears Roebuck, Douglas Stuart, a member of the Quaker Oats family and owner of the Fascist publication Scribner's Commentary, and even Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Teddy Roosevelt's socialite daughter and a distant cousin of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. At its peak, the Committee boasted a following of 5 million members. (Higham 1985, 13) They had friends in high places, too; from Senator Wheeler, who supported the America First Committee by selling them a million franks (the free postage given to Congress and Senate members), and from Senator Lundeen, who was later killed in a mysterious plane crash with the FBI man following him. Lundeen had hired George Viereck as a speechwriter; Viereck was later convicted as a Nazi agent. (Hoke 1946, 105, 108)
George Viereck was also linked to the publishers of the Fascist Herald and Scribner's Commentary in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Scribner's published articles by Lindberghs and many other Fascist apologists, and when the FBI raided the Lake Geneva complex, Fascist Ralph Townsend disappeared into Canada, while several German agents were arrested. (Hoke 1946, 158) The future members of the Committee were not detered. In November 1939, Charles Lindbergh wrote the following for the Reader's Digest: "Our civilization depends on a united strength among ourselves; on a strength too great for foreign armies to challenge; on a Western wall of race and arms which can hold back either a Genghis Khan or the infiltration of inferior blood; on an English fleet, a German airforce, a French army, an American nation, standing together as guardians of our common heritage, sharing strength, dividing influence...we can have peace and security only so long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood, only so long as we guard ourselves against attack by foreign armies and dilution by foreign races."
The Reader's Digest, not surprisingly, was owned and published by the pro-Fascist and anti-labor DeWitt Wallace. Among the other right-wing, if not outright pro-Fascist publications were the Chicago Tribune, the Hearst newspapers, the newspapers of Frank Gannett, the Scripps-Howard (later UP) Syndicate, and the Washington Times-Herald. Throughout the 1930s, the Chicago Times offered rewards of $1000 to $5000 to prove that certain items in the Tribune were NOT lies. The rewards were never claimed. President Roosevelt himself denounced William Randolph Hearst, the UP Syndicate and the Chicago Tribune for their support of Hitler.
If its just a swatstika I fail to see the problem.
Then you don't understand racism and discrimination against Jews then, though the swastika is also highly offensive towards the other groups that were victims of the Nazi Holocaust such as LGBT people, Gypsies and the disabled. It was a good call, there is no room for that sort of thing in the workplace.

It's what the swastika stands for that's the problem.

The swatstika is actually a very positive symbol. Cultures such as the Hindus and Buddhists have used it since ancient times and still do, and its original meaning has nothing to do with racism or discrimination.

Christians use a cross to symbolize Jesus' sacrifice during the crucifixion. Pagans have used the cross since before that to represent the seasons, the elements, the solstices and equinoxes, etc. Symbols can "stand for" various things, to various people.

I'm bi and the swatstika is not "highly offensive" to me. I understand Hitler's brilliant Eugenics vision. Future generations would have become so much stronger, smarter, and healthier. Too bad the holocaust wasn't worldwide.

I'm a White, heterosexual, Christian male...and Hitler, the Nazis, their ideals and deeds, and their swastika are all offensive to me.
I'm bi and the swatstika is not "highly offensive" to me. I understand Hitler's brilliant Eugenics vision. Future generations would have become so much stronger, smarter, and healthier. Too bad the holocaust wasn't worldwide.
Not only are you confused sexuality, but also life in general
I thought this was common knowledge. :confused:

Oh wait -- Westwall. The "historian".

'Nuff said. :eusa_hand:

Very common knowledge.

Prescott wasn't the only libtard to help the Nazis.

Prescott Bush was no Liberal, he was a card carrying CON$ervoFascist.

And the Shaw lie has been debunked a million times on this board. Satirist Shaw was MOCKING the Eugenicists! If you had ever read his play "Man And Superman" you would know, but the Right are mostly illiterate!!!
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As did Republican leaders.

More Democrat progressives supported Hitler et al than any Republicans did. Far more. In fact FDR admired Hitler and Stalin so much he copied their concentration camps for the Japanese.

If FDR admired Hitler so much then what stopped him from going all the way and gassing the japs while he was at it?
More importantly, if Roosevelt was such a Hitler supporter, why did the Nazi/Fascists hate Roosevelt with such a passion?????
Unicorns and rainbows don't commit mass genocide, that symbol however was worn by people who did.

Crosses were worn by people committing mass genocide, and crosses are the most popular symbol worn by people in the United States. :)
I don't believe in Christianity, though Christianity did some good in the world (and still does). Nazism just led to mass genocide, world war, and later Soviet terror - when the Nazis lost and had their territories ceded to the USSR.
Too bad the holocaust wasn't worldwide.

Are you mental?
When I heard that said about the holocaust, my first reaction was 'wtf? seriously?'

Hitler sent LGBT people to concentration camps or had them euthanized. Lesbians were only spared to use as breeding stock or be experimented on: Online Exhibition ? United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Under Paragraph 175 of the criminal code, male homosexuality was illegal in Germany. The Nazis arrested an estimated 100,000 homosexual men, 50,000 of whom were imprisoned.
During the Nazi regime, the police had the power to jail indefinitely—without trial—anyone they chose, including those deemed dangerous to Germany’s moral fiber.
Between 5,000 and 15,000 gay men were interned in concentration camps in Nazi Germany. These prisoners were marked by pink triangle badges and, according to many survivor accounts, were among the most abused groups in the camps.
Nazis interested in finding a “cure” for homosexuality conducted medical experiments on some gay concentration camp inmates. These experiments caused illness, mutilation, and even death, and yielded no scientific knowledge.
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