Half of both Dems and Cons want to split the nation

With the Democrat goal of making whites a minority in this country for the first time in history to obtain a single-party government, it seems we only have two choices in the matter: Split up and save half of this country, or ignore what's happening right in front of us and risk ending the great experiment forever. What do you think is the best choice?
Apply force - brute force if necessary - to the confused element of the nation. After all, we don't want a new and larger version of Haiti on our border, and I'm not talking about race.

In this matter Lincoln was correct. Keep it together. Don't let the Democrats try this again.
We need Mom's law in this country more than ever right now. Once we have our own countries, it's only a matter of a few years until the libs realize how God awful their policies are and collapse. High taxes will force businesses to the conservative country, a disarmed public would lead to massive crime, giving government handouts to half the population will bankrupt the liberal country along with the support of millions of immigrants. The entire country will quickly turn into San Francisco or Detroit, and like now, inflation will make the cost of living so high many will not be able to put a roof over their head just like California.

When they come begging to reunite, we would only do so if they abandoned their Socialist/ Communist ideas and did things our way, or no deal.

Welfare Ray, do I really need to break out the poverty map again. The poorest states in the country are the ones run by your side.


The reality is, the decline in this country is because we abandoned the New Deal sensibilities and decided that the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer was a good thing.
There can be no reconciliation at this point

Whether it is sheer stupidity or not, it is basically here at any rate

Islamophobic Twat is upset that we don't have a country that hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
You can't. You can only divide the country in half and give one country to conservatives and the other half to liberals. A lot of moving would have to take place, but in the end it would be worth it. A line going from north to south so both countries can take advantage of the weather they wish to live in.

Um, no, the fact that you are in an ever shrinking minority doomed to losing is not a good reason to break up the country, Welfare Ray.

Like you think they are going to pay you in sit on your ass scowling at your neighbors in New Gilead.

Here's the real problem. You guys have only won the national vote once since 1988, and you had to terrify people into it. Only because of gerrymandering, the racist electoral college and giving senate seats to big empty rectangles do we have to even put up with you twits.

Here's what you do in a Democracy. Instead of trying to steal elections, you actually TRY TO CONVINCE PEOPLE of your ideas. And when an idea clearly doesn't work, like Supply Side Economics, you stop pushing it, hoping it will work the third time you tried it.

Instead, your side tries to suppress votes... when that doesn't work, you try to change the rules on voting.
With the Democrat goal of making whites a minority in this country for the first time in history to obtain a single-party government, it seems we only have two choices in the matter: Split up and save half of this country, or ignore what's happening right in front of us and risk ending the great experiment forever. What do you think is the best choice?

The problem is, the "Great Experiment" was never great. We built a country on Genocide and slavery to benefit the very few.

What I always find amusing is that you think you have it good, living in a slum, collecting a disability check, living next to people you clearly hate and fear, and you say, "Yes, more of that, please!!"
The problem is, the "Great Experiment" was never great. We built a country on Genocide and slavery to benefit the very few.

What I always find amusing is that you think you have it good, living in a slum, collecting a disability check, living next to people you clearly hate and fear, and you say, "Yes, more of that, please!!"

The country was built on freedom, law and order. It's why millions are coming here illegally and even more want to follow. If this is such a bad place, move the fuck out of here already. We like what our founders created. If you don't, move to a socialist country and see how you like it first.
Um, no, the fact that you are in an ever shrinking minority doomed to losing is not a good reason to break up the country, Welfare Ray.

Like you think they are going to pay you in sit on your ass scowling at your neighbors in New Gilead.

Here's the real problem. You guys have only won the national vote once since 1988, and you had to terrify people into it. Only because of gerrymandering, the racist electoral college and giving senate seats to big empty rectangles do we have to even put up with you twits.

Here's what you do in a Democracy. Instead of trying to steal elections, you actually TRY TO CONVINCE PEOPLE of your ideas. And when an idea clearly doesn't work, like Supply Side Economics, you stop pushing it, hoping it will work the third time you tried it.

Instead, your side tries to suppress votes... when that doesn't work, you try to change the rules on voting.

The only people trying to change our voting are you communists. We were (and are) fine with traditional voting. You want to vote, you take the time to register, go in person, show your ID, fill out a ballot and insert it into the collection container.

The only problem I have with traditional voting is the same problem I have with Nazi changes, and that is everybody is allowed to vote. People with no stake in the game voting on taking money from other people to give to them. The Communists have found a way to harness the totally politically ignorant vote by plopping a ballot on their kitchen table so their lazy ass doesn't have to leave the house.

We need to break up the country to separate the Communists from the constitutionalists. There is no middle-ground between us. It's better to save half this country than to lose the entire thing.
Welfare Ray, do I really need to break out the poverty map again. The poorest states in the country are the ones run by your side.

