Guys, do we really need a failed state like Ukraine?

Ukraine holds the key to Russian gas supplies into Europe.
America has opened up a new market in fracking gas, with sights on the European market.

Who will purchase in Europa our gas which is four times more expensive as Russian one?That's silly.
And everybody knows that Russia will stop supplying of Europa with gas though Ukraine within couple of years.

I can see no one benefit, hopefully Donald will get things right.

Yes you answer your own question.
Right now Russia is suffering big time with low gas prices............. If Russia stop selling gas.............. It will be like cutting off your own food supply. Does that make sense?
No Adolf trump is full of crap. He cannot even get his act together let alone Putin. I know Putin will kick his ass.
So maybe that's what you are waiting for so Putin can take advantage of this jerk?
Who will purchase in Europa our gas which is four times more expensive as Russian one?That's silly.
And everybody knows that Russia will stop supplying of Europa with gas though Ukraine within couple of years.

I can see no one benefit, hopefully Donald will get things right.
But Trump’s newly named team of foreign advisors includes one expert who may bring USA and Russia closer.

Carter Page is a Russia specialist highly critical of the US role in Ukraine, and with a long history of skepticism toward what he regards as unnecessarily antagonistic US policy toward Moscow.

Trump has called Russian president Vladimir Putin “a bright and talented person” with whom he would “get along very well.” Even if Page might not use the same words, that attitude would not differ materially from his own general view of Putin as someone with whom the West can do business.

When Page was with Merrill Lynch, he formed lasting relationships with his counterparts at Gazprom, the Russian natural gas giant, and has expressed the belief that the US could accomplish more in Russia relations by seeking a partnership than with threats.

In the Post meeting, Trump pondered why Europe is not more active in attempting to resolve Ukraine’s standoff with Russia. “Why are we always the one that’s leading, potentially the third world war with Russia?” Trump asked.
Donald Trump finally names his foreign policy advisers—including one who thinks the US can do business with Putin

Trump questioned the United States’ continued involvement in NATO and, on the subject of Russian aggression in Ukraine, said America’s allies are "not doing anything."

"Ukraine is a country that affects us far less than it affects other countries in NATO, and yet we’re doing all of the lifting," Trump said. "They’re not doing anything. And I say: 'Why is it that Germany’s not dealing with NATO on Ukraine? Why is it that other countries that are in the vicinity of Ukraine, why aren’t they dealing? Why are we always the one that’s leading, potentially the third world war with Russia.' "

Trump questions need for NATO, outlines noninterventionist foreign policy

Trump is unqualified to lead this country.

4 Things To Know About Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Approach
Can somebody explain, does the West need Ukraine for what?The state is bankrupt, all politicians corrupt, there is no law, no industry, almost nothing except whores, lazy drunken workers and thieves.It is difficult to believe that Putin needs it too.For what we must pay our taxes?
The relationship between Russia and Ukraine is damaged at least for hundred years, Ukraine will be neither EU nor NATO member, the average monthly wage is $30.
And how idiotic the West was completely destroying this relative stabile state and damaging the relationship with Russia for ever.Now we are teetering on the verge WWIII.For what?
Are we completely morons?
You should visit Ukraine, if for no other reason, just to see how stupid and uninformed your post is.
I'm a resident of Ukraine and can only see how stupid your posts are so far. Baron is absolutely right and as soon as Washington stops supporting official Kiev and all the truth about Ukraine comes out (about snipers on Maidan in Kiev, Odessa massacre, shelling Donbass, Malaysian Boeing etc., which Washington and Kiev both are carefully hiding and covering with anti-Russian propaganda), all the world will understand what Baron already understands. May be even you will, Camp.

So your saying it's okay for Russia to invade Ukraine?
So if Putin invade another one of his neighbors.......... That is acceptable? For Trump maybe it's acceptable.
Can somebody explain, does the West need Ukraine for what?The state is bankrupt, all politicians corrupt, there is no law, no industry, almost nothing except whores, lazy drunken workers and thieves.It is difficult to believe that Putin needs it too.For what we must pay our taxes?
The relationship between Russia and Ukraine is damaged at least for hundred years, Ukraine will be neither EU nor NATO member, the average monthly wage is $30.
And how idiotic the West was completely destroying this relative stabile state and damaging the relationship with Russia for ever.Now we are teetering on the verge WWIII.For what?
Are we completely morons?

