Half of both Dems and Cons want to split the nation

What's nonsense about it? We would be thrilled never having to live with you or your ilk ever again. It's you leftists that know without us, your country would be a complete disaster like you're turning our entire country into now.

The problem is you want to turn this country into a Socialist/ Communist shithole when there are already countries out there like that: North Korea, Cuba, China just to name a few. But since you won't move to any of these leftist utopias, it's best we split up and save at least half of this country.

You see, you can move to any one of these places, and if and when you find out it's not what it's cracked up to be, always move back to the USA if they let you. But there is only one United States of America. Once you destroy this place, there will be no other USA to move to. This is it. Once it's gone, it's gone forever.
Again I ask: What is it you people feel you are being denied?

Its all about your delicate little feelings.

I have a lot of feelings about my country which is why I want to see it saved. So what's wrong, are you afraid of living in a country with all Democrat polices: De-fund and weaken police, no armed citizens except for criminals, taxes so high businesses move out of your country, half or more of your country on welfare, overrun by uneducated worthless illegals, government responsible for wiping your ass when you're born to throwing the first shovel of sand on your grave when you die? Come on. This is what you people want, isn't it?
The left and the correct have less and less in common.

As long as you lefties are sheep for authoritarian rule.....fuck all of you.

Go make your own fascist paradise.
No different of a hurdle than middle-class or wealthy voters. Everybody is treated the same.

Not really. The middle class or Wealthy are less likely to change addresses frequently. They also have enough flexibility to go down to the DMV or whatever and stand in line and wait.

And because of that we have out of control inflation, and if this pork bill passes, experts predict will get much worse.

No, guy, we have out of control inflation because demand for all commodities have gone through the roof world wide. Has nothing to do with the pittance we are spending on infrastructure which is long overdue.

Our country never had a "livable wage." It never existed and minimum wage was never a livable wage in my entire life either. It's a totally new idiotic leftist idea.
Actually, it's a pretty good idea. There was a time when you could do okay on a minimum wage. Back in the 1980's, I could pay for college working 10 hours a week on Minimum wage.

Today's minimum wage, same university, I could work 40 hours a week and not afford tuition.


When I got out of school I worked at a car was for minimum wage. A friend of mine got me a job at the factory he worked at for minimum wage. Another friend got me a job helping him unload the truck for yes, minimum wage, and that was a union job. Don't tell me I never had to work for minimum wage. During the 80's recession I even worked for less than minimum wage. I had to work two jobs to make ends meet.

Good for you. Missed the point entirely.

It was those low wage jobs that made me try harder to make myself worth more than minimum. Given the fact MW workers are only 3.4% of our workforce, it's like that for most people. Minimum wage jobs are not (and never was) a livable wage. It's a starting wage for people with no experience at anything.

The problem is, how many people are workign for slightly above minimum and STILL not making ends meet? Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of subsidizing Walmart's work force, aren't you?

Not according to James Madison buddy. He stated general welfare is constrained only to that enumerated in the Constitution.

James Madison also shit in a chamber pot, thought slavery was nifty and bleeding people was a good treatment for disease.

Taxes are not taxes. Taxes go to certain things. Your city tax does not fund our federal government and neither does your state taxes. Your property taxes do not fund national infrastructure or our military. Welfare programs are funded through income tax only, which are mostly paid by those evil rich people.

Pointless. Just because the government plays a shell game with taxes doesn't mean that poor people aren't still paying them.

Uncivilized starving people do. Civilized starving people get a job and feed themselves.

Um, yeah, not on minimum wage, they don't... that's the point. I doubt you've ever gone to bed hungry once in your life.

Yes, we know, because it's never a Democrats fault, only a Republican when a Republican is in charge. But you're not a hypocrite.

Naw, man, the problem is, Republicans fuck things up. We know the cycle Republican fucks things up (Hoover, Ike, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump) , Democrat comes in and fixes it, (FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Obama, Biden). There's a reason why ten of the last 11 recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature. Republicans love recessions, it lets the rich beat up on the poor.

In most cases you do both just like insurance. You pay all your life, and if or when you need them, it's there.

Okay. You could say the same about welfare programs. You pay taxes, and they are there. The reality- most people on welfare are only on it for a couple of years. As opposed to retirees, if they live that long retire at 62 and stay on SS/Medicare until they die at 78.

