Hacking and tracking you: Rfid in stores

Nika, the privacy issues are real so why have a cell phone, laptop or notebook computer, a GPS and RFID cards? You can always refuse to participate.
Most cars prior to 1980 are without a computer so you have a lot of choices.
I have a 1966, and two 1973 cars that get over 20 mpg and run as well as any car to get me around the country. I have taken both of the 73's on trips of over two hundred miles without a problem. I know how to read a map so I don't need a GPS and my phone plugs into the wall. I don't have cable or satellite TV and never use Google or any search engine that I cannot disable the history on. I use an older computer running Linux with the "normal" Linux safe-guards on it.
The feds still collect and read my posts to places like this and of course every phone call but if that puts me on their lists then so be it.
I am probably on more than one list because I send a lot of emails to my state and federal representatives on all kinds of subjects.
We are discussing privacy issues and were you not the one agreeing with me on the other thread? No consistency

I agree with posts not persons.

In anycase anyone who posts on the net and then whines about loss of privacy....
heck they probably even post on Facebook.
Then they even buy chips with their fish too ;)

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