Ukraine was peaceful place till Putin invaded Ukraine.
Can somebody explain, does the West need Ukraine for what?The state is bankrupt, all politicians corrupt, there is no law, no industry, almost nothing except whores, lazy drunken workers and thieves.It is difficult to believe that Putin needs it too.For what we must pay our taxes?
The relationship between Russia and Ukraine is damaged at least for hundred years, Ukraine will be neither EU nor NATO member, the average monthly wage is $30.
And how idiotic the West was completely destroying this relative stabile state and damaging the relationship with Russia for ever.Now we are teetering on the verge WWIII.For what?
Are we completely morons?
You should visit Ukraine, if for no other reason, just to see how stupid and uninformed your post is.
I'm a resident of Ukraine and can only see how stupid your posts are so far. Baron is absolutely right and as soon as Washington stops supporting official Kiev and all the truth about Ukraine comes out (about snipers on Maidan in Kiev, Odessa massacre, shelling Donbass, Malaysian Boeing etc., which Washington and Kiev both are carefully hiding and covering with anti-Russian propaganda), all the world will understand what Baron already understands. May be even you will, Camp.

I know you are from Ukraine. Just incase you are not aware of these manufacturing and other business operations in Ukraine.

List of companies of Ukraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in what control? If you divide soviets by races or nations, then 80% members of earlier soviet government were jews, .

In the 'government' of Yeltsin almost all were Jews, the same is about today's Russian 'opposition' where again almost 100 % are Jews.

The failed 'state' of Ukraine is a piece of sh..!I do not want to pay my taxes for this garbage.
The other day Poroshenko arrived to Washington to beg for money: begging for money is now the main income for Ukraine.
NY Times:
In these circumstances Mr. Poroshenko seems to have accepted continuing corruption as the price to pay for modicum of maneuvering room. But the president, the prime minister and the parliament must me made to understand that the International Monitory Fund and the donor nations, like United States, can’t continue to shovel money into a corrupt swamp unless the government starts shaping the democratic rule that Ukrainians demanded in their protests.

March 9, 2016.
During her recent visit to the Ukrainian capital of Kiev—where she stayed at the five-star Intercontinental Hotel—former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had some less-than-inspiring words of advice for Ukrainians: If you’re unhappy, look to Liberia.
As it turns out, Ms. Rice’s “public speech” turned out to be not so public, and only a short abstract can be found. Ukrainian media has painstakingly avoided mentioning her appearance—likely, because it was loaded with bitter pills.

Though her talking points were abundant, Ms. Rice kicked off on the wrong foot—opening with the theme of mutual responsibilities held between Ukrainian politicians and Ukrainian simple folk. Quoting JFK’s famous “Don’t ask what your country can do for you” line, her message was clear: Don’t expect too much from your government, dear Ukrainians.

In fairness, this is not the first time Ukraine’s economy has been compared to Liberia. Last September, Odessa Governor and former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili “with all due respect to Africa” compared its economy to Gabon. According toGallup International, the standard of living in Ukraine is currently at its lowest level in all the years of conducted research. In 2015, 79 percent of Ukrainians considered themselves to be “poor.”
Condoleezza to the People of Ukraine: Just Be Glad You Aren’t Liberian!

Obama shall pay Porosenko with own money, not with that of American taxpayers,

Ukraine’s Unyielding Corruption
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Who will purchase in Europa our gas which is four times more expensive as Russian one?That's silly.
And everybody knows that Russia will stop supplying of Europa with gas though Ukraine within couple of years.

I can see no one benefit, hopefully Donald will get things right.
But Trump’s newly named team of foreign advisors includes one expert who may bring USA and Russia closer.

Carter Page is a Russia specialist highly critical of the US role in Ukraine, and with a long history of skepticism toward what he regards as unnecessarily antagonistic US policy toward Moscow.

