GW causing tidal flooding in worries.

Very true

We should probably wait centuries before we decide whether it is really global warming or not

Of course by then, you will be telling us it is too late to do anything about it

Yes, your AGWCUlt believes it can control the climate.

Of course silly...

Everyone knows that humans are incapable of affecting their environment

""We don't know how He does it," said Landover Junior High School teacher, Mrs Doris Whitaker, "but Jesus changes the colors of the leaves on the trees during the Fall (a season named after the fall of man from Eden, which had no autumn colors). No science book will tell you that. But it is clear that Jesus is behind the pretty colored leaves that drop off the trees as piles of trash on your lawn! Why else are only the Christmas trees left green? So they can be decorated on His birthday, that's why! Praise!" Mrs. Whitaker expressed a long-held Baptist belief that science cannot explain natural phenomenon. "For years, Congress has been able to force scientists to label their disgusting work as fiction," said Pastor Deacon Fred. "But we don't think that's good enough. It's not called "Science Fiction" for nothing folks. So-called science is just a big pile of secular lies made up solely to take the credit away from God. There is no other way of putting it! They need to stop calling it Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Physics. Do they think that the people of God are going to stand by like idiots and let them rot this country's education system with a mythology spawned by hoofed demons in the fiery caves of Hell?" One does not have to have a degree in Theology to see the Devil's hot red hands in this plot. It was only a matter of time before scientists would start trying to pawn off their silly stories as "truth." Christians know that scientists have never cared, nor will they ever care, one iota about "the Truth." Because truth can't be found in the light of a Bunson Burner. It can only be seen in the Light of God's Word. And that is only found in the Bible. The Bible will tell you that God did not make man from so-called carbon; He made him with dirt.

Today's scientists have taken a turn for the worse. Their mysterious campaign of deception was no doubt designed by several demons of the highest order, armed with Al Gore's calculator and more than likely orchestrated by the hoofed satyr, Lucifer, himself. Science is a "fuzzy math" and a blood-bought Baptist must have a spirit of discernment to see through secular science's toxic cloud of confusion. They mislead the public by creating different names for themselves. They say, "I'm a psychologist," or "I'm a therapist or microbiologist." Poppy-cock! That's what it is. They are nothing more than Satanists with spectacles and pockets full of pencils and rulers. In fact, the word "scientist" is actually Latin for "Satanist." Do they take Christians for fools?

Jesus told us that we need to become like children if we want to get into Heaven. You see, Jesus doesn't want us to get puffed up with so-called education and knowledge, which is why He has anointed George W. Bush. Scientists would have you believe that salvation can be found in the accumulation of knowledge. They say that "knowledge" will set you free. This is hogwash according to our Lord and Savior. Through Jesus, we know that all knowledge outside of the Holy Bible is a lie. A child could tell you that! During this time of Thanksgiving, science has yet to provide an explanation as to why there are still so many turkeys available after they were all killed last year. We will tell you why: Jesus blesses us with those turkeys, end of story. We don't need to read a book to find out where they come from! They come from Jesus! And if those skinny, knock-kneed Africans had the presence of mind to come up with a holiday that centered around eating, instead of collecting shrunken heads, Jesus would give them food so they wouldn't starve, too. Ask and you shall receive!

We can't understand how people fall for science. Do you know where scientists say that "ice" comes from? They say that when water gets cold, it huddles together for warmth. They say this "molecular body heat" stops the water from shaking so it becomes still. Can you believe how stupid secular scientists are? God's Word offers another explanation – the true explanation. "Jesus wants us all to be Christlike - - and what better way than to be able to walk on water? Praise His name!"

How long will Christians be subjected to ridiculous notions about where rain comes from, what causes hurricanes (Would you believe that scientists blame them on a man called Nino living in Peru? It's outrageous! But they really believe it!), why there are floods and droughts, what causes sinkholes, where oil comes from (scientists will tell you oil and coal come from fern trees – try getting either substance from trees!), how food suddenly appears each day in the aisles of grocery stores, how gasoline makes cars "go," how houses get warm during the winter, how light comes out of little glass bulbs (or even how those glass bulbs are made!)."

