Haley: Raise the Retirement Age

People aren’t living longer. Life expectancy in the US has fallen every year for the past decade.
Not true. It has dropped the past two years due to COVID-19.
It’s okay to talk about cutting social programs but don’t you dare speak of cutting the MIC or revising the tax code, to force the ultra wealthy and big corporations to pay more.
How much more should the top-earning workers pay? They already pay the vast majority of Federal Income Taxes.

Please share with us specifically where each dollar paid by corporations originates.
You're lucky...part of the .00001 percent of workers in america
Not at all even close to being true. I don't know anyone in my profession or in any of the peripheral professions who hate their work. You have to love it or you'd be a total failure and out in less than two years.
Not true. It has dropped the past two years due to COVID-19.

How much more should the top-earning workers pay? They already pay the vast majority of Federal Income Taxes.

Please share with us specifically where each dollar paid by corporations originates.
Life expectancy was slightly falling before COVID. After Covid, even worse. Yet we have the most expensive HC system in the world by a considerable margin. Of course, we also have an illegal drug problem along with the Fauci Death Protocol.
How does U.S. life expectancy compare to other countries? - Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker.

I know you’re going to spout the usual con nonsense about the rich paying all the taxes. It’s nonsense of course. When billionaires pay little to nothing in income taxes, you’d think you’d understand.

It’s all thoroughly outlined here…
The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax
Work your whole life and pay into a system you were FORCED to pay in to, only to enjoy yourself for a couple years.
What a load of bullshit.
Yep and that is their goal, just another slush fund for them, I should be paid in full with interest when retiring
Life expectancy was slightly falling before COVID. After Covid, even worse. Yet we have the most expensive HC system in the world by a considerable margin. Of course, we also have an illegal drug problem along with the Fauci Death Protocol.
How does U.S. life expectancy compare to other countries? - Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker.
You said the life expectancy has been declining for a decade, that is a lie.

A major reason our country has a lower life expectancy than the countries you mention is that they are: "homogeneous nations". Those are nations made up of nearly 100% one race. Different races and nationalities have different life expectancies regardless of the health care they do or do not receive.

The life expectancy in Norway at birth is 81.8 years. Until Muslim refugees started moving into the country, they are nearly 100% white Norwegians.

In Minnesota, a very large percentage of their population are Scandinavians. They also eat many of the foods from the Old Country. Their life expectancy is 81.05.

There are other reasons as well. For instance, we have far more vehicular fatalities than other countries.

I know you’re going to spout the usual con nonsense about the rich paying all the taxes. It’s nonsense of course. When billionaires pay little to nothing in income taxes, you’d think you’d understand.
How is it nonsense when I showed you facts that the top few percent of earners pay the vast majority of federal income taxes?
Proving nothing. You could confiscate all the wealth of our richest Americans and it would not make a dent in our debt.

If they are investing vast amounts, losing money on other investments all results in little or no income. How much do the millions of employees of those vile rich people pay in income taxes?

Shouldn't the 50% of workers who currently pay no Federal Income Taxes pay a "FAIR" amount toward supporting our country?
You said the life expectancy has been declining for a decade, that is a lie.

A major reason our country has a lower life expectancy than the countries you mention is that they are: "homogeneous nations". Those are nations made up of nearly 100% one race. Different races and nationalities have different life expectancies regardless of the health care they do or do not receive.

The life expectancy in Norway at birth is 81.8 years. Until Muslim refugees started moving into the country, they are nearly 100% white Norwegians.

In Minnesota, a very large percentage of their population are Scandinavians. They also eat many of the foods from the Old Country. Their life expectancy is 81.05.

There are other reasons as well. For instance, we have far more vehicular fatalities than other countries.

How is it nonsense when I showed you facts that the top few percent of earners pay the vast majority of federal income taxes?

Proving nothing. You could confiscate all the wealth of our richest Americans and it would not make a dent in our debt.

If they are investing vast amounts, losing money on other investments all results in little or no income. How much do the millions of employees of those vile rich people pay in income taxes?

Shouldn't the 50% of workers who currently pay no Federal Income Taxes pay a "FAIR" amount toward supporting our country?
No one is suggesting confiscation of wealth but crazy cons, whenever it’s pointed out the wealthy pay very low income tax rates in the US.

