Gypsy curse and other curses?

FYI: For those who believe in magick, and the like, curses are serious business - both for the cursed, and the curser. One of the universal laws of Magic is the Law of Reciprocity, In some form or another it says, "Mind the three fold law you should, three times bad and three times good," (Wiccan Rede) While the form, and the repercussions vary from system to system, the concept is always the same: For every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction" - whatever shit you sense out, will come back.

This is what makes curses so serious. Just casting a curse generally involves very unpleasant things - blood, bodily fluids, excrement. The reason isn't to make them gross - although it does do that - rather, the reason is to make them intimately personal. It's to force the caster to be painfully aware that they are putting serious negative energy out into the universe, and that negative energy will return to them and demand a price.

This is why true curses are extremely rare. If someone has cast a curse, they are seriously pissed off. And, I'm not talking you took my parking space, or you got the last bunch of ripe bananas at the grocery store kind of pissed off. I'm talking you killed my kid, or stole the love of my life, or ruined me financially kind of pissed off. I mean, don't get me wrong there are those who have been known to cast curses - usually minor ones - for more mundane reasons, but those people typically surround themselves with negativity, and it can be seen in the perpetually unpleasant state of their lives.

Unfortunately, that intimacy, and complicated nature of curses is also what makes them so difficult to undo. Typically, as I said, curses have to either fun their course - most curses are temporary, and are not fatal; even the most pissed off witch doesn't want to pay the cost of a life for a life - or, if you have confirmed that you have been cursed, you can generally tell by whom. After all, part of a well made curse generally carries within it an indication of the offense that led to the curse in the first place. Remember, curses are generally about retribution. If i am looking for revenge, it's not nearly as satisfying if you don't know it came from me, and why. This is actually a good thing. Because once you can trace the who, then you go, make whatever amends they person who cursed you thinks is appropriate, and they will typically in-make the curse. Typically. If the person holds a grudge, and can't be placated, then all you can do is let the thing run its course.

Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..

yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?

You mean when I think about you? Homicide maybe, but at least someone thinks about you. That must count for something, doesn't it? :).
Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..
You're certain this is a curse, and not...well...psychological dementia? Permanent effects typically destroy the person casting the curse. I don't know too many people who are so vengeful that they're willing to pay that cost. Frankly, if this is a curse,. I doubt that there will be any way to break it. And I have to wonder, just what a kid could have possibly done to someone that would cause such a desire for vengeance.

What the kid was apparently he kept making too much noise, or kept running his mouth off, or something like that, or was talking trash about someone.
FYI: For those who believe in magick, and the like, curses are serious business - both for the cursed, and the curser. One of the universal laws of Magic is the Law of Reciprocity, In some form or another it says, "Mind the three fold law you should, three times bad and three times good," (Wiccan Rede) While the form, and the repercussions vary from system to system, the concept is always the same: For every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction" - whatever shit you sense out, will come back.

This is what makes curses so serious. Just casting a curse generally involves very unpleasant things - blood, bodily fluids, excrement. The reason isn't to make them gross - although it does do that - rather, the reason is to make them intimately personal. It's to force the caster to be painfully aware that they are putting serious negative energy out into the universe, and that negative energy will return to them and demand a price.

This is why true curses are extremely rare. If someone has cast a curse, they are seriously pissed off. And, I'm not talking you took my parking space, or you got the last bunch of ripe bananas at the grocery store kind of pissed off. I'm talking you killed my kid, or stole the love of my life, or ruined me financially kind of pissed off. I mean, don't get me wrong there are those who have been known to cast curses - usually minor ones - for more mundane reasons, but those people typically surround themselves with negativity, and it can be seen in the perpetually unpleasant state of their lives.

Unfortunately, that intimacy, and complicated nature of curses is also what makes them so difficult to undo. Typically, as I said, curses have to either fun their course - most curses are temporary, and are not fatal; even the most pissed off witch doesn't want to pay the cost of a life for a life - or, if you have confirmed that you have been cursed, you can generally tell by whom. After all, part of a well made curse generally carries within it an indication of the offense that led to the curse in the first place. Remember, curses are generally about retribution. If i am looking for revenge, it's not nearly as satisfying if you don't know it came from me, and why. This is actually a good thing. Because once you can trace the who, then you go, make whatever amends they person who cursed you thinks is appropriate, and they will typically in-make the curse. Typically. If the person holds a grudge, and can't be placated, then all you can do is let the thing run its course.

Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..

yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?
Care to link to this previous thread of which you speak? I'd be curious to see the advice given.


