Half of both Dems and Cons want to split the nation

First of all, nothing is burning. Second, you have no clue what half the nation believes, you’re a victim of media brainwashing. Lastly, you say your life is fine so all these fires you pretend are surrounding you crumbling this country don’t seem to impact you too much. Think about that. I bet if you tuned out politics for a spell and just focused on your life you wouldn’t feel these imaginary fire anymore.

The totalitarians you voted for have destroyed my work life. My personal life is fine. My students are suffering. We continue to hurt children to protect the "safety" (really, the safe feelings) of adults.

Add to that rampant inflation and immigration and we are just at the beginning of the collapse.

Whatever. It was worth it right? Cause Trump was an outrage.

The totalitarians you voted for have destroyed my work life. My personal life is fine. My students are suffering. We continue to hurt children to protect the "safety" (really, the safe feelings) of adults.

Add to that rampant inflation and immigration and we are just at the beginning of the collapse.

Whatever. It was worth it right? Cause Trump was an outrage.

Yes, Trump was absolutely an outrage and also a huge contributor to that coming inflation you speak of. Biden is as well unless he taxes the shit out of those who accumulated those trillions of stimulus.

I work for a school as well and the kids aren’t suffering because of our politics. They’ve had a tough year because of a pandemic but we are coming out of it… you are being way over dramatic acting like the nation is crumbling. We have work to do but are doing just fine for the most part.
About half of this nation no longer values the foundations of this nation. Like, say, free speech. Or you know, bodily autonomy. Basic freedoms.

I no longer care. You folks do not understand the depth to which we do not care anymore.

Let it burn.

“When people have nothing left to lose, and they’ve lost everything, they lose it.”​

Gerald Celente
Yes, Trump was absolutely an outrage and also a huge contributor to that coming inflation you speak of. Biden is as well unless he taxes the shit out of those who accumulated those trillions of stimulus.

I work for a school as well and the kids aren’t suffering because of our politics. They’ve had a tough year because of a pandemic but we are coming out of it… you are being way over dramatic acting like the nation is crumbling. We have work to do but are doing just fine for the most part.
I’m curious. What is it you people feel you’re being denied that’s so horrible that you want to split the country up?
A large part of this country has made it very clear that they demand the state take away all creature comforts of those who will not or cannot take a particular medical procedure.

That's just the beginning.

I say let 'er rip. Right down the middle. I will survive. I live a short drive from a religious colony where they grow a massive amount of wholesome food and sell it for reasonable prices. The people in the big shithole cities will be eating each other .
The country was built on freedom, law and order. It's why millions are coming here illegally and even more want to follow. If this is such a bad place, move the fuck out of here already. We like what our founders created. If you don't, move to a socialist country and see how you like it first.

The country the Founding Slave Rapists created isn't one most Americans would want to live in. It would be an America that only works for white male property owners.

The only people trying to change our voting are you communists. We were (and are) fine with traditional voting. You want to vote, you take the time to register, go in person, show your ID, fill out a ballot and insert it into the collection container.

And how is that "Traditional". Ballot by mail has been around for decades, it's really not controversial. You guys didn't start caring about "voter ID" until recently, either, until you figured out poor people are less likely to have ID.

The only problem I have with traditional voting is the same problem I have with Nazi changes, and that is everybody is allowed to vote. People with no stake in the game voting on taking money from other people to give to them. The Communists have found a way to harness the totally politically ignorant vote by plopping a ballot on their kitchen table so their lazy ass doesn't have to leave the house.

As I've pointed out, we spend far more money paying Middle Class People like yourself from becoming poor (as you would be now if you weren't on disability) than we do keeping poor people from being poorer.

We need to break up the country to separate the Communists from the constitutionalists. There is no middle-ground between us. It's better to save half this country than to lose the entire thing.

No, you bitches need to realize you are in the minority and shut the fuck up if you have nothing useful to add.

