Haitian Barbecue: Mediocre Warlord of Brilliant Leader?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Haiti has descended into undeniable madness. The government has fallen and anarchy has ensued, with rival gangs fighting and killing each other for control of the country.

On top of the heap is a gang-leader warlord who calls himself “Barbeque”. Now, one may wonder how this lad earned such a flavorful name. Is it because of his delicious slow-cooked pulled pork? Maybe it’s his slow roasted, smoked spare ribs? My mouth is watering just thinking about this!

It turns out that this man is called “Barbecue” because he likes to burn his enemies alive. Further, there are some allegations that he and his followers may engage in a little bit of cannibalism. The leftist propagandists have tried to debunk the cannibalism claim. But, come on, it’s Haiti, in a full-on collapse. Even in the best of times there’s always going to be a little bit of cannibalism there. The motivation of the propagandists to debunk is simply launder this dirty little secret so they can import Haitians as immigrants.

For info on Barbecue (the wild Haitian warlord, not pork and beef recipes), see e.g., Gang leader named ‘Barbecue’ is now most powerful man in Haiti — as US evacuates Americans

For Haitian cannibalism, see e.g., The Trial That Gave Vodou A Bad Name

I do not condemn these people for eating each other. Frankly, human history is dotted with instances of cannibalism during periods of famine. And Haiti is a pure shit hole mired in poverty. See, e.g., Plundered and corrupted for 200 years, Haiti was doomed to end in anarchy | Kenan Malik

The brilliance of Mr. Barbecue is that, within the context of violent anarchy, to be successful one must portray himself as the toughest dude around. Moreover, one must inspire FEAR and DREAD in his enemies. This is what Vlad the Impaler did in his ultimately failed attempt to save his homeland from the savage Muslim scourge.

Think of it this way. Everybody is bad on the rag right now about Putin (for all the wrong reasons). What if Biden broadcast an address from the Oval Office in which a Russian dude was dragged before the camera, brutally killed, and then Joe starts eating him? Then, with the fresh, warm blood dripping down his chin, Biden looks right into the camera and says something badass, like “Hey, Putin, I’m still hungry!”

Demented? Sure. It may even cause Putin to release the nuclear dragon upon humanity. But what if there were no such weapons? Putin, an enemy, would be like, “Jesus fucking Christ!!! We need to steer clear of this lunatic!!!” This is all Barbecue is doing.

When you think about it, is eating your enemy really all that different from, and worse than, threatening to plunge the entire world into a nuclear holocaust? Is it any worse then everything else people do to evoke fear in their enemies?

Further, given how absolutely shitty conditions are in Haiti, perhaps Barbecue’s seemingly extreme tactics are just what the situation requires in order to establish control as quickly as possible so that law and order and security can be established (which is desired by all). If peace and order can be brought to this horrible place, then what’s a little cannibalism?

People don’t need to get hung up on the specifics. Often people unconsciously impose their values and morality on others. Frankly, this is wrong. Foreign policy is directed by our national interests, not what we consider morally right and wrong. We don’t eat people in our culture. But they DO eat each other in other cultures. Hell, we murder unborn babies by the millions in our culture, but most other countries do not do this. Even where abortion is legal, they do not do it on the industrial scale America does.

Are you REALLY going to have the audacity to tell me that cannibalism is worse than abortion. Some women on the radical left who allow their babies to be born alive have retained the after-birth to eat at a later time. This is fact. It is done. This is a practice here in the United States of America. This would even gross out Barbecue!

Through impertinent rationalism and moral relativism, we so-called civilized countries approvingly engage in all sorts of depraved practices. Cannibalism is done for survival and, as discussed, to psychological purpose. In the other hand, women kill their unborn babies for convenience. Perhaps they also do it to declare their contempt for humanity?

Kudos to Barbecue for taking the initiative to take control of his nation and impose law and order. Even if the cannibalism is 2 years old, its use was a masterpiece of propaganda. One must hope that if he holds onto control and becomes a global sovereign that he retain the name “Barbeque”. I would enjoy hearing “Barbeque” being announced at official diplomatic functions!
Where's his monster truck?

Haiti has descended into undeniable madness. The government has fallen and anarchy has ensued, with rival gangs fighting and killing each other for control of the country.

On top of the heap is a gang-leader warlord who calls himself “Barbeque”. Now, one may wonder how this lad earned such a flavorful name. Is it because of his delicious slow-cooked pulled pork? Maybe it’s his slow roasted, smoked spare ribs? My mouth is watering just thinking about this!