I mean, if you keel over at 61, you are SOL. But most of us don't.
I have a lot of feelings about my country which is why I want to see it saved. So what's wrong, are you afraid of living in a country with all Democrat polices: De-fund and weaken police, no armed citizens except for criminals, taxes so high businesses move out of your country, half or more of your country on welfare, overrun by uneducated worthless illegals, government responsible for wiping your ass when you're born to throwing the first shovel of sand on your grave when you die? Come on. This is what you people want, isn't it?

Naw, man, here's what we want.

Police that don't routinely abuse the civil rights of poor people of color.

No weapons in the hands of people who plain old shouldn't have them. The Europeans make gun control work, so can we.

The rich paying their fair share in taxes. Businesses that are going to move are going to move. No businesses moved back despite how much Trump cut taxes and raised tariffs. If you want businesses to move back here, you need to spend the money on education and infrastructure, like the countries that are getting that business did.

Again- We spend far more on "Entitlements" than we do on welfare, and you don't have a problem with that.

As far as "illegals" we need immigrants.... there aren't enough young white people to replace us old white people who are retiring in the next decade.

As far as wanting the government to wipe our asses... um, again, middle class white people like you are perfectly fine with Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Unemployment, Veteran's benefits, - or as you like to call them "entitlements". Things you are "entitled to".

We spend far more keeping the Middle Class from becoming poor than we do getting the poor out of poverty.
Naw, man, here's what we want.

Police that don't routinely abuse the civil rights of poor people of color.

No weapons in the hands of people who plain old shouldn't have them. The Europeans make gun control work, so can we.

The rich paying their fair share in taxes. Businesses that are going to move are going to move. No businesses moved back despite how much Trump cut taxes and raised tariffs. If you want businesses to move back here, you need to spend the money on education and infrastructure, like the countries that are getting that business did.

Again- We spend far more on "Entitlements" than we do on welfare, and you don't have a problem with that.

As far as "illegals" we need immigrants.... there aren't enough young white people to replace us old white people who are retiring in the next decade.

As far as wanting the government to wipe our asses... um, again, middle class white people like you are perfectly fine with Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Unemployment, Veteran's benefits, - or as you like to call them "entitlements". Things you are "entitled to".

We spend far more keeping the Middle Class from becoming poor than we do getting the poor out of poverty.

And that's why we need to separate. You can have all that and more. Don't you see how great this would be for you? Join us in this movement!

As I said, we spent 17 trillion throughout the years getting people out of poverty and it was a complete failure. Einstein once said the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again, and expecting different results each time. We need to be away from you insane people. Government doesn't get people out of poverty, individuals get themselves out of poverty.

No, the European model is not working. Criminals know their subjects are incapable of defending themselves. Because most don't have guns, they have knives and are cutting up or stabbing their victims to death. I don't call that a solution to anything. It was only a year or two ago when London had a higher homicide rate than New York city.

When your country makes the rich pay their "fair share" they will move to our lower tax country providing us with more jobs than we could handle. Companies stayed here because Trump greatly lowered their taxes, removed job killing regulations, and created a policy that for every new regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. The end result is we had a million more jobs than people who could work them before the Biden flu hit us.
Not really. The middle class or Wealthy are less likely to change addresses frequently. They also have enough flexibility to go down to the DMV or whatever and stand in line and wait.

Why would the poor change their address frequently? It's harder on working people than non-working to take care of these problems. Since I've been out of work, attending to these chores is much easier. I don't have to go grocery shopping after work in rush hour, I pickup my mother and we hit the store 10:30am and it's almost completely empty. Checkout in a matter of a few minutes. If I need to make a cash deposit and go in person, I go around 1:00 pm and nobody in the bank but me and perhaps some old lady. It's great.

No, guy, we have out of control inflation because demand for all commodities have gone through the roof world wide. Has nothing to do with the pittance we are spending on infrastructure which is long overdue.

The problem is we have no infrastructure bill. The commies refuse to create one without tons of Democrat pork the Republicans would never pass; things that have zero to do with any infrastructure. Would you like me to list a few of them?

Inflation is the result of a decreasing dollar value and increase of costs to produce products or services. When you print more worthless dollars, it takes more dollars to buy the same product, alas inflation.

Actually, it's a pretty good idea. There was a time when you could do okay on a minimum wage. Back in the 1980's, I could pay for college working 10 hours a week on Minimum wage.

Today's minimum wage, same university, I could work 40 hours a week and not afford tuition.

