Gypsy curse and other curses?


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?
Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?
typically curses have to wither run their course, or be removed from the person who cast them. Do you know who would have done this, and why? You need to go talk to them, make things right, and hope they don't hold a grudge.
I can do it. I will only need a bit of your hair, 3 eggs

and $2,000

before midnight.........
Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?
What ever a person believes in their heart, without any doubt in their minds, can happen. But God is the only one that can stop any thing that had spoken into your life that does harm. Like if someone tells someone else that they are never going to mount to anything. But if the person believes it, that it will happen. That is cursing someone. But if you spoken that they are going to flourish and proper in life, and if the person believes it. That it will happen. And that is called blessing someone. Hoping for the best, but not for the worst. But God is the only One that can change the course on any blessing and curses. But the devil only power is his tongue. He can persuade anyone into believing in the worst that will happen to them.

John 5:47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”

John 20:27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

Matthew 6:30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?

Matthew 8:10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.

Matthew 9:22 Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment.

Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?
Take three hairs of a rat, one eye of newt, a bad attitude, and then mix them all together in a vat of boiling tears stirring occasionally for about 20 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 415ºC..

Let cool for 24 hours then mix it into a wizards cup of coffee before the next full moon and the curse will be lifted.
Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.
Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.

I am an atheist. Get a grip. He knew I was messing around.
Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.
Could you be a bigger phony?

What superstitious belief have you not ridiculed?

Anyway this post is a retread that falls into the category of ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
FYI: For those who believe in magick, and the like, curses are serious business - both for the cursed, and the curser. One of the universal laws of Magic is the Law of Reciprocity, In some form or another it says, "Mind the three fold law you should, three times bad and three times good," (Wiccan Rede) While the form, and the repercussions vary from system to system, the concept is always the same: For every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction" - whatever shit you sense out, will come back.

This is what makes curses so serious. Just casting a curse generally involves very unpleasant things - blood, bodily fluids, excrement. The reason isn't to make them gross - although it does do that - rather, the reason is to make them intimately personal. It's to force the caster to be painfully aware that they are putting serious negative energy out into the universe, and that negative energy will return to them and demand a price.

This is why true curses are extremely rare. If someone has cast a curse, they are seriously pissed off. And, I'm not talking you took my parking space, or you got the last bunch of ripe bananas at the grocery store kind of pissed off. I'm talking you killed my kid, or stole the love of my life, or ruined me financially kind of pissed off. I mean, don't get me wrong there are those who have been known to cast curses - usually minor ones - for more mundane reasons, but those people typically surround themselves with negativity, and it can be seen in the perpetually unpleasant state of their lives.

Unfortunately, that intimacy, and complicated nature of curses is also what makes them so difficult to undo. Typically, as I said, curses have to either fun their course - most curses are temporary, and are not fatal; even the most pissed off witch doesn't want to pay the cost of a life for a life - or, if you have confirmed that you have been cursed, you can generally tell by whom. After all, part of a well made curse generally carries within it an indication of the offense that led to the curse in the first place. Remember, curses are generally about retribution. If i am looking for revenge, it's not nearly as satisfying if you don't know it came from me, and why. This is actually a good thing. Because once you can trace the who, then you go, make whatever amends they person who cursed you thinks is appropriate, and they will typically in-make the curse. Typically. If the person holds a grudge, and can't be placated, then all you can do is let the thing run its course.
Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.

I am an atheist. Get a grip. He knew I was messing around.
Yeah...I wasn't referring to you, in particular.
Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.
Could you be a bigger phony?

What superstitious belief have you not ridiculed?

Anyway this post is a retread that falls into the category of ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
What I don't do is got to threads started from you religious twats, and mock you in your own threads. I may think your religious twaddle is just that, but going to your threads to mock you is more than a little rude.

You'll notice what I didn't do was come here, and mock this guy. I answered him within his beliefs. I could do the same with any of the thousands of Christian threads started here. Instead, I just choose to politely ignore them.
Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.
Could you be a bigger phony?

What superstitious belief have you not ridiculed?

Anyway this post is a retread that falls into the category of ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
What I don't do is got to threads started from you religious twats, and mock you in your own threads. I may think your religious twaddle is just that, but going to your threads to mock you is more than a little rude.

You'll notice what I didn't do was come here, and mock this guy. I answered him within his beliefs. I could do the same with any of the thousands of Christian threads started here. Instead, I just choose to politely ignore them.
lol... well goodie for you!

Like I said, could you be more phony?

What you didn't know was this exact same silly thread has been posted before and amazingly got the exact same responses.

Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.
Could you be a bigger phony?

What superstitious belief have you not ridiculed?

Anyway this post is a retread that falls into the category of ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
What I don't do is got to threads started from you religious twats, and mock you in your own threads. I may think your religious twaddle is just that, but going to your threads to mock you is more than a little rude.