As Christians, we don't have silly stories or some bizarre mythology to explain the Truth. We know that Jesus is up in heaven, living on a cloud, sitting on a golden throne. If He rustles His silver robes, the Sahara gets a sand storm. If He flicks a drop of perspiration off His furrowed brow, those little folks in Tokyo find themselves under 10 feet of water. Secular scientists go crazy about a few little factories belching smoke, saying it causes acid rain and holes in the erogenous zone. But I have news for you, if the Lord just lets out just one tiny pooty-poot, it is like 4,000 Mount St. Helen's blowing a dark hole straight through the sky".

Science Means Satan In Latin
Listen, moron, I said plants breathe co2 and that is why co2 is good for us. We exhale co2. Saying co2 is bad for us is equivalent to saying breathing is bad for the environment. It's beyond moronic.

Yes, planting trees is good, cutting down forests is bad. But cow shit and cow farts are good for the environment, comprende? Cycle of life. Learn it.

Oh ok, since we are removing those trees then you realize there is less recycling of CO2 as well correct? Or this is where you jump off the logic train?
Removing trees? Says who?.
Logging? Ok, just what happens when the forest canopy in a certain area used for logging?
I will answer for you. the SUN light hits the ground. And what needs sun light to develop? PLANTS.....And what does the replacement plant life produce? CO2.
'Nuff said. You have no argument.

Typo there big guy... plants process co2 and produce o2 among other things.

Yeah and you put up the intro page of a pdf as proof of something.

Is the conclusion in the intro or what. Then did you read your own paper? This is the first line:

Fossil Fuel combustion, deforestation and changes in human land use has caused atmospheric CO2 concentration to increase 280 to 370 since preindustrial times.

BUT I thought man had no effect on the climate? Your paper says otherwise but you cant blue type this one away. :badgrin:

CO2 concentration to increase 280 to 370 since preindustrial times.

And here's the question you libs won't touch.....What significance does this number hold as far as the Earth's climate cycles?
It's just a made up number. No one really knows what is "normal"...all that can be done is take a set number of years, plug in the numbers temperature, wind direction/velocity, precipitation, atmospheric moisture( which is most accurately measured in grains of water per pound of air), cloudy days vs clear days, take samples from urban, suburban and rural areas throw them into a computer and come up with an average and a mean.
Then every year, the same thing is done.
Here's the rub, a sampling from the last 50 years and one done from the last 100 years and another from the last 25 years can show vastly different climate norms.
The fact is there is no normal unless the control remains the same on every single study. It doesn't. Different studies use different data from different time periods and different locations. Any study that does not use the accepted location and does not collect data from the same instruments and the same locations as other studies, must be deemed invalid.
Anyone with an environmentalist agenda can use their own instruments located under a tree in a parking lot and ignore the data collected from a shaded area on bare soil or grass. Of course the temp will be much higher in a parking lot. But they do it and they get away with it.
Yeah and the way it becomes political is when you say so. And since you dont need proof either way what an awesome way to deal with information eh?

This climate change/global warming thing IS pure politics.
It's a means to an end.

You're like the 5th guy who says it yet cannot prove this.

Not necessary. The politicians who come up with shit like Cap and Trade are using this climate thing for political purposes.
Obama reading the tea leaves and deciding to not decide on Keystone because he realizes the environmental vote is more important to him and the democrat party than the union/labor vote. If that's not political, nothing is political.
Obama uses the climate issue for the purpose of pushing his green agenda which in turn enriches his largest political donors and political supporters. . That's political.
And proof of that lies.....


You discard the notion that you (the proponent of the fanciful notion that WE can control climate) have any fucking burden of persuasion in that regard, but when folks who don't buy your unsupported bullshit call bullshit on you, you DEMAND "evidence" all of a sudden.

Whoa buddy, I dont believe we can control the climate so you have that wrong. I believe we have an effect on it by our actions. Not that we are Storm from the X-men or something. Second all you have to say is you dont have any proof of what you are saying :badgrin:

You folks are laughable. And nothing more. Just laughable.