Trump has called Russian president Vladimir Putin “a bright and talented person” with whom he would “get along very well.” Even if Page might not use the same words, that attitude would not differ materially from his own general view of Putin as someone with whom the West can do business.

When Page was with Merrill Lynch, he formed lasting relationships with his counterparts at Gazprom, the Russian natural gas giant, and has expressed the belief that the US could accomplish more in Russia relations by seeking a partnership than with threats.

In the Post meeting, Trump pondered why Europe is not more active in attempting to resolve Ukraine’s standoff with Russia. “Why are we always the one that’s leading, potentially the third world war with Russia?” Trump asked.
Donald Trump finally names his foreign policy advisers—including one who thinks the US can do business with Putin

Trump questioned the United States’ continued involvement in NATO and, on the subject of Russian aggression in Ukraine, said America’s allies are "not doing anything."

"Ukraine is a country that affects us far less than it affects other countries in NATO, and yet we’re doing all of the lifting," Trump said. "They’re not doing anything. And I say: 'Why is it that Germany’s not dealing with NATO on Ukraine? Why is it that other countries that are in the vicinity of Ukraine, why aren’t they dealing? Why are we always the one that’s leading, potentially the third world war with Russia.' "

Trump questions need for NATO, outlines noninterventionist foreign policy

Trump is unqualified to lead this country.

4 Things To Know About Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Approach

I vote for Trump!Period.
in what control? If you divide soviets by races or nations, then 80% members of earlier soviet government were jews, .

In the 'government' of Yeltsin almost all were Jews, the same is about today's Russian 'opposition' where again almost 100 % are Jews.

yes, they hate russian culture, which is based on christian orthodox religion. This is out of their understanding capabilities.
So your saying it's okay for Russia to invade Ukraine?
So if Putin invade another one of his neighbors.......... That is acceptable? For Trump maybe it's acceptable.

If it was true what you said and Putin invaded Ukraine, then president of Ukraine would be Putin. So far it is Biden. He decides whom to put in the government and whom to choose as enemies and friends for Ukraine since the coup.
Poroshenko in USA: Formation of new government to ensure $1 billion from IMF

When two countries are at war, they sever diplomatic relations and withdraw their ambassadors. Ukraine still has a Embassy in Moscow and Russia has an Embassy in Kiev. And you, Charwin, are full of …. PROPAGANDA, like always.

FYI, Strategic military drills Spring Thunder 2016 began in Ukraine on Monday, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.
The military exercises include adequate response to threats to counter any possible large-scale aggression, territorial defense, troop movements and maneuvers, the General Staff's press service said on Monday.
Ukraine's armed forces launch Spring Thunder 2016 drills – General Staff

Possible aggression, not already existing aggression.

Use your head once in a while for thinking and you’ll learn how to read between the lines instead of buying cheap propaganda.
in what control? If you divide soviets by races or nations, then 80% members of earlier soviet government were jews, .

In the 'government' of Yeltsin almost all were Jews, the same is about today's Russian 'opposition' where again almost 100 % are Jews.

yes, they hate russian culture, which is based on christian orthodox religion. This is out of their understanding capabilities.
And this is extremely dangerous for Russians again, and they will take Russia down to their Jewish hell again.
in what control? If you divide soviets by races or nations, then 80% members of earlier soviet government were jews, .

In the 'government' of Yeltsin almost all were Jews, the same is about today's Russian 'opposition' where again almost 100 % are Jews.

yes, they hate russian culture, which is based on christian orthodox religion. This is out of their understanding capabilities.
And this is extremely dangerous for Russians again, and they will take Russia down to their Jewish hell again.
hope, not.
in what control? If you divide soviets by races or nations, then 80% members of earlier soviet government were jews, .

In the 'government' of Yeltsin almost all were Jews, the same is about today's Russian 'opposition' where again almost 100 % are Jews.

yes, they hate russian culture, which is based on christian orthodox religion. This is out of their understanding capabilities.
And this is extremely dangerous for Russians again, and they will take Russia down to their Jewish hell again.
hope, not.
When hitler died, he made this statement, also other posters wrote about it at this forum. "I may die for my people, but eventually my spirit will rise, and the whole world will realize that I was right about the Jews." Not an exact quotation because I forgot, but something like this.
So your saying it's okay for Russia to invade Ukraine?
So if Putin invade another one of his neighbors.......... That is acceptable? For Trump maybe it's acceptable.

