Half of the middle east is on fire & millions are dead

It really is too bad most Americans still refuse to acknowledge that their own Government is responsible for setting most of the fires in the Middle East. Its constant meddling has created horrific chaos over there. But most Americans will continue to live in blissful ignorance. As long as the bloodshed and misery doesn't interfere with stuffing their fat faces, shopping till they drop, watching their porn, sports, and reality tv, they could care less.

We need to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. We need to end the bloody meddling. But i know it's not gonna happen as long as Americans don't feel the pain & misery themselves. The suffering is taking place so far away from them. So sadly, most Americans will continue to support Permanent War. It's very sad.

It's a battle over resources. And it's not going to end until the resources are depleted or useless to us and our enemies.

It always amazes me that so many Americans are completely clueless about all the horrific meddling their Government is doing over there. But like i said, the pain and suffering is happening so far way from them. They're living in blissful ignorance.
You don't think European countries aren't doing the same thing ? The only difference is they have been doing it for centuries longer than the US.

It has to end. We're doing too much bloody meddling over there. Gotta end the 'Regime Change' policy. It's wrong and illegal. We have to dramatically scale back our presence in the Middle East. It's time. I'm completely sick of this endless war.
Ask the Middle East if they are better off than they were 8 years ago and how much of that can be attributed to Obama.
You know kids, there is no such thing as Palestine unless you want to refer to what The Romans called Israel during the Roman Occupation 2,000 years ago.
And there is no such thing as a Palestinian unless you want to refer to the name The Romans gave to Jews during their subjugation of them over 2,000 years ago.

Class dismissed.

You can thank me later for your education or just pay me tuition.


The Arab states have never wanted the "Palestinians" They forced them onto a mainly barren reservation, the land Romans called Judea, the historical home of the Jews (who the Romans called.Palestinians, btw). So there is actual, provable evidence that Jew occupied the land long before the recreation of modern Israel.

The Jewish diaspora, BKA The Jewish Exile, was started by the Assyrian when several thousand Israelites were settled elsewhere as captives. The exile of Jews continued until the subjugation and destruction of ancient Isreal.

"CE 66–70, a Jewish uprising to fight for independence, was eventually crushed after four years, culminating in the capture of Jerusalem"

"The complete destruction of Jerusalem and the settlement of several Greek and Roman colonies in Judah/Judaea and the Land of Israel (and the changing of its name to Palestina and of Jerusalem's name to Aelia Capitolina), indicated the intention of the Roman government to prevent the political regeneration of the Jewish nation and sever the connection to their homeland."

Jewish diaspora - Wikipedia

Long story short, the land of Judea, the Romans called it Palestine, belongs to the Jews.
Ask the Middle East if they are better off than they were 8 years ago and how much of that can be attributed to Obama.

I think you'd find the Middle East people do feel better eight years later.

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