If you want the first hint of cred, ClosedMinded, then all you have to do is show the solid science supporting the contention that human beings caused the ice ages or the subsequent warming periods.

Best of luck.


Where is your evidence again? I asked the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th guy but they responded just like you. With smileys and deflection. :lol:

YOU have the burden of going forward with the evidence.

I reject your simplistic and unproven and untestable crap hypothesis.

I have no burden at this point. YOU do.

But YOU duck it by asking me to assume a burden YOU lack the balls to even acknowledge. That's right, poindexter. I have no burden, yet I did offer you a small hint.

GLOBAL COOLING (like oh, I don't know, let's call them "ICE AGES") existed BEFORE human-kind and any hint of human industrial activity.

GLOBAL WARMING (which kind of melted those old ice ages) existed BEFORE human-kind and any hint of human industrial activity.

Humans didn't control diddly fucking dog, then.

What makes you imagine we control any part of planetary climate fluctuations NOW?

And your imagination and fervent belief notwithstanding, try showing it scientifically. Majority vote doesn't count. Try for something novel like "science."
You know the IPCC group are only 20% scientists right? They cherry pick what is used in a report from other scientists. So not all of the data is used, cherry picked.

Of course they do and the proof of that is ....

btw, you're the 6th guy now

The proof of what? What is it that you didn't understand from six people now. That tells me your missing something.

CC is attempting to deflect the thread in a direction he needs it to go because he has no valid rebuttal to counter the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical and that the presence of Man cannot change those cycles.
Very true

We should probably wait centuries before we decide whether it is really global warming or not

Of course by then, you will be telling us it is too late to do anything about it

So what your saying then, is that unless we give the priests our virgin daughters and the best of our crops, the volcano god will be angry and destroy the village?

Wow, that's really unique and has never been used before.....
""We don't know how He does it," said Landover Junior High School teacher, Mrs Doris Whitaker, "but Jesus changes the colors of the leaves on the trees during the Fall

GUFFAW - that's so clever, you can make up lies and attribute them to those who you hate.

Wow, I mean, no one other than your personal hero Goebbels ever thought to do that, Batshit.

Standard Disclaimer: and you wonder why people identify you as a stupid fuckwad....
Of course they do and the proof of that is ....

btw, you're the 6th guy now

The proof of what? What is it that you didn't understand from six people now. That tells me your missing something.

CC is attempting to deflect the thread in a direction he needs it to go because he has no valid rebuttal to counter the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical and that the presence of Man cannot change those cycles.

Oh we can change the cycles, it just comes down to how much time, blood, and resource we are willing to devote to making changes.
Oh ok, since we are removing those trees then you realize there is less recycling of CO2 as well correct? Or this is where you jump off the logic train?
Removing trees? Says who?.
Logging? Ok, just what happens when the forest canopy in a certain area used for logging?
I will answer for you. the SUN light hits the ground. And what needs sun light to develop? PLANTS.....And what does the replacement plant life produce? CO2.
'Nuff said. You have no argument.

Typo there big guy... plants process co2 and produce o2 among other things.

OPPS....Yes. CC had me in a bit of a fit....Can't stand when posters argue just to argue.
Thanks for catching that.
The proof of what? What is it that you didn't understand from six people now. That tells me your missing something.

CC is attempting to deflect the thread in a direction he needs it to go because he has no valid rebuttal to counter the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical and that the presence of Man cannot change those cycles.

Oh we can change the cycles, it just comes down to how much time, blood, and resource we are willing to devote to making changes.

Such as a full scale deployment of nuclear weapons. Of course most life on earth would be destroyed. The ensuing nuclear winter would last a dozen years. Of course that is the theory.
If "tidal flooding" in Florida never happened in geological history the radical left might have a point. So far it's nothing but an extortion gambit.
Yes, your AGWCUlt believes it can control the climate.

Of course silly...

