"Half Negro"- really ? FFS

As to 'subject', a lot of bullshit is spread about that on this forum.


Types of British nationality: British subject - GOV.UK

5. British subject

Until 1949, nearly everyone with a close connection to the United Kingdom was called a ‘British subject’.

All citizens of Commonwealth countries were British subjects until January 1983.

Since 1983, very few people have qualified as British subjects.

Who is a British subject

You became a British subject on 1 January 1983 if, until then, you were either:

  • a British subject without citizenship, which means you were a British subject on 31 December 1948 who didn’t become a citizen of the UK and Colonies, a Commonwealth country, Pakistan or the Republic of Ireland
  • a person who had been a citizen of the Republic of Ireland on 31 December 1948 and had made a claim to remain a British subject

You also became a British subject on 1 January 1983 if you were a woman who registered as a British subject on the basis of your marriage to a man in one of these categories.
I might be wrong but I think that Germans call themselves citizens. There is no Royal family leeching there. Of coursr there is a raft of eurotrash Grand Dukes and so on who still live in the C10th.
Keep in mind that these people on this thread who are harping so intensely on the subject of free speech are all, every one of them, against the NFL protesters who kneel during the national anthem. Free speech is just what these assholes want, as long as it defends the things they want to say. When it is something they don't agree with, the people using free speech in this country are lawless punks who should all be fired and sent packing back to Africa, even though they are American citizens. Free speech only for the right wing, basically, is what these folks on here are defending.

NOBODY said they don't have a right to kneel, you stupid asshole! They have a right to kneel and we have the EXACT SAME RIGHT to condemn them for being crybaby ingrates with no respect for anything or anyone. Just like you are. You're not only disgusting, but you're a projectionist LIAR! YOU LIBERALS ARE THE ONES THAT HAVE BEEN VIOLENTLY, RIOTOUSLY SILENCING ANY OPINION YOU DON'T AGREE WITH!
LOL You mean like Trump trying to silence a book because he doesn't like what it says? Trying to silence the author, whom he picked himself, because he doesn't like what he says? Trying to silence his former right hand man because he doesn't like what he says? Trying to silence the media because he doesn't like what they say? Uh hmmmm. Gotcha.

The modern fascists use the same language as Hitler so they obviously have a problem with stopping hate speech. Check out Bob's thoughts on gay people. Straight out of the Nazi handbook. Hitler would be purring. Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy.

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"Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy."

Tommy does not represent European views, Tommy hates his own nation, as traitors do, he represents the views of the Submitted to Islam Cucks like the British, the French and Leftist Extremists in general.

We are getting the last laugh on your ilk. We are on the rise now and are unstoppable, even the EU Commission has closed the mouth on criticising us, they know the deal.

We are not a minority, in Mitteleuropa we are a majority, in shit holes like Britainstan even you are a minority and your ilk have no power. In Mitteleuropa we have power and are now forming Governments from this nation to Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland, what is forming is a split to be the West Cucked and Pro-Islam and pro-Multiculturalism shit and the East Patriotic and not Cucked and anti-Islam and anti-Multiculturalism, and when we have fully formed we will show you what we are going to do about the crowd who do not belong on this Continent, we also do not care if Britain falls off the map the same with France, fuck the British and fuck the French they have welcomed the Islamic savages into their nations to breed like the vermin they are and within 40 years the Islamic savages will be their majority populations.
They will throw Tommy off the roof.

Indeed they will.
Oy vey...


^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.


I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.
Oy vey...


^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.


I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.

Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.
Oy vey...


^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.


I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.

Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.

She did? How did she do this? They have the Far Left Teaching Union I think they did that and not Thatcher, it's like in America you have had Republican Governments but your educational system is full of Leftists. The way you prevent this is your Government taking full control of your educational system and also castrating the Students Unions, this is what our new Government are going to do and it on the Agenda to be implemented ASAP.
Oy vey...


^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.


I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.

Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.

BTW we have just stripped all benefits from residents children who live outside our nation, the next thing is we are going to strip voting rights for anyone who lives outside our nation and also we are going to make strict who can have an Absentee Ballot eg. you only have an Absentee Ballot if you are physically not able to vote eg. elderly, people in hospital.

The EU is going to say this is illegal, but we are a Sovereign nation so Fuck The EU. As the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and as a Net Contributor to the EU they need us more than we need them, it's not like we are Poland so they cannot fuck with us, well if they do we say bring it on we are ready for the fight.
Oy vey...


^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.


I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.

Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.

She did? How did she do this? They have the Far Left Teaching Union I think they did that and not Thatcher, it's like in America you have had Republican Governments but your educational system is full of Leftists. The way you prevent this is your Government taking full control of your educational system and also castrating the Students Unions, this is what our new Government are going to do and it on the Agenda to be implemented ASAP.

