Hacking the vote: computer voting is easily tampered with

WHICH PARTY was it who threw a hissy fit and DEMANDED that we "upgrade" to touchscreen voting?

WHICH party had to FORCE adoption of this new tech? Once you have THAT answer TM -- you'll see which party wanted to squeeze virtual votes out of the "paperless" voting machines..

wasn't it Democrats screaming about hanging chads? and then we got these machines..


Dear asshole, It was YOUR party screaming about hanging chads

No dumbass, it was YOUR party that had the whole recount, bitched about the punch ballot and the hanging chads, dont pull that crap with us. you can spout that off to your Obama ass kissing friends, not here.
These problems have been found in cvoting machines we use.

It is not isolated

they happen in every state.

Do you care if eleltions are truely representing what the people want?
WHICH PARTY was it who threw a hissy fit and DEMANDED that we "upgrade" to touchscreen voting?

WHICH party had to FORCE adoption of this new tech? Once you have THAT answer TM -- you'll see which party wanted to squeeze virtual votes out of the "paperless" voting machines..

Dear fucking IDIOT that was the Bush team and the republicans
Truthmatters is a tool of the left, my God this guy brings up a voting issue in MA and blames it on republicans, what a dumbass.
WHICH PARTY was it who threw a hissy fit and DEMANDED that we "upgrade" to touchscreen voting?

WHICH party had to FORCE adoption of this new tech? Once you have THAT answer TM -- you'll see which party wanted to squeeze virtual votes out of the "paperless" voting machines..

Dear fucking IDIOT that was the Bush team and the republicans

So dumbass after the democrats bitched about the butterfly punch ballot, what type of machines did they want? I cant wait for this answer
How many bullshit assertions can TDM try and spout off as 'truth' in 1 thread?? I have a feeling we're about to find out.. again
How do you explain vote flipping?

they are all documented

but just like the court documented cases of your party cheating black voters you pretend its not true because you are some dishonest fucks
then she uses Wiki, a site that can be hacked and changed at anybody's whim.

So if republicans are the only ones manipulating those voting machines, they must be the smarter of the two. If a Dem could figure out how to do it, do you think he wouldn't?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seems to me that if the Reps are doing all that dirty damned cheating then why the hell are there Dem winner in some elections??

Also why are the Dems against Voter ID?

Oh wait. This is another of Truthsplatters Reps cheating at election threads. Never mind.

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