You'll notice what I didn't do was come here, and mock this guy. I answered him within his beliefs. I could do the same with any of the thousands of Christian threads started here. Instead, I just choose to politely ignore them.
lol... well goodie for you!

Like I said, could you be more phony?

What you didn't know was this exact same silly thread has been posted before and amazingly got the exact same responses.


The exact same silly thread has not been posted before. Similar has not been posted before either. Although, if a question has its independent merit, then it will re emerge from a group of posters or even from a single poster.
FYI: For those who believe in magick, and the like, curses are serious business - both for the cursed, and the curser. One of the universal laws of Magic is the Law of Reciprocity, In some form or another it says, "Mind the three fold law you should, three times bad and three times good," (Wiccan Rede) While the form, and the repercussions vary from system to system, the concept is always the same: For every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction" - whatever shit you sense out, will come back.

This is what makes curses so serious. Just casting a curse generally involves very unpleasant things - blood, bodily fluids, excrement. The reason isn't to make them gross - although it does do that - rather, the reason is to make them intimately personal. It's to force the caster to be painfully aware that they are putting serious negative energy out into the universe, and that negative energy will return to them and demand a price.

This is why true curses are extremely rare. If someone has cast a curse, they are seriously pissed off. And, I'm not talking you took my parking space, or you got the last bunch of ripe bananas at the grocery store kind of pissed off. I'm talking you killed my kid, or stole the love of my life, or ruined me financially kind of pissed off. I mean, don't get me wrong there are those who have been known to cast curses - usually minor ones - for more mundane reasons, but those people typically surround themselves with negativity, and it can be seen in the perpetually unpleasant state of their lives.

Unfortunately, that intimacy, and complicated nature of curses is also what makes them so difficult to undo. Typically, as I said, curses have to either fun their course - most curses are temporary, and are not fatal; even the most pissed off witch doesn't want to pay the cost of a life for a life - or, if you have confirmed that you have been cursed, you can generally tell by whom. After all, part of a well made curse generally carries within it an indication of the offense that led to the curse in the first place. Remember, curses are generally about retribution. If i am looking for revenge, it's not nearly as satisfying if you don't know it came from me, and why. This is actually a good thing. Because once you can trace the who, then you go, make whatever amends they person who cursed you thinks is appropriate, and they will typically in-make the curse. Typically. If the person holds a grudge, and can't be placated, then all you can do is let the thing run its course.

Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..
FYI: For those who believe in magick, and the like, curses are serious business - both for the cursed, and the curser. One of the universal laws of Magic is the Law of Reciprocity, In some form or another it says, "Mind the three fold law you should, three times bad and three times good," (Wiccan Rede) While the form, and the repercussions vary from system to system, the concept is always the same: For every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction" - whatever shit you sense out, will come back.

This is what makes curses so serious. Just casting a curse generally involves very unpleasant things - blood, bodily fluids, excrement. The reason isn't to make them gross - although it does do that - rather, the reason is to make them intimately personal. It's to force the caster to be painfully aware that they are putting serious negative energy out into the universe, and that negative energy will return to them and demand a price.

This is why true curses are extremely rare. If someone has cast a curse, they are seriously pissed off. And, I'm not talking you took my parking space, or you got the last bunch of ripe bananas at the grocery store kind of pissed off. I'm talking you killed my kid, or stole the love of my life, or ruined me financially kind of pissed off. I mean, don't get me wrong there are those who have been known to cast curses - usually minor ones - for more mundane reasons, but those people typically surround themselves with negativity, and it can be seen in the perpetually unpleasant state of their lives.

Unfortunately, that intimacy, and complicated nature of curses is also what makes them so difficult to undo. Typically, as I said, curses have to either fun their course - most curses are temporary, and are not fatal; even the most pissed off witch doesn't want to pay the cost of a life for a life - or, if you have confirmed that you have been cursed, you can generally tell by whom. After all, part of a well made curse generally carries within it an indication of the offense that led to the curse in the first place. Remember, curses are generally about retribution. If i am looking for revenge, it's not nearly as satisfying if you don't know it came from me, and why. This is actually a good thing. Because once you can trace the who, then you go, make whatever amends they person who cursed you thinks is appropriate, and they will typically in-make the curse. Typically. If the person holds a grudge, and can't be placated, then all you can do is let the thing run its course.

Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..

yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?
Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.
Do you believe the black race is cursed? Or do you mock the evidence?
Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..
You're certain this is a curse, and not...well...psychological dementia? Permanent effects typically destroy the person casting the curse. I don't know too many people who are so vengeful that they're willing to pay that cost. Frankly, if this is a curse,. I doubt that there will be any way to break it. And I have to wonder, just what a kid could have possibly done to someone that would cause such a desire for vengeance.
Ya know...I have to say, I find it interesting that the very people who want everyone to take their "Invisible Magic Daddy in the Sky" seriously, are mocking this guy's beliefs. I may not believe what he does, but I did study witchcraft, Voodoo, and numerous other magickal systems, during the years that I studied, and lived as a pagan. So, I was able to respect his beliefs, and answer his question from where he is coming from.

