Half the country thinks a civil war is likely

The cuck whites in this thread that want a civil war are nothing but cosplayers and cowards. There won't be a civil war because today's racist whites are millennial snowflake versions of a people and culture who used to have balls. They ain't their great grand daddies, they're soft like butter. Their great grand daddies didn't feel the need to hide their racism, those were their grand daddies with the white sheets and its been poor white trash photo copy of poor white trash photo copy ever since. Each generation more cowardly in real life and boastful in their fantasies than the last all while they continue to lose more and more. If you're noticing the fanciful stories growing more outrageous, that's just their fragile psyches retreating more and more from a reality they don't recognize and can't cope with. Some of them might choose violence and they'll get put down quick enough but the rest will retreat to the fringes of the internet, like they retreat to the fringes of society in real life, where they can craft a fantasy world they can escape to so they never have to confront their inadequacies. Truth Social or whatever but in the end they'll isolate themselves until they go culturally extinct.
I hear ya.

But... you're used to something. A stereotype perhaps.

I told you, the pros are in the game now. You don't see us, don't know who we are, because we work all the time. We're like little hermits. Cave men. The Gnomes of Zurich.

But we run the show. The cucks you speak of, they don't run anything - except around, on their skateboards. They "are" the show, as it were.

I'm like... a scout. Yeah, like that. You don't know what to make of me yet. I came out of nowhere calling everyone an asshole, but I got your attention and now we're talking. And now you're hearing stuff you never heard before.

And there are people here, who will take that stuff back to the DNC, and they'll come up with a response, and we'll hear that too. All this is going to go on in public, nothing behind closed doors.

I have a tremendous amount of faith in human nature. I don't believe it's changed in ten thousand years. I'm banking on the fact that it hasn't, and won't.
You mean you liked Clinton better than Obama? You treated Clinton better than you treated Obama?

The GOP started the civil war when they swore to make Obama a 1 term president. That day the gloves came off.

Actually, Bush 2 waged the Civil War by stealing 2000 and 2004 and lying us into Iraq.

The only lying in the early 2000's elections came from the left, evidenced that you still believe they were stolen in spite of the empirical evidence it was nothing but commie propaganda and lies. Make DumBama a one--term President? Isn't that the goal of any opposing party Congress.
We are a long way from a civil war. Most people are still way too comfortable for anything like a revolution. Sure, $5 gas and $10 bacon sucks, but nobody is going to war over it.

The cultural war has already been lost. Cultural Marxism has been ridiculously successful. The idea that the frog will somehow jump out of the pot at this point is not credible. Nobody is going to war over that either.
I hear ya.

But... you're used to something. A stereotype perhaps.

I told you, the pros are in the game now. You don't see us, don't know who we are, because we work all the time. We're like little hermits. Cave men. The Gnomes of Zurich.

But we run the show. The cucks you speak of, they don't run anything - except around, on their skateboards. They "are" the show, as it were.

I'm like... a scout. Yeah, like that. You don't know what to make of me yet. I came out of nowhere calling everyone an asshole, but I got your attention and now we're talking. And now you're hearing stuff you never heard before.

And there are people here, who will take that stuff back to the DNC, and they'll come up with a response, and we'll hear that too. All this is going to go on in public, nothing behind closed doors.

I have a tremendous amount of faith in human nature. I don't believe it's changed in ten thousand years. I'm banking on the fact that it hasn't, and won't.

As I said, cosplayers. This one is a scout but his second load out is as forward operator. 😆
It's more like upwards of 40% when you factor in those who live with gun owners. But the part I love is, almost 60% of conservatives either own a gun or live with gun owners. That's 30% for Democrats. I'll take that. Great.

I can believe that. After all, where are most of the violent crimes committed? This is what happens when you are reasonably assured your victim is not capable of defending themselves.
If you want a retort, then stop being a macho jackass. If you think 32% of the population who own a gun (even a percentage of that will be owned by the frail) will out fight America's army, let alone any other countries army, then you're thicker than my kitchen worktop.

It depends on the situation. Our military officers take an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic. In a tyrannical government situation, those military men and women do not take their orders from such a government. It would be a violation of their oath.

Russia thought taking over Ukraine would be a two week event. They're still fighting today in spite of Russia's huge military advantage. The bigger gun doesn't always win.

The biggest fear our police have is trying to subdue an ex-police officer that turned criminal. They had the same training and same experience the good officers have. If a civil war broke out, many of our citizens are vets who learned about fighting and war while in the military.
Oh. So it isn’t forcing people as long as some elected individuals do it? Got it.

The legislation was properly called don’t say gay.

Read the bottom of page four. I read it all.

