GW is confused,, India isn't worth it.

Mariner said:
Our number one export is weapons. To much of the world, that's who we are: the global gun shop. Bush is like the president of the local chamber of commerce promoting his town.

In this case, I don't think there's much to worry about. India is a stable, peaceful country. The Indian population strongly supports the U.S., and the 2 million Indians in this country are among the United States' most prosperous and productive citizens. India's Achilles heel is Kashmir. For that reason, we have much diplomacy to do with Pakistan. I can't understand our attitude towards that country. We were friendly towards it in the 70s, when Indira Ghandi flirted with the Soviets, and we neeeded to balance that. But at the moment it's run by a general who's never delivered on promised elections, it's home to Khan, the father of the Pakistani bomb, who has been sharing his knowledge with far less stable Islamic states, it's home to many "madrasas," religious schools that teach hatred of Western values, and it's done only a fair to poor job of helping us with bin Laden, who is probably there. Why aren't we pressuring Pakistan harder to reform?


It's the same logic as the uae deal. We need muslim allies in the war on terror.

I love India. It's very free, and the people are wonderful, much poverty but low crime. good people.
What has happened to our spirit folk`s?

This help, that we`re putting on the table with India, is a GOOD THING.

Making India a better trading partner is a GOOD THING.

Having India watching our "six" is a GOOD THING.

ANYTHING that one country can do for another, that enhances their interaction with one another is a GOOD THING.

I`m very pleased to see our President out "drumming" up business, and working on the important issues`s facing this country, competing in the world market place requires the Federal governments involvement.

I swear, this administration could give some people a three bedroom house free, and clear, and they`d want a four bedroom house, and a new car.

trobinett said:
What has happened to our spirit folk`s?

This help, that we`re putting on the table with India, is a GOOD THING.

Making India a better trading partner is a GOOD THING.

Having India watching our "six" is a GOOD THING.

ANYTHING that one country can do for another, that enhances their interaction with one another is a GOOD THING.

I`m very pleased to see our President out "drumming" up business, and working on the important issues`s facing this country, competing in the world market place requires the Federal governments involvement.

I swear, this administration could give some people a three bedroom house free, and clear, and they`d want a four bedroom house, and a new car.


The USMB is having a revolt is guess. Somehow I think people got the idea that the war on terrorism meant war on Islam.
They feel betrayed and now have to rethink everything and there's a lot of liberal BS out there for them to chomp on.
dilloduck said:
The USMB is having a revolt is guess. Somehow I think people got the idea that the war on terrorism meant war on Islam.
They feel betrayed and now have to rethink everything and there's a lot of liberal BS out there for them to chomp on.
All the USMB? Where have I wrote anything out of the 'liberal' playbook. All I'm noticing today are some saying in effect, "If you don't think like me, you are 1. stupid. 2. liberal, aka as #1. 3. towing the USMB line... :rolleyes:
Kathianne said:
All the USMB? Where have I wrote anything out of the 'liberal' playbook. All I'm noticing today are some saying in effect, "If you don't think like me, you are 1. stupid. 2. liberal, aka as #1. 3. towing the USMB line... :rolleyes:

Noooo--I didn't mean to imply everyone. There are many posters who aren't as anti bush as others. This was a general post K--not to be taken personally. I don't see you in the liberal camp. I don't care if people like me or not--I am just determined to see some facts and I'm not getting any.

I threw in the toeing the line a sarcastic response to those who continually claim I am somehow not an individual thinker.
dilloduck said:
Noooo--I didn't mean to imply everyone. There are many posters who aren't as anti bush as others. This was a general post K--not to be taken personally. I don't see you in the liberal camp. I don't care if people like me or not--I am just determined to see some facts and I'm not getting any.

I threw in the toeing the line a sarcastic response to those who continually claim I am somehow not an individual thinker.

So without facts, why are you so for the deal. Better safe than stupid.
trobinett said:
What has happened to our spirit folk`s?

This help, that we`re putting on the table with India, is a GOOD THING.

Making India a better trading partner is a GOOD THING.

Having India watching our "six" is a GOOD THING.

ANYTHING that one country can do for another, that enhances their interaction with one another is a GOOD THING.

