Half of both Dems and Cons want to split the nation

I’m tired of the wait and see fear mongering. Conservatives have been saying it for generations. It never comes to fruition, it’s just a political tactic.

Life is good… chill out and focus on living it

Life is fundamentally good because God has made it so. Yes.

As for our nation....
This board is entertainment and some stimulating conversations. Im not running around thinking the sky is falling because of the political hyperbole that many here and in the media pump out. If you are feeling that way, I suggest you reduce your political intake and smell some Roses.

You crapped the bed and are now insisting we don't smell it

Too bad
I’m curious. What is it you people feel you’re being denied that’s so horrible that you want to split the country up?

What we're sick of is all the liberal bullshit. I don't want to live in a country where the government can tax you into submission or create policy or laws that virtually force you into decisions against your better judgement. I don't want to live with a government that values foreigners over it's citizens. I don't want to live in a country where constitutional rights are not even considered. I don't want my daughter in school having to compete in athletics against a weirdo in a dress so she loses her rightful trophy and perhaps a college scholarship. I don't want to live in a country under a government that embellishes the criminal and demonizes the authorities.

I don't want to see government trying to brainwash our children in school to feel guilty about their race, or somehow try to make them feel obligated just for being born white. I don't want to see a federal government pressuring or forcing cities to destroy their nice white neighborhoods to accommodate lowlifes who vote for them. I don't want to see a federal government using federal agencies to attack their political foes. I don't want some commie to tell me I need to have a psychological exam or a federal license to exercise my constitutional rights.

This is just a short list of what I'm sick of dealing with, and why I would welcome any movement to never see a leftist for as long as I live.

What we're sick of is all the liberal bullshit. I don't want to live in a country where the government can tax you into submission or create policy or laws that virtually force you into decisions against your better judgement. I don't want to live with a government that values foreigners over it's citizens. I don't want to live in a country where constitutional rights are not even considered. I don't want my daughter in school having to compete in athletics against a weirdo in a dress so she loses her rightful trophy and perhaps a college scholarship. I don't want to live in a country under a government that embellishes the criminal and demonizes the authorities.

I don't want to see government trying to brainwash our children in school to feel guilty about their race, or somehow try to make them feel obligated just for being born white. I don't want to see a federal government pressuring or forcing cities to destroy their nice white neighborhoods to accommodate lowlifes who vote for them. I don't want to see a federal government using federal agencies to attack their political foes. I don't want some commie to tell me I need to have a psychological exam or a federal license to exercise my constitutional rights.

This is just a short list of what I'm sick of dealing with, and why I would welcome any movement to never see a leftist for as long as I live.

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You don’t like it?

Read the freaking link. It's somebody named Phil Shiver's interpretation of somebody named Colby Hall's interpretation of fractured polling data. It ain't real folks.
The post is a bullshit interpretation of a bullshit interpretation of a bullshit poll floated by bullshit editorialists. Nobody in their right minds, except media crazies, want to deal with a nut case idea about secession.
But bringing in untested infected illegals into this country where their kids will be attending our schools is just fine.

Sure, why not. Not that this is happening in any great number... we have a higher infection rate than Mexico does.

Why would poor people be less likely to have an ID? They don't cost anything if you don't have the money to get one. They are readily available in poor areas. Oh, that's right, the Democrats told you they wouldn't be able to get one and like a good commie, you don't ever question Big Brother. You simply obey.

Poor people are more likely to be transitory and don't update their ID's. They are less likely to be able to take time off from their minimum wage jobs to stand at the DMV for a couple of hours.

People are poor because the commies reward them for being so. Have more kids? Bigger HUD house in the suburbs, larger SNAP'S check in the mail, larger welfare check, bigger stipend for daycare. I can't get a better paying job than Walmart because it would interfere with the benefits I do get. So instead of trying to get ahead working 50 or more hours a week. I'll work 30 and keep collecting government goodies.

Just remember, Ray, you are the one who says he won't take a job in Customer Service because it doesn't pay as well as your disability, so I think you are kind of projecting here.

Walmart gave their employees instructions on how to access government benefits... so they are kind of in on the scam of not paying their employees.

Studies have been done on the subject. I'd post them but I know how you love to mire in ignorance and wouldn't read a word. In short, since the war on poverty began, it cost us over 15 trillion dollars and poverty has barely lowered by a percentage or two since this great society began. It was a failure then and it's a failure now.

