
Oh goody, another circle jerk of haters and jerks. I wonder how many posts of this ilk will go on and on? Seems a likely topic to be put in one single hate fest.

Oh fuck you. Her fucking nephew made the rules, and she feels she is better than the peons so the rules, and the laws don't apply to her. In other words, she is a TOTALITARIAN twat.

She is the authoritarian you claim Trump to be.
And feckless boot licker you defends scum like her.
Funny that after months of attacking Trump over and over again for not wearing a mask, she does the same thing when she thinks there are no cameras pointed at her.
Does it matter if she was set up or not? Does it make her less guilty or more stupid? My vote is more stupid. Why was she going to a salon anyway? With her 12000 dollar fridge I am sure she can afford a personal hairdresser. She should get impeached not because of breaking her own rules or for lying. But for being this god damn stupid. She willing to fuck up like this for her hair how many foreign agents have her in their pocket?
She knows darn well Covid is a hoax so why wear a mask when she can further the cause of keeping everybody else locked down while she does what she wants
Either way she's too stupid to remain in politics.

Either she thinks she's above the rules/laws/mandates


She was outsmarted by a blonde bimbo hair dresser.
The whole country is suffering virus floods tornados fires, job loss stranded in the middle of masks no masks constant top virus officials changing their message, peaceful protests gone, turned political & not about equality. and your best comments are about someone getting their hair cut with out a mask???????????????????
The whole country is suffering virus floods tornados fires, job loss stranded in the middle of masks no masks constant top virus officials changing their message, peaceful protests gone, turned political & not about equality. and your best comments are about someone getting their hair cut with out a mask???????????????????

Oh look. Another feckless bootlicker. SHE has helped make the rules that have driven the economy into the ground, bootlicker.
To be fair half of Americans are too stupid to understand what nancy has done over the years.
This is something even an idiot can see is wrong.
Yes, that is my point

like the man said, a picture is worth a thousand words
People who vote Democrat are just fucking pathetic.
True, but I think there is a purposeful message at the same time

Democrats find the most unlikable, incompetent, openly law defiant and hypocritical politicians they can find to win office. Then they keep getting reelected.

The message I think is, resistance is futile, proven by the fact that these same people keep getting elected.

Soon we may very well have someone with altimeters as President.
She knows darn well Covid is a hoax so why wear a mask when she can further the cause of keeping everybody else locked down while she does what she wants
No covid is not a hoax. But she knows the worse covid gets the more likely she is to keep her power. Believe me behind the scenes they are hoping this virus gets worse. They know damn well back when the protests started it was a major factor in the spread of the virus and that is the real reason they supported the protests. Wearing a mask is a hoax. They like you to believe it protects you when it does not. In fact they way you touch the mask all day actually makes you more likely to catch the virus. They also know opening up is not going to make the virus much worse but they keeping crap closed to suppress the economy because that will also help Trump.
The whole country is suffering virus floods tornados fires, job loss stranded in the middle of masks no masks constant top virus officials changing their message, peaceful protests gone, turned political & not about equality. and your best comments are about someone getting their hair cut with out a mask???????????????????
What does that have to do with anything? Could care less if Nancy kept her mouth shut and went and got her hair cut without a mask. But she is the one shaming everyone else for not wearing it. Peaceful protests never happened the media just lied to you they were violent from day 1 and were always political. The virus was spread by these protests so the Dems supported it to make Trump look bad(and yes they would let innocent americans die for power).
As for floods tornados fires we have no more of that then normal another thing the media likes to lie to you about in fact this year been pretty tame for weather in reality. Job loss is also another thing the Dems are causing. Look at the jobless reports in the Dem run cities compared to the rest of the country. They are purposely suppressing the economy for political reasons.
And you do not believe this go look how much money the Biden campaign payed to bail out rioters. Go look at unemployment statistics. Biden tells you to follow the science go follow it. What is pointless is these false obvious lies about Trump that right now the Vice President is spreading as FACT. Democrats are desperate and dangerous and if they go much farther i vote they all get charged for treason and sedition.

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