The have less money but the cost of living is much lower than your communist states as well. Many people live just as good if not better than those in commie states. In California, the "average" cost of a house is $800,000. That's the average. Spend 800K for a house in my state, you're just about living in a mansion.

The map doesn't show how much money they have, they show what percentage of the population lives in poverty... And yes, more people live in poverty in the Red States than the Blue States.

Stupid, society doesn't choose how to live or how well you live, those are individual choices.

Sure it does.... We decided in the 1930's that we needed to have a just society, it's why you are getting a disability check when you couldn't do your one marketable skill. You could show a little gratitude... it's not like the Republic of Gilead you want is going to pay your welfare.
My life is fine.

The nation is toast though.

Yes, we know your attempts to impose theocracy on us has hit a snag, Islamophobic Twat.

About half of this nation no longer values the foundations of this nation. Like, say, free speech. Or you know, bodily autonomy. Basic freedoms.

I no longer care. You folks do not understand the depth to which we do not care anymore.

Let it burn.

Wait, wait... so you are worried about "bodily autonomy" why you are trying to make rape victims have their rapists' babies.... just don't make me get a shot that will prevent you from dying.

But it seems you have kind of outed yourself as someone who hates America.
The totalitarians you voted for have destroyed my work life. My personal life is fine. My students are suffering. We continue to hurt children to protect the "safety" (really, the safe feelings) of adults.

Yes, making teachers get shots so they don't spread a deadly disease is truly hurting students.

Add to that rampant inflation and immigration and we are just at the beginning of the collapse.
Immigration is a good thing. Somehow, I don't think you are Native American.
Inflation is bad. It's not the kind of inflation we had in the 1970's, though.

Whatever. It was worth it right? Cause Trump was an outrage.

Actually, he kind of was. The problem is you guys made a Faustian bargain with an awful person trying to push an agenda most Americans really didn't want.
Yes, Trump was absolutely an outrage and also a huge contributor to that coming inflation you speak of. Biden is as well unless he taxes the shit out of those who accumulated those trillions of stimulus.

I work for a school as well and the kids aren’t suffering because of our politics. They’ve had a tough year because of a pandemic but we are coming out of it… you are being way over dramatic acting like the nation is crumbling. We have work to do but are doing just fine for the most part.

It has been crumbling for a while. Covid panic and lockdowns and the ensuing damage just put the final nail in the coffin.

We are in an avalanche situation now. Just wait
A large part of this country has made it very clear that they demand the state take away all creature comforts of those who will not or cannot take a particular medical procedure.

That's just the beginning.

I say let 'er rip. Right down the middle. I will survive. I live a short drive from a religious colony where they grow a massive amount of wholesome food and sell it for reasonable prices. The people in the big shithole cities will be eating each other .

They are very much like the abusive spouse. When the victim has finally had enough they plead, "but WHY??? Why won't you STAY?? What's wrong with YOOOOUU??"

When the victim is all the way done.

Too many people do not realize that this is where too many good Americans are. Congrats, Woke. You destroyed the nation. Enjoy the rewards of your labors.
And how is that "Traditional". Ballot by mail has been around for decades, it's really not controversial. You guys didn't start caring about "voter ID" until recently, either, until you figured out poor people are less likely to have ID.

Why would poor people be less likely to have an ID? They don't cost anything if you don't have the money to get one. They are readily available in poor areas. Oh, that's right, the Democrats told you they wouldn't be able to get one and like a good commie, you don't ever question Big Brother. You simply obey.

As I've pointed out, we spend far more money paying Middle Class People like yourself from becoming poor (as you would be now if you weren't on disability) than we do keeping poor people from being poorer.

People are poor because the commies reward them for being so. Have more kids? Bigger HUD house in the suburbs, larger SNAP'S check in the mail, larger welfare check, bigger stipend for daycare. I can't get a better paying job than Walmart because it would interfere with the benefits I do get. So instead of trying to get ahead working 50 or more hours a week. I'll work 30 and keep collecting government goodies.

