Haley presented herself well on Bloomberg but LOST people (MAGAs) due to support of "border bill"


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

I watched much of this, probably missed the very beginning... In any case, she had me thinking she may be a good choice for 2024 but then she lost me when she expressed support for the totally - corrupt (my words of course) border bill.

I wish I knew more about the clean bill issue (hope to soon) but right now I am 100% in favor of clean bills-- can't see any reason not to be. The *&^% border bill was a thumbs down from Trump and MAGA folks, but she, in this interview, criticizes Trump for that. And that was it for me.

I watched much of this, probably missed the very beginning... In any case, she had me thinking she may be a good choice for 2024 but then she lost me when she expressed support for the totally - corrupt (my words of course) border bill.

I wish I knew more about the clean bill issue (hope to soon) but right now I am 100% in favor of clean bills-- can't see any reason not to be. The *&^% border bill was a thumbs down from Trump and MAGA folks, but she, in this interview, criticizes Trump for that. And that was it for me.

Ms. Haley is running for a talking head position on cable TV, not for president. She is saying what she needs to in order to show she is on their side.

I watched much of this, probably missed the very beginning... In any case, she had me thinking she may be a good choice for 2024 but then she lost me when she expressed support for the totally - corrupt (my words of course) border bill.

I wish I knew more about the clean bill issue (hope to soon) but right now I am 100% in favor of clean bills-- can't see any reason not to be. The *&^% border bill was a thumbs down from Trump and MAGA folks, but she, in this interview, criticizes Trump for that. And that was it for me.

In what way is the bill "corrupt" or not better than status quo at the border??
Ms. Haley is running for a talking head position on cable TV, not for president. She is saying what she needs to in order to show she is on their side.
we sometimes wonder whose side she is on (i mean, you know... more than others' side or whatever)

First she said that the Civil War wasn't about Slavery, then she said it was about slavery...

I mean, she seems to be rudder-less as far as having core values
In what way is the bill "corrupt" or not better than status quo at the border??
I don't have all day and since you're a lib, you wouldn't listen to anything I say anyway.

But for one, it had all kinds extraneous issues.. which is why it would be best IMO to have nothing but clean bills

I watched much of this, probably missed the very beginning... In any case, she had me thinking she may be a good choice for 2024 but then she lost me when she expressed support for the totally - corrupt (my words of course) border bill.

I wish I knew more about the clean bill issue (hope to soon) but right now I am 100% in favor of clean bills-- can't see any reason not to be. The *&^% border bill was a thumbs down from Trump and MAGA folks, but she, in this interview, criticizes Trump for that. And that was it for me.

Trump has been pounding her on SS as well....she wants to raise the age. Got videos of her saying that too....

That will not resonate with voters whatsoever.

I watched much of this, probably missed the very beginning... In any case, she had me thinking she may be a good choice for 2024 but then she lost me when she expressed support for the totally - corrupt (my words of course) border bill.

I wish I knew more about the clean bill issue (hope to soon) but right now I am 100% in favor of clean bills-- can't see any reason not to be. The *&^% border bill was a thumbs down from Trump and MAGA folks, but she, in this interview, criticizes Trump for that. And that was it for me.
She is a polished speaker but when she talks long enough her true thoughts come out clearly.
I don't have all day and since you're a lib, you wouldn't listen to anything I say anyway.

But for one, it had all kinds extraneous issues.. which is why it would be best IMO to have nothing but clean bills

I read this to mean you don't actually have an objection to clean border bill, that you do agree that it would be better than status quo. It's only the funding of Ukraine that you object, correct?

Well here is what you are going to get - NO BORDER FIX, just funding for Ukraine you object.

Well played sir, brilliant.
I read this to mean you don't actually have an objection to clean border bill, that you do agree that it would be better than status quo.


Allowing 5000 or more Illegals in every day, and providing them all with lawyers as this "deal" calls for is worse than the status quo.

At least now, the illegals are being transported to liberal hot spots, so it creates an atmosphere where the libs might consider actually negotiating with Trump to get this wall erected
She knows that as well. That's why she is buttering up to the left for a different job altogether.

And if Ms. Haley can help President Biden win reelection by denigrating the GOP nominee, she feels that will be inclined to show gratitude to her.

She's not even going to win her home state
Allowing 5000 or more Illegals in every day

Fabricated bullshit, bill shuts down application process and deports everyone of those 5000 illegals, everyday while border situation remains out of control.

Right now UNLIMITED number of people, by law, must be allowed assylum application process, no matter where they are encountered.

This is what you Trumptards pissed away.
No "deal" is necessary to resolve the border problem. The solution is obvious. Build the wall , enforce immigration laws, reinstate the beloved "stay in Mexico" rule for asylum seekers.

None of this requires legislation, and Sleepy Joe would be able to get Republican support if he just suggested this plan.

Trump has been pounding her on SS as well....she wants to raise the age. Got videos of her saying that too....

That will not resonate with voters whatsoever.
I don't have a big problem with raising the age one or 2 years. How much does she want to raise it?

But after listening to her on Trump's plan re SS, well.... I don't know if I like either plan
No "deal" is necessary to resolve the border problem. The solution is obvious. Build the wall , enforce immigration laws, reinstate the beloved "stay in Mexico" rule for asylum seekers.

None of this requires legislation, and Sleepy Joe would be able to get Republican support if he just suggested this plan.
ha ha...

I seriously DOUBT it

He caused all this chaos and misery all by his sicko self
She knows that as well. That's why she is buttering up to the left for a different job altogether.

And if Ms. Haley can help President Biden win reelection by denigrating the GOP nominee, she feels that will be inclined to show gratitude to her.
Well, I am no fan of Haley but saying that she is trying to help briben

I think that's going a bit far. I can't say I'd be surprised, though

I think she is a globalist (first)
She is a polished speaker but when she talks long enough her true thoughts come out clearly.
yes, I see that.

And I don't like what I hear. I am sick of her dumbass claims about Trump being "chaos" and etc. . As if it is Trump's fault and ONLY his fault!

Get out of here! No matter which R wins, there is going to be similar "chaos" and if she doesn't know that, she's too dim witted to be pres--or in the cabinet
Republicans are beginning to realize that Haley is just a talking head who will pretend to support any issue she thinks is popular with the public without understanding the impact or the details. How could it be a border bill when Ukraine is 6,000 miles away? Maybe Haley is being supported by democrats who think they can split the republican party but when she loses to "other" on the ballot it's time to drop out.
Republicans are beginning to realize that Haley is just a talking head who will pretend to support any issue she thinks is popular with the public without understanding the impact or the details. How could it be a border bill when Ukraine is 6,000 miles away? Maybe Haley is being supported by democrats who think they can split the republican party but when she loses to "other" on the ballot it's time to drop out.


very well said!

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