It turns out that this man is called “Barbecue” because he likes to burn his enemies alive. Further, there are some allegations that he and his followers may engage in a little bit of cannibalism. The leftist propagandists have tried to debunk the cannibalism claim. But, come on, it’s Haiti, in a full-on collapse. Even in the best of times there’s always going to be a little bit of cannibalism there. The motivation of the propagandists to debunk is simply launder this dirty little secret so they can import Haitians as immigrants.

For info on Barbecue (the wild Haitian warlord, not pork and beef recipes), see e.g., Gang leader named ‘Barbecue’ is now most powerful man in Haiti — as US evacuates Americans

For Haitian cannibalism, see e.g., The Trial That Gave Vodou A Bad Name

I do not condemn these people for eating each other. Frankly, human history is dotted with instances of cannibalism during periods of famine. And Haiti is a pure shit hole mired in poverty. See, e.g., Plundered and corrupted for 200 years, Haiti was doomed to end in anarchy | Kenan Malik

The brilliance of Mr. Barbecue is that, within the context of violent anarchy, to be successful one must portray himself as the toughest dude around. Moreover, one must inspire FEAR and DREAD in his enemies. This is what Vlad the Impaler did in his ultimately failed attempt to save his homeland from the savage Muslim scourge.

Think of it this way. Everybody is bad on the rag right now about Putin (for all the wrong reasons). What if Biden broadcast an address from the Oval Office in which a Russian dude was dragged before the camera, brutally killed, and then Joe starts eating him? Then, with the fresh, warm blood dripping down his chin, Biden looks right into the camera and says something badass, like “Hey, Putin, I’m still hungry!”

Demented? Sure. It may even cause Putin to release the nuclear dragon upon humanity. But what if there were no such weapons? Putin, an enemy, would be like, “Jesus fucking Christ!!! We need to steer clear of this lunatic!!!” This is all Barbecue is doing.

When you think about it, is eating your enemy really all that different from, and worse than, threatening to plunge the entire world into a nuclear holocaust? Is it any worse then everything else people do to evoke fear in their enemies?

Further, given how absolutely shitty conditions are in Haiti, perhaps Barbecue’s seemingly extreme tactics are just what the situation requires in order to establish control as quickly as possible so that law and order and security can be established (which is desired by all). If peace and order can be brought to this horrible place, then what’s a little cannibalism?

People don’t need to get hung up on the specifics. Often people unconsciously impose their values and morality on others. Frankly, this is wrong. Foreign policy is directed by our national interests, not what we consider morally right and wrong. We don’t eat people in our culture. But they DO eat each other in other cultures. Hell, we murder unborn babies by the millions in our culture, but most other countries do not do this. Even where abortion is legal, they do not do it on the industrial scale America does.

Are you REALLY going to have the audacity to tell me that cannibalism is worse than abortion. Some women on the radical left who allow their babies to be born alive have retained the after-birth to eat at a later time. This is fact. It is done. This is a practice here in the United States of America. This would even gross out Barbecue!

Through impertinent rationalism and moral relativism, we so-called civilized countries approvingly engage in all sorts of depraved practices. Cannibalism is done for survival and, as discussed, to psychological purpose. In the other hand, women kill their unborn babies for convenience. Perhaps they also do it to declare their contempt for humanity?

Kudos to Barbecue for taking the initiative to take control of his nation and impose law and order. Even if the cannibalism is 2 years old, its use was a masterpiece of propaganda. One must hope that if he holds onto control and becomes a global sovereign that he retain the name “Barbeque”. I would enjoy hearing “Barbeque” being announced at official diplomatic functions!
Anything Hillary has to do with turns to shit.

I found this out first-hand when I was deployed to Somalia in 93'.

It's not like with Biden where everything goes to Hell overnight. Hillary does it over longer periods of time.
Haiti has descended into undeniable madness. The government has fallen and anarchy has ensued, with rival gangs fighting and killing each other for control of the country.

On top of the heap is a gang-leader warlord who calls himself “Barbeque”. Now, one may wonder how this lad earned such a flavorful name. Is it because of his delicious slow-cooked pulled pork? Maybe it’s his slow roasted, smoked spare ribs? My mouth is watering just thinking about this!

It turns out that this man is called “Barbecue” because he likes to burn his enemies alive. Further, there are some allegations that he and his followers may engage in a little bit of cannibalism. The leftist propagandists have tried to debunk the cannibalism claim. But, come on, it’s Haiti, in a full-on collapse. Even in the best of times there’s always going to be a little bit of cannibalism there. The motivation of the propagandists to debunk is simply launder this dirty little secret so they can import Haitians as immigrants.