No, Here it's better for each individual state to be in charge of their own education systems. Education in the US has declined since the creation of the Department of education, teacher's unions, and Federal Block grants to states. The Fed uses the block grants as leverage to push a certain curriculum. For the past 20 years or so, it has been permeated with leftist dogma.
Oy vey...


^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.


I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.

Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.

She did? How did she do this? They have the Far Left Teaching Union I think they did that and not Thatcher, it's like in America you have had Republican Governments but your educational system is full of Leftists. The way you prevent this is your Government taking full control of your educational system and also castrating the Students Unions, this is what our new Government are going to do and it on the Agenda to be implemented ASAP.





^^^^ And we will silence them and we can change the law because we have a Majority and the SPÖ do not have enough votes to stop us doing anything, we literally can do anything we have castrated the political Left in this nation now it's time to castrate the Left in general and the Leftists are on Twitter whining and are too frightened to get on the streets because we the FPÖ control all domestic affairs the Interior Ministry and all Intelligence services and the Leftists know what this means, if they attempt anything they will wish they had never been born, we intend on punishing them and destroying them regardless if they are or are not on the streets.

New Austrian government to bring in university tuition fees
^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.


I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.

Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.

She did? How did she do this? They have the Far Left Teaching Union I think they did that and not Thatcher, it's like in America you have had Republican Governments but your educational system is full of Leftists. The way you prevent this is your Government taking full control of your educational system and also castrating the Students Unions, this is what our new Government are going to do and it on the Agenda to be implemented ASAP.

No, Here it's better for each individual state to be in charge of their own education systems. Education in the US has declined since the creation of the Department of education, teacher's unions, and Federal Block grants to states. The Fed uses the block grants as leverage to push a certain curriculum. For the past 20 years or so, it has been permeated with leftist dogma.

How is it then that even in States with Republicans in charge of the State that they still have all the Leftist agitators in the educational system?
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.


I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.

Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.

She did? How did she do this? They have the Far Left Teaching Union I think they did that and not Thatcher, it's like in America you have had Republican Governments but your educational system is full of Leftists. The way you prevent this is your Government taking full control of your educational system and also castrating the Students Unions, this is what our new Government are going to do and it on the Agenda to be implemented ASAP.

No, Here it's better for each individual state to be in charge of their own education systems. Education in the US has declined since the creation of the Department of education, teacher's unions, and Federal Block grants to states. The Fed uses the block grants as leverage to push a certain curriculum. For the past 20 years or so, it has been permeated with leftist dogma.

How is it then that even in States with Republicans in charge of the State that they still have all the Leftist agitators in the educational system?

I explained it already: the Teacher's Unions and Block Grants. The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material). States should fund their own schooling, that's the way it used to be.
I think Margaret Thatcher was their best Prime Minister of the 20th Century, she did things that they needed like castrate their Marxist Trade Unions, she was also a British Patriot who loved her nation and did not want it dictated to by the EU Commission, not that I think all she did was a good idea eg. the Malvinas belong to Argentina, but she protected and defended her nation and the British peoples which is Rule 101 that a leader is trusted with. I'm a fan of Margaret Thatcher in general.

Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.

She did? How did she do this? They have the Far Left Teaching Union I think they did that and not Thatcher, it's like in America you have had Republican Governments but your educational system is full of Leftists. The way you prevent this is your Government taking full control of your educational system and also castrating the Students Unions, this is what our new Government are going to do and it on the Agenda to be implemented ASAP.

No, Here it's better for each individual state to be in charge of their own education systems. Education in the US has declined since the creation of the Department of education, teacher's unions, and Federal Block grants to states. The Fed uses the block grants as leverage to push a certain curriculum. For the past 20 years or so, it has been permeated with leftist dogma.

How is it then that even in States with Republicans in charge of the State that they still have all the Leftist agitators in the educational system?

I explained it already: the Teacher's Unions and Block Grants. The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material). States should fund their own schooling, that's the way it used to be.

"The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material)."

You need to destroy the block grants and stop the Leftist indoctrination material getting to students.
Eh, she also helped to advance leftism in her nation's education system.

She did? How did she do this? They have the Far Left Teaching Union I think they did that and not Thatcher, it's like in America you have had Republican Governments but your educational system is full of Leftists. The way you prevent this is your Government taking full control of your educational system and also castrating the Students Unions, this is what our new Government are going to do and it on the Agenda to be implemented ASAP.