The future of deeds of witches?

The future of deeds of witches?
Okay. So here's the OP of the thread you lnked to:
Witches are usually in fairy tales, but there are plenty of practicing witches in real life too, sacrificing and killing various things. Ritual murder being a prominent crime statistic worldwide. It can be debated whether or not they move evil powers with the practice, but it is physically evident, both in ordinary life and in courts of law, that their practices are evil. Knowing this, and considering their evil results, why does every witch story erase all the evil deeds of a witch when a witch dies, restoring all victims to normal? What is the meaning and the significance of the fact, that all the victims of witches are restored when the witch dies? At least for a speculation .... And in every story ...

And here is the OP of this thread. I've compared the two in every way I can think of, and I'm just not seeing the mirroring of the posts.

Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?

Perhaps you can help me out. Can you demonstrate how these are, in your words, "exact same silly" discussions? Other than the fact that both deal with witchcraft. Although that can't possibly be your connection. Otherwise every single thread started about anything connected to Christianity could be argued as being "the exact same silly" discussion. Now, if you don't believe in witchcraft, that's fine. Some of us don't believe in your silly Supernatural Sky Daddy. So, we choose not to waste our time posting on threads created to discuss the topic with those who do. Now, if you want to start a thread about the irrationality of witchcraft, by all means. But how about not be a dick, and go into the threads of people who do to mock them?
FYI: For those who believe in magick, and the like, curses are serious business - both for the cursed, and the curser. One of the universal laws of Magic is the Law of Reciprocity, In some form or another it says, "Mind the three fold law you should, three times bad and three times good," (Wiccan Rede) While the form, and the repercussions vary from system to system, the concept is always the same: For every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction" - whatever shit you sense out, will come back.

This is what makes curses so serious. Just casting a curse generally involves very unpleasant things - blood, bodily fluids, excrement. The reason isn't to make them gross - although it does do that - rather, the reason is to make them intimately personal. It's to force the caster to be painfully aware that they are putting serious negative energy out into the universe, and that negative energy will return to them and demand a price.

This is why true curses are extremely rare. If someone has cast a curse, they are seriously pissed off. And, I'm not talking you took my parking space, or you got the last bunch of ripe bananas at the grocery store kind of pissed off. I'm talking you killed my kid, or stole the love of my life, or ruined me financially kind of pissed off. I mean, don't get me wrong there are those who have been known to cast curses - usually minor ones - for more mundane reasons, but those people typically surround themselves with negativity, and it can be seen in the perpetually unpleasant state of their lives.

Unfortunately, that intimacy, and complicated nature of curses is also what makes them so difficult to undo. Typically, as I said, curses have to either fun their course - most curses are temporary, and are not fatal; even the most pissed off witch doesn't want to pay the cost of a life for a life - or, if you have confirmed that you have been cursed, you can generally tell by whom. After all, part of a well made curse generally carries within it an indication of the offense that led to the curse in the first place. Remember, curses are generally about retribution. If i am looking for revenge, it's not nearly as satisfying if you don't know it came from me, and why. This is actually a good thing. Because once you can trace the who, then you go, make whatever amends they person who cursed you thinks is appropriate, and they will typically in-make the curse. Typically. If the person holds a grudge, and can't be placated, then all you can do is let the thing run its course.

Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..

yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?
Care to link to this previous thread of which you speak? I'd be curious to see the advice given.


The future of deeds of witches?

The future of deeds of witches?
Okay. So here's the OP of the thread you lnked to:
Witches are usually in fairy tales, but there are plenty of practicing witches in real life too, sacrificing and killing various things. Ritual murder being a prominent crime statistic worldwide. It can be debated whether or not they move evil powers with the practice, but it is physically evident, both in ordinary life and in courts of law, that their practices are evil. Knowing this, and considering their evil results, why does every witch story erase all the evil deeds of a witch when a witch dies, restoring all victims to normal? What is the meaning and the significance of the fact, that all the victims of witches are restored when the witch dies? At least for a speculation .... And in every story ...

And here is the OP of this thread. I've compared the two in every way I can think of, and I'm just not seeing the mirroring of the posts.

Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?

