Haley is the only conservative to recognise the man made climate crisis

Even conservatives are coming around to the reality of climate change, and how it is negatively impacting all our lives. Yes, the evidence is overwhelming, but these sheep have had to climb over the hurdles of both ignorance and propaganda, and most are simply not able to keep denying a crystal clear reality.

However, none of these conservatives are posting on this forum.
The young conservatives seem on board with it. The older ones are either recipients of exxon cash or have fallen for the brainwashing.
It will be difficult for the GOP to shake free of the shackles.

In the UK our tories are at best ambivalent about it. They wont make themselves look stupid by denying it but they are busy doing nothing to offset the man made results.

Its worrying that morons like this could get power.
The political narrative has been polluted by the likes of exxon.
And the likes of you.


Only one candidate said climate change was real in the short discussion that followed.

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley went the furthest in agreeing with the question by saying: "Is climate change real? Yes it is."

The young conservatives who asked the question were probably not surprised at the cruz like response to a serious question.

It was akin to a flat earth convention.

You have to ask how much these characters are being paid to deny the reality. Their children will not forgive tham.

At a time of crisis America needs a leader who undestands basic science. Luckily they have one.
There is no climate “crisis”

Only lib hysteria

Only one candidate said climate change was real in the short discussion that followed.

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley went the furthest in agreeing with the question by saying: "Is climate change real? Yes it is."

The young conservatives who asked the question were probably not surprised at the cruz like response to a serious question.

It was akin to a flat earth convention.

You have to ask how much these characters are being paid to deny the reality. Their children will not forgive tham.

At a time of crisis America needs a leader who undestands basic science. Luckily they have one.
It’s such a crisis you Europeans don’t even meet your own targets you made up while remaining silent about China, who puts out more CO2 than all developed nations combined.

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