Uh, guy, 15 Trillion over 60 years is a pittance. Compare that to how much we've spent on the military over 60 years.

The Great Society included Medicare, which has kept millions of working class white people from becoming poor when they have to make a choice between bankruptcy and keeping Nana around for a few more years.

No, you want us shut up because we make sense. You don't.

Uh, guy, Every Republican in my lifetime has managed to leave office after fucking things up. Then after a Democrat fixes things, you come back because the voters have very short memories.

Yes, poverty on a national level, not a local level. As I said, in commie states it costs three, four and five times the amount to live the same way there as it does in American states.
You can keep saying that, but the south is poorer. Lets look at some other measures, shall we?

Here's a map for food stamps.


Here's a map with the percentage of people on Medicaid.


The thing is, the South is the most conservative part of the country, and it's the poorest and most dependent on government relief programs.

I paid into this program my entire life. Why don't you get a real education and learn what welfare is you public school failure.

Guy, you paid in it to retire, and you are still being subsidized by those of us who still work for a living.
What we're sick of is all the liberal bullshit. I don't want to live in a country where the government can tax you into submission or create policy or laws that virtually force you into decisions against your better judgement.

Again, Welfare Ray, you are the one living off the government teet right now... I don't think you have a right to complain about taxes.

I don't want to live with a government that values foreigners over it's citizens.

Not actually happening. if you are losing out to a foreigner with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English language, that's kind on you, buddy.

I don't want to live in a country where constitutional rights are not even considered.

Except you are fine with people of color being denied their constituional rights. You do realize the constitution has more than two amendments, right?

I don't want my daughter in school having to compete in athletics against a weirdo in a dress so she loses her rightful trophy and perhaps a college scholarship.

So let me get this straight. Your imaginary daughter might lose to an imaginary weirdo in a dress, and not get government scholarships that are only out there because the government mandated that colleges give scholarships to girls for athletics. Who do you think pays for those scholarships? That's right. The kids who took out loans to pay for college.

This was one of my huge complaints when I was at UIC. About 1/3rd of our student fees went to subsidize the Athletics program and scholarships. Of course, UIC didn't have a football team, and it's basketball team was so insignifigant they couldn't give away tickets to see them. But all the students were paying huge fees to maintain these programs to give lunkheads a four year ride.

I don't want to live in a country under a government that embellishes the criminal and demonizes the authorities.

The Authorities get demonized because of shit like THIS.


I don't want to see government trying to brainwash our children in school to feel guilty about their race, or somehow try to make them feel obligated just for being born white.

Yes, don't tell kids that there's racism in this country.

I don't want to see a federal government pressuring or forcing cities to destroy their nice white neighborhoods to accommodate lowlifes who vote for them.

Hey, Ray, tell us again how you aren't racist, that never gets old.

I don't want to see a federal government using federal agencies to attack their political foes.

Yet you were perfectly fine with Trump trying to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden, and using the State and Justice Departments to do it. .

I don't want some commie to tell me I need to have a psychological exam or a federal license to exercise my constitutional rights.

Uh, probably a good call. Just reading your posts, you come off as unhinged. I doubt if they gave you a psych exam they'd let you keep your guns.

Of course, the Second Amendment is about militias. I'm all for well-regulated militias, I was a member of one for years. Nuts with guns, not so much.
Again, Welfare Ray, you are the one living off the government teet right now... I don't think you have a right to complain about taxes.

Sure I do because I still pay taxes.

Not actually happening. if you are losing out to a foreigner with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English language, that's kind on you, buddy.

Moron. Your commie President is forcing Border Patrol to all be vaccinated by November while he has no mandate for the invaders that are crossing into our country. In fact even those that do test positive have no obligation to stay put. If they want to leave, the BP says they have to let them go and there is nothing they can do about it. That new commie Mayor in NY is getting rid of healthcare workers that don't want to be vaccinated, and using taxpayer money to bring in the national guard to try and do their jobs.

Your commie leaders give priority to illegals over Americans, but some are too Fn stupid to see that even when it's right in front of their face.

Hey, Ray, tell us again how you aren't racist, that never gets old.

Not wanting to see your property values cut in half and your neighborhood destroyed is racist? Well I guess when you have such a severe case of OCD like you do and refuse to get treated, a shadow on the street from the street lamp is racist.

Yet you were perfectly fine with Trump trying to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden, and using the State and Justice Departments to do it. .