So what's at the bottom of page four that you see and I don't? It doesn't allow the teaching of ANY sexual material to young children. That's all it says, and surveys show that most Americans inside and outside the state of Florida agree with it. I don't send my kids to school to get the teachers views on sexual relations. I send them to school to learn the three R's and related subjects.
I earn them. I pay my dues, pay my own way. I'm not rich enough to buy in bulk. Every hat has a purpose, and a fit.
Does one of them have horns on it like viking guy at the Capitol? If you don't have one with horns how am I to take you seriously?
It depends on the situation.

True. I would not fire on any US military member for any reason, even if I do not support the gov't that authorized them to be deployed. Might be some other people who would engage them however. We do have a number of whackjobs out there on both sides, but it's hard to visualize today such a scenario where American citizens are firing on US military troops, be they NG or AD. I don't think that has ever happened. I do know that the reverse has happened, like at Kent State. So, it's not out of the question once you've got people on both sides that are armed. Somebody fires the first shot and somebody else fires back and there you go.

Our military officers take an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic.

True. BTW, enlisted military members take an oath to do the same thing. The wording is a bit different, but this part is the same. The Enlisted Oath:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

In a tyrannical government situation, those military men and women do not take their orders from such a government. It would be a violation of their oath.

OK, wait a minute. What exactly is a tyrannical government and who gets to make that call? It is not and should not be up to any military member up to and including the Chief of Staff to make that distinction. The guiding principle of our military since the get-go is that they fall under the guidance and control of duly elected or appointed civilian leaders. President Biden is a case in point: there are many people both in and out of uniform who do not believe he is or should be the Commander in Chief. But until removed from office he IS the CiC and his orders WILL be obeyed. At least I hope so, otherwise we are perilously close to a dictatorship.

That said, if I were still in uniform and got deployed somewhere to stop the rioting and looting and restore law and order, I would not fire on American citizens even if ordered to do so, not unless they fire on us first. Self defense is I think a universal law. I hope to God such a scenario never happens, but I gotta be honest and say the road we're on is leading in that direction where sooner or later deadly violence will erupt. We've gotta tamp down the rhetoric and the emotions on both sidesor we are well and truly fucked.
Yep the deluded Never GOPers & Never Trumpers & Socially Liberal Turd Party Types have MORE ISSUES with the GOP than they do the Democommies and thus are Enablers of the Democommies with the Constant runnin down of the GOP
Really? Because I'm actually looking forward to seeing a nice moderate Republican in the White House. Like Chris Christie.
The only lying in the early 2000's elections came from the left, evidenced that you still believe they were stolen in spite of the empirical evidence it was nothing but commie propaganda and lies. Make DumBama a one--term President? Isn't that the goal of any opposing party Congress.
Bullshit. Just remember Ray, you believed Trump. And after all these hearings if you still believe 2020 was stolen, then I have no respect for you nor do I want to hear your opinion on the last time an election was really stolen. Because it was a Republican, you didn't see the game was rigged in Florida and then Ohio. Probably both times in Ohio. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Ohio was actually a Blue state that is rigged.
The only lying in the early 2000's elections came from the left, evidenced that you still believe they were stolen in spite of the empirical evidence it was nothing but commie propaganda and lies. Make DumBama a one--term President? Isn't that the goal of any opposing party Congress.

You got it backwards. You're like Trump. Or, you guys are like Trump. I can show you all the evidence that Florida and Ohio were stolen, that DIEBOLD voting machines were hacked, that Democratic votes were tossed, that dead Republicans voted twice, that they rioted to stop the recount and had it sent to the Republican Supreme Court.

Yes I called it Republican because clearly conservative judges legislate from the bench.

Anyways, have you heard how Trump's own people would explain to him in great detail how AZ wasn't stolen. And rather than accept those facts, he just moves on to lies about Michigan. When his staff debunks the MI lies, he just moves on to the next state he lost. Eventually he circles around and starts lying about AZ again.

This is very typical of you Republicans.
It depends on the situation. Our military officers take an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic. In a tyrannical government situation, those military men and women do not take their orders from such a government. It would be a violation of their oath.

Russia thought taking over Ukraine would be a two week event. They're still fighting today in spite of Russia's huge military advantage. The bigger gun doesn't always win.

The biggest fear our police have is trying to subdue an ex-police officer that turned criminal. They had the same training and same experience the good officers have. If a civil war broke out, many of our citizens are vets who learned about fighting and war while in the military.
Hence Vietnam and the Middle East.
Other countries? You're advocating that we allow other countries onto our soil to fight?

You're deranged.

Also, you should allow for the very real possibility that a good portion of the American military will be quite willing to fight the other portion of the American military in a civil war.

I would tell you to go sit, but that might be painful after all the ass-whuppins you've gotten...
No, I'm just going by what your gun nuts claim. They feel they need guns for self defence, and to fight off any army that invades America. But I like you're conclusion for anyone with that thought, deranged. Make sure you tell 2aguy to sit.

If you do like a little bit of history, have a read about the Treaty of Ghent -

Don't forget when your Capitol and presidents home were burnt to the ground.
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