Who do you think you're talking to? I was there. I'm a year older than you. My ultimate goal as a kid was to move out of home and get my own apartment. Impossible to do on minimum wage. It wasn't until I got into the medical thing where I started making reasonable money. I finally got my apartment and it wasn't much of an apartment at that. The only reason I could afford it making better money is all the overtime. We worked 6 days a week every week. I lived check to check for years after that, driving an old car that barely ran.

The problem with college is college, not minimum wage. In the last 25 years, college has increased in cost more than anything else in the US because of supply and demand.

Bottom line is back then, nobody could afford a decent rent, certainly nobody could afford to buy a house, and nobody could raise a family on minimum wage and it's the exact same way today. College costs are because of college--not normal inflation.

The problem is, how many people are workign for slightly above minimum and STILL not making ends meet? Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of subsidizing Walmart's work force, aren't you?

Yes I am, that's why I vote Republican. Again, when I needed money as a kid, I didn't go on government programs, I worked more hours or had two jobs. Government didn't give out that much even if your application was accepted. It was a waste of time, so people made ends meet one way or another.

Thanks to Democrats, they took away the incentive to work. It's why we have a labor shortage with a 5% unemployment rate. It has nothing to do with minimum wage or slightly above. if you want to make more money, get into a skill or trade that pays better.

Pointless. Just because the government plays a shell game with taxes doesn't mean that poor people aren't still paying them.

They are not paying taxes towards the programs they use and will continue to use in the future.

Um, yeah, not on minimum wage, they don't... that's the point. I doubt you've ever gone to bed hungry once in your life.

Correct I have not because I always worked to buy food.

Naw, man, the problem is, Republicans fuck things up. We know the cycle Republican fucks things up (Hoover, Ike, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump) , Democrat comes in and fixes it, (FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Obama, Biden). There's a reason why ten of the last 11 recessions happened when Republicans were in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature. Republicans love recessions, it lets the rich beat up on the poor.

Oh really? Look at our country since Dementia took over. Out of control inflation, Afghanistan a complete failure with dead service men and women, fuel up over 30%, unemployment in the 5% range, labor shortage, border the worst it's been in over 20 years, and you call this fixing things up? They are getting healthcare workers fired; people they called "heroes" just last year. Now they want to expand the federal government to watch every dollar you deposit or withdraw from the bank. That's what they're focused on and you consider this fixing things up?

Okay. You could say the same about welfare programs. You pay taxes, and they are there. The reality- most people on welfare are only on it for a couple of years. As opposed to retirees, if they live that long retire at 62 and stay on SS/Medicare until they die at 78.

I mean, if you keel over at 61, you are SOL. But most of us don't.

So what you're saying is that government social programs are a failure. Keep that in mind when the commies propose new ones. If you don't pay your electric bill but pay your gas bill, do you think the electric company will be satisfied that you paid your gas bill? One has nothng to do with the other and taxes work the same way. Welfare is funded strictly through income taxes. Payroll taxes you get current services from city and state, and federal benefits when you reitre. Over half our country pays no income tax at all.
And that's why we need to separate. You can have all that and more. Don't you see how great this would be for you? Join us in this movement!

Nope, you guys don't get to walk away from the mess you've made.

As I said, we spent 17 trillion throughout the years getting people out of poverty and it was a complete failure. Einstein once said the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again, and expecting different results each time. We need to be away from you insane people. Government doesn't get people out of poverty, individuals get themselves out of poverty.

Actually, the war on poverty did it's job. It prevented a communist revolution... We were pretty close to having one in the 1960's when the poor were getting quite upset.

No, the European model is not working. Criminals know their subjects are incapable of defending themselves. Because most don't have guns, they have knives and are cutting up or stabbing their victims to death. I don't call that a solution to anything. It was only a year or two ago when London had a higher homicide rate than New York city.

Europe has nowhere near our murder rates...

When your country makes the rich pay their "fair share" they will move to our lower tax country providing us with more jobs than we could handle. Companies stayed here because Trump greatly lowered their taxes, removed job killing regulations, and created a policy that for every new regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place. The end result is we had a million more jobs than people who could work them before the Biden flu hit us.

Except any other place the rich would want to live.... would tax them even more.... I mean, you could move to a third world country and live large... until the petty despot decides he wants your stuff.