You have to be purposely blind not to know the wealthy AS A PERCENTAGE OF INCOME, pay extraordinary low tax rates. This is indisputable. Even Warren Buffet pointed out years ago he pays a lower rate than his secretary.

Those 50% have little income. I know you hate the poor, but they need the money to survive. They also pay all the other flat taxes Americans must pay, which negatively effects them far more than it does the MC and wealthy.

Okay I was off by a few years on life expectancy, but it was falling prior to covid.
You have to be purposely blind not to know the wealthy AS A PERCENTAGE OF INCOME, pay extraordinary low tax rates. This is indisputable. Even Warren Buffet pointed out years ago he pays a lower rate than his secretary.
You're blind to the FACTS. You agree that fifty percent of workers pay no Federal Income Tax. How can you get a lower rate?

The top ONE PERCENT pays 40% of Federal Income Taxes. How much more do you want?
Those 50% have little income. I know you hate the poor, but they need the money to survive. They also pay all the other flat taxes Americans must pay, which negatively effects them far more than it does the MC and wealthy.
They have less income, so that means they get a free ride? Why?

IF everyone paid some income tax, doesn't it stand to reason then that everyone would be interested in cutting spending?

They have less income, so that means they get a free ride? Why?

IF everyone paid some income tax, doesn't it stand to reason then that everyone would be interested in cutting spending?

Except they don’t get a free ride. Think!
You're blind to the FACTS. You agree that fifty percent of workers pay no Federal Income Tax. How can you get a lower rate?

The top ONE PERCENT pays 40% of Federal Income Taxes. How much more do you want?
Doesn’t matter. I’m talking about the ultra wealthy. They pay very low income tax rates. Their army of tax accountants use the tax code they devised to benefit them.
I have provided 3 offspring that will pay taxes, and 4 additional grand children.

They will also, or have already become the Doctors that will heal you, the police, firefighters and soldiers that will protect you. While many supply nothing to the future.

Those who have not provided to the benefit of the future, while using the services of my offspring and grandchildren, probably should work longer and pay much higher taxes.
You're blind to the FACTS. You agree that fifty percent of workers pay no Federal Income Tax. How can you get a lower rate?

The top ONE PERCENT pays 40% of Federal Income Taxes. How much more do you want?

Could you now show all tax percentages as a function of income please the same way please?

That would include sales, SS tax, Medicare, fuel taxes, utility taxes, property, and real estate. Including real estate taxes which a renter pays as part of their lease.

There are more taxes to support government than just income you know.

Could you now show all tax percentages as a function of income please the same way please?

That would include sales, SS tax, Medicare, fuel taxes, utility taxes, property, and real estate. Including real estate taxes which a renter pays as part of their lease.

There are more taxes to support government than just income you know.

Yes. Many taxes paid by Americans are flat taxes. As such, they negatively effect the poor far more than the rich. Some Cons never look at the whole tax picture, for some strange reason.

Don't have a link.

See my coworker told me that her lawn guy told her, he heard it from the clerk at the 7-11 while filling up gas cans for his mowers. The clerk got the information from her 3rd cousin twice removed on her grandmothers side.

Hence the "some people".

Both Social Insecurity & Medifraud are in a terminal condition. The military budget could be slashed by 25% by reducing both material & personnel, mothballing the carriers plus cut back on weapon research projects. That would end U.S. involvement with the "World Cop Program" meaning we could close all bases that are not located upon sovereign U.S. soil. Future cuts to the military could be made as needed. Unfortunately that would NOT stop the D.C. gang from debt spending like a drunken sailor. Until the RNC/DNC profe$$ional politician$ are eradicated from office & replaced with Constitutionally based Representatives of & for the people not much if anything can be expected in a positive fashion. The tragedy is no hostile had to sink America as the American constituency sunk their own country with g'ment idolatry(social programs & resultant debt spending).
Reducing material and personnel? We are already undermanned. The next time as US ship is hijacked by pirates, remember that the Navy doesn't exist anymore thanks to idiots like you.

Mothballing the carriers? You cannot mothball a nuclear carrier.

Closing our overseas bases is something that has been happening since the 1970s. How do we meet the threat of China with 2 weeks sailing time from Pearl Harbor to the South China Sea?

Our tanks are close to 50 years old. The F-15s and F-16s flown by the AF came into the inventory when I was in high school. The Marines just got rid of all of their tanks. Our primary defense against cyber warfare of all kinds is the military.

You apparently know little about the military and its needs.

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