H/H Poll on Twitter Files: Not a "Nothingburger"


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Well here you go, liberals: read it and weep. Americans know what Twitter was up to, they don't condone it and they want it investigated. By 74/26, poll respondents want former Twitter employees prosecuted if they facilitated govt censorship in the platform.

They also don't want your "offensive posts" suspended on Twitter, like the vaccines don't work as well as promised; marriage should be between a man and a woman; and there are only two sexes.

In short, America has seen your attempted fascistic media takeover and wants none of it. All the details in the article, plus a link to the poll itself:

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They are simple thinkers, so believe saying it = making it so.

They might just learn differently. Maybe.

They think like children because they were never forced to become adults. They still believe in Santa Claus. The former Twitter was perfect for them because it was a warm, soft place where they were allowed to stay in their magical fantasy world. No unpleasant reality whatsoever.

Well here you go, liberals: read it and weep. Americans know what Twitter was up to, they don't condone it and they want it investigated. By 74/26, poll respondents want former Twitter employees prosecuted if they facilitated govt censorship in the platform.

They also don't want your "offensive posts" suspended on Twitter, like the vaccines don't work as well as promised; marriage should be between a man and a woman; and there are only two sexes.

In short, America has seen your attempted fascistic media takeover and wants none of it. All the details in the article, plus a link to the poll itself:
Even if everything here is true, isn't Twitter a private company that has the 2nd amendment right to say, or not say, whatever they want?
Even if everything here is true, isn't Twitter a private company that has the 2nd amendment right to say, or not say, whatever they want?
Even if everything here is true, isn't Twitter a private company that has the 2nd amendment right to say, or not say, whatever they want?

You mean 1st amendment, and yes. I have said before if Musk wants to make it a recipe swap and ban everyone who talks about anything else that's his right.

The problem is involving the govt in suppressing speech.

This should be obvious
Even if everything here is true, isn't Twitter a private company that has the 2nd amendment right to say, or not say, whatever they want?
What do you mean "if" everything is true? These are published email chains with no editing from the highest execs at Twitter...As for Twitter being a private company, that is true, however, when you have a government entity like the FBI, and as it went on, the WH themselves directing Twitter what to label, and make disappear, it ceases to be able to hide behind the "private company" excuse...
Even if everything here is true, isn't Twitter a private company that has the 2nd amendment right to say, or not say, whatever they want?
well first, the second amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms

secondly, when a private entity or individual becomes a State Actor, the State Actor Doctrine applies and just like if it were the State directly, they can’t violate Constitutional rights
Huge nothingburger
More like a nothing burger all you can eat buffet. Are they still releasing files? Does anyone know? Does anyone care?

I do know that the guy who was supposedly posting news stories is no longer in favor with the guy who runs Twitter.

Here's a good barometer...

If you have to post a poll showing that something is popular instead of it having an organic popularity...it's not popular.
More like a nothing burger all you can eat buffet. Are they still releasing files? Does anyone know? Does anyone care?

I do know that the guy who was supposedly posting news stories is no longer in favor with the guy who runs Twitter.

Here's a good barometer...

If you have to post a poll showing that something is popular instead of it having an organic popularity...it's not popular.

"I do know that the guy who................................................."


But only to a Fascist.
I dare say, it probably is meant to distract folks.

It is meant to come right out, like Edward Snowden did, and say, "Hey, look, government and corporations are going to collude to strip you of your liberties, and there isn't a damn thing you are going to do about it, nor are the fascists that run your life going to do anything about it either. Shut up and get used to it, live in fear, and watch what you say and do from here on out."

Just like JMK said, "we're all Keynsians now,"

If you use a smart phone, and use programmable money, or those cash apps, and agree to all that meta-data mining garbage? "We're all fascists now!"

There are probably data engineers and data scientists on this very site, working for many different players. :sigh2:

This whole "twitter files," might just be an elaborate psy-op to make data more usable for all . . . :dunno:

Interview 1776 - Behind the Twitter Files Hype on Unlimited Hangout

Corbett • 12/21/2022 • 14 Comments
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I dare say, it probably is meant to distract folks.

It is meant to come right out, like Edward Snowden did, and say, "Hey, look, government and corporations are going to collude to strip you of your liberties, and there isn't a damn thing you are going to do about it, nor are the fascists that run your life going to do anything about it either. Shut up and get used to it, live in fear, and watch what you say and do from here on out."

Just like JMK said, "we're all Keynsians now,"

If you use a smart phone, and use programmable money, or those cash apps, and agree to all that meta-data mining garbage? "We're all fascists now!"

There are probably data engineers and data scientists on this very site, working for many different players. :sigh2:

This whole "twitter files," might just be an elaborate psy-op to make data more usable for all . . . :dunno:

Interview 1776 - Behind the Twitter Files Hype on Unlimited Hangout

Corbett • 12/21/2022 • 14 Comments

Elon proves the fickleness of the duopoly. He was the darling of the Left because of Tesla, believing him a climate savior. Now he’s hated by the Left for exposing Twitters involvement in politically motivated censorship and involvement with the FBI to silence voices on the right before an election.

Conversely he’s now admired by the right as a free speech advocate, yet he continues to ban people on Twitter and has all sorts of nefarious plans to monitor and data mine people.
Elon proves the fickleness of the duopoly. He was the darling of the Left because of Tesla, believing him a climate savior. Now he’s hated by the Left for exposing Twitters involvement in politically motivated censorship and involvement with the FBI to silence voices on the right before an election.

Conversely he’s now admired by the right as a free speech advocate, yet he continues to ban people on Twitter and has all sorts of nefarious plans to monitor and data mine people.
I could not confirm that status of the FDA approval of the human testing of the Neuralink project, this is a Dec. 1st release;


There is this though, from last July, so it still stands as a PR testament, which the political right is largely ignoring. And the left? Well, we have seen on this site, that they have mostly lost their backbone and their brains since the election of Trump;

I really liked the term, I believe they used, "narrative rehabilitation," ??? It might have been something similar, if that was not it. Which was to make a hero of one of these WEF/WHO stooges, to the right/alt right MAGA crowd folks, and then, continue with the forth industrial revolution/Great Reset apace, as though nobody really has any opposition to it.

It is just a more sophisticated psychological operation/version of the Q-crap they pulled, to make anyone that questions official narratives, or point out the trafficking of woman and children, look like a kook.

I began to be leery of this whole twitter files, when, like the Panama Papers, or the Wikileaks during the election of 2016, or even the Snowden revelations, the establishment always seems to move the story of the event, to center controversy upon the actual leaks, not to focusing what is IN the data.

Have any of the MAGA folks, or real conservative that don't like Biden, actually posted a single thread about what is in those Hunter laptop files? :dunno:

I haven't seen one. Even in this discussion, James, who is usually quite well informed, really didn't know much about the best place, to find out what IS the best public source to find out what is on that laptop. Does anyone really know the primary source? Most of what I have seen usually comes out of 4chan.

If anyone wanted to take the time? Here it is, all of what is available to the public;

But I don't expect conservatives to care, read it, or post threads about it. The "story," will be about the suppression of this information, and the threads will continue to be about the suppression of this information.

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