Guys, do we really need a failed state like Ukraine?

Forbes, March 2016: Busted Fantasies In Kiev: America And Europe Won't Save Ukrainian Maiden In Distress

Many Ukrainians expect America and Europe to save them. Suggest that they are living a fantasy gets you tarred as a blatant fool and Russian stooge. Yet Ukraine shouldn’t waste time posing as a fairy tale maiden in distress waiting for rescue by the Western knight in shining armor. Kiev risks ending up as a failed state.

Obviously life isn’t fair. But no one gains from pretending otherwise. The West and Ukraine both need to make policies based on reality, not fantasy.

America and Europe don’t have much at stake in Ukraine.It’s an unpleasant truth which sets off much screeching in Kiev, but that makes it no less true.

The U.S. has even less interest in the region. Other than Ukrainian expatriates who believe the sun rises and sets in Kiev and ideological Neoconservatives who believe Washington should war against any power that resists America’s dictates, few Americans even think about Ukraine.

Neither America nor Europe is prepared to impose serious sanctions designed to break the Russian economy. Neither America nor Europe is prepared to risk war with Russia. The West will not retrieve Crimea, suppress Donbas separatists, guarantee Ukraine’s territorial integrity, or even bail out the latter’s economy. Which means Kiev is effectively on its own.

Busted Fantasies In Kiev: America And Europe Won't Save Ukrainian Maiden In Distress
Controlled chaos is what the power brokers of the west want, everywhere, in Syria as well as in East Europe. The only way to stand up to that is to turn Western Europe into a controlled chaos too, in the same military terms. But the Ukrainians are not smart enough to organize such a stately affair.
So your saying it's okay for Russia to invade Ukraine?
So if Putin invade another one of his neighbors.......... That is acceptable? For Trump maybe it's acceptable.

Is it acceptable for an outside force to set up a coup against the elected government of a country, just as the US did in Ukraine?
That coup was the reason Crimea VOTED to leave behind the foreign sponsored puppet government.

You can argue all you like, but the evidence is out there in the form of that damning tape recording, so there's really shit all you can say against it.

Do you have a link to prove your opinion?

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