If it was true what you said and Putin invaded Ukraine, then president of Ukraine would be Putin. So far it is Biden. He decides whom to put in the government and whom to choose as enemies and friends for Ukraine since the coup.
Poroshenko in USA: Formation of new government to ensure $1 billion from IMF

When two countries are at war, they sever diplomatic relations and withdraw their ambassadors. Ukraine still has a Embassy in Moscow and Russia has an Embassy in Kiev. And you, Charwin, are full of …. PROPAGANDA, like always.

FYI, Strategic military drills Spring Thunder 2016 began in Ukraine on Monday, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.
The military exercises include adequate response to threats to counter any possible large-scale aggression, territorial defense, troop movements and maneuvers, the General Staff's press service said on Monday.
Ukraine's armed forces launch Spring Thunder 2016 drills – General Staff

Possible aggression, not already existing aggression.

Use your head once in a while for thinking and you’ll learn how to read between the lines instead of buying cheap propaganda.

I am using my head but I'm not sure about you.
1. Putin invaded Ukraine occupying Crimea....... He cannot be the president of Ukraine because he has not occupied the whole country. I'm sure you don't know that.
2. Biden does not dictate the who is the president of Ukraine. So your saying Ukrainians like you are puppets of US? You should know better. You've been brain washed by the right wing nuts.
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in what control? If you divide soviets by races or nations, then 80% members of earlier soviet government were jews, .

In the 'government' of Yeltsin almost all were Jews, the same is about today's Russian 'opposition' where again almost 100 % are Jews.

yes, they hate russian culture, which is based on christian orthodox religion. This is out of their understanding capabilities.
And this is extremely dangerous for Russians again, and they will take Russia down to their Jewish hell again.
hope, not.
When hitler died, he made this statement, also other posters wrote about it at this forum. "I may die for my people, but eventually my spirit will rise, and the whole world will realize that I was right about the Jews." Not an exact quotation because I forgot, but something like this.
don't think that Hitler is a person to be hero to follow. There are a lot of people who said things about jews, e.g. Ford or russian Great Dukes in the early of 20th century.
So your saying it's okay for Russia to invade Ukraine?
So if Putin invade another one of his neighbors.......... That is acceptable? For Trump maybe it's acceptable.

Is it acceptable for an outside force to set up a coup against the elected government of a country, just as the US did in Ukraine?
That coup was the reason Crimea VOTED to leave behind the foreign sponsored puppet government.

You can argue all you like, but the evidence is out there in the form of that damning tape recording, so there's really shit all you can say against it.
Forbes, March 2016: Busted Fantasies In Kiev: America And Europe Won't Save Ukrainian Maiden In Distress

Many Ukrainians expect America and Europe to save them. Suggest that they are living a fantasy gets you tarred as a blatant fool and Russian stooge. Yet Ukraine shouldn’t waste time posing as a fairy tale maiden in distress waiting for rescue by the Western knight in shining armor. Kiev risks ending up as a failed state.

Obviously life isn’t fair. But no one gains from pretending otherwise. The West and Ukraine both need to make policies based on reality, not fantasy.

America and Europe don’t have much at stake in Ukraine.It’s an unpleasant truth which sets off much screeching in Kiev, but that makes it no less true.

The U.S. has even less interest in the region. Other than Ukrainian expatriates who believe the sun rises and sets in Kiev and ideological Neoconservatives who believe Washington should war against any power that resists America’s dictates, few Americans even think about Ukraine.

Neither America nor Europe is prepared to impose serious sanctions designed to break the Russian economy. Neither America nor Europe is prepared to risk war with Russia. The West will not retrieve Crimea, suppress Donbas separatists, guarantee Ukraine’s territorial integrity, or even bail out the latter’s economy. Which means Kiev is effectively on its own.

Busted Fantasies In Kiev: America And Europe Won't Save Ukrainian Maiden In Distress

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