No, Here it's better for each individual state to be in charge of their own education systems. Education in the US has declined since the creation of the Department of education, teacher's unions, and Federal Block grants to states. The Fed uses the block grants as leverage to push a certain curriculum. For the past 20 years or so, it has been permeated with leftist dogma.

How is it then that even in States with Republicans in charge of the State that they still have all the Leftist agitators in the educational system?

I explained it already: the Teacher's Unions and Block Grants. The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material). States should fund their own schooling, that's the way it used to be.

"The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material)."

You need to destroy the block grants and stop the Leftist indoctrination material getting to students.

Indeed, but now the problem is that the states are hooked on that money.
She did? How did she do this? They have the Far Left Teaching Union I think they did that and not Thatcher, it's like in America you have had Republican Governments but your educational system is full of Leftists. The way you prevent this is your Government taking full control of your educational system and also castrating the Students Unions, this is what our new Government are going to do and it on the Agenda to be implemented ASAP.

No, Here it's better for each individual state to be in charge of their own education systems. Education in the US has declined since the creation of the Department of education, teacher's unions, and Federal Block grants to states. The Fed uses the block grants as leverage to push a certain curriculum. For the past 20 years or so, it has been permeated with leftist dogma.

How is it then that even in States with Republicans in charge of the State that they still have all the Leftist agitators in the educational system?

I explained it already: the Teacher's Unions and Block Grants. The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material). States should fund their own schooling, that's the way it used to be.

"The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material)."

You need to destroy the block grants and stop the Leftist indoctrination material getting to students.

Indeed, but now the problem is that the states are hooked on that money.

There should be an alternative, they could get the money in another way that does not include them getting textbooks from publishers who are predominantly Leftist or Left leaning.
No, Here it's better for each individual state to be in charge of their own education systems. Education in the US has declined since the creation of the Department of education, teacher's unions, and Federal Block grants to states. The Fed uses the block grants as leverage to push a certain curriculum. For the past 20 years or so, it has been permeated with leftist dogma.

How is it then that even in States with Republicans in charge of the State that they still have all the Leftist agitators in the educational system?

I explained it already: the Teacher's Unions and Block Grants. The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material). States should fund their own schooling, that's the way it used to be.

"The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material)."

You need to destroy the block grants and stop the Leftist indoctrination material getting to students.

Indeed, but now the problem is that the states are hooked on that money.

There should be an alternative, they could get the money in another way that does not include them getting textbooks from publishers who are predominantly Leftist or Left leaning.

There is. It's called refusing free money from the Fed. Highly unlikely to happen, unfortunately. The only way is for the Sec. of education to cut off the block grants/and/or stipulations that come with them. It may happen yet, hope springs eternal.
How is it then that even in States with Republicans in charge of the State that they still have all the Leftist agitators in the educational system?

I explained it already: the Teacher's Unions and Block Grants. The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material). States should fund their own schooling, that's the way it used to be.

"The condition of the block grants is that you have to purchase textbooks from "X" publisher. (Which is most certainly leftist indoctrination material)."

You need to destroy the block grants and stop the Leftist indoctrination material getting to students.

Indeed, but now the problem is that the states are hooked on that money.

There should be an alternative, they could get the money in another way that does not include them getting textbooks from publishers who are predominantly Leftist or Left leaning.

There is. It's called refusing free money from the Fed. Highly unlikely to happen, unfortunately. The only way is for the Sec. of education to cut off the block grants/and/or stipulations that come with them. It may happen yet, hope springs eternal.

Your Sec. of Education need to do that, these students nearly all become SJWs, but look forward to Generation Z who the majority are very Conservative and Right Wing so there is hope with also that.
Once again, Tainted Tommy reminds us Americans why we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

We across the border are happy to give Political Asylum to any German citizen who is being Politically Persecuted by the Totalitarian Anti-German Merkel Regime. They can join us in a nation where they can tell it as it is and be fully supported and cheered on because we support them in everything we are at one with them.

In Germany telling it as it is is now a criminal offence, like Beatrix von Storch correctly tweeting that the police in Köln were protecting Muslim rape gangs which they did on January 1 2017. Now they are Tweeting in Arabic.

View attachment 169747

View attachment 169746

German police accuse politician of hate incitement over anti-Muslim tweet

The AfD are correct again, Boris Becker's son is half negro.

View attachment 169744

^^^^ Here he is now as an adult.

View attachment 169745
Germany has seen the effect of allowing race hatred to gain traction.They are quite right to want to prevent it happening again. Maybe they could ship out all their trash to Austria where they can dream of a new reich.

^^^^ The only trash in Germany are the Muslims squatting there and the traitors who protect them and turn against the German peoples for not wanting women raped and violated.

