Haley is the only conservative to recognise the man made climate crisis

They are natural when they’re done by instinct.

There’s nothing natural about what we are doing to the planet.
Making life easier is instinct. Fossil fuels make life easier. So, natural instinct and natural resources. :)
So, a couple hundred thousand years? Can you elaborate more? You seem to be all over the map.
I don’t think I’m all over the map, you’re just trying very hard to avoid the point.

This is what we were discussing:
So you are saying it was balanced before humans came along with fossil fuels?

Over human scale time frames, yes.

And that’s what the data shows:

Atmospheric CO2 was stable for thousands of years and now has increased substantially due to human activity.
Your point is irrelevant, kid.
Your critique is irrelevant.

We are changing the planet. That’s not natural. That’s man made.

You want to play stupid word games, go for it. It doesn’t change the fact that mankind is choosing to do this and it is going to be a bigger and bigger problem than it already is.
Making life easier is instinct. Fossil fuels make life easier. So, natural instinct and natural resources. :)
So if you want someone’s car to make your life easier, and you kill the owner to take it, did they die a natural death?
I don’t think I’m all over the map, you’re just trying very hard to avoid the point.

This is what we were discussing:

And that’s what the data shows:
View attachment 819780

Atmospheric CO2 was stable for thousands of years and now has increased substantially due to human activity.
So a very small timescale lol. Thats your justification.
Atmospheric CO2 was stable for thousands of years and now has increased substantially due to human activity.
So what was the excuse before that? Basing science on a ridiculously small time scale, when the parameters are YUGE, is dishonest.
We are changing the planet. That’s not natural. That’s man made.
Mankind has the natural intellect to conform his environment to his needs. Go live in a cave if you can’t handle progress, moroner.
Mankind has the natural intellect to conform his environment to his needs. Go live in a cave if you can’t handle progress, moroner.
The high costs of climate change are anything but progress.

We had no idea what we were doing to the environment when we started pumping billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere and now we can’t stop.
It shows that the change in atmospheric CO2 is occurring on an extremely small timescale.

Even you have to see this.
Ok and? Thats never happened before?
Even your article admits we barely understand any of this crap. Yet, the science is settled? You people remind me of desert savages thousands of years ago trying to explain away weather with gods and shit.
Not having all the answers is ok, I assure you. You dont have to make up reasons for things you dont understand and then cling to it like religion. Grow up.
Ok and? Thats never happened before?
Even your article admits we barely understand any of this crap. Yet, the science is settled? You people remind me of desert savages thousands of years ago trying to explain away weather with gods and shit.
Not having all the answers is ok, I assure you. You dont have to make up reasons for things you dont understand and then cling to it like religion. Grow up.
this isn’t going to end well. Only a fool thinks we can mess with the planet and face no consequences.

But you want your life to be a little “easier”, so who cares.
We had no idea what we were doing to the environment when we started pumping billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere and now we can’t stop.
If we can’t stop, why are you whining about it incessantly? Just seeking attention? Virtue signaling?

Only one candidate said climate change was real in the short discussion that followed.

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley went the furthest in agreeing with the question by saying: "Is climate change real? Yes it is."

The young conservatives who asked the question were probably not surprised at the cruz like response to a serious question.

It was akin to a flat earth convention.

You have to ask how much these characters are being paid to deny the reality. Their children will not forgive tham.

At a time of crisis America needs a leader who undestands basic science. Luckily they have one.
Doesn't really matter whether it is recognized or not. That's not important. What is important is what we are going to do about it and the left are bonkers beyond belief. If they weren't so bonkers maybe we could have a discussion about it.


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