The have less money but the cost of living is much lower than your communist states as well. Many people live just as good if not better than those in commie states. In California, the "average" cost of a house is $800,000. That's the average. Spend 800K for a house in my state, you're just about living in a mansion.

The reality is, the decline in this country is because we abandoned the New Deal sensibilities and decided that the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer was a good thing.

Stupid, society doesn't choose how to live or how well you live, those are individual choices.
Apply force - brute force if necessary - to the confused element of the nation. After all, we don't want a new and larger version of Haiti on our border, and I'm not talking about race.

In this matter Lincoln was correct. Keep it together. Don't let the Democrats try this again.

If that were possible, you'd be correct. But trying to get America together on just about anything is virtually impossible. It's merely a pipe dream. That's why we have to separate.
Stupid. We aren’t losing anything. Seriously get a life ray you are in waaaay too deep

No, I'm just conscious of my environment. Millions of illegals being allowed to slip through and nobody trying to stop them. They are infected and our current leadership is busing or flying them all over the country. Many untested and the ones who test positive are not stopped from entering, while our government is pressuring private institutions into forcing Americans to get the vax or stop working. Last year they held parades and called them America's heroes.

The last administration the President was impeached twice without one impeachable violation. They impeached him out of hatred. Now the current President told the courts to F-off because he's going to continue to not enforce the Stay in Mexico policy. They spied on the last President before he even took office by lying on a FISA court application and nothing was done to anybody. Now they are trying to obtain private text and phone messages of all opposition in congress related to Jan 6th. So much for illegal search and seizure, huh? The Communists are using our national agencies like the FBI and the IRS to go after political foes. Yes, if you deposit or withdraw more than $600.00, the federal government will be alerted to watch what you are doing with that money.

What I listed is the tip of the iceberg. Don't tell me I'm in way too deep. Just open your eyes and look around you.
No, I'm just conscious of my environment. Millions of illegals being allowed to slip through and nobody trying to stop them. They are infected and our current leadership is busing or flying them all over the country. Many untested and the ones who test positive are not stopped from entering, while our government is pressuring private institutions into forcing Americans to get the vax or stop working. Last year they held parades and called them America's heroes.

The last administration the President was impeached twice without one impeachable violation. They impeached him out of hatred. Now the current President told the courts to F-off because he's going to continue to not enforce the Stay in Mexico policy. They spied on the last President before he even took office by lying on a FISA court application and nothing was done to anybody. Now they are trying to obtain private text and phone messages of all opposition in congress related to Jan 6th. So much for illegal search and seizure, huh? The Communists are using our national agencies like the FBI and the IRS to go after political foes. Yes, if you deposit or withdraw more than $600.00, the federal government will be alerted to watch what you are doing with that money.

What I listed is the tip of the iceberg. Don't tell me I'm in way too deep. Just open your eyes and look around you.
You are too deep. The things you listed are political troll bait and you’ve eaten it up. We actually do have border patrol and ICE and detainees and deportations, all this is happening every day even though you pretend like it’s an unregulated open zone. Y’all don’t seem to think COVID is a big deal unless you can say that illegals are out spreading it, just can’t take you seriously with that argument.

Trump was impeached for cause both times, the process played out as designed, and like with most things you’re in here bitching about it really has little to no impact on your day to day life. It’s all a stupid political game to get one side to hate the other. It’s all a power play.

Back in the real world there is still a life to live that you can do just fine without feeling anything from the things you listed. Try tuning out politics for a month and you’ll see what I mean.
I’m curious. What is it you people feel you’re being denied that’s so horrible that you want to split the country up?
Could have fooled me… life is pretty good in my sphere, sorry it’s so crappy for you, maybe trying moving to another town or work on fixing your perspective. Shame for you to have so much opportunity and not see it

My life is fine.

The nation is toast though.
your life is fine but the nation is toast…. What is that supposed to mean?!

About half of this nation no longer values the foundations of this nation. Like, say, free speech. Or you know, bodily autonomy. Basic freedoms.

I no longer care. You folks do not understand the depth to which we do not care anymore.

Let it burn.
About half of this nation no longer values the foundations of this nation. Like, say, free speech. Or you know, bodily autonomy. Basic freedoms.

I no longer care. You folks do not understand the depth to which we do not care anymore.

Let it burn.
First of all, nothing is burning. Second, you have no clue what half the nation believes, you’re a victim of media brainwashing. Lastly, you say your life is fine so all these fires you pretend are surrounding you crumbling this country don’t seem to impact you too much. Think about that. I bet if you tuned out politics for a spell and just focused on your life you wouldn’t feel these imaginary fire anymore.

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