Haley says America will have a female president: either HER or Kamala

If that is true god help us.

Of course Potatohead established a new record of being the Worst President Ever and that will always be a hard record to beat.
but watch the *&^%$ "win"


because our country is corrupt to the core and taken over by anti-Christs aka dims

so far th elections we have had seem normal, but we haven't gotten to OR, WA, CA or GA yet
The entire Biden Crime Family is guilty of corruption, bribery, money laundering, influence peddling, and on and on.

However, Democrats are not currently subject to penalties for breaking US law
which is telling re the Republicans

They need to treat these *&^%s like the criminals they are
e may be installed like he was last time, but it will be against the will of The People (again)
The People are fools. Always have been and always will be. Their “will” is a large part of why we have the problems we do today.
You should be more careful of who you get in bed with, politically, as many of them from the top down are the enemies of this country. The majority, simply do not want the country ended.
Who do you consider enemies of this country?
The People are fools. Always have been and always will be. Their “will” is a large part of why we have the problems we do today.
True, but our system accounts for that. It's why we have the electoral college

But as we know from 2020, things can be rigged

good news is: no covid excuse this time.. although there is still time to get China to invent another virus


(first time I've put an emoji BEFORE comments)

She is way too anti-Trump to win the primary, so why is she so confident about the General?

I can't stand her

Do we want this "everyone has to register to use the internet; no anonymity" thing?

Get lost, Haley
I think she said that a week ago . But how is Kamala doin' at Dems.?
Most Republicans don't like her. Independents have JFK Jr., and Democrats won't vote for her.

Saw an article wondering if her backers know something about Trump that makes them think he won't be able to run in the election.

Or, they could just be rich never-Trumpers flailing away uselessly against the coming Trump train. This is my theory.
Who do you consider enemies of this country?
The Anti-Americans that want to destroy democracy as we practice it, in this Representative Republic, based on our constitution, rule of law and leadership decided by election of voting citizens.
I don’t buy the whole… 2020 was stolen thing. I do believe there were irregularities, but those have been created by both sides over the years.
no, you are wrong. I have studied this matter in depth. I hve read just about every book or article on the topic. A lot of people including news people are in deep denial about this.

Trump was ahead on election night. Then all the sudden he began to lose, lose lose...

and I could go on and on about all the anomalies. Someone here posted a few of them but I can't recall thetitle of that person's thread
The Anti-Americans that want to destroy democracy as we practice it, in this Representative Republic, based on our constitution, rule of law and leadership decided by election of voting citizens.
Then why is Donald Trump being indicted for political reasons?
and I could go on and on about all the anomalies. Someone here posted a few of them but I can't recall thetitle of that person's thread
Please don’t. You would be wasting your time.

The Republicans didn’t deserve to win in 2020, or 2022, or 2024. I hate the alternative, but it’s really no worse than the crap the Republicans offer.
Then why is Donald Trump being indicted for political reasons?
He has committed many crimes, that after investigation, warranted criminal charges to be weighed by judge and Jury. Of course, if using the same kind of legal talent he is known for, he could just plead guilty and save a lot of time and trouble.
Please don’t. You would be wasting your time.

The Republicans didn’t deserve to win in 2020, or 2022, or 2024. I hate the alternative, but it’s really no worse than the crap the Republicans offer.
that's not true. Anything is better than this lawless, America-hating, baby murdering regime
He has committed many crimes, that after investigation, warranted criminal charges to be weighed by judge and Jury. Of course, if using the same kind of legal talent he is known for, he could just plead guilty and save a lot of time and trouble.
Eliminating him from the ballot in Colorado and Maine is contrary to a democratic process. The voters should be able to decide.
Anything is better than this lawless, America-hating, baby murdering regime
How is one set of worthless pieces of shit any different than another one? They’re interchangeable so far as I’m concerned.

I had hoped the nomination of Trump might wake the Republican Party up. If anything it just entrenched them further.
How is one set of worthless pieces of shit any different than another one? They’re interchangeable so far as I’m concerned.

I had hoped the nomination of Trump might wake the Republican Party up. If anything it just entrenched them further.
i don't see it that way. Maybe you could provide a link?

But I watch plenty of news
Eliminating him from the ballot in Colorado and Maine is contrary to a democratic process. The voters should be able to decide.
especially since he is the front runner. If that doesn't tell the elites something about what Americans want, nothng will

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