Everyone knows that humans are incapable of affecting their environment

""We don't know how He does it," said Landover Junior High School teacher, Mrs Doris Whitaker, "but Jesus changes the colors of the leaves on the trees during the Fall (a season named after the fall of man from Eden, which had no autumn colors). No science book will tell you that. But it is clear that Jesus is behind the pretty colored leaves that drop off the trees as piles of trash on your lawn! Why else are only the Christmas trees left green? So they can be decorated on His birthday, that's why! Praise!" Mrs. Whitaker expressed a long-held Baptist belief that science cannot explain natural phenomenon. "For years, Congress has been able to force scientists to label their disgusting work as fiction," said Pastor Deacon Fred. "But we don't think that's good enough. It's not called "Science Fiction" for nothing folks. So-called science is just a big pile of secular lies made up solely to take the credit away from God. There is no other way of putting it! They need to stop calling it Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Physics. Do they think that the people of God are going to stand by like idiots and let them rot this country's education system with a mythology spawned by hoofed demons in the fiery caves of Hell?" One does not have to have a degree in Theology to see the Devil's hot red hands in this plot. It was only a matter of time before scientists would start trying to pawn off their silly stories as "truth." Christians know that scientists have never cared, nor will they ever care, one iota about "the Truth." Because truth can't be found in the light of a Bunson Burner. It can only be seen in the Light of God's Word. And that is only found in the Bible. The Bible will tell you that God did not make man from so-called carbon; He made him with dirt.

Today's scientists have taken a turn for the worse. Their mysterious campaign of deception was no doubt designed by several demons of the highest order, armed with Al Gore's calculator and more than likely orchestrated by the hoofed satyr, Lucifer, himself. Science is a "fuzzy math" and a blood-bought Baptist must have a spirit of discernment to see through secular science's toxic cloud of confusion. They mislead the public by creating different names for themselves. They say, "I'm a psychologist," or "I'm a therapist or microbiologist." Poppy-cock! That's what it is. They are nothing more than Satanists with spectacles and pockets full of pencils and rulers. In fact, the word "scientist" is actually Latin for "Satanist." Do they take Christians for fools?

Jesus told us that we need to become like children if we want to get into Heaven. You see, Jesus doesn't want us to get puffed up with so-called education and knowledge, which is why He has anointed George W. Bush. Scientists would have you believe that salvation can be found in the accumulation of knowledge. They say that "knowledge" will set you free. This is hogwash according to our Lord and Savior. Through Jesus, we know that all knowledge outside of the Holy Bible is a lie. A child could tell you that! During this time of Thanksgiving, science has yet to provide an explanation as to why there are still so many turkeys available after they were all killed last year. We will tell you why: Jesus blesses us with those turkeys, end of story. We don't need to read a book to find out where they come from! They come from Jesus! And if those skinny, knock-kneed Africans had the presence of mind to come up with a holiday that centered around eating, instead of collecting shrunken heads, Jesus would give them food so they wouldn't starve, too. Ask and you shall receive!

We can't understand how people fall for science. Do you know where scientists say that "ice" comes from? They say that when water gets cold, it huddles together for warmth. They say this "molecular body heat" stops the water from shaking so it becomes still. Can you believe how stupid secular scientists are? God's Word offers another explanation – the true explanation. "Jesus wants us all to be Christlike - - and what better way than to be able to walk on water? Praise His name!"

How long will Christians be subjected to ridiculous notions about where rain comes from, what causes hurricanes (Would you believe that scientists blame them on a man called Nino living in Peru? It's outrageous! But they really believe it!), why there are floods and droughts, what causes sinkholes, where oil comes from (scientists will tell you oil and coal come from fern trees – try getting either substance from trees!), how food suddenly appears each day in the aisles of grocery stores, how gasoline makes cars "go," how houses get warm during the winter, how light comes out of little glass bulbs (or even how those glass bulbs are made!)."

As Christians, we don't have silly stories or some bizarre mythology to explain the Truth. We know that Jesus is up in heaven, living on a cloud, sitting on a golden throne. If He rustles His silver robes, the Sahara gets a sand storm. If He flicks a drop of perspiration off His furrowed brow, those little folks in Tokyo find themselves under 10 feet of water. Secular scientists go crazy about a few little factories belching smoke, saying it causes acid rain and holes in the erogenous zone. But I have news for you, if the Lord just lets out just one tiny pooty-poot, it is like 4,000 Mount St. Helen's blowing a dark hole straight through the sky".

