Haley is the only conservative to recognise the man made climate crisis

If we can’t stop, why are you whining about it incessantly? Just seeking attention? Virtue signaling?
Jesus, it’s a figure of speech.

We can stop, but it would take work.

People like you only deny man made climate change because you don’t want to deal with it and the consequences aren’t going to be severe until after you’re dead anyway.
Jesus, it’s a figure of speech.
We can stop, but it would take work.
Stop bitching and get to work, then. I don’t find it to be a problem, so I will work on things I feel need to be done. You do you, I do me.
People like you only deny man made climate change because you don’t want to deal with it and the consequences aren’t going to be severe until after you’re dead anyway.
I deny the unproven theory that mankind is the primary driver and that we can change it by raising taxes and regulations on US citizens.
Mankind has been using tools for ages. It’s a natural extension of our intellect. A coal plant is just a tool to facilitate our needs. Nothing unnatural about that.
So now everything is natural. Okay.
Stop bitching and get to work, then. I don’t find it to be a problem, so I will work on things I feel need to be done. You do you, I do me.

I deny the unproven theory that mankind is the primary driver and that we can change it by raising taxes and regulations on US citizens.
My work is convincing people like you that you’re dead wrong.

You deny it because you don’t want to deal with it. Dealing with things is hard.

We deal with it by moving away from a carbon based economy. We do this or your kids will suffer.
this isn’t going to end well. Only a fool thinks we can mess with the planet and face no consequences.

But you want your life to be a little “easier”, so who cares.
Rant on about things you have no proof of :lol:
Its entertaining to say the least.

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