Why would the poor change their address frequently? It's harder on working people than non-working to take care of these problems. Since I've been out of work, attending to these chores is much easier. I don't have to go grocery shopping after work in rush hour, I pickup my mother and we hit the store 10:30am and it's almost completely empty. Checkout in a matter of a few minutes. If I need to make a cash deposit and go in person, I go around 1:00 pm and nobody in the bank but me and perhaps some old lady. It's great.

You also have reliable transportation and you won't have a boss who will dock your pay for taking a few hours off.... Again, it's another episode of "


The problem is we have no infrastructure bill. The commies refuse to create one without tons of Democrat pork the Republicans would never pass; things that have zero to do with any infrastructure. Would you like me to list a few of them?

Inflation is the result of a decreasing dollar value and increase of costs to produce products or services. When you print more worthless dollars, it takes more dollars to buy the same product, alas inflation.

You can whine all day, we don't really care to hear it, honestly. Government spending is a good thing. It creates jobs, it creates infrastructure and benefits that will last a long time.
Who do you think you're talking to? I was there. I'm a year older than you. My ultimate goal as a kid was to move out of home and get my own apartment. Impossible to do on minimum wage. It wasn't until I got into the medical thing where I started making reasonable money. I finally got my apartment and it wasn't much of an apartment at that. The only reason I could afford it making better money is all the overtime. We worked 6 days a week every week. I lived check to check for years after that, driving an old car that barely ran.

Uh, huh, you seem to have selective memory like most people our age.

If Minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be $12.58 compared to what it was in 1980.

The problem with college is college, not minimum wage. In the last 25 years, college has increased in cost more than anything else in the US because of supply and demand.

College has increased for a lot of reasons, but one of the main reasons is government doesn't subsidize it.

When I went to UIC, I paid about $1500 a year in tuition. (I actually didn't pick that up, the Army did, but never mind.) Today UIC costs about $17,000 a year. It would cost $3813 adjusted for inflation. What happened was that the State of Illinois stopped spending as much on its university system, and passed the costs along to the Students.

There are other reasons, as well... generous scholarship programs for athletes in sports no one watches, because Government said so, Universities spending hundreds of thousands on amenities to attract Students, and so on. .

Bottom line is back then, nobody could afford a decent rent, certainly nobody could afford to buy a house, and nobody could raise a family on minimum wage and it's the exact same way today. College costs are because of college--not normal inflation.

Actually, everything is up due to inflation EXCEPT the minimum wage.

Yes I am, that's why I vote Republican. Again, when I needed money as a kid, I didn't go on government programs, I worked more hours or had two jobs. Government didn't give out that much even if your application was accepted. It was a waste of time, so people made ends meet one way or another.

For those playing along at home, Ray is on disability, Mr. Rugged Individualist that he is.

Ray "Welfare for me, not for thee" from Cleveland.

Thanks to Democrats, they took away the incentive to work. It's why we have a labor shortage with a 5% unemployment rate. It has nothing to do with minimum wage or slightly above. if you want to make more money, get into a skill or trade that pays better.

Or we can just go back to school and get those skills and not feed the exploitative labor machine... that works, too.

Oh really? Look at our country since Dementia took over. Out of control inflation, Afghanistan a complete failure with dead service men and women, fuel up over 30%, unemployment in the 5% range, labor shortage, border the worst it's been in over 20 years, and you call this fixing things up? They are getting healthcare workers fired; people they called "heroes" just last year. Now they want to expand the federal government to watch every dollar you deposit or withdraw from the bank. That's what they're focused on and you consider this fixing things up?

Uh, guy, Inflation is minor...
Afghanistan was lost years ago... we just needed to stop throwing money and lives at it, which Biden did. Good on him.
Border is only a problem if you are a racist... normal people don't care.
Unemployment - meh, not the big deal you are making it out to be. You can't complain about unemployment AND a labor shortage, it's one or the other. What you really have is people wondering if they need to be knocking themselves out for bosses who don't care if they get sick.
Yes, last year HC workers were heroes, and most of them still are. The ones who endanger their patients by refusing to get vaccinated aren't.

Biden is fixing Trump's fuckups... and restoring legitimacy to the presidency...

So what you're saying is that government social programs are a failure. Keep that in mind when the commies propose new ones. If you don't pay your electric bill but pay your gas bill, do you think the electric company will be satisfied that you paid your gas bill? One has nothng to do with the other and taxes work the same way. Welfare is funded strictly through income taxes. Payroll taxes you get current services from city and state, and federal benefits when you reitre. Over half our country pays no income tax at all.