There would not be a problem if the Muslim filth and Sub Saharan African filth had not been allowed into Germany by the traitors.
Germany needs to root out the nazi trash before it causes them problems. maybe ship them off to South America like the last set of scum .

Hmmm.... Germany needs to identify a minority population, round them up, and remove them from society...hmmm... where have I heard this story before? Oh well, what could go wrong?
Must suck to not be an American. I can call my last President a "little half-negro" all I want to and nobody cares.

In fact, I can call him a "purple-lipped jug-eared Marxist rat bastard mulatto cocksucker whose mommie posed for nude pictures", and nobody will be banging down my door.

God bless the First Amendment. :biggrin:
Nobody cares? Really? Millions of people care. Slimeballs like you a ought to be castrated.

That's a very European attitude toward free speech.
While I believe in the right to free speech in America and don't want it changed, I understand where Europeans are coming from. They know where free speech, w/o limitations, can lead to:

View attachment 169761 View attachment 169762

You’ve got it exactly backwards. Silence of dissent , through fear, pressure, violence, and eventually the butt of a government rifle made the atrocities of the nazis possible. The OP has expressed the exact same attitude toward dissenting views that the nazis took.
Once again, Tainted Tommy reminds us Americans why we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago.

We across the border are happy to give Political Asylum to any German citizen who is being Politically Persecuted by the Totalitarian Anti-German Merkel Regime. They can join us in a nation where they can tell it as it is and be fully supported and cheered on because we support them in everything we are at one with them.

In Germany telling it as it is is now a criminal offence, like Beatrix von Storch correctly tweeting that the police in Köln were protecting Muslim rape gangs which they did on January 1 2017. Now they are Tweeting in Arabic.

View attachment 169747

View attachment 169746

German police accuse politician of hate incitement over anti-Muslim tweet

The AfD are correct again, Boris Becker's son is half negro.

View attachment 169744

^^^^ Here he is now as an adult.

View attachment 169745
Germany has seen the effect of allowing race hatred to gain traction.They are quite right to want to prevent it happening again. Maybe they could ship out all their trash to Austria where they can dream of a new reich.

^^^^ The only trash in Germany are the Muslims squatting there and the traitors who protect them and turn against the German peoples for not wanting women raped and violated.

There would not be a problem if the Muslim filth and Sub Saharan African filth had not been allowed into Germany by the traitors.
Germany needs to root out the nazi trash before it causes them problems. maybe ship them off to South America like the last set of scum .

Hmmm.... Germany needs to identify a minority population, round them up, and remove them from society...hmmm... where have I heard this story before? Oh well, what could go wrong?

He is a Left Wing Totalitarian Fascist, anyone who does not agree with him he thinks should be rounded up and put in zoos and also have their children taken off them, he has posted that exact thing last year.

The situation is that we all think we should be rounding up and removing those who wish our nations harm and wish to subvert our nations and have the intention to make us Islamic, we refuse to submit to the 7th Century Death Cult. The Left Wing Totalitarian Fascists want to remove their own ethnic populations and replace them with the Islamists, they hate their own peoples and bend over for Islam, we want to protect our own peoples and kick out the Islamists and also put severe restraints on the Leftist traitors who support Islam. Islam does not belong in any Western nation, Islam is incompatible with Western Civilisation and values.
Must suck to not be an American. I can call my last President a "little half-negro" all I want to and nobody cares.

In fact, I can call him a "purple-lipped jug-eared Marxist rat bastard mulatto cocksucker whose mommie posed for nude pictures", and nobody will be banging down my door.

God bless the First Amendment. :biggrin:
I dont believe that your constitution was framed to protect trash. I would be quite happy to forego my "right" to racially abuse a fellow citizen.
All normal people would do so.

But we're not "normal" like you wankers, we're extraordinary. We have a wonderful constitution that allows us to freely speak our minds. You on the other hand, would be thrown in jail for telling the truth. What our government calls "free speech", yours calls "hate speech".

One more reason I wouldn't want to live in your country. :banana:
Must suck to not be an American. I can call my last President a "little half-negro" all I want to and nobody cares.

In fact, I can call him a "purple-lipped jug-eared Marxist rat bastard mulatto cocksucker whose mommie posed for nude pictures", and nobody will be banging down my door.

God bless the First Amendment. :biggrin:
I dont believe that your constitution was framed to protect trash. I would be quite happy to forego my "right" to racially abuse a fellow citizen.
All normal people would do so.
Weak minded racist Americans hide behind the Constitution in order to act out their disgusting bigotry. They are slime.

Any time your weak and impotent government wants to do something about it. go right ahead. :biggrin:

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