Hacking the vote: computer voting is easily tampered with

how does an election end with one candidate having a negative count of votes?


No. Operator error and shoddy design.

I have dove very deep into these machines since the 2000 election and found the irregularities have occurred all over the country and do not favor one party over another.

It's operator error. You have people who have no idea how to properly operate these machines running them. They are poorly trained and frequently not very intelligent.

There are no educational or aptitude requirements to be a volunteer election official. So you frequently have complete incompetents operating them.
"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence".
Walden "Wally" O'Dell was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of Diebold, a US-based security and financial products company.

He was an active fundraiser for George W. Bush's re-election campaign and wrote in a fund-raising letter dated August 13, 2003, that he was committed "to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President."[1] His involvement with the campaign raised concerns that, as the CEO of the largest manufacturer of electronic voting equipment,[citation needed] he would have been in a position to attempt to manipulate the results of the presidential election of 2004.

In December 2005, O'Dell left the company amid a United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation into insider trading at the company.

You will find these machines malfunction in Democratic precincts as often as they fail in GOP precincts.

If you really wanted to actually look and see. Or you can just keep your confirmation bias and see only what you want to see.

Incompetence is not limited to just these machines. It is also found in those who report these stories from a partisan hack's viewpoint.
You will find these machines malfunction in Democratic precincts as often as they fail in GOP precincts.

If you really wanted to actually look and see. Or you can just keep your confirmation bias and see only what you want to see.

Incompetence is not limited to just these machines. It is also found in those who report these stories from a partisan hack's viewpoint.

nope not true.

PROOVE what you claim
Let me show you incompetence:

There are no national standards for training. Most training is insufficient to cover the material needed to effectively do this job. Moreover, modern elections utilize new forms of technology like computers and touch screens, which is often a difficult adjustment for long time poll workers with limited training or interaction with new technology. The 2008 primary elections in Washington State and Chicago, Illinois provide classic examples of poll worker issues. In Washington, voters were left waiting hours as poll workers hid electronic voting machines because they did not like the touch-screen devices.3 Similarly, in Chicago, poll workers passed out pens meant for e-voting machines. When those instruments made no mark on paper ballots, election workers said the pens were full of invisible ink.4

Poll Workers - Election Protection
So if republicans are the only ones manipulating those voting machines, they must be the smarter of the two. If a Dem could figure out how to do it, do you think he wouldn't?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow you really have a low opinion of humans

C'mon, cut him some slack. Whadaya expect his opinion of humans to be after reading your tripe nearly daily?

Oh, and after much thought I've come to the conclusion if I ever come across you dog I'm gonna friggin' shoot it, put it out of the misery of being around you.
On Super Tuesday in Chicago, poll workers passed out pens meant for e-voting machines. When those instruments made no mark on paper ballots, election workers said they were full of invisible ink - an explanation that was upheld by onsite precinct judges. While some of these snafus defy logic, many can be pinned on poor training, experts say. “We're running the most important part of our democracy on the backs of untrained, poorly paid volunteers,” said Lloyd Leonard, who has helped research poll worker issues for the League of Women Voters. “It's not their fault. Funding is not a priority. They aren't paid much. They try real hard. We should all volunteer and help them out.”

Daily Chronicle | Poll workers' strange decisions often not their fault

These volunteers are too retarded to tell the difference between a stylus and a pen! And this is who we have running our electronic voting machines.

If they can't even handle pens, how competent are they going to be at properly operating the machines?

"Ooooh, look at all the pretty lights!"
In New York City, election officials recently said that data entry errors were partly to blame for incorrect early results on Super Tuesday which showed 80 districts, including some in Harlem, with zero votes for Barack Obama. Those numbers are being updated and won't affect the final tally, said Board of Elections spokeswoman Valerie Vazquez. Electronic voting machines have worsened the burden on poll workers, whose average age is 72. Touted as an antidote to the election meltdown of 2000, many states welcomed the new technology and spent millions buying its products. Then problems arose with elderly poll workers who had difficulty operating the ATM-like units. Problems also occurred with the machines themselves, which malfunctioned, switched votes and mysteriously shut down in cases reported across the country. Several states this year, including delegate-rich California, changed their primaries to paper contests.

Daily Chronicle | Poll workers' strange decisions often not their fault
wow , this is NOT about the poll workers.

this is about voting machines being insecure.



Not safe to count our votes on and to believe in an election being uncorrupted
wow , this is NOT about the poll workers.

this is about voting machines being insecure.



Not safe to count our votes on and to believe in an election being uncorrupted

No. You went from "hackable" to "being hacked" to "being hacked by Republicans". Without a shred of evidence. You have no evidence of this army of Republican operatives hacking these machines.


These machines are pieces of garbage, operated by little old ladies who can't even program the clock on their DVRs much less work a complicated piece of electronic voting technology.
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who owns the companies?

in what way have the exit polls differed from the electronic count?
This is a pre-planned conspiracy theory in case Obama loses.

Built on bogus claims unsupported by any evidence.

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