Perhaps you can help me out. Can you demonstrate how these are, in your words, "exact same silly" discussions? Other than the fact that both deal with witchcraft. Although that can't possibly be your connection. Otherwise every single thread started about anything connected to Christianity could be argued as being "the exact same silly" discussion. Now, if you don't believe in witchcraft, that's fine. Some of us don't believe in your silly Supernatural Sky Daddy. So, we choose not to waste our time posting on threads created to discuss the topic with those who do. Now, if you want to start a thread about the irrationality of witchcraft, by all means. But how about not be a dick, and go into the threads of people who do to mock them?


the common thread is the question about whether killing the spell caster would end the spell.
Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..
You're certain this is a curse, and not...well...psychological dementia? Permanent effects typically destroy the person casting the curse. I don't know too many people who are so vengeful that they're willing to pay that cost. Frankly, if this is a curse,. I doubt that there will be any way to break it. And I have to wonder, just what a kid could have possibly done to someone that would cause such a desire for vengeance.

What the kid was apparently he kept making too much noise, or kept running his mouth off, or something like that, or was talking trash about someone.
Yeah...I don't see anyone in their right mind casting the kind of curse you're talking about because the kid next door was "annoying". I would refer you back to the consequences of casting curses. No one is going to accept that cost for "annoying"; and they're certainly not going to accept the cost of a permanent curse over "annoying". I would submit that the kid's not cursed; he's just damaged.
Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..

yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?
Care to link to this previous thread of which you speak? I'd be curious to see the advice given.


The future of deeds of witches?

The future of deeds of witches?
Okay. So here's the OP of the thread you lnked to:
Witches are usually in fairy tales, but there are plenty of practicing witches in real life too, sacrificing and killing various things. Ritual murder being a prominent crime statistic worldwide. It can be debated whether or not they move evil powers with the practice, but it is physically evident, both in ordinary life and in courts of law, that their practices are evil. Knowing this, and considering their evil results, why does every witch story erase all the evil deeds of a witch when a witch dies, restoring all victims to normal? What is the meaning and the significance of the fact, that all the victims of witches are restored when the witch dies? At least for a speculation .... And in every story ...

And here is the OP of this thread. I've compared the two in every way I can think of, and I'm just not seeing the mirroring of the posts.

Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?

Perhaps you can help me out. Can you demonstrate how these are, in your words, "exact same silly" discussions? Other than the fact that both deal with witchcraft. Although that can't possibly be your connection. Otherwise every single thread started about anything connected to Christianity could be argued as being "the exact same silly" discussion. Now, if you don't believe in witchcraft, that's fine. Some of us don't believe in your silly Supernatural Sky Daddy. So, we choose not to waste our time posting on threads created to discuss the topic with those who do. Now, if you want to start a thread about the irrationality of witchcraft, by all means. But how about not be a dick, and go into the threads of people who do to mock them?


the common thread is the question about whether killing the spell caster would end the spell.
Really? I must have missed this. Can you post, in this thread, where anotherlife has asked about killing the caster? Seems such a question would be stupid. I thought I made it pretty clear that the spell itself would cause this result, if a caster has, in fact, cast a curse as destructive as he is describing. So; clearly the death of the caster would not "fix" the problem - if this were actually a curse that is being discussed.

I question whether a curse was cast, as I have indicated. Curses are not considered lightly in the pagan community, and I don't know anyone who would even use a minor curse for something as banal as "the kid was annoying", let alone some heavy-duty, going to cause permanent damage kind of curse. The cost is just too high.
Last edited:
Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?
There is no such thing as a curse. It's all hogwash.
Christian curses have been placed on certain Alt Righties here, I would think, based on their continuing dementia.
Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..

yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?
Care to link to this previous thread of which you speak? I'd be curious to see the advice given.


The future of deeds of witches?

The future of deeds of witches?
Okay. So here's the OP of the thread you lnked to:
Witches are usually in fairy tales, but there are plenty of practicing witches in real life too, sacrificing and killing various things. Ritual murder being a prominent crime statistic worldwide. It can be debated whether or not they move evil powers with the practice, but it is physically evident, both in ordinary life and in courts of law, that their practices are evil. Knowing this, and considering their evil results, why does every witch story erase all the evil deeds of a witch when a witch dies, restoring all victims to normal? What is the meaning and the significance of the fact, that all the victims of witches are restored when the witch dies? At least for a speculation .... And in every story ...

And here is the OP of this thread. I've compared the two in every way I can think of, and I'm just not seeing the mirroring of the posts.

Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?

Perhaps you can help me out. Can you demonstrate how these are, in your words, "exact same silly" discussions? Other than the fact that both deal with witchcraft. Although that can't possibly be your connection. Otherwise every single thread started about anything connected to Christianity could be argued as being "the exact same silly" discussion. Now, if you don't believe in witchcraft, that's fine. Some of us don't believe in your silly Supernatural Sky Daddy. So, we choose not to waste our time posting on threads created to discuss the topic with those who do. Now, if you want to start a thread about the irrationality of witchcraft, by all means. But how about not be a dick, and go into the threads of people who do to mock them?


the common thread is the question about whether killing the spell caster would end the spell.

Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..
You're certain this is a curse, and not...well...psychological dementia? Permanent effects typically destroy the person casting the curse. I don't know too many people who are so vengeful that they're willing to pay that cost. Frankly, if this is a curse,. I doubt that there will be any way to break it. And I have to wonder, just what a kid could have possibly done to someone that would cause such a desire for vengeance.

What the kid was apparently he kept making too much noise, or kept running his mouth off, or something like that, or was talking trash about someone.
Yeah...I don't see anyone in their right mind casting the kind of curse you're talking about because the kid next door was "annoying". I would refer you back to the consequences of casting curses. No one is going to accept that cost for "annoying"; and they're certainly not going to accept the cost of a permanent curse over "annoying". I would submit that the kid's not cursed; he's just damaged.

I Hope so. I think the caster could be stupid enough to do it without realizing the consequences.
Actually, I know a very complicated case, where this is difficult to follow up. The cursed individual was a young child, and a neighbor cursed the child with some sort of dementia dementia for the rest of the child's life. The child became older but couldn't recall well who the person was. Plus his atheist neighborhood doesn't help him either. I wonder if his dementia would be lifted if the person who cursed the child can be found. And what if that person dies..
You're certain this is a curse, and not...well...psychological dementia? Permanent effects typically destroy the person casting the curse. I don't know too many people who are so vengeful that they're willing to pay that cost. Frankly, if this is a curse,. I doubt that there will be any way to break it. And I have to wonder, just what a kid could have possibly done to someone that would cause such a desire for vengeance.

What the kid was apparently he kept making too much noise, or kept running his mouth off, or something like that, or was talking trash about someone.
Yeah...I don't see anyone in their right mind casting the kind of curse you're talking about because the kid next door was "annoying". I would refer you back to the consequences of casting curses. No one is going to accept that cost for "annoying"; and they're certainly not going to accept the cost of a permanent curse over "annoying". I would submit that the kid's not cursed; he's just damaged.

I Hope so. I think the caster could be stupid enough to do it without realizing the consequences.
Not possible. The art of cursing isn't something that the average idiot can just stumble across in the "Spirituality/Psychic" section of your local Books-A-Million. It is a very well guarded secret even in the pagan community. No one is taught how to curse, without first being taught all of the consequences, and when to curse.

Again, if someone did this, it caused equal, or more damage to the caster. No one is going to do that. Trust me, your kid needs a shrink, not a wytch.
Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?
There is no such thing as a curse. It's all hogwash.

Oh really?

"This", he told me, is the curse going out over the whole land for by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away and by the writing on the other side every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, the Lord of Hosts has said, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name; it shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers and stones and all."
Anyone who does not believe in curses and their powers may be in for a real shock.
Christian curses have been placed on certain Alt Righties here, I would think, based on their continuing dementia.
yeah, same story.

Still having homicidal thoughts?
Care to link to this previous thread of which you speak? I'd be curious to see the advice given.


The future of deeds of witches?

The future of deeds of witches?
Okay. So here's the OP of the thread you lnked to:
Witches are usually in fairy tales, but there are plenty of practicing witches in real life too, sacrificing and killing various things. Ritual murder being a prominent crime statistic worldwide. It can be debated whether or not they move evil powers with the practice, but it is physically evident, both in ordinary life and in courts of law, that their practices are evil. Knowing this, and considering their evil results, why does every witch story erase all the evil deeds of a witch when a witch dies, restoring all victims to normal? What is the meaning and the significance of the fact, that all the victims of witches are restored when the witch dies? At least for a speculation .... And in every story ...

And here is the OP of this thread. I've compared the two in every way I can think of, and I'm just not seeing the mirroring of the posts.

Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?

Perhaps you can help me out. Can you demonstrate how these are, in your words, "exact same silly" discussions? Other than the fact that both deal with witchcraft. Although that can't possibly be your connection. Otherwise every single thread started about anything connected to Christianity could be argued as being "the exact same silly" discussion. Now, if you don't believe in witchcraft, that's fine. Some of us don't believe in your silly Supernatural Sky Daddy. So, we choose not to waste our time posting on threads created to discuss the topic with those who do. Now, if you want to start a thread about the irrationality of witchcraft, by all means. But how about not be a dick, and go into the threads of people who do to mock them?


the common thread is the question about whether killing the spell caster would end the spell.