I`m very pleased to see our President out "drumming" up business, and working on the important issues`s facing this country, competing in the world market place requires the Federal governments involvement.

I swear, this administration could give some people a three bedroom house free, and clear, and they`d want a four bedroom house, and a new car.


:clap: :clap: :clap:
dilloduck said:
run to the high desert,dude---I hear it's safe there.

NO. That's ok. We can keep it moderately safe here if we just don't let terrorist countries run our ports. I'd rather do that.
rtwngAvngr said:
NO. That's ok. We can keep it moderately safe here if we just don't let terrorist countries run our ports. I'd rather do that.

oh ya--just nix the deal and you will be moderately safe. :laugh:
dilloduck said:
oh ya--just nix the deal and you will be moderately safe. :laugh:

Why is that funny? Putting a laugh icon after something doesn't make it funny. You do understand that, right?
rtwngAvngr said:
Why is that funny? Putting a laugh icon after something doesn't make it funny. You do understand that, right?

you believe that nixing the port deal will make you moderately safe? It's really sort of pitiful but I chose to stick with the theme of just laughing at your flakey paranoia and illusion of security.
dilloduck said:
you believe that nixing the port deal will make you moderately safe? It's really sort of pitiful but I chose to stick with the theme of just laughing at your flakey paranoia and illusion of security.

I don't believe nixing the port deal should be the extent of our security measures, of course. It's part of a complete breakfast.
I think this is simply amazing:

John Kerry wants to give nuclear material to Iran, a nation who has been openly hostile to us for decades. He is seen as a real leader and a nuanced intellectual.

President Bush wants to help our close ally India with nuclear materials, he is confused.
Avatar4321 said:
I think this is simply amazing:

John Kerry wants to give nuclear material to Iran, a nation who has been openly hostile to us for decades. He is seen as a real leader and a nuanced intellectual.

President Bush wants to help our close ally India with nuclear materials, he is confused.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Mariner said:
Our number one export is weapons. To much of the world, that's who we are: the global gun shop. Bush is like the president of the local chamber of commerce promoting his town.

In this case, I don't think there's much to worry about. India is a stable, peaceful country. The Indian population strongly supports the U.S., and the 2 million Indians in this country are among the United States' most prosperous and productive citizens. India's Achilles heel is Kashmir. For that reason, we have much diplomacy to do with Pakistan. I can't understand our attitude towards that country. We were friendly towards it in the 70s, when Indira Ghandi flirted with the Soviets, and we neeeded to balance that. But at the moment it's run by a general who's never delivered on promised elections, it's home to Khan, the father of the Pakistani bomb, who has been sharing his knowledge with far less stable Islamic states, it's home to many "madrasas," religious schools that teach hatred of Western values, and it's done only a fair to poor job of helping us with bin Laden, who is probably there. Why aren't we pressuring Pakistan harder to reform?


I went looking, here's what I found. What link are you referring to? :

United States Exports and Imports
Top 12 Export Product Groups 1996
In Millions of US Dollars

1. Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances
2. Road vehicles
3. Office machines and automatic data processing machines
4. Transport equipment
5. Miscellaneous manufactured articles
6. General industrial machinery and equipment
7. Machinery specialized for particular industries
8. Power generating machinery and equipment
9. Professional scientific and control instruments and apparatus
10. Telecommunication and sound record and reproduce apparatus and equipment
11. Cereals and cereal preparations
12. Organic chemicals
Kathianne said:
I went looking, here's what I found. What link are you referring to? :

United States Exports and Imports
Top 12 Export Product Groups 1996
In Millions of US Dollars

1. Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances
2. Road vehicles
3. Office machines and automatic data processing machines
4. Transport equipment
5. Miscellaneous manufactured articles
6. General industrial machinery and equipment
7. Machinery specialized for particular industries
8. Power generating machinery and equipment
9. Professional scientific and control instruments and apparatus
10. Telecommunication and sound record and reproduce apparatus and equipment
11. Cereals and cereal preparations
12. Organic chemicals
Try googling "weapons sales".

They were $37 billion in 2004,
according to this link:

(from the link):
The total worldwide value of all agreements to sell arms last year was close to $US37 billion... and nearly 59 per cent of the agreements were with developing nations, according to the Congressional Research Service report.

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