Hacking and tracking you: Rfid in stores

please tell me your joking? you cant be serious? It doesnt surprise me but geez,there sure are a lot of idiots out there in denial that we are in nazi germany right now.Only its a lot more cleverly disguised. from 9/11 Inside Job

From NIKA: I am not joking and it happens every time I cash a check for thousands and do not deposit it...My idea is that if its in the bank...it is theirs in a click of the keys...so I do not deposit it...only a small amount.
Get lost, clueless..You do not read do you? I reported you, troll

I just posted a link to Forbes agreeing with me....Go paint a face on your avatar..It will give you more character...

You reported me?

Tell your mommy on me?
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Maybe US Citizen is a representative of the New World Order? I personally call it the Orwellian State, or Police State..We do not have to allow these things to happen..Kick out the current legislative reps and insert our own....Left and Right....Write to your governors and state reps and make it clear that you will not vote for them...Start a grassroots movement in your communities...Start your own newspapers. Publish pamphlets as the founding fathers did...Leave them all over America...Keep posting! Write to WalMart corporate office in Bentonville, Arkansas and tell them how you feel about them forging the way for RFID...Wal-Mart is working with the DOD in this...The box to my new laptop says, WalMart DC and the receipt says USG DOD...Again...why would the DOD have receipt numbers for Acer laptops in the WalMart system? The clerks say that they have to cover the DOD part to get a correct serial number (????) The first one that I took back was not even registered to Wal-Mart and they said it was not theirs (????) Did it belong to the DOD?

Uscitizen is with the universal order. I am not limited to this pitiful little planet of yours.
I don't want to live in Orwell's world....

Dude - Orwell never dreamed of the kind of controls they have over you today.

They can print an RFID Tattoo on anything including humans, animals, steak, food, packages letters, ID's, etc & track & record everything. Every page you print & CD you burn has hidden coded identification on it. All of your utility meters record & spy on you. Your car, computer, TV box, cell phone & wallet record & spy on you. You have no idea what these large government favored corporations can do.

An RFID Tattoo can detect your health, vital signs, location & transmit them to a monitoring & recording station. It can act as a lie detector. It can record when you have been good or bad. They even have lie-detecting surveillance cameras tracking facial blood flow, expression & emotion.
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Well...they will have to tattoo me, first...Until the majority of people stand up against this it will continue under cover.......We do have power in numbers..We need international privacy groups...as Europe is worse...

After my bank turned me in for using cash, I thought I would buy online using PayPal ...so I opened an account. When it said "Link your bank account"....I went to the page and it said I was going to the United Kingdom....I browsed the privacy message for the UK and it said that all data could be turned over to international banks and the EU and its partners. I declined to link my account..Is this a way to get around US privacy requirements?
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15 years ago I went into Bank of America's currency transfer room with my tool case to repair their equipment. It had double vaulted doors going in & leading to the armored truck areas. Hidden in the walls next to the doors were currency scanners. There were skid loads of money all over in there. I had my tool box sitting on a pile of money & was leaning up against another skid of money while I worked.

I was talking with the guys in there about how could they be around all of this & not pocket a bunch. I said can I just dump all my tools into the machine cabinet & fill my tool box full of $100 bills. They said don't even try because they know how much cash I had on me when I walked in & it has to match when I leave. I said how much do I have on me & they told me how much cash I had in my wallet. So I pulled it out & counted it & they were dead on. They could roll a skid load of money through the door to the armored truck & it would read how much money was on the skid. There was no way to pack fake money piles in the middle of the skid or replace $100 bills with $1 bills.

By now I am sure stores & banks can know what's in your wallet when you walk through their doors.
Nika, yes, my post was sarchasm.
I don't have any RFID cards, no cell phone, no GPS or anything else that is trackable. I even drive cars without computers.

As far as curency counters go you can mess with them by removing the magnetic strip that is in them (one of the anti-forgery devices) and it is no longer actively targeted by the readers. As long as they can't prove that you removed it you are safe from prosecution. The ink on the bills are also magnetic so they know whether you are carrying cash but the denominations are harder to figure out.

GM cars (and others) with the "On-Star" feature can be tracked, remotely started or stopped, and even locked remotely (if it has electric locks) and it doesn't matter whether the On-Star system is paid for (and thus useable by you) or not. The system can be used to stop a carjacking or a criminal get-away or to just stop you from going someplace the government doesn't want you. It is accessible by local, state and federal agencies.

The only way they can track my car is the old-fashioned way - they have to follow me - in another car or by air.
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Can you help me find a car without a computer chip?:) I have a beautiful red car that will never start...and the dealer says the computer chip says someone is trying to steal it??? a light keeps flashing that says, security alert after I turn it on...and all functions turn to zero on dash...
Can you help me find a car without a computer chip?:) I have a beautiful red car that will never start...and the dealer says the computer chip says someone is trying to steal it??? a light keeps flashing that says, security alert after I turn it on...and all functions turn to zero on dash...

The chip in your car key must be bad.

Here is a new vehicle without a computer.
And yet you post on the net. The least private place in the world.

Your computer gradually sucks your soul out and gives it to Satan.
"Paranoia runs deep, into your life it will creep..." - Buffalo Springfield
This is just a small taste of what they had on you 6 years ago.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4rBhA5Gzio"]Big Brother Big Business Part 1[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUOBN8tYZbQ"]Big Brother Big Business Part 2[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPIgfwHwsIE"]Big Brother Big Business Part 3[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0pUdurb5Y0"]Big Brother Big Business Part 4[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQyfXsL04D0"]Big Brother Big Business Part 5[/ame]
Go play checkers, and stop interfering with my posts...If you have nothing to post about privacy issues. You know who you are..Read the new rules...to SayIt and Faceless
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