"Half Negro"- really ? FFS

I dont [sic] believe that your constitution was framed to protect trash. I would be quite happy to forego my "right" to racially abuse a fellow citizen.
All normal people would do so.

Give liberals enough time and they will always reveal their contempt for freedom and individual rights.
You do not understand the concept of free speech.

Our Constitution was written to protect everyone. Our First Amendment was written to protect everyone's right to believe what they will, and to appropriately express their beliefs, no matter how disagreeable someone else might find those beliefs.

There is no need to protect a right to express beliefs that everyone finds inoffensive and agreeable. Freedom of speech is exactly about protecting the right to express opinions which others would like to silence.
I dont [sic] believe that your constitution was framed to protect trash. I would be quite happy to forego my "right" to racially abuse a fellow citizen.
All normal people would do so.

Give liberals enough time and they will always reveal their contempt for freedom and individual rights.
You do not understand the concept of free speech.

Our Constitution was written to protect everyone. Our First Amendment was written to protect everyone's right to believe what they will, and to appropriately express their beliefs, no matter how disagreeable someone else might find those beliefs.

There is no need to protect a right to express beliefs that everyone finds inoffensive and agreeable. Freedom of speech is exactly about protecting the right to express opinions which others would like to silence.

^^^^ This, I love Eric Blair he was with the programme before there was a programme:


While I believe in the right to free speech in America and don't want it changed, I understand where Europeans are coming from. They know where free speech, w/o limitations, can lead to:

View attachment 169761 View attachment 169762

You're calling that a result of free speech? Just goes to show how utterly disconnected you, and many other pieces of brainwashed Eurotrash truly are.

The rise of Naziism was not a result of free speech. It was very much the opposite—the result of allowing a government to come into place that claimed and exercised the authority to dictate what opinions could and could not be expressed. This is exactly where your anti-free-speech laws in Europe are leading.

The irony is in condemning naziism, and trying to distance one's self from it, by exactly acting like Nazis and supporting Nazi-like policies.
Must suck to not be an American. I can call my last President a "little half-negro" all I want to and nobody cares.

In fact, I can call him a "purple-lipped jug-eared Marxist rat bastard mulatto cocksucker whose mommie posed for nude pictures", and nobody will be banging down my door.

God bless the First Amendment. :biggrin:
Nobody cares? Really? Millions of people care. Slimeballs like you a ought to be castrated.

That's a very European attitude toward free speech.
While I believe in the right to free speech in America and don't want it changed, I understand where Europeans are coming from. They know where free speech, w/o limitations, can lead to:

View attachment 169761 View attachment 169762

^^^^ This:


While I believe in the right to free speech in America and don't want it changed, I understand where Europeans are coming from. They know where free speech, w/o limitations, can lead to:

View attachment 169761 View attachment 169762

You're calling that a result of free speech? Just goes to show how utterly disconnected you, and many other pieces of brainwashed Eurotrash truly are.

The rise of Naziism was not a result of free speech. It was very much the opposite—the result of allowing a government to come into place that claimed and exercised the authority to dictate what opinions could and could not be expressed. This is exactly where your anti-free-speech laws in Europe are leading.

The irony is in condemning naziism, and trying to distance one's self from it, by exactly acting like Nazis and supporting Nazi-like policies.
Well, that's your unique self serving take on it. Ask people in Germany if they are allowed, legally, to deny the Holocaust. They'll tell you about free speech and what Hitler was allowed to say about Jews. Yep. It was all about him being able to demonize the Jews. That's what led to the Holocaust.

Much the same way Trump is demonizing immigrants, Muslims, blacks, liberals, the press, etc. Uh huh. And you Trumpettes all Heil Hitering him. Yep.
While I believe in the right to free speech in America and don't want it changed, I understand where Europeans are coming from. They know where free speech, w/o limitations, can lead to:

View attachment 169761 View attachment 169762

You're calling that a result of free speech? Just goes to show how utterly disconnected you, and many other pieces of brainwashed Eurotrash truly are.

