Half of both Dems and Cons want to split the nation

Land of the free…..if your vaccinated

Home of the brave……who need safe spaces and therapy animals
Yeah, land of the free if you follow the laws and rules like it’s always been here and in every civilized society.

The brave protect the weak. They are the ones providing safe spaces and therapy animals to those who need them. It’s the insecure and undisciplined and selfish that work to tear these people done… thats you and your crowd.

We need to get the numbers to 3/4 and break up
We cannot have a nation when you have 2 sides that want to kill each other

It’s going to be hard with the leftist cockroaches in the cities
I don’t know how it could work
I support dozens of new nations
Yea, it’s time for the Great Divorce to happen. Lefties are unreasonable lunatics that we normal people have nothing in common with.
Yeah, land of the free if you follow the laws and rules like it’s always been here and in every civilized society.

The brave protect the weak. They are the ones providing safe spaces and therapy animals to those who need them. It’s the insecure and undisciplined and selfish that work to tear these people done… thats you and your crowd.
The number of people who truly need safe spaces and therapy animals is a very small number.
Yea, it’s time for the Great Divorce to happen. Lefties are unreasonable lunatics that we normal people have nothing in common with.
Lefties are emotional idealist dreamers who can be over sensitive pain in the asses sometimes but they push to identify injustices and take measures to fight against them. Righties are supposed to be the adults in the room. The level headed the pragmatists that know how to responsibly execute and manage programs within our means and abilities.
Then there’s the Trumptard populists that represent the worst elements of the both.
Then there’s the Trumptard populists that represent the worst elements of the both.
Ridiculous. President Trump exposed the worst of the GOP, that they are whores for the CCP, and paid off by the defense industry to keep pushing forever wars. Of course the Dems are even more guilty of being in bed with China, and always fully supported the wars (see the Hussein’s two new wars).
President Trump represented a return to American manufacturing and getting out of the war business. Divorcing China and bringing high wages for our citizens with tariffs and actual border enforcement and common sense immigration.

This freaked out the elites who sold this country out long ago. So they had their paid propagandists on CNN and the rest of the MSM spew lies and hatred for four years. It certainly worked on morons like you.
Ridiculous. President Trump exposed the worst of the GOP, that they are whores for the CCP, and paid off by the defense industry to keep pushing forever wars. Of course the Dems are even more guilty of being in bed with China, and always fully supported the wars (see the Hussein’s two new wars).
President Trump represented a return to American manufacturing and getting out of the war business. Divorcing China and bringing high wages for our citizens with tariffs and actual border enforcement and common sense immigration.

This freaked out the elites who sold this country out long ago. So they had their paid propagandists on CNN and the rest of the MSM spew lies and hatred for four years. It certainly worked on morons like you.
Your reply is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Thank you
Lefties are emotional idealist dreamers who can be over sensitive pain in the asses sometimes but they push to identify injustices and take measures to fight against them.

They are? So what did they do about Hunter owing the IRS all that money? What did they do about Hunter when the FBI confiscated his laptop with him having sex with children? What did the leftists do when Hunter lied on a federal firearms application, purchased a gun with that fictitious document, and his girlfriend dumping that gun in a trash container near a school? Who on the left suggested they launch an investigation into Hunter's 6 year old paintings that he's not only getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for each, but everybody that bought one will remain anonymous whether they live in the US or Communist China?

Yeah, they're all for identifying injustices. Two impeachments without one impeachable offense and that's what they're about.
They are? So what did they do about Hunter owing the IRS all that money? What did they do about Hunter when the FBI confiscated his laptop with him having sex with children? What did the leftists do when Hunter lied on a federal firearms application, purchased a gun with that fictitious document, and his girlfriend dumping that gun in a trash container near a school? Who on the left suggested they launch an investigation into Hunter's 6 year old paintings that he's not only getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for each, but everybody that bought one will remain anonymous whether they live in the US or Communist China?