Nope, social programs are doing exactly what they are supposed to do, keeping someone from breaking into your house tonight and slitting your throat because they're hungry.
Uh, huh, you seem to have selective memory like most people our age.

If Minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be $12.58 compared to what it was in 1980.

So who said MW has to keep up with inflation? We shouldn't even have a minimum wage in this country.

College has increased for a lot of reasons, but one of the main reasons is government doesn't subsidize it.

When I went to UIC, I paid about $1500 a year in tuition. (I actually didn't pick that up, the Army did, but never mind.) Today UIC costs about $17,000 a year. It would cost $3813 adjusted for inflation. What happened was that the State of Illinois stopped spending as much on its university system, and passed the costs along to the Students.

There are other reasons, as well... generous scholarship programs for athletes in sports no one watches, because Government said so, Universities spending hundreds of thousands on amenities to attract Students, and so on. .

College increased because as time went on, a higher and higher percentage of graduates started to go to college. When I was a kid in a class of about 35 people, perhaps five or six would make the attempt. Today, you are going to have a rough time in life financially if you don't go to college, so the supply and demand effect took place.

For those playing along at home, Ray is on disability, Mr. Rugged Individualist that he is.

Ray "Welfare for me, not for thee" from Cleveland.

No because you are a born liar. You will never find one post of mine where I stated people who actually need some help shouldn't get it. There is no reason a physically fit individual can't support themselves. Hell I supported myself most of my life with serious medical problems. No reason why those much healthier than me can't do the same.

Or we can just go back to school and get those skills and not feed the exploitative labor machine... that works, too.

Correct, that is one option, but not everybody is cutout for college. That's why trade schools are the next best thing. Find a trade where you are in demand, learn how to do the job, and you can have a decent life for yourself if you don't make stupid mistakes.

Uh, guy, Inflation is minor...
Afghanistan was lost years ago... we just needed to stop throwing money and lives at it, which Biden did. Good on him.
Border is only a problem if you are a racist... normal people don't care.
Unemployment - meh, not the big deal you are making it out to be. You can't complain about unemployment AND a labor shortage, it's one or the other. What you really have is people wondering if they need to be knocking themselves out for bosses who don't care if they get sick.
Yes, last year HC workers were heroes, and most of them still are. The ones who endanger their patients by refusing to get vaccinated aren't.

Biden is fixing Trump's fuckups... and restoring legitimacy to the presidency...

Name one thing he ever did since January that was good for the country. You can't. Everything this misfit has done has hurt most Americans. Inflation is serious because it affects every business and individual in the country. Paying more for everything means less money in your pocket. Even Dementia's Generals testified that what Biden did was completely stupid and against all advice they gave him. 83 billion dollars of US military equipment now in the hands of a terrorist group. Trump would have never done anything like that.

Nope, social programs are doing exactly what they are supposed to do, keeping someone from breaking into your house tonight and slitting your throat because they're hungry.

That's not what's keeping them away, it's my .357 with hollow points that does it.
Actually, the war on poverty did it's job. It prevented a communist revolution... We were pretty close to having one in the 1960's when the poor were getting quite upset.

I don't remember any communist revolution. Communism was the biggest threat to the US at the time. The war on poverty failed. We have just about the same percentage of poor people today as we did when this so-called war on poverty started. It's been documented.

You also have reliable transportation and you won't have a boss who will dock your pay for taking a few hours off.... Again, it's another episode of "

More leftist bullshit excuses. Like I said, take any person you claim cannot get an ID or has transportation, tell them there's a check in their name on the other side of the state for $2,000, and they will be there the next day with a positive ID. Face facts, Democrat voters are lazy worthless people. That's why they want everybody to vote from home. Absolutely useless people we don't need.
The only reason anyone on the right wants to secede is so they can do away with the parts of the constitution that makes fascism very hard to accomplish in America. Equal protection, no official religion, posse comitatus, habis corpus, freedom of movement, freedom to protest would be gone immediately.
Mind readers of the world, unite! Seriously, that foil helmet is not fitting right, get it checked out.
So who said MW has to keep up with inflation? We shouldn't even have a minimum wage in this country.

Says the guy who takes disability because other jobs won't pay him what he wants.