Anyone who does not believe in curses and their powers may be in for a real shock.
LOL! Too funny. The same people who believe in witchcraft deny even the possibility of God.
Christian curses have been placed on certain Alt Righties here, I would think, based on their continuing dementia.
Care to link to this previous thread of which you speak? I'd be curious to see the advice given.


The future of deeds of witches?

The future of deeds of witches?
Okay. So here's the OP of the thread you lnked to:
Witches are usually in fairy tales, but there are plenty of practicing witches in real life too, sacrificing and killing various things. Ritual murder being a prominent crime statistic worldwide. It can be debated whether or not they move evil powers with the practice, but it is physically evident, both in ordinary life and in courts of law, that their practices are evil. Knowing this, and considering their evil results, why does every witch story erase all the evil deeds of a witch when a witch dies, restoring all victims to normal? What is the meaning and the significance of the fact, that all the victims of witches are restored when the witch dies? At least for a speculation .... And in every story ...

And here is the OP of this thread. I've compared the two in every way I can think of, and I'm just not seeing the mirroring of the posts.

Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?

Perhaps you can help me out. Can you demonstrate how these are, in your words, "exact same silly" discussions? Other than the fact that both deal with witchcraft. Although that can't possibly be your connection. Otherwise every single thread started about anything connected to Christianity could be argued as being "the exact same silly" discussion. Now, if you don't believe in witchcraft, that's fine. Some of us don't believe in your silly Supernatural Sky Daddy. So, we choose not to waste our time posting on threads created to discuss the topic with those who do. Now, if you want to start a thread about the irrationality of witchcraft, by all means. But how about not be a dick, and go into the threads of people who do to mock them?


the common thread is the question about whether killing the spell caster would end the spell.

Anyone who does not believe in curses and their powers may be in for a real shock.
LOL! Too funny. The same people who believe in witchcraft deny even the possibility of God.
Oh, I don't believe in witchcraft anymore than I do God. But, I used to, and spent many years studying it, and thus can provide an answer from his beliefs.
Christian curses have been placed on certain Alt Righties here, I would think, based on their continuing dementia.
Okay. So here's the OP of the thread you lnked to:
Witches are usually in fairy tales, but there are plenty of practicing witches in real life too, sacrificing and killing various things. Ritual murder being a prominent crime statistic worldwide. It can be debated whether or not they move evil powers with the practice, but it is physically evident, both in ordinary life and in courts of law, that their practices are evil. Knowing this, and considering their evil results, why does every witch story erase all the evil deeds of a witch when a witch dies, restoring all victims to normal? What is the meaning and the significance of the fact, that all the victims of witches are restored when the witch dies? At least for a speculation .... And in every story ...

And here is the OP of this thread. I've compared the two in every way I can think of, and I'm just not seeing the mirroring of the posts.

Curses are bad, and they are created by humans. The gypsy curse is the worst. But even generally they are very bad and they destroy your life.

Interestingly, when a curse is to be lifted, it is not usually erased but transferred onto something else. So the suffering doesn't stop, only something else starts suffering instead of the original curse victim.

Why can't curses be just erased? Why do they have to be transferred instead? Even Jesus Christ didn't erase the curse that He once worked against, but He just transferred it into nearby pigs at lakes?

Do you know how to erase curses instead of transferring them?

Any ideas?

Perhaps you can help me out. Can you demonstrate how these are, in your words, "exact same silly" discussions? Other than the fact that both deal with witchcraft. Although that can't possibly be your connection. Otherwise every single thread started about anything connected to Christianity could be argued as being "the exact same silly" discussion. Now, if you don't believe in witchcraft, that's fine. Some of us don't believe in your silly Supernatural Sky Daddy. So, we choose not to waste our time posting on threads created to discuss the topic with those who do. Now, if you want to start a thread about the irrationality of witchcraft, by all means. But how about not be a dick, and go into the threads of people who do to mock them?


the common thread is the question about whether killing the spell caster would end the spell.

Anyone who does not believe in curses and their powers may be in for a real shock.
LOL! Too funny. The same people who believe in witchcraft deny even the possibility of God.
Oh, I don't believe in witchcraft anymore than I do God. But, I used to, and spent many years studying it, and thus can provide an answer from his beliefs.
Copra sanctum! lol..

Thats like telling a catholic who is having a crisis of faith to go to confession and celebrate the eucharist because you used to believe it even though you don't.

What a guy!

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