Yeah, they're all for identifying injustices. Two impeachments without one impeachable offense and that's what they're about.
Well I’m pretty sure most leftists looked at those stories as campaign propaganda and smear tactics so they didn’t buy into their validity and trusted the proper authorities to handle any criminal activity if real evidence was found and verified. Seeing that AG Barr and Director Wray, two Trump appointees, were in charge and nobody was arrested I’d say they were correct in calling the stories bullshit.
Well I’m pretty sure most leftists looked at those stories as campaign propaganda and smear tactics so they didn’t buy into their validity and trusted the proper authorities to handle any criminal activity if real evidence was found and verified. Seeing that AG Barr and Director Wray, two Trump appointees, were in charge and nobody was arrested I’d say they were correct in calling the stories bullshit.

They never called it bullshit. They threw all those stories on top of a filing cabinet because unfortunately our FBI like the IRS has been politicized and they will never do anything to him to protect Dementia. These are the same people who knew the dossier was bullshit but filed for surveillance warrants anyway to spy on the President's officials.

Another good reason why we need to divide the country. Our Republican country would never allow things like that to happen.
They never called it bullshit. They threw all those stories on top of a filing cabinet because unfortunately our FBI like the IRS has been politicized and they will never do anything to him to protect Dementia. These are the same people who knew the dossier was bullshit but filed for surveillance warrants anyway to spy on the President's officials.

Another good reason why we need to divide the country. Our Republican country would never allow things like that to happen.
Hmm, Trumps FBI and DOJ buried the story in some vast conspiracy or they just didn’t have enough evidence to make a case. That’s a no brainer
I don't want to live in a country where the government can tax you into submission or create policy or laws that virtually force you into decisions against your better judgement.

I don't want to live with a government that values foreigners over it's citizens.

I don't want to live in a country where constitutional rights are not even considered.

I don't want my daughter in school having to compete in athletics against a weirdo in a dress so she loses her rightful trophy and perhaps a college scholarship.

I don't want to live in a country under a government that embellishes the criminal and demonizes the authorities.

You can always just leave.

And you don't have a daughter.
So...the country isn't going to divide. Sorry to break it to you. Just a thought here, but how about we consider some options that are actually realistic?

If you're a conservative and want to be separated from liberals, then just MOVE to some place where there are a lot of conservatives. Move to a red city in a red county in a red state. What are you doing in a blue state? What are you doing in a blue city? Just MOVE if this bothers you so much.

This option is actually realistic and all it requires is for you to take control of the situation and make the change yourself. The other option isn't realistic, is not going to happen, and you shouldn't need OTHER people to arrange themselves in a way that makes YOU happy. Just move.
Your reply is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Thank you
My reply is something you cannot dispute. So you just ignore it and keep swallowing the propaganda being shoveled on TV.
My reply is something you cannot dispute. So you just ignore it and keep swallowing the propaganda being shoveled on TV.
There was nothing in your reply to despute or agree with… it was completely off topic from the post you replied to. No point in going down your random rabbit holes
If you're a conservative and want to be separated from liberals, then just MOVE to some place where there are a lot of conservatives. Move to a red city in a red county in a red state. What are you doing in a blue state? What are you doing in a blue city? Just MOVE if this bothers you so much.

That only helps with state issues and not national ones. We want you totally out of our lives, not just on the state level.
You can always just leave.

And you don't have a daughter.

Real Americans should stay in America. You Socialist/ Communists on the left should move to a Socialist/ Communist country. It's already made up the way you like it. No sense changing this place since the US is one of a kind.
That only helps with state issues and not national ones. We want you totally out of our lives, not just on the state level.

What specific national policies are upsetting you so much at the local level?

And once again, your little fantasy of splitting the nation isn’t going to happen. This is your best realistic option.
Real Americans should stay in America. You Socialist/ Communists on the left should move to a Socialist/ Communist country. It's already made up the way you like it. No sense changing this place since the US is one of a kind.

Doesn’t work that way. You don’t get to decide who moves and where they move to.

I’m just giving you a REALISTIC option.

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