Hunter is a criminal. He owed back taxes nobody ever went after. He illegally bought a firearm lying on is federal firearms application and never got so much as a slap on the hand. The FBI has a video of him having sex with kids, and now the talent-less lowlife is selling influence to his father through his paintings that look like a 6 year old made them, and they are all "anonymous" buyers paying a half-mil for them and that's perfectly okay because the country is run by Nazi's now. You know how those communist Chinese don't like people to know who they are.

Now that you bring it up, that's another thing I"m sick of living with you commies, and that is special rules and laws for them vs laws for us. We need two countries and it can't come fast enough.

Uh, probably a good call. Just reading your posts, you come off as unhinged. I doubt if they gave you a psych exam they'd let you keep your guns.

Of course, the Second Amendment is about militias. I'm all for well-regulated militias, I was a member of one for years. Nuts with guns, not so much.

Get educated. The courts ruled against that years ago.
Sure, why not. Not that this is happening in any great number... we have a higher infection rate than Mexico does.

Where do you get this Mexico shit from? These people are flying to Mexico from over 100 other different countries. You're fine with them passing covid with your leaders blessings but don't one American dare to not get the vaccination against their will.

We need two countries.

Poor people are more likely to be transitory and don't update their ID's. They are less likely to be able to take time off from their minimum wage jobs to stand at the DMV for a couple of hours.

Bullshit. You take any one of those "poor" people, tell them there is a thousand bucks waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they have to do is produce positive ID to claim it, they will be there the next day with bells and whistles on.

The truth of the matter is the Democrats can't survive without the lazy welfare vote. They fear that by mandating an ID, a lot of their lowlifes will say F-it and not get one. That's what they're scared of.

Just remember, Ray, you are the one who says he won't take a job in Customer Service because it doesn't pay as well as your disability, so I think you are kind of projecting here.

Walmart gave their employees instructions on how to access government benefits... so they are kind of in on the scam of not paying their employees.

Stupid. Walmart doesn't create social policies--politicians do. Furthermore Walmart pays the same or better than any other starting job: Target, K-Mart, Burger King, McDonald's............. plus Walmart treats their skilled employees very well with good pay and benefits.

Uh, guy, 15 Trillion over 60 years is a pittance. Compare that to how much we've spent on the military over 60 years.

The Great Society included Medicare, which has kept millions of working class white people from becoming poor when they have to make a choice between bankruptcy and keeping Nana around for a few more years.

Medicare is a program that benefits most people and an oddity compared to all the other wasteful programs we have. The US Constitution charges our representatives with the protection of this country. Money spent to provide that protection is justified. Nowhere in the Constitution will you find a federal obligation to provide for the poor or lazy.

Social programs are different than welfare programs. Social programs all working people contribute to. The poor contribute nothing and likely never will the rest of their lives for all the handouts they get since they are funded through the federal income tax which nearly half the people in our country don't pay.

15 trillion failure is nothing? Think of what we could have had for that 15 trillion. Who in their right mind would say wasting 15 trillion and accomplishing nothing is not a waste at all; only a Democrat.

Uh, guy, Every Republican in my lifetime has managed to leave office after fucking things up. Then after a Democrat fixes things, you come back because the voters have very short memories.

Reagan set this country back on the right track. Trump gave us the best economy in 50 years and would have continued if not for a worldwide pandemic he had no control over. Look at your President. Even with the vaccines, things are worse now than they were last year. Bush was not a great President, but the housing collapse that caused the recession had many a Democrat hands on it. I've posted the videos before which you refuse to watch.

Guy, you paid in it to retire, and you are still being subsidized by those of us who still work for a living.

Disability does not come out of SS contributions, they come from FICA contributions which I've paid into all of my life. I am currently recovering from major surgery. I've been diagnosed with cancer. I don't know what this all means just yet, but if I'm not here this time next year, I will have contributed much more to the system than what I'm currently getting out.
Welfare Ray fails to miss his own hypocrisy...

Moron. Your commie President is forcing Border Patrol to all be vaccinated by November while he has no mandate for the invaders that are crossing into our country. In fact even those that do test positive have no obligation to stay put. If they want to leave, the BP says they have to let them go and there is nothing they can do about it. That new commie Mayor in NY is getting rid of healthcare workers that don't want to be vaccinated, and using taxpayer money to bring in the national guard to try and do their jobs.