Those of you who are mocking this guy? I would ask, by what standards are you judging his beliefs irrational, unreasonable, and worthy of ridicule? Then, take those same standards, and apply them to your beliefs.
Do you believe the black race is cursed?
No. That's a fairy tale projected from a supposition presumed from either one of two stories in the Bible - either the descendants of Caine, or the descendants of Ham. Both are absolute hogwash.
FYI: For those who believe in magick, and the like, curses are serious business - both for the cursed, and the curser. One of the universal laws of Magic is the Law of Reciprocity, In some form or another it says, "Mind the three fold law you should, three times bad and three times good," (Wiccan Rede) While the form, and the repercussions vary from system to system, the concept is always the same: For every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction" - whatever shit you sense out, will come back.

This is what makes curses so serious. Just casting a curse generally involves very unpleasant things - blood, bodily fluids, excrement. The reason isn't to make them gross - although it does do that - rather, the reason is to make them intimately personal. It's to force the caster to be painfully aware that they are putting serious negative energy out into the universe, and that negative energy will return to them and demand a price.

This is why true curses are extremely rare. If someone has cast a curse, they are seriously pissed off. And, I'm not talking you took my parking space, or you got the last bunch of ripe bananas at the grocery store kind of pissed off. I'm talking you killed my kid, or stole the love of my life, or ruined me financially kind of pissed off. I mean, don't get me wrong there are those who have been known to cast curses - usually minor ones - for more mundane reasons, but those people typically surround themselves with negativity, and it can be seen in the perpetually unpleasant state of their lives.

Unfortunately, that intimacy, and complicated nature of curses is also what makes them so difficult to undo. Typically, as I said, curses have to either fun their course - most curses are temporary, and are not fatal; even the most pissed off witch doesn't want to pay the cost of a life for a life - or, if you have confirmed that you have been cursed, you can generally tell by whom. After all, part of a well made curse generally carries within it an indication of the offense that led to the curse in the first place. Remember, curses are generally about retribution. If i am looking for revenge, it's not nearly as satisfying if you don't know it came from me, and why. This is actually a good thing. Because once you can trace the who, then you go, make whatever amends they person who cursed you thinks is appropriate, and they will typically in-make the curse. Typically. If the person holds a grudge, and can't be placated, then all you can do is let the thing run its course.

Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..

yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?
Care to link to this previous thread of which you speak? I'd be curious to see the advice given.
FYI: For those who believe in magick, and the like, curses are serious business - both for the cursed, and the curser. One of the universal laws of Magic is the Law of Reciprocity, In some form or another it says, "Mind the three fold law you should, three times bad and three times good," (Wiccan Rede) While the form, and the repercussions vary from system to system, the concept is always the same: For every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction" - whatever shit you sense out, will come back.

This is what makes curses so serious. Just casting a curse generally involves very unpleasant things - blood, bodily fluids, excrement. The reason isn't to make them gross - although it does do that - rather, the reason is to make them intimately personal. It's to force the caster to be painfully aware that they are putting serious negative energy out into the universe, and that negative energy will return to them and demand a price.

This is why true curses are extremely rare. If someone has cast a curse, they are seriously pissed off. And, I'm not talking you took my parking space, or you got the last bunch of ripe bananas at the grocery store kind of pissed off. I'm talking you killed my kid, or stole the love of my life, or ruined me financially kind of pissed off. I mean, don't get me wrong there are those who have been known to cast curses - usually minor ones - for more mundane reasons, but those people typically surround themselves with negativity, and it can be seen in the perpetually unpleasant state of their lives.

Unfortunately, that intimacy, and complicated nature of curses is also what makes them so difficult to undo. Typically, as I said, curses have to either fun their course - most curses are temporary, and are not fatal; even the most pissed off witch doesn't want to pay the cost of a life for a life - or, if you have confirmed that you have been cursed, you can generally tell by whom. After all, part of a well made curse generally carries within it an indication of the offense that led to the curse in the first place. Remember, curses are generally about retribution. If i am looking for revenge, it's not nearly as satisfying if you don't know it came from me, and why. This is actually a good thing. Because once you can trace the who, then you go, make whatever amends they person who cursed you thinks is appropriate, and they will typically in-make the curse. Typically. If the person holds a grudge, and can't be placated, then all you can do is let the thing run its course.

Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..

yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?
Care to link to this previous thread of which you speak? I'd be curious to see the advice given.


The future of deeds of witches?

The future of deeds of witches?

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