Science Means Satan In Latin

i knew a person like this.....i thought she was joking at first....but as it turned out she was serious......what ya gonna do?....they are out there....
CC is attempting to deflect the thread in a direction he needs it to go because he has no valid rebuttal to counter the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical and that the presence of Man cannot change those cycles.

Oh we can change the cycles, it just comes down to how much time, blood, and resource we are willing to devote to making changes.

Such as a full scale deployment of nuclear weapons. Of course most life on earth would be destroyed. The ensuing nuclear winter would last a dozen years. Of course that is the theory.

How about a few hundred over the oceans?
Warming has been going on for 14 thousand years and is expected to continue till the earth has fully exited the present ice age. Man is not responsible. If we must spend trillions on climate, then it should be spent on adaptation since history has shown that the climate on earth is extremely variable.

According to science right? Do you understand the irony?

There is science...and then there is climate pseudoscience.

No, just because you call it a dog doesnt mean its gonna fetch. You call is pseudo science but have no proof, evidence, etc.

Science tells us that the climate on earth varies to an incredible degree...climate pseudoscience tells us that the small variation we have seen over the past 100 years because we burn fossil fuels... they tell us this and expect that we believe although there is no actual proof of this and their hypothesis is failing spectacularly.

Since both are theories and science uses the same methods to determine outcomes why do you believe what science says about earths climate millions of years ago and refuse to believe those same individuals just turn into fuck ups when it comes to determining possible future outcomes?

In real science, one failure of a hypothesis is just grounds to scrap it and go back to the drawing climate pseudoscience, no number of failed predictions of the hypothesis are grounds to wonder if perhaps they got it wrong.

And that is why the peer reviewed papers were reviewed by others to ensure they have the most likely conclusion based on the information. Its fine if you say one guy is wrong but when you start talking about some mass conspiracy based on nothing more than your squawking where hundreds of scientists all agree on something because really they KNEW they would get govt funding (apparently they are psychic too) is like...too many people, too many moving parts all for a POSSIBLE outcome (funding) with an unknown price tag.

That makes no fucking sense
According to science right? Do you understand the irony?

There is science...and then there is climate pseudoscience.

No, just because you call it a dog doesnt mean its gonna fetch. You call is pseudo science but have no proof, evidence, etc.

Science tells us that the climate on earth varies to an incredible degree...climate pseudoscience tells us that the small variation we have seen over the past 100 years because we burn fossil fuels... they tell us this and expect that we believe although there is no actual proof of this and their hypothesis is failing spectacularly.

Since both are theories and science uses the same methods to determine outcomes why do you believe what science says about earths climate millions of years ago and refuse to believe those same individuals just turn into fuck ups when it comes to determining possible future outcomes?

In real science, one failure of a hypothesis is just grounds to scrap it and go back to the drawing climate pseudoscience, no number of failed predictions of the hypothesis are grounds to wonder if perhaps they got it wrong.

And that is why the peer reviewed papers were reviewed by others to ensure they have the most likely conclusion based on the information. Its fine if you say one guy is wrong but when you start talking about some mass conspiracy based on nothing more than your squawking where hundreds of scientists all agree on something because really they KNEW they would get govt funding (apparently they are psychic too) is like...too many people, too many moving parts all for a POSSIBLE outcome (funding) with an unknown price tag.

That makes no fucking sense

Hahahaha, lamo, where is that experimental verification of those peer reviewed papers you use to wipe with? You got squat.
i knew a person like this.....i thought she was joking at first....but as it turned out she was serious......what ya gonna do?....they are out there....

If they do, why do leftists need to make this shit up?

Let me ask you, how does Landover Baptist Church - a site run by Atheist Bolsheviks, dedicated to libel and slander against Christians, differ from the Klan putting up a site claiming to be black people eating watermelon and looking for others to be shiftless and lazy?

Do you really think demagoguery is clever?

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