College increased because as time went on, a higher and higher percentage of graduates started to go to college. When I was a kid in a class of about 35 people, perhaps five or six would make the attempt. Today, you are going to have a rough time in life financially if you don't go to college, so the supply and demand effect took place.

Yes, when we had UNIONS, you could make a decent living without a college degree. Now you have a hard time with a college degree, and you start out with hundreds of thousands in debt. ANd you wonder why these kids think socialism sounds like a good idea.

No because you are a born liar. You will never find one post of mine where I stated people who actually need some help shouldn't get it. There is no reason a physically fit individual can't support themselves. Hell I supported myself most of my life with serious medical problems. No reason why those much healthier than me can't do the same.

You mean other than racism and poverty?

Correct, that is one option, but not everybody is cutout for college. That's why trade schools are the next best thing. Find a trade where you are in demand, learn how to do the job, and you can have a decent life for yourself if you don't make stupid mistakes.

Again, the only reason the trades pay well is they are one of the few parts of the economy where unions haven't been eliminated yet.

Name one thing he ever did since January that was good for the country. You can't. Everything this misfit has done has hurt most Americans. Inflation is serious because it affects every business and individual in the country. Paying more for everything means less money in your pocket. Even Dementia's Generals testified that what Biden did was completely stupid and against all advice they gave him. 83 billion dollars of US military equipment now in the hands of a terrorist group. Trump would have never done anything like that.

He got us the fuck out of Afghanistan. Sorry, that's great for the country.
He passed the stimulus bill that has helped the economy recover from TRUMP PLAGUE.
He carried out the vaccination program Trump fucked up.

Inflation is a global issue, not an American one. Partially because TRUMP PLAGUE screwed up production, partially because international trade has taken a beating.

As for the Generals, they are the ones who would keep the FOREVER WAR(TM) going forever. We all knew that the Taliban were going to prevail for years. The Saudi Prime Minister said the main cause was the Doha accords Trump signed, not the withdrawal.

That's not what's keeping them away, it's my .357 with hollow points that does it.

Yeah, guy, you keep "compensating".... reality- if we lived in a world of starving people, you couldn't keep up long enough to keep them all out.
I don't remember any communist revolution. Communism was the biggest threat to the US at the time. The war on poverty failed. We have just about the same percentage of poor people today as we did when this so-called war on poverty started. It's been documented.

You're right. We didn't have a communist revolution because we were smart enough to realize that poverty was something that needed to be addressed.

We did have riots in the streets in the 1960's because the prosperity wasn't reaching everyone. What happened last summer was just as much about economic concerns as it was about people getting sick of police brutality.

More leftist bullshit excuses. Like I said, take any person you claim cannot get an ID or has transportation, tell them there's a check in their name on the other side of the state for $2,000, and they will be there the next day with a positive ID. Face facts, Democrat voters are lazy worthless people. That's why they want everybody to vote from home. Absolutely useless people we don't need.

Actually, there's no reason why we can't vote from home. Whenever you see white people wanting to make it more difficult for people of color to vote - Jim Crow laws, literacy tests, poll taxes - it's usually because of their fear not anything rational.

Here's a crazy idea, instead of devising new ways to keep poor people from voting, actually give them a good reason to vote for you.
You're right. We didn't have a communist revolution because we were smart enough to realize that poverty was something that needed to be addressed.

We did have riots in the streets in the 1960's because the prosperity wasn't reaching everyone. What happened last summer was just as much about economic concerns as it was about people getting sick of police brutality.

Bullshit. The riots in the 60's and what took place all last summer are two entirely different things. The lowlifes rioting didn't even know WTF they were rioting about. They just seen an opportunity to behave like animals and they did. The dope head died under the knee of the officer, the officer was immediately arrested and charged, no reason to riot. There was nothing more that could be done. So it was a cheap excuse because Democrats are for criminals and let them do whatever they want.

Actually, there's no reason why we can't vote from home. Whenever you see white people wanting to make it more difficult for people of color to vote - Jim Crow laws, literacy tests, poll taxes - it's usually because of their fear not anything rational.

Here's a crazy idea, instead of devising new ways to keep poor people from voting, actually give them a good reason to vote for you.

Here's an idea: If you're too Fn lazy to vote, stay home. You obviously are not that interested in politics or voting. Give them a reason to vote for you, like this woman?

This is who the Democrats want to choose who leads our country. Get it yet?
Says the guy who takes disability because other jobs won't pay him what he wants.