Studies have been done on the subject. I'd post them but I know how you love to mire in ignorance and wouldn't read a word. In short, since the war on poverty began, it cost us over 15 trillion dollars and poverty has barely lowered by a percentage or two since this great society began. It was a failure then and it's a failure now.

No, you bitches need to realize you are in the minority and shut the fuck up if you have nothing useful to add.

No, you want us shut up because we make sense. You don't.

The map doesn't show how much money they have, they show what percentage of the population lives in poverty... And yes, more people live in poverty in the Red States than the Blue States.

Yes, poverty on a national level, not a local level. As I said, in commie states it costs three, four and five times the amount to live the same way there as it does in American states.

Sure it does.... We decided in the 1930's that we needed to have a just society, it's why you are getting a disability check when you couldn't do your one marketable skill. You could show a little gratitude... it's not like the Republic of Gilead you want is going to pay your welfare.

I paid into this program my entire life. Why don't you get a real education and learn what welfare is you public school failure.
They are very much like the abusive spouse. When the victim has finally had enough they plead, "but WHY??? Why won't you STAY?? What's wrong with YOOOOUU??"

When the victim is all the way done.

Too many people do not realize that this is where too many good Americans are. Congrats, Woke. You destroyed the nation. Enjoy the rewards of your labors.
Perfect analogy.

I have been in one abusive relationship and remember well what it was like when I decided to leave -- the begging and promises of, "I'll change", alternating with the angry statements of, "Well, if you'd act right, I wouldn't get so mad".

I live in a small town in the middle of hundreds of thousands of good acres of farmland, with less than 100 square miles of blue shithole plunked down in the middle of it. If we just divorced them, they'd be wailing at the checkpoints to get out of the shithole to where the food is.
I live in a small town in the middle of hundreds of thousands of good acres of farmland, with less than 100 square miles of blue shithole plunked down in the middle of it. If we just divorced them, they'd be wailing at the checkpoints to get out of the shithole to where the food is.

You have no idea how fortunate you are not to live anywhere around them, although the national scene is still troubling to you I'm sure.

It's what many of us on the right want--never to be burdened by their stupidity ever again. It would be like a new life and a new country; a country that our founders created for us but we let slip between our fingers as the decades moved on.
It has been crumbling for a while. Covid panic and lockdowns and the ensuing damage just put the final nail in the coffin.

We are in an avalanche situation now. Just wait
I’m tired of the wait and see fear mongering. Conservatives have been saying it for generations. It never comes to fruition, it’s just a political tactic.

Life is good… chill out and focus on living it
You have no idea how fortunate you are not to live anywhere around them, although the national scene is still troubling to you I'm sure.

It's what many of us on the right want--never to be burdened by their stupidity ever again. It would be like a new life and a new country; a country that our founders created for us but we let slip between our fingers as the decades moved on.
Amen! But I do indeed have a keen appreciation for how fortunate I am. I escaped the blue shithole of Western Washington only five weeks ago!
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I’m tired of the wait and see fear mongering. Conservatives have been saying it for generations. It never comes to fruition, it’s just a political tactic.

Life is good… chill out and focus on living it
Then what the fuck are you doing wasting your time on this board? Get the fuck out and go live your charmed life. We won't miss you.
Then what the fuck are you doing wasting your time on this board? Get the fuck out and go live your charmed life. We won't miss you.
This board is entertainment and some stimulating conversations. Im not running around thinking the sky is falling because of the political hyperbole that many here and in the media pump out. If you are feeling that way, I suggest you reduce your political intake and smell some Roses.
This board is entertainment and some stimulating conversations. Im not running around thinking the sky is falling because of the political hyperbole that many here and in the media pump out. If you are feeling that way, I suggest you reduce your political intake and smell some Roses.
You are a fucking powerless pussy who can't leave.

Prove me wrong.
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