Haley is the only conservative to recognise the man made climate crisis

And you don’t know about recalibration? There are ways to fix problems. Way smarter people than you have been working on this way longer than you.
Data just is, it can't be fixed. You are talking about manipulation of existing data to fit a batshit crazy agenda.
Something isn’t wrong just because you don’t understand it.
I do understand it, that's the problem, clearly you don't. The problems are due to attempts to equate incompatible data sets into an inaccurate picture over time. It's total nonsense.
I do understand it, that's the problem, clearly you don't. The problems are due to attempts to equate incompatible data sets into an inaccurate picture over time. It's total nonsense.
Clearly you don’t understand it because normalizing different methods of measuring the same thing is used in every area of science.
Even conservatives are coming around to the reality of climate change, and how it is negatively impacting all our lives.
I've come around to the reality that government is an uncontrollable all consuming beast that gets very angry when you stop feeding it
more like common sense... what is man made is the hysteria that the Earth is going to perish with massive floods, cities being wiped out and that we only have X years to live -- which continues to be unsuccessfully forecasted. If "man made" climate change were legitimate .. then those advocating for it would actually play by their own rules, instead of doing what they did with their COVID masks.

Only one candidate said climate change was real in the short discussion that followed.

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley went the furthest in agreeing with the question by saying: "Is climate change real? Yes it is."

The young conservatives who asked the question were probably not surprised at the cruz like response to a serious question.

It was akin to a flat earth convention.

You have to ask how much these characters are being paid to deny the reality. Their children will not forgive tham.

At a time of crisis America needs a leader who undestands basic science. Luckily they have one.
Either lead by example and get offline, sell all your electronics, vehicles and utility equipment or STFU

Only one candidate said climate change was real in the short discussion that followed.

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley went the furthest in agreeing with the question by saying: "Is climate change real? Yes it is."

The young conservatives who asked the question were probably not surprised at the cruz like response to a serious question.

It was akin to a flat earth convention.

You have to ask how much these characters are being paid to deny the reality. Their children will not forgive tham.

At a time of crisis America needs a leader who undestands basic science. Luckily they have one.
When someone says something really stupid, Tammy is there to praise them.
Clearly you don’t understand it because normalizing different methods of measuring the same thing is used in every area of science.
That isn't what's happening with the climate farce data. You cannot 'normalize' historic data as the collection instruments, accuracy, and availability have altered beyond reasonable comparison. Nor can you compare data from ice cores, which span vast time frames with data collected daily from hundreds of separate locations. The notion is ludicrous.

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