Uh, yeah, making people who might have exposure to Covid patients get vaccinations... how awful. I'm for vaccine mandates for everyone, it's your side that whines about it.

Your commie leaders give priority to illegals over Americans, but some are too Fn stupid to see that even when it's right in front of their face.

Again, if you are losing out to an illegal with no money, connections and a limited grasp on the english language, that's on you.

Not wanting to see your property values cut in half and your neighborhood destroyed is racist? Well I guess when you have such a severe case of OCD like you do and refuse to get treated, a shadow on the street from the street lamp is racist.

Uh, guy, we have Section 8 recipiants in my Condo association. Our property values haven't dropped. (In fact we've gotten a buyout offer from a developer) If your property values have dropped, it's because you live in a slum next to an even bigger slum.

Hunter is a criminal. He owed back taxes nobody ever went after. He illegally bought a firearm lying on is federal firearms application and never got so much as a slap on the hand. The FBI has a video of him having sex with kids, and now the talent-less lowlife is selling influence to his father through his paintings that look like a 6 year old made them, and they are all "anonymous" buyers paying a half-mil for them and that's perfectly okay because the country is run by Nazi's now. You know how those communist Chinese don't like people to know who they are.

So let's look at your list. He bought a gun. Well, it's not like we have any standards on who can get a gun. The videos are all deep fakes by the Russians... Sorry you missed the memo. If he's selling his finger painting for big money, it's because idiots like you made him a celebrity.

The point was, Trump tried to use the government go after this man, but you get upset if the Democrats try to get the Koch Cutouts to obey the tax laws. INteresting.

Now that you bring it up, that's another thing I"m sick of living with you commies, and that is special rules and laws for them vs laws for us. We need two countries and it can't come fast enough.

sorry, man, you are going to just have to live with being in the minority. If anything, you are probably going to hasten your political demise with that kind of talk.

Get educated. The courts ruled against that years ago.

The courts also ruled Slavery was okay and fetuses aren't people. The courts do a lot of stupid things.
Where do you get this Mexico shit from? These people are flying to Mexico from over 100 other different countries. You're fine with them passing covid with your leaders blessings but don't one American dare to not get the vaccination against their will.

100 different countries? Really? Okay, Ray... need to turn off the hate radio.

Bullshit. You take any one of those "poor" people, tell them there is a thousand bucks waiting for them on the other side of the state, and all they have to do is produce positive ID to claim it, they will be there the next day with bells and whistles on.

The truth of the matter is the Democrats can't survive without the lazy welfare vote. They fear that by mandating an ID, a lot of their lowlifes will say F-it and not get one. That's what they're scared of.
So at least you are being honest enough to admit that voter ID isn't about "vote fraud" and is just another hurdle for poor people to keep them from voting.

Stupid. Walmart doesn't create social policies--politicians do. Furthermore Walmart pays the same or better than any other starting job: Target, K-Mart, Burger King, McDonald's............. plus Walmart treats their skilled employees very well with good pay and benefits.

Again, Ray doesn't think he should be forced to take a job that doesn't pay well, but poor people should be happy with poverty wages.

Our side has been trying to get living wages for people for a decade. Except now, thank to covid, these companies are being forced to offer them.

Medicare is a program that benefits most people and an oddity compared to all the other wasteful programs we have. The US Constitution charges our representatives with the protection of this country. Money spent to provide that protection is justified. Nowhere in the Constitution will you find a federal obligation to provide for the poor or lazy.

Uh, "promote the general welfare'. That's where it comes in, buddy.

Social programs are different than welfare programs. Social programs all working people contribute to. The poor contribute nothing and likely never will the rest of their lives for all the handouts they get since they are funded through the federal income tax which nearly half the people in our country don't pay.

Except poor people are paying taxes... That the government does a shell game with taxes is kind of silly, but the reality is that we spend 2.5 Trillion on "social programs/entitlements/White PEople welfare) every year, but less than 500 billion on poverty relief programs.

15 trillion failure is nothing? Think of what we could have had for that 15 trillion. Who in their right mind would say wasting 15 trillion and accomplishing nothing is not a waste at all; only a Democrat.
We did do something. We kept people from starving, and those starving people didn't start a revolution.

Starving people tend to do that.

Reagan set this country back on the right track. Trump gave us the best economy in 50 years and would have continued if not for a worldwide pandemic he had no control over. Look at your President. Even with the vaccines, things are worse now than they were last year. Bush was not a great President, but the housing collapse that caused the recession had many a Democrat hands on it. I've posted the videos before which you refuse to watch.

