'Hacktivist' Anonymous says it will avenge Charlie Hebdo attacks by shutting down jihadist websites

First thought, good. Second thought is less ways to track the radicals.
Video Hacktivist group Anonymous says it will avenge Charlie Hebdo attacks by shutting down jihadist websites - Telegraph

"We are declaring war against you, the terrorists."

They add that the group will track down and close all accounts on social networks related to terrorists in order to avenge those who have been killed.


I'm surprised you're not siding with the terrorists. Seriously.

You said: I'm surprised you're not siding with the terrorists. Seriously.

There are only two types of terrorists. Domestic and foreign.

Foreign terrorists are a matter of perspective. To us, radical Islamic s and their ilk are terrorists. For many people, the Republican sponsored invasion of Iraq was terrorism since Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Some even believe that when Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him, they were secretly on the side of Islamic Terrorists.

And the others are "Domestic Terrorists" and that group seems to be very well covered by Republicans. I truly believe the Republican Party has become a home grown terrorists organization. There are so many clues:

They let Bin Laden go
They invaded the wrong country
They redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%
They watched over 40,000 factories close and did nothing when millions of jobs moved to China
They brought down our economy
They stopped our government
They divided the country
They call for secession.
They threatened millions of Americans when they blackmailed the president
They ran on Ebola and Isis further terrorizing the nation
They believe science is a faith undermining one of America's greatest strengths.
Starving the poor and denying them health care always ferments revolution.

Nothing here is imaginary. Anyone with Google can look up the truth in less than a minute for each topic. The kind of damage to this country caused by Republicans al Qaeda can only dream about.
Video Hacktivist group Anonymous says it will avenge Charlie Hebdo attacks by shutting down jihadist websites - Telegraph

"We are declaring war against you, the terrorists."

They add that the group will track down and close all accounts on social networks related to terrorists in order to avenge those who have been killed.


I'm surprised you're not siding with the terrorists. Seriously.

You said: I'm surprised you're not siding with the terrorists. Seriously.

There are only two types of terrorists. Domestic and foreign.

Foreign terrorists are a matter of perspective. To us, radical Islamic s and their ilk are terrorists. For many people, the Republican sponsored invasion of Iraq was terrorism since Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Some even believe that when Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him, they were secretly on the side of Islamic Terrorists.

And the others are "Domestic Terrorists" and that group seems to be very well covered by Republicans. I truly believe the Republican Party has become a home grown terrorists organization. There are so many clues:

They let Bin Laden go
They invaded the wrong country
They redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%
They watched over 40,000 factories close and did nothing when millions of jobs moved to China
They brought down our economy
They stopped our government
They divided the country
They call for secession.
They threatened millions of Americans when they blackmailed the president
They ran on Ebola and Isis further terrorizing the nation
They believe science is a faith undermining one of America's greatest strengths.
Starving the poor and denying them health care always ferments revolution.

Nothing here is imaginary. Anyone with Google can look up the truth in less than a minute for each topic. The kind of damage to this country caused by Republicans al Qaeda can only dream about.
Looks like I was right after all. You ARE siding with the terrorists. Now I'm not surprised.
I undid my "thanks" to the OP.

Once a Brotch, always a Brotch. :slap:
Republicans hate to be reminded of the damage they caused this country. But remember how proud they were when they were creating that damage?

How proud they were of invading Iraq.

The redistribution of wealth from the Bush Tax Cuts.

When they shut down the government.

When they extended the Bush Tax Cuts after threatening to cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans who lost their jobs when the GOP controlled the government.

How excited they get when cutting food stamps for children and poor people.

Then, once the results of their disastrous policies become apparent, they either try to blame those policies on Democrats or simply ignore them or play dumb.

It's almost like Bush, who they were so proud of, not being allowed at their last two conventions. Ask a Republican why that was and they say, "Oh, maybe he was fishing".
Hackers by their own definition are a lawless group of nerds who live to undermine the networks that the world depends on. The "Brit?" hackers claim to value free speech so much that they vow to shut down the free speech of alleged jihadist webistes at their discretion. Be careful what you wish for. When the civilized world turns over their authority to a band of lawless geeks it means the inmates are running the asylum.
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Hackers by their own definition are a lawless group of nerds who live to undermine the networks that the world depends on. The "Brit?" hackers claim to value free speech so much that they vow to shut down the free speech of alleged jihadist webistes at their discretion. Be careful what you wish for. When the civilized world turns over their authority to a band of lawless geeks it means the inmates are running the asylum.
Wow, a conspiracy.

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