Guy who requested $740 million in earmarks on Palin: You can’t really be for change i

he didn't ask for any but he sure just voted for a bill that had 150 BILLION in it... remind me again... wasn't he going to MAKE THEM FAMOUS???

Obama has never come out against earmarks per se...he's against abuse and he openly reveals what his requests for for. He doesn't hide what he's asking for the funding for.

And McCain has never asked for a penny for Arizona. Not one red cent.
And McCain has never asked for a penny for Arizona. Not one red cent.


he's running as a Maverick...against earmarks and his running mate seems to be the queen of earmarks both as a governor and mayor.

he's running as a Maverick...against earmarks and his running mate seems to be the queen of earmarks both as a governor and mayor.

don't care, McCain has never asked for a red cent for Arizona and he is the one running againt Obamalama.
Well he just voted "aye" for $150 billion of earmarks.

So much for that old line about vetoing any bill with earmarks.

The so called "earmarks" were mostly tax cut extensions that already passed the Senate 93-7. Tax cuts are not earmarks.
I don't know whre else you post, but it doesn't work that way here. You say it, you own it, you prove it.

Not that difficult.

She just can't ever prove what she posts.... you know, those misstatements and all.

Aye, aye Captain.

Link here
I think I will choose to just be arrogant. Your reaction leads me to believe that anything I might say to you will be viewed as hogwash. What do you think of a million dollars per day?

Obama isn't running his campaign as an anti-earmark campaign. McCain is. McCain said he would veto the first pork laden bill that would cross his desk. And now he votes for a bill with the biggest amount of pork in it in years. He voted FOR pork barrel spending AFTER he said he would veto ANY bill that contained it. The fact that you're refusing to acknolwedge this is worrisome. Say what you want about Obama, but McCain should know better.
would you rather it had failed? I do.

Nice dodge. I wished the second bill with all the sweeteners had failed. The first one should have passed.

but try to focus. He hasn't asked for a red cent for the state of Arizona.

Thats nice. If hes so against wasting taxpayers money, why exactly did he ask Palin to be his VP?
Nice dodge. I wished the second bill with all the sweeteners had failed. The first one should have passed.

Thats nice. If hes so against wasting taxpayers money, why exactly did he ask Palin to be his VP?

cause they're mavericks together. :eek:
I typed in 'Obama' and 'Earmarks'. Here's the first hit:

Obama Lists His Earmarks, Asking Clinton for Hers

Yep... American Red Cross, $5 million. You're right - Obama is a horrible human being!!

As I've said, all earmarks aren't bad earmarks and they actually help a community. YMCA's, anti-drug programs, more money for law enforcement, etc. McCain wants to eliminate that. I can't say I think that's a good idea. There are bad earmarks, like the bridge to nowhere, like $12 million for wooden arrows, etc. McCain would need Congress' approval to pass any bill that would eliminate lobbying and change the way business is done in Washington. A member of the House makes less than $100,000 a year and a member of the Senate makes less than $300,000 a year. Do you really think they're going to bite the hand that feeds them? Congress would never vote to stop the way business is doing because Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike get hundreds of millions of dollars in kickbacks in return for sponsoring a bill that benefits private entities. Therefore, McCain's entire platform of being against ALL earmarks (even though he's FOR them) is completely irrelevant because it'll never get done.
Sure they are when they are aimed towards specific industries in specific states.

A tax cut means a person/industry/company gets to keep more of its' money. The money is the persons/industries/companies money, not the governments, that is, until the government takes it from the person/industry/company and earmarks it for another person/industry/company.

Earmark is Australian for "buying votes".
would you rather it had failed? I do.

The problem with you, Willow is that you're not paying attention.

The bill passed 75-24 on Wednesday. If John McCain would've voted no, the bill would've passed 74-25. John McCain's vote was irrelevant except for the fact that he voted YES for $150 billion worth of earmarks. If McCain would've voted no, the bill would've still passed but it would've made HUGE news all over the country and probably could've gotten him the White House. Instead, he says one thing and does another.
hey asswipe. I posted the article I wanted to post. If you want more go get it yourself. We ain't yer damn slaves.

Slaves? LOL... in other words, you lie like a rug and expect us to prove you wrong.

yah... we'll go do that. sure...

dunno, maybe he's as stupid as you. somehow, i don't think so. As for your "articles"... I'm sure they ARe what you want because they're pretty vapid.
Yep... American Red Cross, $5 million. You're right - Obama is a horrible human being!!

Don't shoot the messenger! Someone asked for a list of the earmarks and here they are. (Or should I say 'hear' they are?)
but try to focus. He hasn't asked for a red cent for the state of Arizona.

Oh really? Then what's this story about?

AND Palin, his running mate has Palin has more more earmarks request per person than any other state. Mind you, the city of Houston, TX has a larger population than the state of Alaska.

Nation & World | Palin's earmark requests: more per person than any other state | Seattle Times Newspaper
Don't shoot the messenger! Someone asked for a list of the earmarks and here they are. (Or should I say 'hear' they are?)

What's the matter with you? That's money that the Red Cross NEEDS.
A tax cut means a person/industry/company gets to keep more of its' money. The money is the persons/industries/companies money, not the governments, that is, until the government takes it from the person/industry/company and earmarks it for another person/industry/company.

Earmark is Australian for "buying votes".

And John McCain voted FOR $150 billion worth of earmarks. This is, after he promised to veto ANY bill that had earmarks. So which is it? Is he going to start rejecting earmarks after he becomes president or did he not even read that bill that he just signed?
Slaves? LOL... in other words, you lie like a rug and expect us to prove you wrong.

yah... we'll go do that. sure...

dunno, maybe he's as stupid as you. somehow, i don't think so. As for your "articles"... I'm sure they ARe what you want because they're pretty vapid.

I'm not wrong asswipe. if I am prove it.

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