For info on Barbecue (the wild Haitian warlord, not pork and beef recipes), see e.g., Gang leader named ‘Barbecue’ is now most powerful man in Haiti — as US evacuates Americans

For Haitian cannibalism, see e.g., The Trial That Gave Vodou A Bad Name

I do not condemn these people for eating each other. Frankly, human history is dotted with instances of cannibalism during periods of famine. And Haiti is a pure shit hole mired in poverty. See, e.g., Plundered and corrupted for 200 years, Haiti was doomed to end in anarchy | Kenan Malik

The brilliance of Mr. Barbecue is that, within the context of violent anarchy, to be successful one must portray himself as the toughest dude around. Moreover, one must inspire FEAR and DREAD in his enemies. This is what Vlad the Impaler did in his ultimately failed attempt to save his homeland from the savage Muslim scourge.

Think of it this way. Everybody is bad on the rag right now about Putin (for all the wrong reasons). What if Biden broadcast an address from the Oval Office in which a Russian dude was dragged before the camera, brutally killed, and then Joe starts eating him? Then, with the fresh, warm blood dripping down his chin, Biden looks right into the camera and says something badass, like “Hey, Putin, I’m still hungry!”

Demented? Sure. It may even cause Putin to release the nuclear dragon upon humanity. But what if there were no such weapons? Putin, an enemy, would be like, “Jesus fucking Christ!!! We need to steer clear of this lunatic!!!” This is all Barbecue is doing.

When you think about it, is eating your enemy really all that different from, and worse than, threatening to plunge the entire world into a nuclear holocaust? Is it any worse then everything else people do to evoke fear in their enemies?

Further, given how absolutely shitty conditions are in Haiti, perhaps Barbecue’s seemingly extreme tactics are just what the situation requires in order to establish control as quickly as possible so that law and order and security can be established (which is desired by all). If peace and order can be brought to this horrible place, then what’s a little cannibalism?

People don’t need to get hung up on the specifics. Often people unconsciously impose their values and morality on others. Frankly, this is wrong. Foreign policy is directed by our national interests, not what we consider morally right and wrong. We don’t eat people in our culture. But they DO eat each other in other cultures. Hell, we murder unborn babies by the millions in our culture, but most other countries do not do this. Even where abortion is legal, they do not do it on the industrial scale America does.

Are you REALLY going to have the audacity to tell me that cannibalism is worse than abortion. Some women on the radical left who allow their babies to be born alive have retained the after-birth to eat at a later time. This is fact. It is done. This is a practice here in the United States of America. This would even gross out Barbecue!

Through impertinent rationalism and moral relativism, we so-called civilized countries approvingly engage in all sorts of depraved practices. Cannibalism is done for survival and, as discussed, to psychological purpose. In the other hand, women kill their unborn babies for convenience. Perhaps they also do it to declare their contempt for humanity?

Kudos to Barbecue for taking the initiative to take control of his nation and impose law and order. Even if the cannibalism is 2 years old, its use was a masterpiece of propaganda. One must hope that if he holds onto control and becomes a global sovereign that he retain the name “Barbeque”. I would enjoy hearing “Barbeque” being announced at official diplomatic functions!
A brilliant Haitian leader? Has such a thing EVER existed? :dunno:
So, Trump cult shit humans, how's the sick racism been working out for you in elections so far?

Not so well?

Then, by all means, keep it up.
So, Trump cult shit humans, how's the sick racism been working out for you in elections so far?

Not so well?

Then, by all means, keep it up.
You accidentally posted your demented TDS tripe in the wrong thread.
Not racist enough, Trump cult shitbags. Turn it up! Send even more votes to the Democrats!
Haiti's old voodoo tradition has been Hollywood's source for zombie movies during the 20th century. Maybe the zombie revolution is starting in Haiti and the zombies will soon be crossing the Texas, Arizona and Ca border looking for brains.
Not racist enough, Trump cult shitbags. Turn it up! Send even more votes to the Democrats!
Do you know that Haiti has been independent for over two centuries? That is a long enough time to put your mark on civilization. So, when enough Democrats vote for Progressive agendas, we know the direction we are headed.
Haiti's old voodoo tradition has been Hollywood's source for zombie movies during the 20th century. Maybe the zombie revolution is starting in Haiti and the zombies will soon be crossing the Texas, Arizona and Ca border looking for brains.
I’d prefer zombies to what is slithering across our southern border right now.
Another CIA supported group presumably -- Same as al-Qaeda, ISIS , BLM and Antifa .
If that is deemed a strategic requirement , that is what happens .

Are you so naive that you think the fires were natural?

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