The rise of Naziism was not a result of free speech. It was very much the opposite—the result of allowing a government to come into place that claimed and exercised the authority to dictate what opinions could and could not be expressed. This is exactly where your anti-free-speech laws in Europe are leading.

The irony is in condemning naziism, and trying to distance one's self from it, by exactly acting like Nazis and supporting Nazi-like policies.


I am European Bob, I take exception to this term Eurotrash, the Tommy Leftist Pro-Islam Propagandists are trash, but Patriots like me are not, please do not put ALL Europeans in the same category.

We are attempting to save our Continent from the Leftist Pro-Islam Traitors and we will win, we will prevail, Our Lord is with us. Deus Vult.
While I believe in the right to free speech in America and don't want it changed, I understand where Europeans are coming from. They know where free speech, w/o limitations, can lead to:

View attachment 169761 View attachment 169762

You're calling that a result of free speech? Just goes to show how utterly disconnected you, and many other pieces of brainwashed Eurotrash truly are.

The rise of Naziism was not a result of free speech. It was very much the opposite—the result of allowing a government to come into place that claimed and exercised the authority to dictate what opinions could and could not be expressed. This is exactly where your anti-free-speech laws in Europe are leading.

The irony is in condemning naziism, and trying to distance one's self from it, by exactly acting like Nazis and supporting Nazi-like policies.
Well, that's your unique self serving take on it. Ask people in Germany if they are allowed, legally, to deny the Holocaust. They'll tell you about free speech and what Hitler was allowed to say about Jews. Yep. It was all about him being able to demonize the Jews. That's what led to the Holocaust.

Much the same way Trump is demonizing immigrants, Muslims, blacks, liberals, the press, etc. Uh huh. And you Trumpettes all Heil Hitering him. Yep.

Germany is not a Sovereign nation it is still Occupied Territory, they have no freedom of speech.
Welcome to the world of AFD.
Boris Becker's son to press charges over AfD MP's 'clearly racist' tweet

Noah Becker, son of the German tennis star Boris Becker, plans to press charges against a deputy from a far-right party who called him a “little half-negro” on Twitter, the Bild newspaper has reported.

Another AFD slime caught twitting after a beer. These people are sub human scum and should be locked up.
"little half-negro" is not nice but nowhere near "sub human scum".
While I believe in the right to free speech in America and don't want it changed, I understand where Europeans are coming from. They know where free speech, w/o limitations, can lead to:

View attachment 169761 View attachment 169762

You're calling that a result of free speech? Just goes to show how utterly disconnected you, and many other pieces of brainwashed Eurotrash truly are.

The rise of Naziism was not a result of free speech. It was very much the opposite—the result of allowing a government to come into place that claimed and exercised the authority to dictate what opinions could and could not be expressed. This is exactly where your anti-free-speech laws in Europe are leading.

The irony is in condemning naziism, and trying to distance one's self from it, by exactly acting like Nazis and supporting Nazi-like policies.
Well, that's your unique self serving take on it. Ask people in Germany if they are allowed, legally, to deny the Holocaust. They'll tell you about free speech and what Hitler was allowed to say about Jews. Yep. It was all about him being able to demonize the Jews. That's what led to the Holocaust.

Much the same way Trump is demonizing immigrants, Muslims, blacks, liberals, the press, etc. Uh huh. And you Trumpettes all Heil Hitering him. Yep.

Germany is not a Sovereign nation it is still Occupied Territory, they have no freedom of speech.
We have freedom of retweet what the gov says.
The modern fascists use the same language as Hitler so they obviously have a problem with stopping hate speech. Check out Bob's thoughts on gay people. Straight out of the Nazi handbook. Hitler would be purring. Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
The modern fascists use the same language as Hitler so they obviously have a problem with stopping hate speech. Check out Bob's thoughts on gay people. Straight out of the Nazi handbook. Hitler would be purring. Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

"Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy."

Tommy does not represent European views, Tommy hates his own nation, as traitors do, he represents the views of the Submitted to Islam Cucks like the British, the French and Leftist Extremists in general.

We are getting the last laugh on your ilk. We are on the rise now and are unstoppable, even the EU Commission has closed the mouth on criticising us, they know the deal.