I refuse to watch them because they are stupid. Bush was in charge when the Housing Crisis hit. Trump was in charge when Covid Hit. Reagan was in charge when the S&L Crisis happened.

Yes, things are worse now, because idiots in the red states refuse to get their shots, but act like this is all over and we don't need to wear masks or socially distance.

Disability does not come out of SS contributions, they come from FICA contributions which I've paid into all of my life. I am currently recovering from major surgery. I've been diagnosed with cancer. I don't know what this all means just yet, but if I'm not here this time next year, I will have contributed much more to the system than what I'm currently getting out.

I'm sorry to hear about your cancer, man.

Goes to the point, though, the goverment creates these programs, sometimes your paying in, sometimes you are getting paid.
So at least you are being honest enough to admit that voter ID isn't about "vote fraud" and is just another hurdle for poor people to keep them from voting.

No different of a hurdle than middle-class or wealthy voters. Everybody is treated the same.

Again, Ray doesn't think he should be forced to take a job that doesn't pay well, but poor people should be happy with poverty wages.

Our side has been trying to get living wages for people for a decade. Except now, thank to covid, these companies are being forced to offer them.

And because of that we have out of control inflation, and if this pork bill passes, experts predict will get much worse.

Our country never had a "livable wage." It never existed and minimum wage was never a livable wage in my entire life either. It's a totally new idiotic leftist idea.

When I got out of school I worked at a car was for minimum wage. A friend of mine got me a job at the factory he worked at for minimum wage. Another friend got me a job helping him unload the truck for yes, minimum wage, and that was a union job. Don't tell me I never had to work for minimum wage. During the 80's recession I even worked for less than minimum wage. I had to work two jobs to make ends meet.

It was those low wage jobs that made me try harder to make myself worth more than minimum. Given the fact MW workers are only 3.4% of our workforce, it's like that for most people. Minimum wage jobs are not (and never was) a livable wage. It's a starting wage for people with no experience at anything.

Uh, "promote the general welfare'. That's where it comes in, buddy.

Not according to James Madison buddy. He stated general welfare is constrained only to that enumerated in the Constitution.

Except poor people are paying taxes... That the government does a shell game with taxes is kind of silly, but the reality is that we spend 2.5 Trillion on "social programs/entitlements/White PEople welfare) every year, but less than 500 billion on poverty relief programs.

Taxes are not taxes. Taxes go to certain things. Your city tax does not fund our federal government and neither does your state taxes. Your property taxes do not fund national infrastructure or our military. Welfare programs are funded through income tax only, which are mostly paid by those evil rich people.

We did do something. We kept people from starving, and those starving people didn't start a revolution.

Starving people tend to do that.

Uncivilized starving people do. Civilized starving people get a job and feed themselves.

I refuse to watch them because they are stupid. Bush was in charge when the Housing Crisis hit. Trump was in charge when Covid Hit. Reagan was in charge when the S&L Crisis happened.

Yes, things are worse now, because idiots in the red states refuse to get their shots, but act like this is all over and we don't need to wear masks or socially distance.

Yes, we know, because it's never a Democrats fault, only a Republican when a Republican is in charge. But you're not a hypocrite. :eusa_shhh:

I'm sorry to hear about your cancer, man.

Thank you very much. Whatever the Lord has in his plans for me is his plans. With his blessing, hopefully I'll be around for a while, but I won't know anything more until next week when my test results come back.

Goes to the point, though, the goverment creates these programs, sometimes your paying in, sometimes you are getting paid.

In most cases you do both just like insurance. You pay all your life, and if or when you need them, it's there.
More nonsense from a right wing asshole.

What's nonsense about it? We would be thrilled never having to live with you or your ilk ever again. It's you leftists that know without us, your country would be a complete disaster like you're turning our entire country into now.

The problem is you want to turn this country into a Socialist/ Communist shithole when there are already countries out there like that: North Korea, Cuba, China just to name a few. But since you won't move to any of these leftist utopias, it's best we split up and save at least half of this country.

You see, you can move to any one of these places, and if and when you find out it's not what it's cracked up to be, always move back to the USA if they let you. But there is only one United States of America. Once you destroy this place, there will be no other USA to move to. This is it. Once it's gone, it's gone forever.

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