Haley is the only conservative to recognise the man made climate crisis

So you are saying it was balanced before humans came along with fossil fuels?
Over human scale time frames, yes.

Since fossil fuels were sequestered under ground, the carbon was not a part of the normal atmospheric carbon cycle and were injected artificially by man.
Over human scale time frames, yes.

Since fossil fuels were sequestered under ground, the carbon was not a part of the normal atmospheric carbon cycle and were injected artificially by man.

Only one candidate said climate change was real in the short discussion that followed.

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley went the furthest in agreeing with the question by saying: "Is climate change real? Yes it is."

The young conservatives who asked the question were probably not surprised at the cruz like response to a serious question.

It was akin to a flat earth convention.

You have to ask how much these characters are being paid to deny the reality. Their children will not forgive tham.

At a time of crisis America needs a leader who undestands basic science. Luckily they have one.
Tactically ignorant of her party's denial, or tactically smart to recognise that political momentum will shift prior to the election?

She won't be taking any controversial decisions without careful consideration.

Has she built in room for a 180 denial in case she's guessed wrong?
Nikki said: "
"Is climate change real? Yes it is."It was up to China and India to lower emissions,............

She's given herself the advantage of being able to own her words!

And her words are very easy to walk away from!

She can choose to own AGW or she can just own GW.
Tactically ignorant of her party's denial, or tactically smart to recognise that political momentum will shift prior to the election?

She won't be taking any controversial decisions without careful consideration.

Has she built in room for a 180 denial in case she's guessed wrong?
Maybe she didnt get her cheque ?
I can't believe someone needs to explain to you how things like that impact the environment around them. Dumb fucks like you are the reason the global warming scam has made a few conmen like Al Gore so rich.
I believe you have a serious problem with comprehending both scale and logic.
Nikki said: "
"Is climate change real? Yes it is."It was up to China and India to lower emissions,............

She's given herself the advantage of being able to own her words!

And her words are very easy to walk away from!

She can choose to own AGW or she can just own GW.
I noticed that but if China/India are to blame then its obviously man ,made.
Possibly a bit too nuanced for cons to grasp ?
That’s what happens when you spend too much time is lunatic asylums like the United Nations. A place no American, especially a woman, should ever be. She needs to spend more time in the kitchen and less in the Man’s world of politics.
I can't believe someone needs to explain to you how things like that impact the environment around them. Dumb fucks like you are the reason the global warming scam has made a few conmen like Al Gore so rich.
We are reintroducing beavers. Their dams are important in fighting floods caused by man made globl warming. FACT.
"Robust evidence only spans back 800k years"
"take this with a grain of salt"
Nice article lol
Only 800,000 years?

That’s your criticism?

I was talking about human time scales, which is five orders of magnitude less than the “robust data”.

You need to be serious. Looking for excuses to ignore reality is pretty pathetic when you’re this obvious about it.

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