Half the country thinks a civil war is likely

It depends on the situation. Our military officers take an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic. In a tyrannical government situation, those military men and women do not take their orders from such a government. It would be a violation of their oath.

Russia thought taking over Ukraine would be a two week event. They're still fighting today in spite of Russia's huge military advantage. The bigger gun doesn't always win.

The biggest fear our police have is trying to subdue an ex-police officer that turned criminal. They had the same training and same experience the good officers have. If a civil war broke out, many of our citizens are vets who learned about fighting and war while in the military.
So basically, the privates have no say right? So who decides if the government is tyranical? I think the next time Republicans try to take over the country they will have first appointed or replaced enough generals to go along.

Anyways, my point is this. Who are the guys in the military who decide? It's the top guys. Are these guys globalists? RINO's? Non political I hope? Because if a bunch of them were Trumpsters, they might have helped him with his coup attempt.

If anything the military should have rushed the Capitol to help the police with the mob. They should have killed every last person there then raised the American flag atop the mountain of dead bodies

It depends on the situation. Our military officers take an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic. In a tyrannical government situation, those military men and women do not take their orders from such a government. It would be a violation of their oath.

Russia thought taking over Ukraine would be a two week event. They're still fighting today in spite of Russia's huge military advantage. The bigger gun doesn't always win.

The biggest fear our police have is trying to subdue an ex-police officer that turned criminal. They had the same training and same experience the good officers have. If a civil war broke out, many of our citizens are vets who learned about fighting and war while in the military.
If a Civil War really does break out, there will be no winners. Because the country would never be the same again. The American way of life would be just a memory. And your fantasy of two separate countries, one for Republicans and one for Democrats is just that: A FANTASY. The powers that be will never allow this country to be divided like that.
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There are no guarantees just because you have a gun. If the attacker has a gun and fires before you do, he won.

You have less to fear about somebody kicking down your door because of people like me who have guns. Intruders do what they can to make sure a home is not occupied for that reason; they don't know if you have a gun or not.

But try this sometime: Get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD. Hang that on your front porch for a few months, and get back to us (if you're still alive) to tell us how that worked out for you. Because you see, disarming law abiding citizens would be doing exactly that; telling the criminal you have no way to defend yourself.
How would the criminals know whether I was lying or not about not having any guns?
I've been saying this for years.

The divide will likely come down to political affiliation more than anything else (such as race, etc).

The upshot to this is that the good guys have over 400,000,000 guns and the bad guys can't decide which bathroom to use...
So murder all your enemies?
If a Civil War really does break out, there will be no winners. Because the country would never be the same again. The American way of life would be just a memory. And your fantasy of two separate countries, one for Republicans and one for Democrats is just that: A FANTASY. The powers that be will never allow this country to be divided like that.

I don't see 2 separate countries, but what I do see is big cities against everybody else. Riots and uprisings with confrontations and possibly assassinations or mass shootings regularly occurring. Recently we saw an assassin apparently going after Kavanaugh, but he got caught first. Next time might not work out so well. You shoot one of ours, we shoot one of yours, like that. Things could get out of hand pretty quickly.
So basically, the privates have no say right? So who decides if the government is tyranical? I think the next time Republicans try to take over the country they will have first appointed or replaced enough generals to go along.

Anyways, my point is this. Who are the guys in the military who decide? It's the top guys. Are these guys globalists? RINO's? Non political I hope? Because if a bunch of them were Trumpsters, they might have helped him with his coup attempt.

If anything the military should have rushed the Capitol to help the police with the mob. They should have killed every last person there then raised the American flag atop the mountain of dead bodies

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So who decides if the government is tyrannical? The freaks of society.
So what's at the bottom of page four that you see and I don't? It doesn't allow the teaching of ANY sexual material to young children. That's all it says, and surveys show that most Americans inside and outside the state of Florida agree with it. I don't send my kids to school to get the teachers views on sexual relations. I send them to school to learn the three R's and related subjects.

That’s not what it says. Why lie? Oh. I forgot. You are an extremist Conservative. And extremists always lie. Yes. I include Leftists too.


It specifically says sexual orientation. So if one student being raised by bigots like yourself says that another child is awful because He or She has two mommies or two daddies. The Teacher can’t explain that every home is different.

So why lie? Well lies are the first weapon of extreme idealism. Always has been. Always will be.
If a Civil War really does break out, there will be no winners. Because the country would never be the same again. The American way of life would be just a memory. And your fantasy of two separate countries, one for Republicans and one for Democrats is just that: A FANTASY. The powers that be will never allow this country to be divided like that.
The difference in thinking of the sides is too far apart. The powers that be may not but keeping the division like this is not something that will just melt into benign acceptance.
I don't fear anyone kicking down my door. I don't live in fear.
Tell me: If you have guns, why are you still so frightened? I thought the guns would give you courage.
After seeing how we could not defeat the Afgans in gorilla warfare and how Russia is having trouble with Ukraine, I am glad that Americans are so well armed.

Or if China ever successfully invaded. Good luck dealing with a well armed resistance.

Or if Trump wins again and then steals the 2028 election for his son, I'll be glad I'm so well armed.

That’s not what it says. Why lie? Oh. I forgot. You are an extremist Conservative. And extremists always lie. Yes. I include Leftists too.

View attachment 658779

It specifically says sexual orientation. So if one student being raised by bigots like yourself says that another child is awful because He or She has two mommies or two daddies. The Teacher can’t explain that every home is different.

So why lie? Well lies are the first weapon of extreme idealism. Always has been. Always will be.

What lie? Here is the conversation:

nd because you're so uninformed, there is nothing in the Florida law that even mentions gay people.

The legislation was properly called don’t say gay.

Sexual oriantation means straight, gay, anything in between. It's not the teachers job to explain anything. Every home isn't different. 99% of homes are normal. Two women or two women with a child are not normal. That's why God created us where only a woman and man can have a child. If the teacher is asked by a student about some personal oddity, the teacher is to tell them to ask their parents, just as if a child asks a teacher where do babies come from. There is nothing in this bill that says anything against gays, it says no teaching of sexual preferences of any kind.
After seeing how we could not defeat the Afgans in gorilla warfare and how Russia is having trouble with Ukraine, I am glad that Americans are so well armed.

Or if China ever successfully invaded. Good luck dealing with a well armed resistance.

Or if Trump wins again and then steals the 2028 election for his son, I'll be glad I'm so well armed.

But having to battle A Reconquesta of Aztlan never crossed your mind ?
I don't see 2 separate countries, but what I do see is big cities against everybody else. Riots and uprisings with confrontations and possibly assassinations or mass shootings regularly occurring. Recently we saw an assassin apparently going after Kavanaugh, but he got caught first. Next time might not work out so well. You shoot one of ours, we shoot one of yours, like that. Things could get out of hand pretty quickly.
That sounds like a recipe for Marshell Law to be put in place.
It won't be pretty if that happens.
What is your ultimate goal? To overthrow the government? A coup d' tau?

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