We are not a minority, in Mitteleuropa we are a majority, in shit holes like Britainstan even you are a minority and your ilk have no power. In Mitteleuropa we have power and are now forming Governments from this nation to Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland, what is forming is a split to be the West Cucked and Pro-Islam and pro-Multiculturalism shit and the East Patriotic and not Cucked and anti-Islam and anti-Multiculturalism, and when we have fully formed we will show you what we are going to do about the crowd who do not belong on this Continent, we also do not care if Britain falls off the map the same with France, fuck the British and fuck the French they have welcomed the Islamic savages into their nations to breed like the vermin they are and within 40 years the Islamic savages will be their majority populations.
The modern fascists use the same language as Hitler so they obviously have a problem with stopping hate speech. Check out Bob's thoughts on gay people. Straight out of the Nazi handbook. Hitler would be purring. Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

"Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy."

Tommy does not represent European views, Tommy hates his own nation, as traitors do, he represents the views of the Submitted to Islam Cucks like the British, the French and Leftist Extremists in general.

We are getting the last laugh on your ilk. We are on the rise now and are unstoppable, even the EU Commission has closed the mouth on criticising us, they know the deal.

We are not a minority, in Mitteleuropa we are a majority, in shit holes like Britainstan even you are a minority and your ilk have no power. In Mitteleuropa we have power and are now forming Governments from this nation to Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland, what is forming is a split to be the West Cucked and Pro-Islam and pro-Multiculturalism shit and the East Patriotic and not Cucked and anti-Islam and anti-Multiculturalism, and when we have fully formed we will show you what we are going to do about the crowd who do not belong on this Continent, we also do not care if Britain falls off the map the same with France, fuck the British and fuck the French they have welcomed the Islamic savages into their nations to breed like the vermin they are and within 40 years the Islamic savages will be their majority populations.
They will throw Tommy off the roof.
The one drop rule applies. There is no such thing as a half negro. This can apply to the joo as well. Speedbumps on the road to White Purity.
The modern fascists use the same language as Hitler so they obviously have a problem with stopping hate speech. Check out Bob's thoughts on gay people. Straight out of the Nazi handbook. Hitler would be purring. Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

"Lucy's views on people of colour are displayed on this thread. Thankfully they are just a loony minority and we can laugh at their idiocy."

Tommy does not represent European views, Tommy hates his own nation, as traitors do, he represents the views of the Submitted to Islam Cucks like the British, the French and Leftist Extremists in general.

We are getting the last laugh on your ilk. We are on the rise now and are unstoppable, even the EU Commission has closed the mouth on criticising us, they know the deal.

We are not a minority, in Mitteleuropa we are a majority, in shit holes like Britainstan even you are a minority and your ilk have no power. In Mitteleuropa we have power and are now forming Governments from this nation to Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland, what is forming is a split to be the West Cucked and Pro-Islam and pro-Multiculturalism shit and the East Patriotic and not Cucked and anti-Islam and anti-Multiculturalism, and when we have fully formed we will show you what we are going to do about the crowd who do not belong on this Continent, we also do not care if Britain falls off the map the same with France, fuck the British and fuck the French they have welcomed the Islamic savages into their nations to breed like the vermin they are and within 40 years the Islamic savages will be their majority populations.
They will throw Tommy off the roof.

Yes they will that's after he has let them fuck him up the buttocks one last time.
Oy vey...


^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
Tommy doesn´t know what his buddies are about...



That is the ISIS flag they have and the Beta Cuck Faggots the British police are protecting them. Any nation also who does not have it's police armed is fucked, all police should be armed with a Glock 17 or a Glock 19 at all times.
Oy vey...


^^^^ When a nation has a moron like him as Foreign Minister they should know they are fucked and Cucked, also May is a total Cuck, the British need another Margaret Thatcher if Thatcher was their leader they would not have got into a situation where their capital is majority Kebab and African with a Mayor who's a Paki Islamist. Also their opposition Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is a Communist and pro-IRA and pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah, so they are totally fucked on all levels.
I fear your view of Thatcher is kinda confused.

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