Says the guy the government determined to be too sick to work. Love your big government except when it doesn't work your way.

Yes, when we had UNIONS, you could make a decent living without a college degree. Now you have a hard time with a college degree, and you start out with hundreds of thousands in debt. ANd you wonder why these kids think socialism sounds like a good idea.

No I don't wonder that at all. When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

Plenty of good paying jobs and careers out there. Construction for one. My fathers union stays in touch with their retirees. They are offering any retiree a $500.00 check if they can find younger people to join the trade. They can't find them.........at least people not on dope. In my former trade they are looking for tens of thousands of drivers they can't find. Good paying job where you can get paid to see the country and freely live anywhere you want. If you don't like the road, major companies pay very well and local drivers make a pretty good living.

So why aren't these people looking into these two (out of many) trades where they are needed?

You mean other than racism and poverty?

If any company discriminates against race they are held accountable and sued. Poverty doesn't stop anybody from applying for a fucken job. Quit with your bullshit fragile excuses already.

Again, the only reason the trades pay well is they are one of the few parts of the economy where unions haven't been eliminated yet.

Few trades kept their unions. People don't want to get an education to work with their hands. They want to sit behind a desk with the heaviest thing they have to lift is their briefcase. So there are plenty of careers that pay decent money and you don't need to rack up a 70K college loan.

He got us the fuck out of Afghanistan. Sorry, that's great for the country.
He passed the stimulus bill that has helped the economy recover from TRUMP PLAGUE.
He carried out the vaccination program Trump fucked up.

Inflation is a global issue, not an American one. Partially because TRUMP PLAGUE screwed up production, partially because international trade has taken a beating.

As for the Generals, they are the ones who would keep the FOREVER WAR(TM) going forever. We all knew that the Taliban were going to prevail for years. The Saudi Prime Minister said the main cause was the Doha accords Trump signed, not the withdrawal.

Yeah, he got us out of Afghanistan leaving Americans behind, 83 billion in military equipment, 13 dead solders, bringing in thousands of Afghan refugees for no reason other than to buy future votes. That's called a complete failure. His so-called stimulus bill is why we have a labor shortage and inflation. He did nothing with vaccinations. More liberal BS to try and ride the coattails of President Trump's success since he is a complete failure. Yeah, inflation is a global issue. It's just a coincidence that after we got the vaccines and idiot was elected, our inflation rate started to rise. Gee, just another coincidence because it's never a Democrats fault........right?


Yeah, guy, you keep "compensating".... reality- if we lived in a world of starving people, you couldn't keep up long enough to keep them all out.

Enough to keep myself safe. If you're starving, go out and get one of the millions of jobs out there and feed yourself.
Says the guy who takes disability because other jobs won't pay him what he wants.

Yes, when we had UNIONS, you could make a decent living without a college degree. Now you have a hard time with a college degree, and you start out with hundreds of thousands in debt. ANd you wonder why these kids think socialism sounds like a good idea.

You mean other than racism and poverty?

Again, the only reason the trades pay well is they are one of the few parts of the economy where unions haven't been eliminated yet.

He got us the fuck out of Afghanistan. Sorry, that's great for the country.
He passed the stimulus bill that has helped the economy recover from TRUMP PLAGUE.
He carried out the vaccination program Trump fucked up.

Inflation is a global issue, not an American one. Partially because TRUMP PLAGUE screwed up production, partially because international trade has taken a beating.

As for the Generals, they are the ones who would keep the FOREVER WAR(TM) going forever. We all knew that the Taliban were going to prevail for years. The Saudi Prime Minister said the main cause was the Doha accords Trump signed, not the withdrawal.

Yeah, guy, you keep "compensating".... reality- if we lived in a world of starving people, you couldn't keep up long enough to keep them all out.
You're mixing cause and effect. Unions can exist where we can afford them, namely, where we're not competing internationally. A plumber in India can't come to your house and install a new bathtub, nor can an Indian electrician come and install new lights in your bedroom. Unions don't cause lucrative careers, they are enabled by lucrative careers.

IT is an excellent example of careers that pay very well even in the face of international competition and need no unions at all. And, how does a plumber, electrician, or HVAC specialist maximize their earning potential? By starting their own business, of course. They can earn a lot more than by belonging to a union, and they don't have a union boss telling them to go out on strike and taking part of their paycheck for dues that only end up in a democrat's re-election campaign.

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